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What popular movies bug you?

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I liked Legends of the Fall (I didn't LOVE it). I think it is more about the dynamics between that particular family. I don't know that it's really about glorifying anyone, exactly.


I also liked LotF. I think everyone got their due in that movie - sad, sad lives. I'd have chosen Albert, fwiw. ;)

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There are very few movies I've found worthwhile in the past several years... Seems like all of them have something "thrown in" just for the shock factor that ends up turning me off. There's just way too much gratuitous sex, violence and profanity in movies today that adds absolutely NOTHING to the story line.


I also didn't care for Titanic (and thought I was the only one - who knew there were so many of us?? :tongue_smilie:) and I decided not to see Bridges of Madison County (because the story line totally turned me off). I have walked out of a movie theater many times - I refuse to sit through something mind-numbing and pointless just because I paid for it (and more often than not, I've been able to get a refund).


Another one to add to the list (unless I missed it above):


Waterworld with Kevin Costner.


There was nothing offensive about it (at least not the portion that I saw) - it was just completely asinine. I walked out of the theater after the first 10 minutes.

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OMG....I thought I was the only person on earth that did not like Titanic! I did not cry and when everyone around me was I was like "You did know the ship was gonna sink, right?" And seriously, who GETS OFF of a life boat and gets BACK ON a sinking ship to be with some guy she met like 12 hours ago?


Avatar was the most predictable, remade version of about 12 other movies I know that I have ever seen. BORING. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............


The only time I cried in Titanic is when the poor people below could not get out and had to die without even a chance. Rose and Jack were so not important to me after that.

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I also dislike movies that romanticize adultery. My dh *really, really* hates anything were adultery is in any way okay. If a character on a tv show commits adultery (even kisses someone else) he will never watch that show again.


I hate movies that are too sappy and predictable. This includes basically anything written by Nicholas Sparks. I am *not* a Marianne. ;)


I didn't like Avatar. During the movie I looked at my dh and said "did they really need to spend this much money on a remake of Dances With Wolves?"


I don't like gore or over the top violence. Like a pp, I enjoy Bond, Guy Ritchie movies, stuff like that. I've never seen Saw or any of those, I cannot stand those type of movies.


Jim Carrey also gets on my nerves, especially in movies where he is allowed to be at his most over-the-top. I think he's best when he's mostly playing a funny straight man like in Bruce Almighty.


I don't like any movie that features horrifyingly embarrassing situations. It's not realistic and I have to hide my eyes sometimes. :lol:




I don't know that glorified is the right word. I liked Legends of the Fall (I didn't LOVE it). I think it is more about the dynamics between that particular family. I don't know that it's really about glorifying anyone, exactly.



I am in complete shock. :lol: I totally agree with your whole post! Who knew that could happen?? Even with your dh, my dh is the exact same way!

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I am *not* a Marianne. ;)



That's ok, we can still be friends:D Almost all of my friends are Elinor's. They say that it takes a bunch of Elinor's to take care of one Marianne :lol:


I did think of something I hate in a movie. The token "f" word or the token "boob" or "s-x" scene. Where they throw it into the movie once and it really has no place. They ruin a good movie and for what?! That drives me nuts.

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I hated "The English Patient." Yet another movie about adulterers, and, even more infuriating was discovering that in the "romantic" scene with Ralph Finnes's character carrying Kristin Scott Thomas's character out of the cave, the scene that was in EVERY preview, she is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD! Not romantic. Sorry.

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I hated "The English Patient." Yet another movie about adulterers, and, even more infuriating was discovering that in the "romantic" scene with Ralph Finnes's character carrying Kristin Scott Thomas's character out of the cave, the scene that was in EVERY preview, she is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD! Not romantic. Sorry.


Remember the Seinfeld episode on The English Patient? Somebody had to call the emperor nekkid....:lol:


ETA: Sweetpea, we posted at the same time!


I am in the camp of disliking films that glorify adultery. I was so totally disappointed with Dr. Zhivago. I couldn't believe that touted film classic was what it was...


I have such low expectations of the film industry these days that very little "bugs" me outside of the fact that really good films are rare. Wish there were more, I do like to go to the theater. But at $10 a pop, I hate to leave feeling gypped.

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You people are breaking my heart!!!!


How can you possibly not like Legends of the Fall?!? Definitely in my top 5 favorite movies of all time. Sigh.


