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What subject was a wild success for you this year and why?

Guest Alte Veste Academy

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I would have to say MUS. I switched all my kids back to it and it has been smooth sailing ever since. They are doing well and they understand the why behind it. I know it has a non-traditional sequence, but we love it. It works. I am *thrilled* to have math solved!!! I *know* they are getting a solid foundation in math! Thank God for Mr. Demme! My dh was talking to my 5 yo...kind of teasing him. He asked him who his math teacher is. He smiled that cute, dimpled grin of his and said, "Mommy. And Mr. Demme is Mommy's teacher!" I wish I could convey the cute tones he used when he said that. We all laughed. Precious memories.

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For my 2nd grader, music. She has just taken off with it. Some of it is probably her natural gifts and interest. We have done an odd mix of things over the last couple of years. She has made great strides this year.


This year we have: followed What Your 2nd grader needs to know and learned songs from it. (It was not as interesting as 1st grade one from last year.) She has completed 2 yrs of Rod and Staff Beginning in Music worksheets and practice of the scales and singing at home, sung in the children's choir at church, and she took Kinderbach at co-op which is a basic music course and beginning keyboard. She got a recorder and lesson book for Christmas and whipped through that in no time. She now learns songs from other music books to play on it.


I guess the combination has worked for her. She loves music and practices daily.

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WWE - for my 4th and 1st graders. Their writing skills have improved tremendously and my 4th grader now produces strong writing samples in history and science. It has also carried over to his creative writing, which he has gained so much more confidence in. It has been perfect for us!

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IEW -- and I had not even planned on using it at all! I have a wonderful young woman tutoring my son via skype using IEW, and he actually likes writing now! He was especially motivated by one story the he got to add a lot of gross adjectives and adverbs to, lol.


We just recently started, so only have done 5 lessons. He actually said he thought some day he might be a good writer. Amazing.


MUS -- switched from Saxon to this a couple months ago, and math is going much, much better. The Saxon was way too tedious for ds and took way too long. I even had it broken down into sub-categories and treated each one kind of separately so that he would feel like he was accomplishing something. That worked for a little bit, but after a while math was just drudgery. MUS has lightened it up quite a bit. I'm happy, and he is too.


SL Science 5 -- he loves the books and is retaining so much. First time using SL Science, and I'm impressed.


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MCT for my 3rd grader. She can't get enough of it! Her vocabulary has improved, her writing has improved, and she is enthusiastic about language.


And for my Kindergarten girl, my mom's old Dick and Jane readers proved to be the best thing we used all year. She went from reluctantly reading simple 3 letter words to eagerly embracing longer stories. Those books were better than any program we tried.

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Explode the Code - Once DS really did Explode the Code in Book 5, he was off and running or I should say, reading. He had always loved the library, but now begs to go daily since he can pull books off the shelf and read them by himself. He has realized that a whole new world is awaiting him in books.


On the other hand, an early reader can drive you nuts with reading every billboard, work zone sign, street direction, etc. that one passes by on a daily basis :D

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Math: deciding to just use Singapore to introduce and teach concepts then having them do review work with Rod and Staff has taken away all the stress that we aren't moving quickly enough through Singapore and I noticed a lot of progress.


Oak Meadow: moving to a boxed curriculum after doing my own thing for so long also took away a lot of stress and frustration.



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SPELLING for my dd in 6th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last year we did Abeka in spelling. She would get 17-25 wrong EVERY TEST EVERY WEEK. We started Spelling Power at the end of last year, and she finished it this year. I have the 6th grade abeka TE and I tested her today over the first 2 lists and between the 2 lists she only got 5 wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO from now on since she finished Spelling Power we are going to restart Abeka using the Spelling Power method!! Oh happy days I never thought Spelling would go this easily for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Science for DS7. We used BJU, but really, he's a science junkie. It wouldn't have mattered which program we used. We also did a once-a-month homeschooling class with the local Children's Science center. This month they learned about fossils. My back yard now has holes all over it as my budding scientist digs up every rock he can find in search of dinosaur bones and fossils. :D


Reading for DS6. He went from 0 to 100 this year. I briefly panicked a couple of weeks ago when DS struggled with his final reader (BJU), but later that night he read a library book to me with no problems, and has been reading and sounding out words all over the place.


