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Snowpocalypse Check-in! How goes it for YOU?

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Nothing here until around noonish, they say. Fairfax cancelled school last night! Ds is going to the movies at 10 am--I told him to be back by 1. Dh went shopping last night--shelves were pretty bare (keep in mind this is a BIG suburban area), with no milk except skim.

We have a big SB party on Sunday, but it may be cancelled.:crying:

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We have ice and sleet here in the mountains of WNC. We have a gymnastics meet at Clemson today - a 2 1/2 hour drive this afternoon. I'm not looking forward to traveling in this. We had planned to come home after the meet, but may have to stay over, as they are saying ice/snow tonight. The schools here are closed AGAIN, and they have had so many missed days due to weather that the poor ps kids are going to have to shorten their spring break.


We are having a Super Bowl party on Sunday. I hope it has cleared enough that everyone can get here.

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My oldest daughter is at a local private school. They received a call from the police department yesterday MANDATING that they close today. Our 2nd dd is at the local community college and it's shut down as well. They're telling people to get home and not go ANYWHERE. People around here are expecting records to be set.


Right now, I'm giving my dogs run-around time now. Last time that it was so deep they came in covered in snowballs and we had to wait for them to partially melt before we could get them off. We're getting mega loads of laundry done so that we have clothes in case we lose power. Kids are running down to the creek now to rescue abandoned sleds since they will quickly get buried. The pots on the deck collecting snow for snow cream. Dh is out at a men's Bible study right now, but we'll stop by the store to pick up eggs on the way home. Kroger was completely out yesterday afternoon.


Anyone else?

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Nothing here yet! I'm outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia. My husband has left in search of propane. Wish him luck! :lol:


My little one's elementary school is closed today and the community college where my oldest attends has already closed through Sunday.


Our latest weather prediction is 16 to 24 inches (and we have several inches on the ground already from the last storm!)


But we went to the grocery store on Wednesday and stocked the pantry and bought a few videos to watch.


Will be rooting for the Saints on Sunday!!! :party:




EDITED TO ADD -- Spoke too soon! It's snowing outside at 9:30am!! Here it comes, folks! :D

Edited by hsmamainva
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UUUUUGH! I have to go to the grocery store this morning! I'm sure it will be packed with people trying to bread up before the big storm...


I'm getting tired of all this thinking ahead! I'm the kind of person that just goes along until the bread runs out and THEN goes to the store. I don't know why I'm always surprised when I open the bread bag and it's gone;) In any event, this type of inadequacy doesn't work for snowy winters, LOL.

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The snow is coming down (slowly) here in central VA. I haven't been outside, but with the temperatures last night, there very well may be an icy mess under the snow. The only way out of our neighborhood is up a hill that pretty much never gets plowed and is nearly impossible to get up with snow/ice on it, so I'm guessing we won't be going anywhere until at least Tuesday. For the second weekend in a row. :bored: Thankfully, DH can work at home for a few days without much issue.


The kids here didn't have school all week, and I'm doubtful about Monday.

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We are in Chantilly on ROute 50 just at the route 28 entrance ramp (and they ask people in NJ WHAT exit they live at!!!!!!!!!) -- at the hotel as that seemed to be the place to ride this out as our house in not quite 100% yet......................



Anyway, it just started to snow.free_3567864.jpg

Edited by MariannNOVA
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It started snowing at exactly 10am on the nose. Wal-Mart and Giant were both complete madhouses yesterday afternoon. I'm sure glad I went then, though, because they are reporting that the shelves have been wiped clean everywhere. We were due for a regular major grocery shopping trip so I really had to go, snow or not.


Ds13 is going out now to refill the bird feeders now.


I wish my dh could work from home but that's not really doable seeing how he's a letter carrier.:D They will still expect him to show up tomorrow as well and it is a 45 mile drive. Ugh.