Wizard of Oz is also in my top 5, but not necessarily because it was such a great movie. More because of the story behind the making of the movie. That it could have been so completely dysfunctional and still left us with such a visually stunning film is amazing to me.


How can you hate Gone With the Wind? WHAT?!?


I also love The Notebook (one of only two movies that have ever made me cry). I enjoyed Titanic, as cheesy as it is. Avatar was not great but beautiful to look at in 3D.


I hated The Hurt Locker. Didn't do a thing for me, and I really wanted to like it. Generally speaking, most movies are too expensive to be good for me these days. Oh....and I almost walked out of Sherlock Holmes. BORING.

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Wizard of Oz is also in my top 5, but not necessarily because it was such a great movie. More because of the story behind the making of the movie. That it could have been so completely dysfunctional and still left us with such a visually stunning film is amazing to me.




Can you share? I don't really know about the "story" or any "dysfunction."


I was just in a production of Wizard a couple weeks ago. Check out photos here.

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One of my very favorite movies EVER is When Harry Met Sally, but I didn't care for Sleepless in Seattle much at all. And Hanging Up, also by Nora Ephron, was just awful.


This wasn't exactly popular, but the worst movie I ever saw recently was The Wedding Date. I thought it was going to funny and romantic. It was neither.


I'm sure I must have more Movie Hate in me. I'll have to think about it some more.

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Can you share? I don't really know about the "story" or any "dysfunction."


I was just in a production of Wizard a couple weeks ago. Check out photos here.


Adorable pictures!


There were SO MANY issues with the making of the film it's a miracle it was ever made at all.


There were fights (and a tremendous amount of backstabbing) regarding who would be the Producer. The original Director left mid-film to do Gone With the Wind. MGM didn't want Judy Garland AT ALL. They wanted Shirley Temple but the studio she was contacted to (can't remember which one) wouldn't loan her out. Judy Garland's mother was always on set and was apparently the epitome of horrible stage mother. She also reportedly kept Judy sedated and compliant through the generous use of prescription medications.


What else? Many of the actors portraying the munchkins were often so drunk they never showed up to the set at all, or passed out in the middle of a take. They'd often have to delay shooting until they sobered up. There were more safety violations on this film than they could count. At one point Margaret Hamilton, who played the Wicked Witch of the West, was severely burned on set, to the point that all of the nerves in her hand were actually exposed. The Director (and I can't recall if it was Victor Fleming or Mervyn LeRoy at that point) actually grabbed her by the hand and said she looked fine to him when she said she needed medical attention. She passed out from the pain. She refused to work with fire again, and her stunt double actually was burned pretty badly in another scene.


The original Tin Man (Buddy Ebsen) had to be replaced two weeks into shooting because the makeup artists used actual aluminum dust in his face makeup and he contracted pneumonia and nearly died. One of the dogs playing Toto was crippled when he was stepped on my one of the winged monkeys.


Those are just the things I can think of off the top of my head. I've been fascinated by it for years and actually have several books documenting the making of the movie and the stories behind what we all saw on screen. Interesting stuff.

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I thought of another one, My Best Friends Wedding. I watched it a few weeks ago and it was awful.


I almost posted this with my first thread!! Dh had it on a week ago and I remembered not liking it. He was so surprised. We finished watching it and I am sure I don't like it. I don't know who I want to win the guy - Julia Roberts or Cameron Diaz. It might help if Rupert Avery wasn't gay and Julia ended up with him. Bleh!

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MGM didn't want Judy Garland AT ALL. They wanted Shirley Temple but the studio she was contacted to (can't remember which one) wouldn't loan her out.


THIS is the whole reason my mom doesn't like this movie. My mom thought Judy Garland way too old to play Dorothy. She was a big Shirley Temple fan. I hear this story, repeatedly, every time we watch it. :glare:

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I hated "The English Patient." Yet another movie about adulterers, and, even more infuriating was discovering that in the "romantic" scene with Ralph Finnes's character carrying Kristin Scott Thomas's character out of the cave, the scene that was in EVERY preview, she is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD! Not romantic. Sorry.



While the explicit nature of The English Patient was over the top, I personally don't feel as if it was gratuitous. Katherine, and the Ralph Fiennes character pay dearly for their forbidden behavior. A sense of fate permeates the entire film. As a matter of fact, Ralph's suffering over his inability to save his lover is the tragic fruit of Katherine's cruel seduction of him. In my opinion, the story has integrity because there is consequence for their behavior (even alluded to by the Herodotus' tale Katherine recites prior to the beginning of the affair). Their relationship has the sense of having offended the gods and thus is doomed to destruction. Contrast this to shallow tales where one can behave however one feels with no true consequence. I also read the novel, and the passage where Katherine's body is described like the landscape of earth, waters, etc. killed me; truly one of the loveliest and most heart wrenching descriptions I have ever read.


