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Teachers' Lounge!

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Today, during lunch time, I thought, "I need a Teachers' Lounge! Someplace to go eat my lunch (adult only corner, if need be) where I'm not interrupted (constantly) by questions, squabbling, etc. I figure there are some of you out there that need this, too! So here we are!


I have 15 minutes left on my afternoon break. Talk to me! What's on your mind right now? Silly stuff. Vent. Whatever! Enjoy some me time and some Mom time! :D

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Too funny! On the bathroom note, I've thought about what small corner of our not quite 1400sf townhome I could turn into the teachers lounge. There are three bathrooms; hmmm, maybe I could commandeer one!


As for the cc ice cream, I fed my kids part of the last of the cake before they went upstairs to Quiet Time. I then helped myself to the last (and biggest :D )piece after they were up there!

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Today, during lunch time, I thought, "I need a Teachers' Lounge! Someplace to go eat my lunch (adult only corner, if need be) where I'm not interrupted (constantly) by questions, squabbling, etc. I figure there are some of you out there that need this, too! So here we are!


I have 15 minutes left on my afternoon break. Talk to me! What's on your mind right now? Silly stuff. Vent. Whatever! Enjoy some me time and some Mom time! :D


http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1739,153164-231204,00.html I don't use any water - just canned diced tomatoes with juice

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I have a very crowded mind right now, but it is mostly about nothing lol I jsut finished scrubbing the upstairs bathroom, taking a 5 minute break before packing some more boxes to get the desk they are on ready for the freecycler to pick up. Which reminds me I have a toy to stick out on the steps first. I am then doing mental math trying to guesstimate how many boxes of stuff we can fit in the trailer from uhaul I am using to move, and what percentage of those could be books before someone thinks it is too many books ;)


Also wondering if dd will walk up feeling better. She woke up at 3 am puking, and has refused to eat, only nursing all day. Instead of being her usual happy, busy self she has just wanted to snuggle and be rocked all day. I hate when they are not feeling well, especially when so young.


Last night the kids started their fine arts program again. I had 4 people ask me if the trouble making foster boy there was mine, because he smartens up and listens to me, where as he lips off everyone else. Nope, he is not, I just know him from last term. He is a lost and hurt little boy and most people don't see past the behaviour to see that he is a pretty great kid. He knows I see this and likes to sit with me and talk, and knows that he needs to listen to me or I don't listen to him. This is one of the few places my kids also listen perfectly when I am there, but the one time I left the program for the night they were bad. I have also been deemed first aid person for now on. One of dd's friend's in the program caught her toe nail under the gym door and bent it right back. She would not let anyone including mom deal with it, but I got her bandaged up and laughing before dad arrived to take them all home. She phoned dd today to tell her let me know it was feeling better today, and her mom bent the nail back down while she slept, and she was happy I talked with her last night.


I had 5 families and the 2 operators of the program come up and tell me how much they will miss me and my kids when we move. We will not be in term 3 because of the move and the staff say they are not sure what they will do without me. Many of the families think I am a paid staff because I do a lot there, know all the kids, the kids come to talk with me, and listen to me etc. I will miss the program and am glad I have had a chance to make a positive impression in it.


We also got the kids 1st term assessments from our school board back, and all 3 received glowing reports in all subjects. I look forward to showing them to the SW who doesn't believe kids can get a good education at home.


We also went to view a house last saturday(again my parents said they would buy me a house if I don't leave the province, only to say no dice because my mom got mad at me), the realtor commented several times about how charming and well behaved all 4 kids were. Even my 2 yr old listened perfectly, and despite wanting to play with the toys belonging to the home owner did not touch when instructed not to. The realtor said she had not seen such well behaved children in a very long time. Ds6 immediately piped up with "That's because we homeschool" And I realized I finally got my "stereotypical homeschool family" moment that I wanted so badly. My kids are not always the kids I picture the perfect homeschool family to have but for that viewing they did, and now the realtor has this image of the wellbehaved homeschoolers, and it is US! How on earth does that happen lol


With all the stress of the last month with my parents(that blew up again on the weekend), and child services, my neighborhood etc. THe positive feedback boosted my spirits and confidence immensely.


SO like I said, lots going through my mind, but none of it that important in the grand scheme of things. No major vents, or profound thoughts, just a lot of contentment with my life as it is right now.

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Today, during lunch time, I thought, "I need a Teachers' Lounge! Someplace to go eat my lunch (adult only corner, if need be) where I'm not interrupted (constantly) by questions, squabbling, etc. I figure there are some of you out there that need this, too! So here we are!



I'm feeling the need for a break from quarreling and squabbling too.


I can't wait till my son gets home :D



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THe positive feedback boosted my spirits and confidence immensely.