American Government for DD17. She goes to private school, but she's a political junkie like I am. :D

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SPELLING for my dd in 6th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last year we did Abeka in spelling. She would get 17-25 wrong EVERY TEST EVERY WEEK. We started Spelling Power at the end of last year, and she finished it this year. I have the 6th grade abeka TE and I tested her today over the first 2 lists and between the 2 lists she only got 5 wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:iagree:Best bang for your buck! We both love SP. She even placed 3rd place in her first ever spelling bee! She also loves, FLL3, WWE3, Prima Latina, Positive Action for Christ, and Apologia Botany. She still doesn't like A Beka Math because it's LONG she says, but she is really good at it. Same for SOTW3--loves it , but takes forever to answer ?s and narrate so she starting NOT looking forward to it, but likes it again since we went down to just 1 section at a time instead of the whole chapter. :D

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Lively Latin - ds has loved latin so much he has moved on to a small group with a tutor. He has learned so much grammar and vocabulary.


We continue to be wowed by RightStart - we finished D and are part way through E this year - fun and great mathematical thinking.

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Spanish. We started La Clase Divertida this year and the kids have loved it. I've liked how easy it is to do the crafts and cooking projects, with all the materials provided in the kit. We're making our pinata this week and will have a party to finish off the year.


Erica in OR

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DD absolutely LOVED the TTC Early American History DVDs! She was actually sad when they were over, and said she would take a class from that guy ANYTIME! :D


Harmony FIne Arts program was very much enjoyed. We didn't get through quite all of it, but loved the set-up, and wish I had littles to take all the way through that program from K or 1st through 12th!


Rainbow Science was a hit. It was fairly easy for her, but she enjoyed it, and I think it helped set a good base for high school science!

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Guest Cindie2dds

Miquon math. It helped dd understand math without her getting tired of the physical writing. Handwriting is very hard for her and the mental math of Miquon seemed like sheer joy to her. We could spent as much time as she wanted creating new problems, solving games, puzzles, building things with the rods. We went from tears to cheers; and for math, that's saying a lot! :D

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Growing With Grammar.


Not necessarily because of the content or format or anything like that. My kids are the type that you have.to.sit.next.to.them.the.whole.time.they.do.anything.


It took a couple of months, but once she realized she could do her GWG3 without me right there reading things to her and pointing things out to her at every step, my oldest became so much more independent in her other school work! This was the first non-teacher-intensive curriculum we've been able to successfully use. Hurray!


I'm hoping my second oldest will make that leap to independence eventually too.

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Oh mercy, you mean I had to have wild successes this year? Survival with a toddler wouldn't suffice? :)


Um, none. We did all kinds of stuff and dd grew in spite of me. The biggest thing this year has been that *I* grew, grew in my understanding of her and how things work and who she is and how to nurture a human. I don't think every year has to be about curriculum success. The real point of this is to *grow*, not to have a fabulous checklist.


BTW, I wouldn't consider any of the curricula we've been using flops. I like all our materials, and all were well-chosen, able to meet our goals. I'm just changing to try to customize more to *her*, something a curriculum list or top 10 popularity list or WTM-spec list can't do. I think to get homeschooling peace you either have to get very in touch with what *you* need as a teacher to be successful or what your *dc* needs to blossom. Both would be even better. But even one would be a start.

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MATH MAMMOTH!!!!! I love it and dd is finally seeing math concepts in new ways and gaining so much confidence! Today she solved a sort of complicated problem all mentally. You should have seen her face light up. Priceless!


**a big thank you to Jackie (Coralleno) for helping me figure out that MM would be right for us. If it weren't for this board and the helpful folks here I wouldn't have 1/2 this gig figured out!

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MUS and Sonlight!


My kids both loved these (ok they don't love math, but they liked it more than they ever have before) and they learned so much!


Jump In Writing and Lightning Lit were also great successes from my perspective. I thought the kids made a lot of progress with them with minimal complaints. The kids didn't love them though, so I won't categorize them as wild successes.

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Language arts using MCT because it facilitated wonderful conversations about grammar, writing, vocabulary, and poetry with my younger son. He loves language, and he was rapidly losing that love with previous materials we had used for language arts. Now he's back to loving it again and his understanding went from rote and soon forgotten to deep, flexible, and solid with MCT. It was amazing to watch.

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I would love to hear specifics. I am ready to take notes... :D



Writing......YEA! Book report writing, creative writing. My dd who turns 11 in 2 weeks just completed an 800 word paper. I'm sure others on this board have same-aged dc who have written meatier papers, but I think this is fabulous work.