Just another perspective.... love this thread! ;)

Edited by Cindy in the NH Woods
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That's ok, we can still be friends:D Almost all of my friends are Elinor's. They say that it takes a bunch of Elinor's to take care of one Marianne :lol:


Two of my younger sisters are more Mariannes. I get along just fine with Mariannes, as long as they can take a little ribbing. ;)


I did think of something I hate in a movie. The token "f" word or the token "boob" or "s-x" scene. Where they throw it into the movie once and it really has no place. They ruin a good movie and for what?! That drives me nuts.


I hate this when it means my kids can't watch a movie that would otherwise be perfectly fine!


I am in complete shock. :lol: I totally agree with your whole post! Who knew that could happen?? Even with your dh, my dh is the exact same way!


That's probably because this is all about my personal preferences. What I personally think or do is often very different than what I advocate for in debate threads.

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I would tend to agree with the previous posters. Although I did love "The Wizard of Oz" and "Gone with the Wind". The one movie I ever walked out of was... I can't remember the name, but it had Robin Williams in it and it was that bizarre fantasy one. Hated that one. Hated "Titanic". Hated "Out of Africa" and "The English Patient". Besides the blatant adultery, they just seemed so.... ugh!


Movies I enjoy... I do like James Bond and the Bourne flicks. Love Indiana Jones. I enjoy most romantic comedies with Meg Ryan - but also didn't like "You Got Mail".


But, we don't go to the movies anymore. Too expensive and DH and I get out so seldom we'd rather go out to dinner so we can talk instead of sitting quietly side by side for a couple hours. Time is precious!:D

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This is fun. :tongue_smilie:


I hate any movie that feels like its deliberately toying with my emotions. August Rush was one of these. Terrible movie. I don't like to watch a movie just to cry.


Also any of the "Disney-fied movies" (Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and others like it). These movies have no purpose other than to promote the image of a certain young actor or actress. After watching the preview of the new Beezus and Ramona movie, I think it's going down that same road, unfortunately. Why must they turn every kid movie into a "teen" romance? There were no teenagers and definitely no romance in the book.


I'm also not a big fan of the Disney cartoons they make nowadays. It's pretty much the same set of characters over and over again. Main character, set of comic relief sidekicks, etc. The Lion King was one of the worst of these. (I do like the Pixar movies, however, which have original plots and a lot of humor.) I love some of the classic Disney movies (Mary Poppins comes to mind) but that's about it.


Oh, and any of the romantic "comedies" that have been coming out lately. I can't think of any of their names at the moment, because they are all titles that could be describing any movie, with phrases like: "You Only Live Once" or "Breaking Up is Hard To Do" (I don't know if either of those are actually movie titles, but it's along those lines). The ones I'm thinking of star actors like Sandra Bullock, Kate Hudson, Jennifer Garner, Matthew McConaughey, Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Aniston, and now even Gerard Butler. They should all be banned from comedies forever IMHO.


And anything starring Kevin Costner. The only movie of his that I like is "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" and that's only because of Alan Rickman's awesome portrayal of the Sheriff of Nottingham. Kevin Costner is the most boring actor working today.

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One of my very favorite movies EVER is When Harry Met Sally, but I didn't care for Sleepless in Seattle much at all. And Hanging Up, also by Nora Ephron, was just awful.


This wasn't exactly popular, but the worst movie I ever saw recently was The Wedding Date. I thought it was going to funny and romantic. It was neither.


I'm sure I must have more Movie Hate in me. I'll have to think about it some more.


Oh, me too!! Loved When Harry Met Sally, but didn't like Sleepless in Seattle. SIS was too sappy, and not enough humor. I never saw Hanging Up or The Wedding Date.

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Any movie about drug use



  • Easy Rider

  • Jacob's Ladder

  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

  • Traffic

How these blow. (No I did not see Blow. I'd learnt my lesson by then)


I hated Fear and Loathing the first time I saw it, but then I watched it again a couple of years later with some friends who loved it, and I saw how funny it was. (And I have never done any drugs :tongue_smilie:) Now it's one DH and I will watch again every once in awhile, along with Groundhog Day, Raising Arizona, O Brother Where Art Thou, and Fargo.


