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What kind of dog is this?

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Updated with more photos.....


Today, we took in a very malnourished stray dog. I am very curious to know what kind of dog it is - this will effect whether or not she stays long term too. For now, we are helping her just become healthy.


I can't get a photo of her standing - she just wants to lay down and rest. She won't come out of the crate at all right now. So this is as good as it gets.


She looks like a goat. She's all skin and bones. Her bones are showing completely. So it's hard to tell if it's just because she's thin that she looks like a lean breed. She has very long legs compared to her body. Her neck is long and narrow. Her tail is long and thin but has clearly sustained some past injury. She favors the dead cockroach position - laying on her back with legs sticking up. Although, right now she's staying tightly curled up to stay warm. But whenever she's out of the crate she's rolling over on her back.


Any ideas...








We went out and I got a few shots of her standing up - here's one getting a head scratch



And this one shows how thin she is although it makes her look bigger than she is.


Edited by Steph
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We will take her to the vet - dh says just wait the vet will tell us. But I am wondering - trying not to get attached if she's a breed we can't keep.


She looks sweet enough. Do you have any idea how old she might be? She looks pretty young from the pics. Have you heard her bark? That will aid a bit in determining what her dominant breed is.

Those spots scream pointer, though (or dalmation, but she looks tiny...)

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Oh and we are feeding her carefully - that's why I put her in the crate in the first place. I couldn't keep her from trying to eat everything she could find. And now she's loving being in there - her own little save haven among the kids and animals who already live here.

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No, she hasn't barked. She has only sighed contentedly quite a few times. No whines, no whimpers, no howling. She is very gentle, very sweet and very submissive. She is terrified. Poor thing. I took her outside to potty and ran and hid under a bush. I practically had to drag her out - she was on a lead.


She goes upstairs but she's afraid to come down.


She still has puppy teeth, and she has pretty big paws which makes me nervous. She is very small.

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She looks exactly like the German Shorthair we just rescued AND very much like our border collie mix. If so, you could have the best dog ever. Our border collie mix is absolutely the best dog I have ever had (and I have never been without a dog in my 46 years). Anything with border collie is good: obedient, loyal, good with kids and protective enough.


Bless you for rescuing her...I think they know when they've been saved...:001_smile:

Edited by Debbie in OR
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Just wanted to agree with the border collie mix from pp! We have one and she is the most amazing, gentle - lazy, calm dog ever!!!


This one looks more like our other dog - she's a major mix of beagle, probably some pointer, australian shepherd and her rabies cert. said catahoula!! She's great too, but much more busy!


Good luck - looks like you saved her in the nick of time!! Poor thing!

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I added some photos to the original post.


The kids have named her..sigh...they are calling her Pepper.


Dh says she's not staying long term - she's staying until she's strong and healthy. Dh says we can't keep her and not to get attached... :tongue_smilie:

Silly man - our kids and a puppy - yeah don't get attached. But it will be good for dd (12) who wants to be vet.


So if you know anyone who is looking for an adorable sweet female dog...

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I'd say you're looking at an English Pointer.


There's a chance she's a an emaciated field English Setter (not bench - those are hairy). Field ES's can have very little coat but from the shape of head I think you're looking at an English Pointer & she may well be purebred. You'd not believe how many pb dogs come up as stray/abandoned. When she's filled out & grown a decent coat, & when you see her move in a field, it will be easier to say what she is. Setters point too though so don't let that confuse you :)


I have a field English Setter & a keen interest in gun dogs. When black & white setters are adopted out of the rescue the joke is that the should come with a t-shirt for the adopter which says 'No, it's not a dalmatian!'

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Well, I am from Alabama, and around there (I'm not there any more), we'd have called her a "bird dog." Pointers, setters and mixes thereof, are all bird dogs.


My family took in a stray Irish setter once. While she was the sweetest dog ever, she didn't have the IQ of a turnip, but even she she would point. We were never quite sure what she was pointing, but once in a while she would throw out a beautiful point for our viewing pleasure. So when this one is up and about more, perhaps she will honor you as well.


Our sweet, dumb Irish setter grew into the most loyal family dog. We always thought she was grateful to have been given a home. I hope your Pepper will do the same.



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My first thought was the eyes looked like border collie, but then I saw the pics of her standing her head looks like a hound. I'd say judge her on her temperament when deciding whether to keep her. Hounds are runners, but she seems so timid that I doubt she'd run away from a good home. She was probably abused, poor thing!

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Awww....poor baby! Thank you for taking her in!


Well, she doesn't appear to have long enough flews (lips) for an English Pointer. My guess would be German Shorthair, though black and white GSP's are few and far between, and are almost always German imports. Black and white GSP's are disqualified according to the breed standard. I can't tell; is her tail docked? In the USA, GSP's have tails docked to about 4 inches. It's not legal in Europe, so that would lend credence to the import theory.


English pointers have tails, though, and can be black and white. Her head isn't quite right for that, though...although the poor baby is so malnourished that it's hard to get a good idea of the shape of her stop and occiput.


Give that sweet thing a gentle hug from me!



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Awww....poor baby! Thank you for taking her in!


Well, she doesn't appear to have long enough flews (lips) for an English Pointer. My guess would be German Shorthair, though black and white GSP's are few and far between, and are almost always German imports. Black and white GSP's are disqualified according to the breed standard. I can't tell; is her tail docked? In the USA, GSP's have tails docked to about 4 inches. It's not legal in Europe, so that would lend credence to the import theory.


English pointers have tails, though, and can be black and white. Her head isn't quite right for that, though...although the poor baby is so malnourished that it's hard to get a good idea of the shape of her stop and occiput.


Give that sweet thing a gentle hug from me!





This is exactly our German Shorthair...black and white with a spade make around her hiney and tail (4 inches.). My dd saw the picture of your rescue and said "What's Zip (our GSH) doing on there?" :001_smile: (Although her face looks more like our border collie...)

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Well, she doesn't appear to have long enough flews (lips) for an English Pointer. My guess would be German Shorthair, though black and white GSP's are few and far between, and are almost always German imports. Black and white GSP's are disqualified according to the breed standard. I can't tell; is her tail docked? In the USA, GSP's have tails docked to about 4 inches. It's not legal in Europe, so that would lend credence to the import theory.


English pointers have tails, though, and can be black and white. Her head isn't quite right for that, though...although the poor baby is so malnourished that it's hard to get a good idea of the shape of her stop and occiput.


Give that sweet thing a gentle hug from me!




Her tail isn't docked. Interesting. We are very curious as to where she is from.


She has a weird head - it really really looks like a goat's head. She looks a lot like a goat. It could be because she is so emaciated. It's bad - the photos don't do it justice. I have never seen such a thin dog. (It really makes our other dog look fat!) It will be interesting to what her head looks like with some meat on her.


She is quite relaxed. She was very very nervous yesterday. And that is all gone today. She loves the kids. And doing really well - she stole my lunch today. sigh. She like tuna. (So do I!) :tongue_smilie:


She is sleeping 90% of the time - she sleeps with her eyes open. It's creepy. She only gets up to every few hours to eat, drink, potty and get a belly rub. Then it's back to bed.


She woke us up whining this morning to go out - still no barking.


We have some concerns - I will post about those later though.

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Once you've taken her to the vet, perhaps she was just lost and has a chip they can find? Also, aren't there different kinds of chips, so you can see if you take her to a couple of different spots, perhaps a better chance? Our vet is a spot you can just walk in and they'll check for you.. and perhaps the Humane Society would check for you??



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