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Boy Scout Roll Call

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I see Boy Scouts mentioned on the board with some regularity.


Can we see how many boys are in scouts?

How about listing current rank, years in scouting and scouting goals?


My DS is a Star Scout (one merit badge away from Life) and has been in scouting for 6.5 years (includes Cubs). His scouting goals include earning his Eagle, at least 50 merit badges and going to Sea Base in Florida.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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My 13 yo ds is First Class and just a board of review away from Star. He has been in Scouts for almost 3 years. He started as a Webelo. His goal is Eagle Scout.


6 yo ds will be joining Cub Scouts in the fall.

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My son is Second Class currently working on First Class. His goal is Eagle Scout.


He has a lot of motivation too because my husband is Eagle. He and I are both adult leaders and dh is VERY active with the boys. Dh is Order of the Arrow as well so ds wants to get that too. Ds really looks up to dh so knowing his dad obtained these makes him want to get them too.


We have made this whole scouting thing into a family affair so hopefully ds will get the support and motivation he needs to obtain his goal of Eagle. :001_smile:

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I have 2 in Boy Scouts. One is Life Scout and working on Eagle, I'm very proud to say, at the young age of 14!!! The other just crossed over from Weblos and is working on the first level. It helps when DH was Eagle.

Oldest DD is a Junior in Girl Scouts and we haven't been able to find a troop for younger DD to join Daisies.

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Both of my boys started as Tigers. Ds15 has been in scouting 8 years (took a year off between Webelos & Scouts) He is Star and has all the requirements for Life - just needs to complete his 6 months as Star. That will be in June. He's looking forward to going to the National Jamboree this summer and making it to Eagle in another year.


Ds12 has been in scouting 5 years, is a Webelo and will be crossing over to the Troop soon. His goal right now is just to be a Boy Scout - hasn't thought past that yet.


Dh is an Eagle Scout and is an Asst. Scoutmaster for the Troop & Webelo leader.

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Our three oldest sons are Eagles and our youngest (13) is one badge away from Star....heading towards Eagle, too.

My dh has been to Sea Base twice with the boys- first time with just the oldest and the 2nd time with all three older boys. Just Loved It!! Can't wait to go back with our youngest.

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My ds 11 has been in Scouts for a little less than a year, and will have his Scoutmaster Conference for First Class at the end of the month. He's den chief for one of the Webelos dens. He's already earned over half of his merit badges for Eagle, and seems to be headed that way. Dh is an Eagle, so he's very conscious about not putting any pressure on him.

Dh is an ASM, and I share Advancement Chair responsibilities with a couple of other people.

My little guy is a Bear, moving up to Webelos soon.

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My twin sons are moving up to Webelos 2 after starting scouts in Webelos 1 this past year. They love it and I love that their pack/troop is heavy on dad involvment. We just had a family campout last weekend and their den chief,who is a Life scout, is an exceptional young man and I'm thrilled he is a role model for my boys. :thumbup1:

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My son is a Second Class scout. He is 12 years old. He has been in scouts since he was a Tiger Cub at 6 years old.


I would love for him to earn the Eagle award. But he's starting to get frustrated and is thinking of quitting scouts. His troop is very large, boy led, and not organized. Most of the meetings are chaotic and they rarely work on anything important like ranks or badges. We're moving out of state soon and I want him to try out a new troop there first before deciding to quit.


Also, ds has had a hard time with rank advancement because he is not a good swimmer. In fact, he's very nervous about the water. For second class, he had to swim 25 feet and it took him quite a while to work up the courage for that. For first class, he's got to do 75 yards and that seems almost impossible for him. Our finances are really tight, so I can't afford swim lessons fo rhim. So this is adding to his wanting to quit :(

Edited by charlotteb
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My son is a Second Class scout. He is 12 years old. He has been in scouts since he was a Tiger Cub at 6 years old.


I would love for him to earn the Eagle award. But he's starting to get frustrated and is thinking of quitting scouts. His troop is very large, boy led, and not organized. Most of the meetings are chaotic and they rarely work on anything important like ranks or badges. We're moving out of state soon and I want him to try out a new troop there first before deciding to quit.


Also, ds has had a hard time with rank advancement because he is not a good swimmer. In fact, he's very nervous about the water. For second class, he had to swim 25 feet and it took him quite a while to work up the courage for that. For first class, he's got to do 75 yards and that seems almost impossible for him. Our finances are really tight, so I can't afford swim lessons fo rhim. So this is adding to his wanting to quit :(


I hope he gives it a try in your new home.


I have always been lead to believe that the swimming is based on the scout's ability and they cannot be held back as a result of not being able to complete the task. We have a scout in our troop who has not earned the swimming merit badge and he is getting ready to sit for his Eagle. He worked on the Hiking merit badge instead of the swimming badge.

