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Shari, I would find that disturbing to say the least. Could you imagine if every curriculum supplier called you based on what you had in your cart? How would one get any teaching done?:D Personally, I would call Alpha Omega back and tell them that the practice is intrusive. You were getting ready to order online. If you wanted to talk to a body, you would have called.

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I just got a call from someone from Alpha Omega saying that they knew I'd been shopping at their website and wanted to sell me on their curriculum. Um, hello ... when I want to purchase what is in my cart, I will do it! :toetap05:


The rep said that she was going to send me her phone number so that when I am ready to make my purchase ... for the Switched On Schoolhouse I had been viewing ... she would help me with all my other curriculum needs. Sorry, guys, but that's a little too Big Brother for me! :scared::leaving:




Are you serious?????? :001_unsure: Did you sign up? They could see everything you looked at? :scared: Wow Big Brother for sure! I know what I WONT be buying!:001_huh:

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Shari, I would find that disturbing to say the least. Could you imagine if every curriculum supplier called you based on what you had in your cart? How would one get any teaching done?:D Personally, I would call Alpha Omega back and tell them that the practice is intrusive. You were getting ready to order online. If you wanted to talk to a body, you would have called.


I too find it odd. My friend that has been looking at their new Monarch curriculum has taken to avoiding their phone calls. They call her several times a day. It is a little scary to me.


Yes, they have called me quite frequently lately too, as well as sent me several emails. I've just been avoiding her calls. :glare:



Really?? I am speechless. WOW talk about turning people AWAY from your curriculum. So they not only track what people are doing but start bugging them with telemarketing. Wow-- I would tell them to stop calling and they just lost me as a potential customer. If thats what they do without purchasing something, how many times would they call if you actually DID purchase something trying to sell you more? :001_huh:

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I had downloaded the math placement test from their website (merely out of curiousity...to see what the expectations were) and they called me a week later to "see how the test had gone and help with appropriate placement"......ummmm, we didn't actually take the test, I was just looking!

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I put something in my cart just to check shipping so I could compare with another purchasing option. I left the cart and the site and bought it elsewhere, but got a call from them a week later asking if I needed any help completing the transaction or had any questions. I was pretty surprised too.


The thing is, literally any company with a website can see where everyone has been and what they looked at. It's what they do with that information that has the potential to be a problem- and calling me unsolicited bothers me.

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Think of it as them really trying to improve their customer service. If you don't want them to continue to call - answer the phone and say "please don't call me."


Otherwise they'll keep calling until they speak with you.


It doesn't have to be a negative.

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everythime you do anything on-line it goes on a list . Companies track your purchases and interests. If you've bought on-line / gone on a site period it is tracked.


the internet is a "necessary evil" I'd like to avoid this but realistically...

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I always have assumed that commercial websites keep track of what I look at. Amazon does. (hence the "Your Recommendations") Sonlight does. Lands' End does. . . . Grocery stores keep track of customer purchases with their "swipe cards". I don't care for all this "tracking"; however, I recognize that it is part of today's marketing research industry. (DH works in marketing research.)


Nonetheless, Alpha Omega's offensive tactics (deliberate double entendre there) would spur me to reply, "You have just lost a customer by placing this call to me." !

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Same thing here... except I have answered and I've asked them to stop several times. I haven't received any for this past week, so I'm hoping they finally got the message. They pushed the limit IMO - they should stop when you ask them to.

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Looks like they can contact you (mail, email, etc) and there is nothing you can do about it.



This quote is taken directly from their site:



a) AOP reserves the right to use "cookies" to personalize the online experience.



b) AOP reserves the right to collect and log non-personal information related to your use of the website.



c) AOP reserves the right to share PII with affiliated companies and third parties. You can request that your PII not be shared with independent third parties by making a request in writing to the address listed below.



d) AOP reserves the right to contact you for any reason related to the website in AOP's sole discretion without any opt-out option.








Um, I'm not sure I like that part :glare:




Edited by savmom
formatting mistake
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I just got a call from someone from Alpha Omega saying that they knew I'd been shopping at their website and wanted to sell me on their curriculum. Um, hello ... when I want to purchase what is in my cart, I will do it! :toetap05:


The rep said that she was going to send me her phone number so that when I am ready to make my purchase ... for the Switched On Schoolhouse I had been viewing ... she would help me with all my other curriculum needs. Sorry, guys, but that's a little too Big Brother for me! :scared::leaving:


It happened to me too! And it does feel intrusive. I didn't answer the phone, but the lady left a message saying she'd follow up with an email. Sure enough, seconds later, there it was. I promptly replied and told her no further phone calls or emails would be necessary.

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I just went back to their website and changed my phone number to 555-1212, so we'll see if that ends the calls :D


Amazingly we have the same phone number! :lol: I use that a lot online when I don't think a company needs my contact information.



(Note to self: Avoid AOP Website)

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!!! I am glad Amazon doesn't do this. Or else I'd be getting a lot of calls about why I didn't buy this or that item that I placed in my cart last year. I find it bizarre.