I use Write Shop (which I'm selling)! It's a thorough program and keeps the dc engaged. But, writing is writing....some of the FUN of writing will come with the creativity of writing the paper itself....beyond learning the mechanics.


Writing at the 5th/6th grade level is not so much about the length of the paper, but about "improving" each draft....perfecting what was written....even if it's a shorter paper.


HTH. Sheryl <><

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A wild success? IDK, this has been a rough year for many non-academic reasons. We have some educational solid performers in LFC and LOF. Our 2nd year with both and they're awesome. Megawords was a nice surprise, and WWE is a late entry that will finish well.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Oh mercy, you mean I had to have wild successes this year? Survival with a toddler wouldn't suffice? :)


Well, no, I'm learning that you don't have to have wild successes, just wanting to hear some stories from those who did. Inspiration, you know. :001_smile: And, yes, surviving toddler years definitely counts as a success, under the subject of sanity. ;)


Um, none. We did all kinds of stuff and dd grew in spite of me. The biggest thing this year has been that *I* grew, grew in my understanding of her and how things work and who she is and how to nurture a human. I don't think every year has to be about curriculum success. The real point of this is to *grow*, not to have a fabulous checklist.


Growth is good, no matter how it comes. :001_smile: I'm not actually compiling a checklist for curriculum. (Heaven knows I've got that list in my head already!) I'm not even looking to change up a bunch of my curriculum choices. I'm mostly interested in hearing some happy stories of the hows and whys of some good (and some lucky) choices.


Language arts using MCT because it facilitated wonderful conversations about grammar, writing, vocabulary, and poetry with my younger son. He loves language, and he was rapidly losing that love with previous materials we had used for language arts. Now he's back to loving it again and his understanding went from rote and soon forgotten to deep, flexible, and solid with MCT. It was amazing to watch.


Now this is one I've been chewing on for months. The more I hear, the more I think I could bite. Part of the reason I've backed off language arts this year for ds7 is because he just naturally loves language and I don't want to ruin it. Last night he finished one book and wanted me to help him find another one to start. It was 11 pm and I thought he was already asleep! I told him to go to sleep and that he could start another book in the morning. He said to me, "I can't help it, Mommy. I'm just addicted to reading books." Yeah, Sweetie, me too. :lol:


So, getting dc to love books seems to be my wild success. I guess I'll take that. :001_smile:


A wild success? IDK, this has been a rough year for many non-academic reasons. We have some educational solid performers in LFC and LOF. Our 2nd year with both and they're awesome. Megawords was a nice surprise, and WWE is a late entry that will finish well.


I hear you about the rough year. I can't wait to use LOF one day. I've been thinking about buying it for myself, as I could use a friendly refresher. :001_smile:

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A wild success? IDK, this has been a rough year for many non-academic reasons. We have some educational solid performers in LFC and LOF. Our 2nd year with both and they're awesome. Megawords was a nice surprise, and WWE is a late entry that will finish well.





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I hear you about the rough year. I can't wait to use LOF one day. I've been thinking about buying it for myself, as I could use a friendly refresher. :001_smile:


I'm doing exactly that. I didn't have time to go through the pre-algebra before we started, but I am currently working through Beginning Algebra. Geometry is next on the list. :001_huh:

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We had a very good year - probably out best in homeschooling so far. I'd say the standout new things are:



DIVE science DVDs

Phonics Road

Self-paced VP history course


Continued hits:


Life of Fred math

VP history

Phonics Museum (my dd was so sad when we finished)

Classical Writing

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Oh mercy, you mean I had to have wild successes this year? Survival with a toddler wouldn't suffice? :)


HA! Absolutely, that is my biggest success. Surving having TWO three year olds at home after ds got the boot from preschool and remaining somewhat sane.


Secondary to that but not to be undershadowed is our winner, Chalkdust Pre-Algebra. My son has taken off with it. He finishes his lessons in lightning speed and consistently gets A's. After years of Saxon, this is a welcome relief. We love Dr. Mosely!! :D

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For my own dc: Mapping the World by Heart


They really did learn to draw the world from memory. They also know the capital to all 50 states, the Candian provinces, and almost every country in the world, as well as where major landmarks are. Poor dh didn't do it with us, and we are beating him badly at Tricial Pursuit now. :D


For the kiddos I tutored: IEW


I am amazed as I am every year that I teach outside students at what an incredible difference this curriculum, used well, can make both for reluctant and struggling writers and for proficient writers.

