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-Van Halen band in their tour bus. Not telling you anyting because I was 15

-toured for a short time with David Allen Coe

-Took care of Bruce Springsteen after a concert when he had a virus (gave him asprin and cokes)

-sat outside hotel room with sax player for Springsteen same night and discussed his kids and Bruce's

- had dinner with Walter Cronkite

-met Rod Stewart

-was on Home Made Simple episode

- argued with mulitple Senators and Representatives (does that count?)

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This has been a fun thread to read! (Especially since I have to take a 'sick' day today - woke up with the crud. Bleah.)


As I began reading, I was also thinking that I could only mention one 'encounter', but as I kept reading, I kept remembering more! LOL So....


Here they are:


*ME! :) My husband and I were extras in the movie "Prefontaine."

I didn't think much of the movie after I saw it BUT if you want to

see us, we're in the stands during the funeral scene.


*In high school, Mom took me to see a David Copperfield (magician) show. Afterwards, we stood in line so I could get his autograph. We couldn't really afford to buy any of the memorabilia to get signed so he looked at me kinda weird when I handed him a piece of paper to autograph.


*80's Christian singer Randy Stonehill, before he was well known he was friends with my Youth Director and came to sing at our church.


*I lived down the street from where a movie was being filmed in AZ in 1995 (don't remember which movie, though!)


*My dh and I went to a Casting Call for Tin Cup. He was called back and invited to be an extra. He turned them down because he was still in the military but would not tell them I was available, even though I kept telling him to do so! :glare:


*In my adult life, I've met several Christian comedians:

Kenn Kington

Ken Kaz

Tim Hawkins

Bob Smiley

Chonda Pierce


I can actually truly claim having a friendship with Kenn and Bob. Chonda I have met twice and the second time I met her, she remembered who I was!


I also know a couple of published authors:

Collen Sugden Hatchet Man

Les Brierfield The Brodick Follies

Donna Otto The Stay-at-Home Mom

Get More Done in Less Time

and several other books!



As to knowing someone who knows someone :D my sister knows Rick Schroeder's aunt (they were in the same Bible study).


That's all I can think of...for now!

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Ok, I missed a very important one... I had Economics class in High School with 2 of background dancers in Vanilla Ice's video Ice, Ice Baby.... yes, I know you are all very jealous! In fact, Vanilla Ice himself attended my highschool while I was there but then transferred to the one down the street.

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Let's see...


my best friend went to high school with Color Me Badd


I saw Michael Emerson (Ben from Lost) in Whole Foods


last year we washed the U of H football coach's car at a unit car-wash (he donated $500)


I've met several politicians and generals (and their wives)


I've been to lectures/readings featuring Al Gore, Allen Ginsberg and others


We saw the Runway guy from Oklahoma in Target


We've seen Bart Conner and Nadia Comaneci several times


My husband met Tom Hanks at a military museum in Normandy. He was there researching Saving Private Ryan but was filming Castaway at the time and had the big beard and everything. My husband has photos with many celebrities from various USO tours overseas.

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Mine's totally lame. I worked at a summer camp with one of the contestants (the winner, actually) on one of those Bachelor shows. It was on a couple years ago. The one where the guys wore the masks.


Oh, and I forgot... this is a local celebrity, but I went out on one date once with a local television weather man, back when he was just a night dj at a lame radio station. He was a very nice guy, just no chemistry.

Edited by KrissiK
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I worked in theatre and films in Hollywood from 1975 till 1980 and met quite a few actors. One of my favorite was when I was working in a theatre complex (for plays not movies) that was used as rehearsal space for several plays. I went to the bathroom and Debbie Reynolds (she was working on Annie Get Your Gun and was in leotards and tights and in flat shoes. We were both staanding in front of the movie fixing our hair and talking and she is shorter than me and I am only 5'1. I think that she always has claimed to be taller, but she is NOT. She was very nice. Also in that same theatre, one day an actress in our show (nobody famous) was late coming to rehearsal and running down the hall and completely knocked over someone. She helped him up and it was Richard Chamberlain.


Also about 20 years ago, I was technical director at one of the casinos in Atlantic City and met Joe Namath and also met Mickey Mantle a couple of times, that was pretty exciting. I had to supervise fixing the big screen tv in Mickey's room while he was playing poker with his friends and then he came backstage for a show that I was working on.


Oh, another one, while in an airport I saw the actor that played Jeremy Hunter in All My Children (this was quite a long time ago). Talked to him and had him sign the front page of the HUGE novel that I was reading.


Dh met Paris Hilton playing poker one night, said that she is not that pretty. And my son, when he was about 9 met Miley Cryus, she was in her limo and my very outgoing son went over and taliked to her and her friends awhile. And what is funny, is that she took his picture (he is quite a cute little boy). SHe gave him her autograph.

