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A question for those who go to church on Sunday mornings?

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What does your family have for breakfast??? For us it's usually throw a couple cans of rolls in the oven or stop for doughnuts on the way. Or the way too common one: everyone grabs something on their own and then when we pull up to church I think of asking, "Did anyone feed [the 3 year old]?" to find out that she is sitting contentedly in her carseat but not having eaten a thing! So I'd like to do this better but also know that a big family breakfast is just not within our doings. Nevertheless, I'd like to know what you do, big or small!

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I think the best thing to do, if you feel rushed in the morning, is plan out your breakfast the night before. Putting oatmeal in a crockpot and letting it cook all night, making rolls/bread ahead of time, casseroles could even be made and put in the refrigerator and popped in the oven in the morning. My two fav's are: baked oatmeal and cheese and egg souffle. I can share these with you if you want them! These are two easy to prepare recipes (they take a 1/2 hour or so) and then can sit overnight in the refrig. They take about 45 minutes to bake so would need to plan baking time. The thing is, even if you made something up the night before, you don't all have to sit down at the same time to eat it! That never worked for us, and I always felt guilty about that, but we have SO many meals together as a family, that it really isn't a big deal if we don't do it on Sunday morning. Then have fresh fruit or juice available, and you have a meal!


Our dilemma now is that we have moved to an area where church services are late, so now the question is, what do I do for lunch without going out?



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Kids all grab a bowl of cereal when they get up...one of them *usually* feeds the 2yo. Church has donuts and coffee out when we arrive so the kids grab a donut. They have a small snack in their Sunday School Class. My breakfast is a cup of coffee and a donut when I get to church :001_huh: NOT what I'd *like* to have, but with 6 to get ready, showers, me to get ready, etc...breakfast is typically not on my list of priorites although it should be. I do like the crockpot oatmeal suggestion...I'll have to try that some Saturday.

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What does your family have for breakfast??? For us it's usually throw a couple cans of rolls in the oven or stop for doughnuts on the way. Or the way too common one: everyone grabs something on their own and then when we pull up to church I think of asking, "Did anyone feed [the 3 year old]?" to find out that she is sitting contentedly in her carseat but not having eaten a thing! So I'd like to do this better but also know that a big family breakfast is just not within our doings. Nevertheless, I'd like to know what you do, big or small!


Dh usually gets up and does a "fancy breakfast" as my kids call it. Mon.-Fri. (school days) we are usually having cereal, oatmeal, you know, easy stuff. So on Sunday dh tries to do something special. He usually does eggs with bacon and sausage. He also likes to do pigs in a blanket. If it's just too crazy of a morning then they grab a bowl of cereal or a pop tart. I've also done cinnamon rolls a lot b/c they are easy and everyone likes them. I feel better if they can have something warm to eat!

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Pancakes are not our usual Sunday breakfast but my husband woke early and decided to treat everyone.


I try, when I think of it the night before, to put on a crock pot of 9-grain, steel cut oats or other slow cooking grain with cinnamon, brown sugar or honey, butter, etc.


Sometimes I'll put a loaf of a breakfast wheat bread in the machine with the timer and just toss together some scrambled eggs to go with it.


If that doesn't happen, scrambled eggs and toast works. Sometimes regular rolled oatmeal, which doesn't take long to cook.

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it's just cereal or some fried eggs Something quick and easy. Mine are still young enough, that I need to help them get it around. I get their breakfast and hop in the shower. The older two help the younger one if she needs it or now that dh actually gets to go with us(YAY!!!:D), he will watch them until they're done. Actually now that I think of it, I made sure I woke up early and got myself showered before they got up while dh had to work on Sundays, then I'd make smoothies.

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My dh makes a big family brunch after Mass. We usually go to the 8am service, home by 9:30. We all have a donut and a little fellowship after the service.


Dh usually makes French toast, Biscuits and Gravy or Omelets with appropriate sides.


The two little guys get some fruit or a PB&J sandwich with milk or Pedisure before church. They can't last that long without eating. They are also exempt from the fasting rules so it doesnt matter. :)

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What does your family have for breakfast??? For us it's usually throw a couple cans of rolls in the oven or stop for doughnuts on the way. Or the way too common one: everyone grabs something on their own and then when we pull up to church I think of asking, "Did anyone feed [the 3 year old]?" to find out that she is sitting contentedly in her carseat but not having eaten a thing! So I'd like to do this better but also know that a big family breakfast is just not within our doings. Nevertheless, I'd like to know what you do, big or small!