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We are having snow here already. It isn't sticking yet. Unfortunately youngest woke up with a very bad cough and a bad sore throat so it will be off to the Pediatrician's later this morning. If there wasn't a bad snow coming, I would be inclined to wait a while. BUt not with this forecast. I hope the doctor will prescribe in advance if needed and tell me when to give. Like if they think she doesn't need antibiotics at this point but may have to have them if x, y, or z develops, I want the script now and fill it now while I can still move around. SHe has a tendency to develop asthma from repiratory infections which is a big reason I am not waiting.

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We are having snow here already. It isn't sticking yet. Unfortunately youngest woke up with a very bad cough and a bad sore throat so it will be off to the Pediatrician's later this morning. If there wasn't a bad snow coming, I would be inclined to wait a while. BUt not with this forecast. I hope the doctor will prescribe in advance if needed and tell me when to give. Like if they think she doesn't need antibiotics at this point but may have to have them if x, y, or z develops, I want the script now and fill it now while I can still move around. SHe has a tendency to develop asthma from repiratory infections which is a big reason I am not waiting.


Timing is everything, isn't it? Praying for you.


My ds9 has the same tendency and last night I heard him with 'that' cough - and I asked him if he was okay and he replied (b/c he knows what I'm concerned about) 'i'm okay, there's something stuck in my throat.' But, my mind was working pretty much the way you described above -- snow coming, peds office if necessary, mut get what we need in advance in case we cannot get out in 24 hours.


Hope your dd is on the mend quickly!

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Started snowing here while I was in the shower.

Ds is at the movies--just informs me he will need a right home in 2.5 hours:glare: That wasn't the deal...oh well--maybe dh can get him using my other son's Jeep. (Although it isn't supposed to get windy/blizzardy and slippery until 3 or 4.)

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I'm near Winchester. It has been snowing for about an hour. It didn't really start with flurries. It just started full throttle. It started sticking from the get go. We have at least half an inch.
Yeah, we're also near Winchester and it started about 9:00 AM. It's coming down very steadily now. The kids are out in it. Only one injury, so far! :tongue_smilie:


MomsintheGarden went out and got 6 more gallons of milk at Aldi last night (still $1.99 for whole milk!) and we went out this morning to purchase a kit to wire our generator into the house and some gasoline for it. We bought a nice generator about a year ago, but I've never done the electrical work to be able to hook it up. I figure if we get snowed in and lose power, I might be motivated to do that! ;)


We also have plenty of wood pellets, propane and food, so we should be in good shape!

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We are getting heavy snow here in the plains, but it's only *supposed* to amount to 2-4". We'll be above that if this keeps going for another half hour.


But I heard you nor'east-coasters were going to get 2 FEET!!!! My goodness, I feel like breaking out The Long Winter and reading it aloud again, as it feels to me like winter will never end.

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I'm fully expecting her to *love, love, love* the campus snow-ball fight they are expecting to have, but we are concerned about her ability to come home tomorrow if the airport is snowed in... They might end up taking care of her for another day...


(I had been praying that it would be *really* cold, so she'd get a true taste of what living there would be like! :) Didn't specifically pray for snow, but God is good!!!!)

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In Fairfax it started snowing around 9:30. I'm so glad dh will be home in a few minutes - I was worried they wouldn't close his office soon enough. I took the kids and stocked up on food yesterday morning. Nearly every register was opened, but it was not to bad then. We'll be fine as long as we don't loose power. We're on a main road, so hopefully it won't happen.


Thanks for the reminder about the snow ice cream - I need to go set my big bowl outside soon!

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A happy thing--Ds20 at VCU is coming home for the weekend! He actually has a Saturday class, but a friend offered him a ride and...I confess, I probably swayed him!

I was missing him so much this week--he's also a huge Lost Fan and I was just in tears this week, missing my son. He wasn't planning on coming home until Spring Break.

God is good! :D

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My SIL just left Harris Teeter (she lives in Loudoun County, Virginia .. South Riding area).


No milk...no bread...no orange juice.


My hubby was at the Super Walmart in Fredericksburg, Virginia this morning and said the meat section was sold out. Completely.




We've had steady light snow for about 3 1/2 hours so far, but really no accumulation yet to speak of...