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Johnny Depp - on several occasions. Before he was famous, he was in a band called The Kids. He used to hang around at the radio station (it was called K-102) I worked at trying to get his single aired. He would beg my mother (who was the general manager) but she had no control and the program director would have no part of it because he wasn't represented by a label. But, my mom loved him - thought he was a great kid and let him hang around the station as much as he wanted which was often.


One thing I will never forget that he said to my mother was, "Just watch, Laura, one day I am going to make it really big!" We think about that everytime we see him on the big screen. :)


That is so cool!


She and I chatted for about 15 minutes when I asked her what she did for a living. "Um...I am an actress."

It was Dana Delaney.

I had to ask someone later what she had been in. I never watch television!


It's good for celebrities to go unnoticed sometimes - helps keep them real.:D


When I was at Mount Holyoke I worked in the kitchen of the dorm located close to the President's house. It was during commencement weekend and I had a ton of pots to wash. During a quick break I went outside to catch some fresh air. A lady in a sun dress was walking along the road to the Pres. House. She asked how things were going and I told her about my work. She said she wished she could help. I told her I had an extra dish rag and she was more than welcome to join me. She laughed again and walked away. That woman was the commencement speaker and her name is Glenn Close.




I work with Rachel Ray, Mario Batali, Emeril, Bobby Flay and pretty much all of Food Network chefs so I've had extensive conversations with all of them (usually me saying "first you are going to chop the onion and I have 4 onions here, 2 peeled, and 2 if you want to peel them yourself... then you move to the blender where you add the oil, the finished dish is in the oven for you to pull out... etc. LOL)


Dd17 LOVES Bobby Flay!!! Wow! You work with him!! Nifty!!!


Dd met Joshua Bell and asked him to sign some sheet music after a concert. He opened it up and argued with her about her bowings! Hilary Hahn was NOT amused a year later when dd asked her to sign the same music. Hahn almost refused because Bell had already signed it.


Oh, my! DD17 thinks Hilary Hahn is the greatest. She got one of her CDs for Christmas. I'll have to remember if we ever ask her for her autograph not to hand her anything pre-autographed.:D I love Joshua Bell - sounds like he's more down to earth. Here's a great article about him (it won the Pulitzer last year in some journalism category, can't remember exactly which one).


Pearls Before Breakfast


Right now, I am living vicariously through DD's good friend who lives next door. Her parents are good friends with Viggo Mortenson and his parents. And, every time he is in town, they all get together. I just want a glimpse! (but he needs to be unshaven and all muddy like Aragorn....) Is that really too much to ask?


Sounds quite reasonable to me.:)


I used to work in the gift shops at the airport. We sold all sort of magazines, including Playboy. Imagine my surprise when Anson Williams (Happy Days) walked up with his gorgeous white smile and a Playboy.


I've met Anson Williams, too. He was going into a dry cleaners as I was coming out. He flashed that smile at me, too, and said in a booming voice, "Hi! How are you?" I just kind of muttered, "Fine, thanks," and left. I was with a girlfriend and we knew we recognized him but couldn't figure out who he was. Finally, it dawned on her and we waited for him to come back out. He was very friendly - asked us about our puny lives and told us he was picking up the dry cleaning for his in-laws (his wife is from McLean, VA).


I've also met Pat Boone - he was taking a tour of Offutt AFB and he came by the officer's pool while we were there. He gave me his autograph. Oh, and he was wearing a white suit and white shoes.


I almost yelled at Leonard Bernstein at the Kennedy Center once. Ok, I don't think I would've yelled, really, but I was very annoyed with him until I found out who he was. I was sitting in the rafters staring at the folks in the rafters across from me while the National Symphony was playing some weird 20th century piece. This guy with stark white hair walks in on the box seat level near the back with a younger fellow. He doesn't sit anywhere - he just starts discussing the music with his friend. By the way he motions and gesture, it is very obvious that he is well acquainted with the music and it looks like he's just some music professor showing off his knowledge for the audience to appreciate. I kept thinking, "All right, already - we get it - you know the piece of music - now go sit down somewhere." After the orchestra finished the conductor motioned up to the man I had been glaring at, who then took a bow and waved to the whole auditorium. I guess he did know the music - he had written it.:001_huh:

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Oh, and I've met Peekaboo.

Does that count? :lol::lol:


You win.


When I was 12 I met Pinky Zukerman (violinist and conductor) at my neighbor's house.


I played violin for country music singer Ray Price for a couple seasons, and met several of the old-time recording artists and groups.


We have a friend who was (and is again) the bass player for Steppenwolf.


We were at a late night party and had our then 5mo baby with us. Stephen Baldwin (The Usual Suspects) came up and mentioned that there was a delicious chocolate fountain in the next room and that our baby was so sweet, he looked "fondue dippin' good". It was a bit weird, but I think he and his wife were really just happy to get to goo-goo at a baby (who was extremely cute, if I say so myself.)