I can imagine that phone call. "Ma'am, we're wondering when you might think of purchasing the 130 items in your shopping cart? We'd also like to enter you in a contest. You've have several items in your cart for a period of years. Do you perhaps have a rich family member that would like to help you with your purchase?"

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K12 did that to me. Not 30 minutes after I poked around on the site and put stuff in my cart (since it was the only way I could find to see the price,) and then logged out, someone called me to see if I "had any questions." Uh, no. If I did, I would have called.


And I had looked at their site a few weeks before that and put in my usual don't-bother-me phone number... 555-1212.... and the guy who called me even had the temerity to tell me, "You entered an incorrect telephone number last time you were here." :glare:

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I just got a call from someone from Alpha Omega saying that they knew I'd been shopping at their website and wanted to sell me on their curriculum. Um, hello ... when I want to purchase what is in my cart, I will do it! :toetap05:


The rep said that she was going to send me her phone number so that when I am ready to make my purchase ... for the Switched On Schoolhouse I had been viewing ... she would help me with all my other curriculum needs. Sorry, guys, but that's a little too Big Brother for me! :scared::leaving:


Woah!!! If I got calls from every website/curriculum company that I perused and/or for which I placed items in my cart? I wouldn't get anything else done! :tongue_smilie:

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And I had looked at their site a few weeks before that and put in my usual don't-bother-me phone number... 555-1212.... and the guy who called me even had the temerity to tell me, "You entered an incorrect telephone number last time you were here." :glare:


That's even weirder. What's next -- you misspelled your own name?


Maybe you should put in their phone number.

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Looks like they can contact you (mail, email, etc) and there is nothing you can do about it.


a) AOP reserves the right to use "cookies" to personalize the online experience.



b) AOP reserves the right to collect and log non-personal information related to your use of the website.



c) AOP reserves the right to share PII with affiliated companies and third parties. You can request that your PII not be shared with independent third parties by making a request in writing to the address listed below.



d) AOP reserves the right to contact you for any reason related to the website in AOP's sole discretion without any opt-out option.



This quote is taken directly from their site:









Um, I'm not sure I like that part :glare:








I've never ordered from them, but this sure isn't making me want to do that!

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My response to that would (will) be, "Yeah, duh! It's because I don't want you CALLING ME!" :boxing_smiley:


LOL! I think I'd have more fun with the pop psycho-babble approach.... "Hm. Well, why do you think I would have done that?" :smilielol5:

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I like to use 867-5309. :D


While I was never particularly enamored of their curricula, I will definitely not be looking at their website in the future.


I use that one too! :lol:


I've discovered I can often get away with saying it also, when I get asked for my phone number in a store, if I say it slowly enough. ;)


:lol::lol: I could never say it with a straight face.

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Hooked on Phonics does this also if you put stuff in their cart and don't purchase. They literally flood your inbox with emails. You can unsubscribe all that you want but it doesn't seem to make the emails stop.

No phone calls though. I would get really irked about phone calls. That is like the persistant debt collector that you tell you have no money this week.

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  • 1 month later...

They called me a lot last year when I was looking at their curriculum, had it in my cart but did not purchase it. They called me every other day for two weeks. Finally, my husband talked to them and told them that he would not allow me ( like he would ever stop me from doing anything:D) to purchase anything from them BECAUSE of the repeated calling. They stopped calling, but still send me a catalog every year. It was really creepy.


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I had the same thing happen with K12, too. I only signed up for their website becuse you had to register to see whatever it was I was looking for. I can't even remember now what it was, but I was just curious as it is an option through our state as a virtual school. I wasn't even really considering it for our family. I got at least 3 or 4 emails and just as many phone calls in less than a week. When I picked up the phone and talked to the rep, he couldn't get it in his head that their obnoxious sales tactics would have completely turned me off of their program if I had been considering it.:tongue_smilie:I have a hard time believing such a hard press wins them many customers.

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I just got a call from someone from Alpha Omega saying that they knew I'd been shopping at their website and wanted to sell me on their curriculum. Um, hello ... when I want to purchase what is in my cart, I will do it! :toetap05:


The rep said that she was going to send me her phone number so that when I am ready to make my purchase ... for the Switched On Schoolhouse I had been viewing ... she would help me with all my other curriculum needs. Sorry, guys, but that's a little too Big Brother for me! :scared::leaving:


WOW! This happened to me last week!! I thought it was majorly CREEPY! I was only checking out their state history disc on the website. Never even carted it or anything. Next morning a guy calls and tells me he knew I was looking at their curriculum. I politely (half in shock) told him I was only looking and that if I wanted something I'd let them know. I didn't like that. Found it on Ebay a lot cheaper and bought it there instead.

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Unless I request a call or specifically indicate I would be interested in phone marketing, I would not appreciate a phone call. ANY company that does this will lose my business or never get it. The stipulations they have about sharing information and calling make me certain iw ill never even visit their site.

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Guest ToGMom
I like to use 867-5309. :D


Years ago, when the above mentioned song was popular, this was actually someone's phone number -- on North Haven, Maine!! :tongue_smilie:


Can you imagine being that person??:glare:

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