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Also, ds has had a hard time with rank advancement because he is not a good swimmer. In fact, he's very nervous about the water. For second class, he had to swim 25 feet and it took him quite a while to work up the courage for that. For first class, he's got to do 75 yards and that seems almost impossible for him. Our finances are really tight, so I can't afford swim lessons fo rhim. So this is adding to his wanting to quit :(


Have him work on it at summer camp. They will work with the boys who need it there. Our son wasn't ready for the Swimming Merit Badge so he went down during the free swim period every day, and they helped him with strategies to build up the stamina for a longer swim.

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Ds 13 and ds 12 are in their first year of scouts. It's a dying idea out here. Many of the groups have closed down in the last several years. Now they've turned one scout hall into a food bank and another local one is being torn down.


The guys like it, but we don't know if we'll go again next year or not.


BTW, I sent them this year so they'd get a chance to get to know some non Christian kids. Out of 7 kids, 3-4 of them are homeschooled and one more was homeschooled in past years. LOL. Two of thier leaders have come to our church lately for the first time. We'll see where that goes.

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I hope he gives it a try in your new home.


I have always been lead to believe that the swimming is based on the scout's ability and they cannot be held back as a result of not being able to complete the task. We have a scout in our troop who has not earned the swimming merit badge and he is getting ready to sit for his Eagle. He worked on the Hiking merit badge instead of the swimming badge.

Agreed with trying another troop. My brothers sometimes had to try several troops to find one that fit -- we were Navy and moved a lot, which didn't help.


As far as the swimming, there are clauses in the Scoutmaster manual about handling children who can't complete some of the physical requirements -- I believe it's up to the scoutmaster's discretion to declare a marked improvement -- even if it falls short -- good enough. For whatever reason, hiking is much more popular than swimming in ds's troop as the Eagle-required option. Ds went from a non-swimmer last Memorial day to getting the Swimming merit badge at summer camp at the end of June. I've found that summer camp is a huge help with some of these things. When looking for a new troop, ask about scholarships/payment plans for summer camp, as many troops have arrangements or connections to council programs that are designed to aid boys in tight financial circumstances.

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Ds16 is a Star Scout - just 1 merit badge and 3 months from Life Scout. He has been in since Tigers (age 7.) His waffles about his goal, but he does hope to achieve Eagle. The last merit badges he has left for Eagle are the ones he most needs for personal growth, and the ones he struggles with the most. If he earns others beyond that, they would just be for fun.


He went to Philmont last summer and was greatly changed by the experience. He loves camping and that is his main reason for being in scouting. He is more focused on academics now than any more high adventures (although I really wanted to chaperon the trip to SeaBase.)

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12yo ds - Currently Tenderfoot working on Second Class, patrol leader, Scout for almost 6 years, Arrow of Light. Goal is Eagle and Philmont (my dh did both.)


9yo - Working on Bear


7yo - Working on Tiger


My oldest ds did Scouts for 3 years - one as a Cub and 2 as a Boy Scout. He quit after that because his life revolves around basketball.

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Ds#2 - Board of Review away from Star Rank (he started scouts when he was over 15) He doesn't plan to Eagle - he's getting too busy with college classes, work, etc.

Ds#3 - Star Scout - he has all requirements for Life except time spent in Star (he delayed the BOR)

Ds#4 - Star Scout - waiting for BOR for Life

Edited by CynthiaOK
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Ds is 14 and working on Eagle. :001_smile: He just returned from an eight day bike trip with his troop, they rode the C&O Canal. I can't imagine him not being in scouts; he just loves it!

Edited by Dee22
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I love how many scouts are represented on WTM.


I am surprised at how many of your DHs were also scouts.


My DH was never in scouts. His parents were big into 4H and so that's what he did.


I had an uncle who was a scout in the 60's and 70's. My DS will be the first on either side of the family to be a Boy Scout (I had a nephew that went through Cubs and then dropped out) and become an Eagle Scout.

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Wow-what an awesome experience. Did his entire Troop go?


I believe there are 4 dads and 7 boys down there, so no, not the whole troop. There is a small, active core in our troop. These are the boys whose dads are involved.


The new scoutmaster has made great improvements in the structure and running of meetings. It used to be very chaotic, and the boys weren't really learning leadership skills, IMO. So much depends on the dads and other adults, even though the goal is to be boy-led.


As far as SeaBase, it sounds like a lovely, relaxing vacation. Not sure where the high adventure comes in. Dh is soaking up the sun and enjoying the break from his computer. Ds caught a 10.5lb kingfish for dinner Monday; they've snorkeled, kayaked, tootled around the Keys. Thrilled they're enjoying it, but wondering if Philmont would/will make ds dig deeper into himself to overcome a challenge.:001_smile:

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My ds12 has been in Scouts since he was a Tiger. He's getting his 1st class at the Court of Honor in 2 weeks. He plans on getting his Eagle rank along with at least one palm eventually. My dh has been involved the entire time as den leader, asst cubmaster, cubmaster, asst scoutmaster, and/or asst district commissioner. He's also working on starting a Venture crew for dd to join and has been a trainer for several things. I was advancements chair for cubs and am now a merit badge counselor and on the district committee.