Edited by Susan in TN
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Met the Audio Adrenaline guys way back before they were famous and were selling their T-shirts at a DC Talk concert. Met the Newsboys when they signed autographs after one of their concerts.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one to know who these people are. LOL The only celebrities I've met have been Christian musicians from 10 years ago who were popular at the time, but probably not known outside of that circle (PFR, dc talk, Audio Adrenaline, Steve Taylor, etc.).

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Back in college, I worked at a restaurant in Dallas called Randy White's Sports Bar and Grill... After Cowboy games, tonz of the players and cheerleader would come in. Troy Aikman & Lorrie Morgan when they were dating, "The Moose" - :001_wub:, and many others (+ old timers from the 70s like Randy himself!). That was a fun place to work at that time - the Cowboys had won 3 Superbowls in 4 years - everyone was happy and tipping really well!



Was that on Preston Rd? I'm thinking that's where I watched one of those Super Bowl games. I always had an affection for Darryl Johnston, myself. :)

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My "famous" people moments were mostly in highschool... I was huge into country music. I sang on stage with Joe Diffie (that song, "Prop me up beside the jukebox if I die..."), and was sung to by Collin Raye (he knelt down, held my hand & kissed it and sang "In this life I was loved by you").


In college I met M.W.Smith, and Jars of Clay when our christian group hosted a concert on campus and I was one of the organizers.

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Tris Imboden, drummer for Chicago, showed up at church one day, about a year ago. Talked to him for about 5 minutes. Friend came up after he walked away and said "He looks just like the drummer in Chicago". Later on, we found out he is one and the same.


Mike Douglas, the old talk show host... on an elevator with him when I was about 15.


Went to middle/high school with Suzanne Malveaux, CNN White House correspondent. She was a good acquaintance.... didn't hang out but talked at lockers and such, or if we ran in to each other somewhere.

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Was that on Preston Rd? I'm thinking that's where I watched one of those Super Bowl games. I always had an affection for Darryl Johnston, myself. :)



Yes! "Restaurant Row" - - I didn't make very much money there, but it was fun! And yes, Darryl Johnston was my favorite Cowboy who came in...very nice guy.


Wouldn't it have been weird if I had waited on you?

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I met quite a few politicians and news personalities when I worked for a doctor in DC... but they were all patients, so I can't say who. :001_smile:


I knew Vera Farmiga in high school, but she wasn't famous then.


I didn't meet him, but I received a very nice note from President Reagan when I was a kid after I wrote telling him I was very disappointed that after writing requesting a picture of both he and Mrs. Reagan, I only received the "form letter" presidential portrait picture with just him. (Real sweet, huh? :001_smile:) Included with the note was a picture of the two of them that they both signed to me.


My dh went to grad school with a TV actor. They have become better friends long distance since they graduated and we moved away, so I have never met him. :glare: He sends nice emails, though. ;)


My dh interviewed Sam Donaldson for a news article.

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Yes! "Restaurant Row" - - I didn't make very much money there, but it was fun! And yes, Darryl Johnston was my favorite Cowboy who came in...very nice guy.


Wouldn't it have been weird if I had waited on you?


I was just telling my dd about that place the other day. And it's quite possible you did wait on me because we went in for several of the big games. Fun!

Edited by TN Mama
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I've met Ted Turner several times, because I worked for him. He was a real nice guy.


I wrote a letter to Beverly Cleary about a decade ago, and she sent me a handwritten letter in return.


Those are my only brushes with famous people. I'm not likely to run into any here, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't have a clue that they were famous.

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Cynthia Smith (the little girl from Benji) and Deborah Foreman (from, like, Valley Girl). They were in my youth group. My sister worked in the Christian music biz, so I got to meet a lot of artists like Clay Crosse, Mark Lowry, Amy Grant, Steve Green and others.


In college, the man that owned the house I rented with some other girls, was also a concert promoter for that town. We got to go to all of the pre- and after parties. I met Clint Black, Brooks and Dunn (One of them licked my friends face...ick!) and Garth Brooks. Our East Texas town was on the regional circuit they played before most of these guys became famous, so they were very accessible and nice. Except for the licking...eww.

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My mom (Robin Finley of Analytical Grammar) drove from Texas to California with Mickey Dolenz of the Monkeys and his wife. He was on his way there for the final audition for the show. She says that his wife was lovely and that Mickey was a jerk!


She was also in a comedy improv troop in college at Long Beach State with Richard Dreyfuss and Rob Reiner. This was before they made it big. Reiner was trying to make it on his own without the help of his father. At one performance the scene called for Reiner and mom to kiss and they did! She left the troop soon after to marry and have babies.