Traffic I liked only because of Benicio Del Toro...I thought he was great in that. I haven't seen the other two movies you mentioned.

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Oh, me too!! Loved When Harry Met Sally, but didn't like Sleepless in Seattle. SIS was too sappy, and not enough humor. I never saw Hanging Up or The Wedding Date.


Hanging Up made me nervous. Those women were just so frenetic...


I thought of a few more:

Magnolia. I just didn't get it! I think we turned it off around the 3/4 mark.

The Johnny Depp Willie Wonka. Ugh.

Don't kill me: Beaches and Steel Magnolias. (ducking...)


As so many have mentioned before, anything that glorifies adultery.

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I also really find Woody Allen annoying. But I'm not sure he's in the category of "popular."


Another one I hate is filthy characters, such as the unwashed Ethan Hawke in "Reality Bites" and Michael Keaton's rotted teeth in "Much Ado About Nothing."


While (as previously stated) I am sick to death of adultery movies, what I most dislike about them (including the sheer number of them) is the implication that real love is more interesting than one's boring marriage. It's as if there's not a SINGLE happy married couple on earth. Like every marriage is exploitative and/or awful. Which I find bizarre.

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I am seriously ticked off by unnecessary unhappy endings. When they seem to make a point of the sad ending.


Movies like City of Angels and Pay It Forward do this. It would be going along fine the way it was, and it is kind of like someone must have thought "I know what to do next! We need to kill someone off! They'll never see it coming!" :glare:

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As far as comedies, I usually don't like movies with any former SNL castmates. I liked the 1st Vacation with Chevy Chase, The Blues Brothers and a few choices others. But most movies with Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell are horrid. I think Elf was the only Ferrell movie I liked.


Dh likes slapstick(or as I call them--stupid) movies. I've tried to sit through them with him but I ruin it for my husband. No thanks honey-I'd rather clean out the stove.

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Was it What Dreams May Come? We rented that on the recommendation of friends. We could not believe how BAD it was.




That was a movie I hated!


I also couldn't stand Message in a Bottle. I was watching it with other ladies, and they were all crying and passing the tissues. I was bored and planning my grocery list for the week.

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I hated Fear and Loathing the first time I saw it, but then I watched it again a couple of years later with some friends who loved it, and I saw how funny it was. (And I have never done any drugs :tongue_smilie:)



Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas made me physically ill. I remember the floor being all wavy as seen through the eyes of the characters. Still, I forced myself to watch. Anything for Johnny Depp.

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I'm really looking forward to seeing this one :) I'm going to see it with my MIL and my SIL at some point.


I don't think it's quite the type of movie most are complaining about though because it's more of a documentary than a blockbuster.


As far as movies that I highly dislike, Twilight movies, Alexander, Clash of the Titans (the new one), Juno, the last Harry Potter movie, The divinci code, movies that portray adultery as positive, movies with excessive violence for no reason, and on, and on.

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I was watching You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan the other day. I wanted to like the movie. Tom and Meg have a cute chemistry together. But the plot just irks me.



Have you seen the original this was based on--The Shop Around the Corner? They work in the same store and happen to be penpals. Even though the plot is pretty much the same you might still enjoy this one.




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That Hayley Joel Osmond kid FREAKS me out. He is in the weirdest movies! A.I. (YUCK), Pay It Forward (way too much!), and 6th Sense. Though I did like 6th sense. I don't know after seeing those three movies of his I decided I was done with him.

Also, remember the one where Robin Williams was a robot? Bicentennial Man. UGH! Horrible movie.

One I never could decide if I liked or not was Arnold's The 6th Day. Repet and Sim Friend Cindy really creeped me out. LOL

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Bridges of Madison County -- the book and the movie when they were popular.


The woman committed adultery -- how is that romantic?!


I refused to see the movie BOMC. I read the book after hearing how it was sooo romantic. I'm sorry. She cheated on her husband. I'm supposed to approve of that???


Other popular movies I can't stand:


Shakespeare in Love - blech

Footloose - from my high school days. I loved it then, but saw it a few years later and hated it. DH can tell you how much I despise that movie. LOL - the girl (Ariel??) was a twit

Ratatouillie - rats, rats everywhere {{shiver}} - (don't actually know how popular it was, but my family loves it)

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Don't have time to go through all the replies-----but I hate the new Disney animated movies (Princess and the Frog, for example) that are supposed to be for my younger children that always seem to have jokes/inuendos/themes that are for the adults.......what happened to good old fashion fun and sweetness?!?!?