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We're finishing our first year of TOG and it has been an absolute success. There was a bit of a learning curve to get over at the beginning, but I've got the hang of it now (I think). SOTW is as great for my second child as it was for my first child. FLL has been an unqualified success with ds 6. He gets excited about grammar every day. Life of Fred Decimals is loved here. Caesar's English is a fantastic vocabulary program. DD10 liked Wordly Wise as well, but she adores CE. I decided to hold off on the rest of the MCT LA materials I bought until we actually finish WWE4 (which is also going well). Everything else we are using is working, too, but these were the new additions to our homeschool this year.

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I'm feeling a little wild-success envy. It just hasn't been that kind of year.



I tell you, had I seen this question and been asked last year, I would have burst into tears. We used curriculum that was all wrong for us because I kept hearing it was "THE BEST" from so many people that I cowed down and got it. "THE BEST" for "everybody else" is NOT "THE BEST" for our family! That is for sure! (I say everybody else in quotes because of all the people I heard say that!) So don't worry, not every year is going to be a success! We happened to have a GREAT year for the most part, (I say that now that things are going MUCH better!) :grouphug: For some reason my dc just decided it doesnt have to take 8-10 hours to finish their school work like it did at the beginning of the the year (same amount of work, go figure!) Now that same amount of work takes them about 4 hours. I guess that would have to be a wild success in itself, right????

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I'm not sure about "wild" success, but I am happy with and/or continue to be happy with:


Phonics Pathways; we had been using Hooked on Phonics before starting PP. We are still using the reading books from HOP, but the PP seems to have the right amount of instruction and practice for both my older boys.


Miquon Math; we started this last year after tears from ds#1 with math (at the time Singapore was too much visually for him, though we are going to add it back in now and he seems better with it), and both of my older two are doing great with it.


All About Spelling; this continues to do its job for them. My boys are not natural spellers, but it has helped them gain confidence in writing on their own (they are not natural writers either ;) ), and helps us with reading as well (I often point out syllabication rules with ds#1 as he encounters multi-syllable words in his reading).


Song School Latin; I am loving this as an introduction to Latin for all three boys. We will be ending it soon (at least for the older two) and staring LFC A this summer. It has made Laitn fun for them, and I'm hoping they will continue to see it as an enjoyable (though not always easy) subject.

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Explode the Code - it's helped all three of my emerging readers (2nd, K, K) to steadily improve


Biblioplan - it's been wonderful for combining everyone in history.


Teaching Textbooks - incremental enough for my oldest dd; my oldest ds does really well with some computer-based curricula


CLE - My 3rd grader is using the Reading and LA programs. I'll be transitioning my younger ones into the Reading program next year, and the LA around 3rd grade (ETC and FLL are great fits for 1st/2nd grade). We're going to try out their 3rd grade Bible program next year.





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I really needed this post. :001_smile: My husband is a pipeliner. We have gone from home to Louisiana and back so many times this year that it has been crazy. Our success has been in fits and starts. I love to hear stories from other moms. It gives me a shot in the arm to get it together. We have recently added Analytical Grammar and MUS. I have not used them long, but am happy with what I see so far.


Happy HSing! :001_smile:

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The biggest thing this year has been that *I* grew, grew in my understanding of her and how things work and who she is and how to nurture a human. ...I think to get homeschooling peace you either have to get very in touch with what *you* need as a teacher to be successful or what your *dc* needs to blossom. Both would be even better. But even one would be a start.



Finally accepting that I'm just a workbook teacher in some aspects (math and LA). This has allowed me to focus my energies in other areas that really need them.


Big Successes this year:


CLE Math for the olders: Wow! Independent math that they can be successful with and retain what they learn!!!!!:D


CLE LA: ds7 went from crying, zoning out, complaining about being tortured and generally being a stinker about all and retaining nothing while using ETC, Daily Language Review (Evan-Moor) and SWO to focusing and just "gettting it done and getting on with the fun stuff" by dropping all that and using CLE LA.


WWE 2: dictation has really stretched my ds7 this year but he has risen to the challenge. I really like the foundation this is laying for future writing. I'm a firm believer in SWB's principles espooused in "The Complete Writer!"

Edited by Jen+4dc
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