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DH and I once flew business class with Garrison Keillor and his wife. We don't see many other celebs here in the Midwest. :D


My husband and I are friends with Garrison Keillor's nephew. We went to high school and college with him and my husband was in his wedding. I "stood in" for Garrison Keillor's mother at the wedding rehearsal b/c she was too tired and frail to walk down the aisle just so the usher could practice seating the grandmothers at the right time! :-)

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My mom (Robin Finley of Analytical Grammar) drove from Texas to California with Mickey Dolenz of the Monkeys and his wife. He was on his way there for the final audition for the show. She says that his wife was lovely and that Mickey was a jerk!



Maybe he was under stress? (Just trying to make excuses for him, he was my favorite Monkee, LOL)


I forgot to mention that I met Davy Jones at a book signing in the 80's! He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. :001_wub:

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My dh just reminded me that he got to meet, get baseball pointers and his picture taken with Joe DiMaggio when he was a youngster!


Well, one of Joe's sons lives in our neighbourhood and was the one who interviewed dd as an alum for Brown's!!!! I thought that was hilarious as I used to be into Marilyn Monroe and old dd this guy could *almost* have been MM's son, LOL!!!!


He was the nicest person ever actually and waited outside the coffee-shop in the cold for 20 minutes with dd as the place had closed down early and I was running lateish, having picked up other kids from karate. Dd -who has guts and is intimidated by NO-one!!- actually had taken the bakery leftovers with her as they closed the place and was chatting away with this interviewer!!!!!! She is a hoot, btw!


He later emailed her and told her it was Brown's loss that they hadn't accepted her. She had mainly applied to Brown for the free sushi there so she was fine:tongue_smilie:

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Back in high school (1983 or 4, I think), I met Adam Ant. He was...short.


But I missed an opportunity to attend dh's cousin's wedding where Anne Heche was a bridesmaid, and her date was Steve Martin! Oldest dd was a couple weeks old at the time, so we didn't feel like making the trip out there.

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Back in high school (1983 or 4, I think), I met Adam Ant. He was...short.


But I missed an opportunity to attend dh's cousin's wedding where Anne Heche was a bridesmaid, and her date was Steve Martin! Oldest dd was a couple weeks old at the time, so we didn't feel like making the trip out there.


I met Adam Ant too but in the 90's and I was shocked by how short he was!!!


Also, Anne Heche went to my school. She was one year ahead of me. She was one of the nicest people to me in HS. PLus she was beautiful w/o any makeup.

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I met and got autographs from Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora when I was in 10th grade. I was a huge fan, and this was a big deal back then.

Also, I was on an airplane with Beau Bridges.


My grandfather was a Dolittle Raider in WWII and I got to meet General Doolittle a few times when I was a kid.

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Guest mrs. logic

Here are a couple...

When I was 7 yo my mother and I were going into a store. A couple of stores down I noticed the Fab Four: George, Paul, John and Ringo. I screamed "It's the Fab Four! It's the Beatles!" The Fab Four did acknowledge me by waving before quickly ducking into the store.

Dd and I belonged to a playgroup which met weekly when she was an infant. One of the dads in the group was a man named Kevin. It wasn't until several years later I found out it was Kevin Henkes, the author of "Owen and Chrysathamum."

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one to know who these people are. LOL The only celebrities I've met have been Christian musicians from 10 years ago who were popular at the time, but probably not known outside of that circle (PFR, dc talk, Audio Adrenaline, Steve Taylor, etc.).


We've met Will McGinnis once and Mark Stuart twice. I have to say Mark Stuart is an awesome, awesome man. He certainly walks the walk.


We've also met the guys of Mercy Me, Aaron Shust and the guys of Hawk Nelson.

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Now that's cool. Both of my oldest sons have won the Doolittle Award in Civil Air Patrol - they would have loved to have had an opportunity to meet him. Really awesome.:)


Thanks. He was really a great man. It wasn't until I got older that I understood the significance of what these men did. I heard great stories from my Granddad, however, he rarely discussed it unless asked. He didn't think he was a hero. He crashed in Russia after the raid and was held prisoner for 18 months before escaping. Sadly, he passed away about 2 1/2 years ago. I got to go to some of the annual reunions of the Raiders. It was pretty neat seeing people so interested in him. To me he was just Granddaddy, but it showed me how important he was to our country.

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We've met Will McGinnis once and Mark Stuart twice. I have to say Mark Stuart is an awesome, awesome man. He certainly walks the walk.


We've also met the guys of Mercy Me, Aaron Shust and the guys of Hawk Nelson.


Hawk Nelson are also from my town as is Sebastian Bach. When I used to work in retail, I worked in a skateboard shop for many years. The guys from Hawk Nelson (the original members) came in all the time before they hit it big.

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