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Do you feel it's FAIR to bump your FOR SALE posts ?

Is it fair to bump your older post in the FOR SALE forum?  

  1. 1. Is it fair to bump your older post in the FOR SALE forum?

    • Fair
    • Unfair
    • Not sure

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I see a lot of bumping in the for sale forum .

Let's talk : fair or unfair ?


I bump when I haven't been back for a couple of weeks or more. Why start a brand new post when there's one already there that I can just update? I can see how it would be annoying if the bumping happens hourly/daily. Does that happen?

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I bump when I haven't been back for a couple of weeks or more. Why start a brand new post when there's one already there that I can just update? I can see how it would be annoying if the bumping happens hourly/daily. Does that happen?


Yes, and that's why I voted "unsure" (there was no "other" :001_smile:). I bump to update, and I bump MAYBE once a month, but there are people who bump every day and who split their posts out so much that it takes the whole first page. I don't think that's fair. FS posts should be condensed into one or two posts. Otherwise, that board gets so bogged down, you have a hard time searching through it.




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What would be UNfair about it?

Everyone (with at least 50 posts) has the same opportunity to post items for sale and the same ability to bump them if they move to a second or third page.

I don't understand where the lack of fairness comes in.

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What would be UNfair about it?

Everyone (with at least 50 posts) has the same opportunity to post items for sale and the same ability to bump them if they move to a second or third page.

I don't understand where the lack of fairness comes in.


Because it buries all the other posts. If no one "bumped" for the sake of bumping, then it would be so much easier to search. But, like nestof3 pointed out, because people don't update their posts when they're sold, you have no way of knowing what's sold and what's not UNLESS you stick to the front page of the FS board. I think that's why I get all my sales at homeschoolclassifieds. I post one time and I don't have to keep up with it. When it's sold, I pull it off. If people quit bumping every day, posts wouldn't get as buried.


It's funny that I'm the minority on this:lol: FWIW I hold no ill will towards those of you that bump. I just hate searching through pages and pages of FS curriculum because things get buried and the front page FS posts aren't really "new." Maybe what we really need is to be able to delete the posts that are done, sold, finito!




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Because it buries all the other posts. If no one "bumped" for the sake of bumping, then it would be so much easier to search. But, like nestof3 pointed out, because people don't update their posts when they're sold, you have no way of knowing what's sold and what's not UNLESS you stick to the front page of the FS board. I think that's why I get all my sales at homeschoolclassifieds. I post one time and I don't have to keep up with it. When it's sold, I pull it off. If people quit bumping every day, posts wouldn't get as buried.


It's funny that I'm the minority on this:lol: FWIW I hold no ill will towards those of you that bump. I just hate searching through pages and pages of FS curriculum because things get buried and the front page FS posts aren't really "new." Maybe what we really need is to be able to delete the posts that are done, sold, finito!





Feel the same way too :001_smile:


However , once every few days , it's ok or to update your list

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I think once a day is appropriate. I think there's some supply and demand - some ladies sell to supplement income (or need some quick cash) and others are looking to buy. I think it's great to help one another in this community. So - once a day - great. More than that is annoying/pushy.

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The bumping doesn't bother me either really. I don't often spend much time inthe swap area and then I use the search feature mostly. As far as people spreading out their lists, I actually like that more. I prefer to see FS: BJU or For Sale: Science instead of FS: Long list. Too many times I have opened that long list to find it was all A beka that I don't use or all high school or all social studies when I was wanting science.... It was a total waste of time.

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Looks likes I'm with the majority here. Once a day bumping seems acceptable and considerate. However bumping more than once a day seems too much of annoyance.


I personally like to see the bumping because likes others said it's allowing me to know whats still for sale and whats not.

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I think it's fine to bump, but I noticed a few weeks ago when I was trying to sell some stuff that a few people pretty much dominated the front page. Each one would bump all of her posts at once, so if you were unlucky enough to have posted right before the big bump, it was page 2 for you very, very quickly. Slightly annoying, but I suppose I could have bumped myself up again if it was that important to me (it wasn't).