My ds is on our council contingent for the National Jamboree in July and I will be on staff there too! Can't wait.

Edited by Krista in LA
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Ds is 14 and working on Eagle. :001_smile: !


I am so happy to read about younger boys reaching Eagle. In our Troop the norm is to complete Eagle right before the 18th birthday.


DS will be the youngest Scout to reach Life at such a young age (13yo) and begin progressing toward Eagle.



The same thing goes for earning Eagle Palms. Our Troop hasn't had a Scout earn a palm in years and years. Mostly because there is no time due to the procrastination in earning the Eagle. These boys are scrambling to sit their EBOR before their 18th birthdays.


DS would like to earn one of each Palm.


Do many Scouts in your Troops earn the Palms?

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I have an Eagle Scout (Eagled at 13) who just finished his Gold Palm. He has 74 merit badges and is going for them all. Our older boys are going to CA this summer to learn to Scuba dive and the younger boys will be at a camp north of Denver. And I just spent 4 hours on paperwork for all the charters, perm slips, photo releases, gun releases, Mesa Verde camping next week, etc. I'm Committee Chair and dh is an Assistant SM.



Congrats to your DS! Can you share what he does to earn all of those merit badges? Does he work independently with merit badge counselors? Do you find organizations offering merit badges? Does your council have an active merit badge counselor list? Does he attend merit badge universities?




Oh, I want to go to Mesa Verde. Every time you post about places in CO I become homesick.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

My son is about to begin with Boy Scouts! He didn't do Cub Scouts. He is extremely, incredibly excited. His older brother is beginning Civil Air Patrol at the same time.

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My son is about to begin with Boy Scouts! He didn't do Cub Scouts. He is extremely, incredibly excited. His older brother is beginning Civil Air Patrol at the same time.


Yeah! Welcome to the wonderful world of scouting!


Your DS (and the whole family) will have fun!


Yeah for Civil Air Patrol, too! I have heard many good things about CAP.

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I am so happy to read about younger boys reaching Eagle. In our Troop the norm is to complete Eagle right before the 18th birthday.


DS will be the youngest Scout to reach Life at such a young age (13yo) and begin progressing toward Eagle.



The same thing goes for earning Eagle Palms. Our Troop hasn't had a Scout earn a palm in years and years. Mostly because there is no time due to the procrastination in earning the Eagle. These boys are scrambling to sit their EBOR before their 18th birthdays.


DS would like to earn one of each Palm.


Do many Scouts in your Troops earn the Palms?

This is not the norm for my DS's troop. He is the youngest in a LONG time to be working on Eagle. The one boy they have working now is going to be 18 late this summer and still fundraising! He has been Life for 4 years. Unless someone really pushes they just procrastinate. My DS son should easily earn 3-4 palms before he is done.

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dh was a cub / scout / venturer years ago in the SeaScout group my dc attend. One of our current scout leaders was in scouts the same time as dh.


Dd was a Brownie / Girl Guide ages 7-12 & earned her Guides Aotearoa award (top award for guides) She joined Venturer Scouts at age 13 & has been a very active member both of our SeaScout group & the combined Venturer group in town. Dd has attended the Scout Canoe School, Scout MountainCraft School, & many, many regattas. She has been a rep to the regional Venturer council & is currently secretary on the national Venturer council. Dd has earned her Bronze Venturer Award, Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, & Silver DoE Award. She is very close to completing her Silver & Gold Venturer Awards, Gold DoE Award, & Queen's Scout Award.


Ds#1 has been in scouting since he was almost 6yo. He has been a Kea, Cub, Scout, & is currently a Venturer. He attended the Scout Canoe School this past January, as well as many regattas. He has completed his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award & is currently working on his Silver DoE. Ds#1 is taking a more jr. leader path through Venturers, rather than joining up with the combined venturer group in town.


Ds#2 has been in scouting since before he was 6yo. He has been a Kea, Cub, & is currently a patrol leader in Scouts. He has competed at our regional SeaScout regattas since he was 7yo, as the rest of the family was there anyway.


I have been a leader for 6+ years. I hold the WoodBeads rank as a leader. I was a Kea Leader for most of that time, but have just moved up to be the Venturer Leader. Dh is an associate leader in Scouts. Our group is a Sea Scout group & holds Naval Recognition. Even though we are a small group by national standards & from outside the main centres, we compete very well against groups much bigger & better equiped than us. Scouting has been a great thing for our dc & plays a big part in the day to day happenings in our family.



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