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It started to stick here at about 4pm and most of the day until then the snow was falling straight down. For the past 5 hours though, with the wind, it is blowing horizontally. I have not seen a storm blow like this since I was in NJ in 1995. We are a hair away from being in the blizzard area according to the Fox 5 weather map.


We are still at the hotel (having been approved to be here till next Sunday) and we have heat and electricity -- hoping that others do as well.

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Stay safe. Good thing I put those tank-tracks on the Hummer. You should get a bit more traction :D if you have to venture out. But I'd suggest you stay inside where it's warm and dry.
And, DH was so happy that you did that as he went to his office this a.m. and to the grocery store on his way back here to the hotel --and he didn't skid once! You're the best!:D


We're thinking about all of you out there in the storm and pray you'll be safe and warm.


I know that you mean everyone here on the board -- thanks from me -- I thought of you and the calves last week during your ice storm. Do you want the Prada bag for the calf flakes? Let me know!

bluefly_green_copy.jpg I've switched to a darker color so I can stand out in the snow!:D

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I. Am. So. Sick. Of. Snow.


We ran errands up in Roanoke yesterday, and it was nuts. There were lines three cars deep at the gas station--as if people thought they'd actually be getting somewhere this weekend. The grocery store was like Christmas Eve, shelves empty, people everywhere, lines into the aisles. The employees were great, though, which had people moving and customers in a generally happy mood.


I woke up to several inches of snow this a.m., this is on top of the 7-8" still on the ground from last week. It snowed heavily all day. As I understand it, our county administrator has never called a snow day in the 8 years or so he's been here, but he called one today. We had a brief period of rain in the late afternoon, and several times this evening, we had ice pellets hitting the house.


While our average annual snowfall is 19", as of today, we've had well over 36". We've had more snow than Minneapolis, Cleveland and Green Bay. This is southern Virginia!! My only consolation is that I'm from Denver--which has had over 40" of snow so far.


What's Al Gore's number? I want global warming back.

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Praise God, we aren't getting hit with this one. We still have snow and ice on the ground, but our weatherman called it right...it hit just above us in VA and NC. I hope everyone stays safe and keeps electricity and heat!


That said, come tomorrow, we are back to having flurries and 1-3 inches of snow. Tuesday-next Saturday, it is supposed to snow off and on all week here. We can't catch a break. The ps kids in our town havebeen back to school for a total of about 2 weeks on and off since the 19th of December!! Unfortunately, when it snows here, it isn't even kind of okay. The road crews do a great job of taking care of the main roads, but the secondary roads are BAD. Snow and curvy - sloping mountain roads just do not mix.

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We have about 7 inches here on the ground outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia, but we're getting a mix of snow and sleet at the moment.


Our total expected amount has been lowered to 12-18 inches, but my two SILs who live in Loudoun County are expecting 36-40 inches!!!


We have power and heat, though!! I hope it lasts through the night at least!

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I finished shoveling 8 inches of snow off the driveway about 8:00 PM last night. This morning, we measured 18 inches more on the driveway, so we are over two feet at this point and it is still coming down rapidly. Of course our measurement is low because we did not measure and clear every six hours per the official procedure, which prevents compaction. The snow depth is VERY uneven. Right in front of our door it is over 32 inches deep, but other places it may only be about 18 inches.


I HAD to go out because the satellite dish that provides internet access was covered. :D Unfortunately, it is not near any doors. I found I had to shovel about 18" or so of snow before each footstep to keep the snow from going into my 16" boots. While I was out there, I cleared snow from around three doors and the garage door, cleared off the heat pump and checked the area around the dryer vent.

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We're in Loudoun (eastern Loudoun, though), and we've got almost 20 inches so far. It's still snowing, although it's the small flakes. Still, it just doesn't stop! I need to get out and shovel the driveway again! At least our power is still on . . . although it's been flickering. I had thought I would put a roast in the crockpot, but I'm not going to risk that. We'll have a stir-fry if the power is still on at dinnertime!

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