What do you think about someone bumping up the same stuff every day for weeks? For some reason it cracks me up if I see the same post day after day after day, with no change but a new :auto: or :lurk5: at the bottom. It got to the point where I'd look just to see if they'd finally gotten a response. :tongue_smilie:

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I think it's fine once a day or once every few days. The thing I don't get is why their are for sale posts on the "Sale or Swap" Main page instead of posted in the

For Sale sub-board. When I check the Swap for something to buy I usually go right to the "For Sale" sub-board. I only check the main Sale or Swap board for updates on using paypal or things of that nature.

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I think it's fine--within reason. IMO even daily is a bit much.


I also hate it when someone lists things in a dozen separate posts. It seems logical to group like things together (by grade, subject or whatever) in a few posts if you really have a LOT of items (rather than one BIG post which no one ever reads). You do not, however, need a separate post for every book. Try to find a middle ground.

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Know what I'd like to see? I'd like a sale/swap board for upper level materials. It requires a LOT of wading through phonics, spelling, manipulatives, etc. to finally find something for high school. Or maybe folks could put some identifying feature in their title so that one can easily find the upper level stuff. Maybe a special icon on the side - maybe something like this:willy_nilly: ?


Oh, I'm with the "fine with bumping" group. I am a bumper, myself.:D

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Know what I'd like to see? I'd like a sale/swap board for upper level materials. It requires a LOT of wading through phonics, spelling, manipulatives, etc. to finally find something for high school. Or maybe folks could put some identifying feature in their title so that one can easily find the upper level stuff. Maybe a special icon on the side - maybe something like this:willy_nilly: ?


The curriculum boards in general have threads that are pushed down pretty fast too. I wish both curriculum boards and the for sale boards were split up by subject.


On a soap board I used to be on (bath products, not soap operas) they had a forum for threads on other companies. So, there was a Sephora thread, a Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab thread, etc. There was only allowed to be one thread per company and they were stickied by a moderator for that forum.


If I ran these forums (:D) I would make a high school curriculum thread with threads for Sonlight, Teaching Textbooks, IEW and so forth. Then, people wouldn't have to type the same things about what they like or do not like about a particular program over and over and over.


I think the rule in the for sale forum should be one post per person and you just update it as necessary, depending upon what you have for swap or sell.

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The curriculum boards in general have threads that are pushed down pretty fast too. I wish both curriculum boards and the for sale boards were split up by subject.


On a soap board I used to be on (bath products, not soap operas) they had a forum for threads on other companies. So, there was a Sephora thread, a Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab thread, etc. There was only allowed to be one thread per company and they were stickied by a moderator for that forum.


If I ran these forums (:D) I would make a high school curriculum thread with threads for Sonlight, Teaching Textbooks, IEW and so forth. Then, people wouldn't have to type the same things about what they like or do not like about a particular program over and over and over.


I think the rule in the for sale forum should be one post per person and you just update it as necessary, depending upon what you have for swap or sell.




I like the idea of a separate section for each subject:





High School



That would really help!

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I think bumping 1x/day is fine for the first week, then 1x/week for another month, then probably 1x/month until it sells.


I would love to see the for sale board broken up into K-8 and high school. The K-8 could be broken down into LA, math, science, history, general. I don't think a high school level board would have to be broken down any further because there aren't as many high school posts.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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  • 2 weeks later...
The curriculum boards in general have threads that are pushed down pretty fast too. I wish both curriculum boards and the for sale boards were split up by subject.


On a soap board I used to be on (bath products, not soap operas) they had a forum for threads on other companies. So, there was a Sephora thread, a Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab thread, etc. There was only allowed to be one thread per company and they were stickied by a moderator for that forum.


If I ran these forums (:D) I would make a high school curriculum thread with threads for Sonlight, Teaching Textbooks, IEW and so forth. Then, people wouldn't have to type the same things about what they like or do not like about a particular program over and over and over.


