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How old will you be when you "retire" from homeschooling, and what will you do then?

Your age at youngest child's graduation  

  1. 1. Your age at youngest child's graduation

    • 35-39
    • 40-44
    • 45-49
    • 50-54
    • 55-60
    • over 60
    • No thnx. If I told you that, you'd be able to figure out my age now.
    • other

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I put '40-44,' but ds won't be graduated then, just off to junior high or high school.


I am finishing my degree, so that I can go to work in about five years. My two dds will be going to college and ds will be going to private school. My salary (and a bit of dh's) will pay for those things.


ETA: When we are done putting youngest ds through college, I will be 50. I'll work for a few more years, saving all my salary, and then dh and I will retire to travel, volunteer, and play with our granchildren.

Edited by angela in ohio
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I will be 54 if the Snort graduates HS when he's 18. I have no idea what I will be doing!


My mom and I graduated from college in the same year, so I have visions of going back to get my master's in Speech Pathology and doing something with that, working with children. Of course, that was my vision before we started homeschooling, and when the kids were in school we were going to move closer to a college where I could go during the day but still be there for them if they needed me. Funny how plans change, isn't it?


I am sure God will come up with something for me. I don't have any particular goals for myself.

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I'll be 41 when my youngest turns 18.


Hopefully, I'll serve as a midwife and lactation consultant wherever we're living, maybe do some work overseas. And make sure to have months where I don't have anyone due to birth, so that dh and I can travel together.

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Hopefully I won't have to retire :) I am hoping my kids have kids and if the can't homeschool because they have to work well then by golly Gramma can just take care of that pesky ole schooling! :)

(Just so you know I would never push it but my kids would know I would be willing!)

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I'll be 47, and I'm sure I'll be working to put the kids through college and save for retirement. I hope to travel. I'd like to get my degree before the kids graduate. I can see myself teaching college or *maybe* public or private school. Maybe.

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I will be 57 when my youngest graduates from homeschooling.


I plan to get a small boat and do lots and lots of fishing.


I will also do lots and lots of reading all of those books I never got time to read while homeschooling, but that will be while fishing at the same time.


I can't imagine a better future life, a little umbrella to shade me from the sun, relaxation, reading, a cooler full of food and fishing.


Retirement from homeschooling doesn't get any better then that !:001_smile:


You and dh would get along beautifully, lol! That's what he wants *me* to do! Ahhhh...if only that sounded good for more than 2 hours...(he'd be so happy!)

Edited by LauraGB
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I won't be 'retiring' ~ not really. The nature of our son's disabilities means that he will never live independently; college and such is not in his future. I don't say that to be negative - just realistic. [He is blind & autistic, among other things.]


There will come a time when he is no longer registered as a homeschooler, sure ~ but that doesn't mean much to me. I'll continue teaching him, helping him get along in [and understand] the world around him. :)

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I'll be 50 when ds graduates. I'm going to write stories.


I was 42 when ds graduated. I went back to working two part-time jobs and enjoy it.

Other than that, I am reading more and took up crocheting.

Since so many people on this forum talk about "writing", I am thinking I will wait for a good dream and then write it down. ;)

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sixty-two. If I homeschool dd3, but I don't plan to homeschool her. She needs a different learning environment than I can offer.


I am in a similar spot, would be 60 if I graduated my kinder girl from home. But with 8 years between, I think I will be done homeschooling by the time her siblings are done. That will make me 53. Sounds a lot younger than 60!!!


ETA I used to always joke that with all my rediscovered and new knowledge, I was going to go on Jeopardy!!! I don't know what I will actually do but I trust God will give me something!

Edited by AuntieM
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When my youngest graduates i will be not quite 50, that is provided we don't have any more ;)


Once all my kids are high school age i hope to go to uni part time to acquire a degree in midwifery. I should be fully qualified by the time they are all through high school and then i can begin work. I should get in 15 years or so before i retire properly.


My DH is older than i am and will be close to retirement age here so he will probably work the last few years and retire. We also plan to downsize our house to something with views instead of lots of land. We will travel too.

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Ha -- I retired to homeschool. I'll be about 60 when my younger is likely to be heading out into the world. If I've done my job well as CFO of the family, there will be no need for me to return to the working world. But, if there is a need, I will. What would I do? Who knows what the working world will look like in 15 years! (But I have lots of rusty skills. I've always had at least a part-time job since I was 8 yrs old).

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I would say ds14 will only be with me another couple of years before doing some sort of course/apprenticeship or diploma, and dd15 will be full time college next year ( I think it's your equivalent of community college). So I am almost 43, and I only have another couple of years I reckon before both kids are not homeschooling. Both will probably be living at home though for a while longer- hopefully several more years, so "mum" duty will still be pretty intense during those late teens.


I don't have any clear plans but I do intend to do some work. I will go into the health or personal growth movements somehow. I am a trained naturopath but am not sure if I would go into private practice or just something related to the fields.

Hopefully by then I will have won or somehow had that $50 million dumped in my bank account and I will have my country property and all the things I said in that other thread. :)

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I'll be 45 when dd graduates at 18 (ds will already have graduated by this time). That is, of course, assuming all goes as planned. She does *not* want to go back to any sort of traditional school, so as long as we all stay healthy and our finances remain stable, our plan is to hs her all the way through.


As for what I'll do after? I have no idea. I have toyed with the idea of getting another degree, but I'm just not sure. I have a Bachelor's in business and would love a second Bachelor's or maybe a Master's in accounting, but I don't know if that will happen. I am so tired all the time now, so the thought of more school for myself is completely overwhelming, even though I could do most of it online.


Honestly? I don't want to work again. ;) However, 45 is a long way from 67, so I'll most likely find myself punching a time card somewhere for a number of years.

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