For the boys, I usually pick up some donuts when I run my weekly errands. I wake them all up about 15 minutes before I need them to start getting ready and they eat then. They aren't big eaters, but do tend to dawdle, so I set the timer for 10 minutes and then they are supposed to brush their teeth. It's not the healthiest, but it's become a fun tradition/treat for them. And because they only get them on Sunday morning, they eat quickly so they don't lose their chance. Dh eats his usual 2 oatmeal cookies and a glass of milk, and I eat my usual bowl of Kashi Autumn Wheat cereal, but not at the same time as the boys.

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When my husband was hospitalized several years ago, I started driving through fast food. Never got out of the habit. So our Sunday morning drive starts at the closest McDonald's--and since we live 11 miles from church, we are just finishing up by the time we arrive.


I guess it could be worse--usually we eat egg mcmuffins without the meat--so it's an english muffin, a piece of cheese and an egg. Not THAT bad nutritionally...:tongue_smilie:

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We have a three hour fast before the mass begins, so usually we just have water. I just cannot get up at 5:30 and eat.


But when on the way home sometimes we stop and get a pizza or I have a lunch waiting for us. Sometimes we stay afterwards and people bring a little potluck, because everyone travels so far. (we drive 45 minutes and that is easy compared to what some people do)

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When we're late, the little one's get a bag of mini wheats and a sippy cup of milk. The older ones fix cereal and milk for breakfast.


I am trying to get everyone eating more protein for breakfast, but we have one with egg allergies and it's tough. I have started making him pb and j sandwiches.

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Usually cereal or toast--everyone makes his own.

Me--I usually eat at coffee hour, that magical time right before Sunday School when someone else has laid out cups of brew and things like cheese & crackers, coffee cake, bagels, muffins--a veritable banquet of Christian love.


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It may be as boring as porridge or as fun as baked eggs, coffee cake or popovers (the homemade kind), and fresh fruit. My hubby sometimes makes cinnamon or pecan rolls :).They have to come and get it, though--I don't set the table or serve them. Why not just get something on the table (even if it is cold cereal), and then put out the right number of bowls, silverware, and cups. If everyone has eaten, the bowls are all used up.

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Well, 2 different times anyway. DH runs the soundboard more often than not so he leaves about 7:30. Usually ds goes with him. If I can get my oldest to go with him she goes too. Her Sunday school starts at 9. Other times we all leave at 8:30.


This to say we do not eat together on Sunday morning. It's whatever you can find. Sometimes I'll buy something on Saturday most times not.

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That is what they usually eat on Sunday mornings before church. We go to the early service and eat lunch right about 11:00. They haven't starved yet! If they would willingly get up earlier they could have somethiong else, but I am not going to have a struggle with them to get up just to eat something. If they find it important to eat more than a fruit bar they know they can get up and eat it.

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We always have either cinnamon rolls or caramel rolls. I make several at once and freeze them (usually about 6 weeks worth) so that on Saturday night I just have to take a package out of the freezer. It makes Sunday mornings a little more special and it is stress-free.

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We have started a Sunday morning tradition of fixing biscuits and sausage gravy and tater tots for breakfast. With a glass of oj on the side.


I try and have all the baths taken the night before so the kids just have to dress and make beds before eating and loading up to head to church.



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When I'm at the top of my game I put together a breakfast casserole the night before, then pop it into the oven as soon as I wake up.


If I didn't make a b-fast casserole the night before, and I wake up later than I'd like dh and the kids will whole wheat toast with the nut butter of their choice. Sometimes they opt for melted cheese instead of nut butter.


If I didn't make the b-fast casserole, but wake up at a decent time I'll make either pancakes, french toast, or eggs with sausage/bacon.


Sometimes I send dh out for a bag of bagels.


Whatever we eat has to have a decent amount of protein in or on it because most of us are sensitive to sugar.


I usually have 3 cups of coffee with about a cup of milk altogether. If I made an egg based thing I'll eat a few bites of that in the car. Sometimes I make one of these shakes and drink it in the car. I have the chocolate kind. It tastes good, is sweetened with stevia, and keeps me feeling full til lunch time.

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Is it really early when you leave? Why can't you do your normal breakfast routine before everybody gets dressed?


Sounds like you need to get up earlier on Sunday mornings?