I think the rule in the for sale forum should be one post per person and you just update it as necessary, depending upon what you have for swap or sell.


I like your thinking!:001_smile:

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Maybe once a week, but not daily. I wish we could edit posts on the for sale board indefidently, because once that feature is gone, the only way to update is to reply, which bumps your thread up and it may be an old thread, but one you've been getting pm's about.
I agree with this! I'm not sure why that feature is taken away? :confused:


Bumping doesn't bother me 1X a day or less.


If stuff is still not sold, why not bump it? :001_huh: I've had people see my post and THANK me for bumping it because they hadn't seen it before, even though it'd been up for awhile. So maybe I'm one that ya'll are annoyed with, though I've NEVER bumped more than once a day.....


I've never even thought of bumping as a problem, and if I REALLY want to find something, I use the search feature. Bumping lets people know it's still available.


Oh, and I also wish we could delete the threads once things have sold! I always try to markk mine when they're pending, or after they're sold so bpeople know. I see many others that do that too. It's just a courtesy to let people know, so it doesn't waste their time or yours asking about something that's already sold! :001_smile:

Edited by Brindee
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I am reviving this thread in the hopes that maybe someone will see it and figure out that having to BUMP a FS ad ten times just maybe, might possibly, perhaps mean that no one wants your stuff!!! :rant:


Gee whiz! There seems to be a couple of folks that have, like, 10 ads (all their stuff listed separately), and they bump them three or four times a day. I understand a couple of bumps, but get a clue!


I agree -- some people really need to get a clue in this department. It's not just in the for sale forum either. I just had to finally put someone on ignore status because her serial bumping is immensely annoying.

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I am reviving this thread in the hopes that maybe someone will see it and figure out that having to BUMP a FS ad ten times just maybe, might possibly, perhaps mean that no one wants your stuff!!! :rant:


Gee whiz! There seems to be a couple of folks that have, like, 10 ads (all their stuff listed separately), and they bump them three or four times a day. I understand a couple of bumps, but get a clue!




I agree -- some people really need to get a clue in this department. It's not just in the for sale forum either. I just had to finally put someone on ignore status because her serial bumping is immensely annoying.



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I just want to say that I've bought some nice stuff over a month after it was posted. I did have to contact a couple of sellers to see if their stuff was still available (that's my beef- people not marking stuff sold!) but I did find stuff that had not sold. Some of the curriculum I buy are not super popular so I have to search a bit to find them. I do use the search function though and then look at the dates (I don't go back much farther than a month).

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I feel that if something hasn't had any "bites" in a week, it's donation time.
A week doesn't seem long enough. I have had things sell in minutes, and other things sell a month or so later. People sometimes don't get on more than a time or two a month.


I just want to say that I've bought some nice stuff over a month after it was posted. I did have to contact a couple of sellers to see if their stuff was still available (that's my beef- people not marking stuff sold!) but I did find stuff that had not sold. Some of the curriculum I buy are not super popular so I have to search a bit to find them. I do use the search function though and then look at the dates (I don't go back much farther than a month).


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  • 2 weeks later...
Once a day, fine, but once (or more) an hour? Seriously? Thats way over doing it!
:iagree: I put some stuff up for sale 4 hours ago. My stuff is now on page 4. Why? Because someone else has a few things they've listed and have bumped it 3 or 4 times in that 4 hours!


Nothing personal, but that is JUST TOO MUCH! If everyone bumped once a day or less, it'd be much, much easier on everyone!


Some people have said they're putting excessive bumpers on ignore. I have never put someone on ignore. Does that make you not see the messages?

Edited by Brindee
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Just by the post count (over 1,000), 99% of which are on the FS/WTB forums, I imagine this person is a dealer. Yes, irritating. Don't worry, someone gave her the heads up that she's being annoying.


Woot hoot! Finally someone had the guts to say straight out what I've been thinking for weeks! Now I can watch the FS board again without irritating my TMJ. :lol:

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