I also agree with alot of the responders.....movies that just have to have that one nasty word.....it could go through almost the whole movie and then "WHAM" there it is! It is usually in a place that makes you go "hmmmmmm". :(

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Have you seen the original this was based on--The Shop Around the Corner? They work in the same store and happen to be penpals. Even though the plot is pretty much the same you might still enjoy this one.





LOVED Shop Around the Corner! I love Jimmy Stewart!



About Steel Magnolias: I'd never seen it, but around the time I evicted EX it came on TV. I watched it, knowing the Julia Roberts character died. But when it got to the scene where her mother is at the cemetery and is having a full blown fit, I lost it. LOST IT. I'd never cried over my divorce or the situation, but that scene, every word she said just hit me between the eyes and I sobbed for the rest of the day. And, I have no intention of ever watching it again! But, it sure served a purpose for me on that day.

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Bridges of Madison County -- the book and the movie when they were popular.


The woman committed adultery -- how is that romantic?!


Absolutely! I HATED that movie and it made me mad that so many women I knew loved it and thought it was a romance. Horrible!

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As far as comedies, I usually don't like movies with any former SNL castmates. I liked the 1st Vacation with Chevy Chase, The Blues Brothers and a few choices others. But most movies with Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell are horrid. I think Elf was the only Ferrell movie I liked.


Dh likes slapstick(or as I call them--stupid) movies. I've tried to sit through them with him but I ruin it for my husband. No thanks honey-I'd rather clean out the stove.

I agree with you 90%. I was going to say 100%, but I can't stand Chevy Chase or The Blues Brothers. :lol: DH insists on owning a few of them, but he has to watch them by himself. :tongue_smilie: I can't stand slapstick/stupid humor at all.


Ditto to all the adultery comments.


I cried while watching Titanic, but mostly during the scene where the mom put her kids to bed knowing they would never woke up. That was heart-wrenching.


I had to search youtube and find the Avatar/Pocohontas comparisons.... very weird. :tongue_smilie:

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I did read all the posts, but unless I missed one, we are forgetting one "popular" movie I especially HATE with a passion: Pretty. Woman. It is so ludicrous! I couldn't stand Richard Gere's character and Julia Roberts ability to be believable, not happening. Who cares if they live happily ever after? It's so gross!

I strongly second Pay it Forward. WOW, hated it.


Also strongly second AI. Such a horrible, sad, heart-wrenching waste.

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I have never heard of some of these movies..... Bridges of Madison County, nope. Pay it Forward, nope. Who are Elinor and Marianne?


Recently someone posted that The Secret of Roan Innish was on sale at Target. Had seen it before but had to have it. Love it.


Saw a preview for Avatar and said no way. My dh saw a bit of it on a tv at wal*mart and was sure he didn't want to see it.

I don't need to hear that kind of language either.

Saw daVinci Code and wished I hadn't. Having seen some of these movies, like 6th Sense, a couple of Bruce Willis movies, I just know now I've seen them and don't need to again, ey? Tom Hanks, no thanks.


I love Bringing Up Baby with Hepburn. It is fun and stupid.

Oh, crud, it's 1 a.m.

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I also hate movies that screw up wonderful books. I understand that some plot changes may be necessary to translate a novel to film, but when the changes are substantial and change the fundamental nature of a character, or turn a think-yourself-out-of-trouble into a Santa Claus ending, that just irritates me.


Films that come to mind are Disney's version of The Swiss Family Robinson. Prince Caspian, too. And Heidi. The end of Jurassic Park and The Firm. Keira Knightley's P&P. What they did to Faramir in LOTR. And...and...and... the list is pretty long, you get the drift.

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At our house we thought Avatar was Ferngully for adults. QUOTE]


:lol: I thought it was a large waste of money. There are hungry people in this world for crying out loud.


Pst... I hate Tim Burton movies: The new Alice in Wonderland, Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.


I didn't like Pirates of the Carribean either, and don't like Johnny Depp's acting as a whole (*ducking from Ishki's tomatoes*).


I adopted an "old fuddy duddy" attitude about modern movies when I was in my 20s, which wasn't all that long ago. I'm bothered by the things pp's have mentioned - token, pointless adultery, b00b shots, violence, and by really bad story lines.

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