That said: We're a grab-it family most of the time when it comes to breakfast. We have fruit, yogurt, cereal, instant breakfast, bagels, cream cheese, oatmeal (if you're not avoiding instant), frozen microwaveable sausages, and other general breakfast foods on hand most of the time, so it's a quick and easy grab.

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Honestly, I don't have a clue!


Sunday is the one morning out of the week that I'm not home. I'm at church by 7:30 in order to set out the bulletins, put the finishing touches on my Sunday school lesson, and a few other things before music practice starts at 8:00. We practice from 8:00-9:15, Sunday school starts at 9:30, and church starts at 10:30.


Dh is so focused on the upcoming service (he's the pastor) that I don't imagine he's thinking about cooking for the kids. I'm pretty sure everyone eats cereal, but I can't make any promises about that.

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This morning I scrambled sausage and then scrambled it with eggs. Last Sunday it was scrambled ham and eggs. I have one son who if he does not have some form of protien will have problems with low blood sugar so donuts and sweet rolls are out here.

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Nevertheless, I'd like to know what you do, big or small!


This is kind of a long post! But you asked lol.



It is such a long time between breakfast and lunch on Sundays, that I really like to prepare a big breakfast to keep everyone as comfortable as possible. I don't like to serve too much sugar, because that makes us all feel miserable soon after eating--drop in blood sugar, irritability, & hunger that comes too soon. I also avoid white flour except for trace amounts (ie. what there is in the sourdough starter).


This morning I fixed farm sausage (without MSG) and whole wheat/buckwheat pancakes which we ate mainly with maple syrup. I soaked the whole wheat flour in yougurt overnight, and also put whole milk in the pancakes, along with lots of egg (duck and chicken-ha. We can't always find where the ducks lay their eggs, but this time we were onto them.) I cooked them in coconut oil which is quickly absorbed as energy, bypassing the liver. Dd also had a boiled egg; ds didn't.


My reasoning for all the trouble is to try to make plenty of nutrients available in the food--along with fat and protein and whole grains. I think a big, healthy, hearty breakfast is very important for everyone, especially children. They seem to have much better control over themselves when they are fed highly nutritious food. I cook breakfast every morning--as much as because I need it to face the day as they need it! lol.


Other mornings we might have scrambled eggs and/or french toast made with sourdough bread (with plenty of whole wheat and ground flax). I've also learned how to make a soaked/fermented porridge with oats and almonds, but I haven't yet persuaded the kids to like it.:) ha. I need more time with it to adjust it to their tastebuds. Dh and I like it though.


Well, that is what we do--since you asked. Breakfast is a huge deal to me.




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My husband only rarely comes to church with us, but he's also not a breakfast person. These days, it's just my son and me, but even when my daughter was home, I just made them more or less the same kind of breakfast they had any other day (oatmeal or bisquits or hash brown patties, plus fruit, soy milk and OJ -- or my son and I have smoothies and skip the milk, juice and fruit).


The trick is just making sure that everyone is in the habit of getting up early enough to make time to eat. I know that is the big challenge for me. I really sort of resent that I have to get up at 7:00 even on Sunday, but that's what I need to do to make sure we're out the door on time without it being so unpleasant that I don't want to go.



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We just have a bowl of cold cereal on Sunday mornings. Ain't nothin' wrong with that.


Pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs - any cooking - is for other mornings of the week.


Trying to drive thru somewhere to get breakfast would take way too much time!


We pack a light snack for the kids to eat after service. Then we eat "lunch" at 10:45 when we get home.

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I start the hard-boiled eggs before I jump in the shower. They are done by the time I'm out (more than done really but it's ok). Ds10 hates hard-boiled eggs. I told him that I don't have time to cook specifically for him on Sun. so he usually scrambles his own eggs. Sometimes I will give instructions to ds10 to pop bread in the toaster when the timer goes off (I'll put it on for about 5 min. before I expect to be out). Everyone butters/ puts jam on their own bread. The kids have juice. Dh has water. I have tea (tea bag in microwaved water). Simple. Carbs-protein-fruit.


P.S. Lunch is usually soup I've popped into the crock-pot to reheat while we are gone. I used to dump in a few cans of Progresso or Campbell's Chunky. Now with food allergies I'll put a couple of defrosted soups from the freezer.

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Sunday is the only morning that I do cook a big breakfast - usually pancakes and bacon or sausage, sometimes waffles instead of the pancakes, and occasionally French toast. We don't go to Sunday School (we *could* probably make it if we really hurried), but then we have time to clean up after breakfast, read the newspaper and get ready to go to church in a more leisurely fashion.

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