SO like I said, lots going through my mind, but none of it that important in the grand scheme of things. No major vents, or profound thoughts, just a lot of contentment with my life as it is right now.


Brandy: Thanks for sharing that -- :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray: to your kids!


Hope your little one feels better! Your update brightened my day!



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Well I've just sent hubby and the kids out to buy milo (add to milk chocolatey stuff) and ice cream so we have something to eat it with, because I need some more tins. Miss 2AndAHalf can get the lids off anything except milo tins, so that is what I need. I guess I can tolerate eating tons of it mixed into ice cream for the sake of uncluttering my pantry. ;)


Now they've gone, I can get some housework done, and maybe even a few chapters of St Augustine's confessions! Woo hoo!




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Well I've just sent hubby and the kids out to buy milo (add to milk chocolatey stuff) and ice cream so we have something to eat it with, because I need some more tins. Miss 2AndAHalf can get the lids off anything except milo tins, so that is what I need. I guess I can tolerate eating tons of it mixed into ice cream for the sake of uncluttering my pantry. ;)


Now they've gone, I can get some housework done, and maybe even a few chapters of St Augustine's confessions! Woo hoo!





Alright, I have a large number of Aussie friends and we often do the game of "what in the world are you talking about??". So, Rosie, what in the world are you talking about? What is milo and what do you mean tins? Why do you mix it in ice cream if you don't like it?


One day a really good friend from Brisbane and I were talking on Skype. We were laughing at the difference in seasons we were each experiencing. She then proceeded to tell me that her, her husband and 2 yr old son were all walking around the house in their thongs that day. WHAT??? That is a terribly disturbing picture that I did NOT want to even imagine. After quite a hilarious exchange it turns out that thongs are flip-flops! I'm so relieved! LOL :)

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Alright, I have a large number of Aussie friends and we often do the game of "what in the world are you talking about??". So, Rosie, what in the world are you talking about? What is milo and what do you mean tins? Why do you mix it in ice cream if you don't like it?


Who said I didn't like Milo? I don't remember saying that :D I just wish I could get some suitable containers without having to buy and eat all that milo, that's all. What do you mean, "what are tins?" Surely you know what tins are. :confused: Useful jar type things to keep your milo, or in my case, dried beans in.


After quite a hilarious exchange it turns out that thongs are flip-flops! I'm so relieved! LOL :)

Yeah, I bet that was a picture you didn't want to appear in your head :lol:



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Who said I didn't like Milo? I don't remember saying that :D I just wish I could get some suitable containers without having to buy and eat all that milo, that's all. What do you mean, "what are tins?" Surely you know what tins are. :confused: Useful jar type things to keep your milo, or in my case, dried beans in.



Yeah, I bet that was a picture you didn't want to appear in your head :lol:




Ok, well I'd say in my experience I guess a tin would be a small aluminum box with a snug fitting lid. For me, usually bought in something like a specialty bakery with little cookies. (or biscuits depending on where you are :) ) There isn't much at all I could buy in what I would call "tins" in my grocery store. Jars, cans, boxes, bags, all such boring stuff is in my store. :)


Oh, I misinterpreted your statement of having to force yourself to mix it in ice cream and eat it. ;) I'm guessing it's not going to be a hard force for you, huh? :)


P.S. Oh! I just looked at your Milo link! You can reseal that Milo can? That's cool! Anything like that in my store would require a can opener and be pretty much useless after. Cool looking!

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Milo tins are similar to the cocoa and baking powder tins I used to get. Now everything has a plastic lid that just pops off. I have to use screw top jars to keep dd2 out of stuff. She even opened a big bucket of paint with the screwdriver (I guess she watched me too many times) so I don't think a tin like those Milo ones would stop her lol


The post about thongs reminded me that I grew up calling flip flops thongs, but switched when I realized there was another type of thongs lol

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Milo tins are similar to the cocoa and baking powder tins I used to get. Now everything has a plastic lid that just pops off. I have to use screw top jars to keep dd2 out of stuff. She even opened a big bucket of paint with the screwdriver (I guess she watched me too many times) so I don't think a tin like those Milo ones would stop her lol


Smart kiddie! I always hide when I open the tins so dd doesn't see how I do it. She can get into any screw top jar or bottle. I've found her swigging vinegar a few times :ack2:



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One day a really good friend from Brisbane and I were talking on Skype. We were laughing at the difference in seasons we were each experiencing. She then proceeded to tell me that her, her husband and 2 yr old son were all walking around the house in their thongs that day. WHAT??? That is a terribly disturbing picture that I did NOT want to even imagine. After quite a hilarious exchange it turns out that thongs are flip-flops! I'm so relieved! LOL :)



My adult children recently told me that I had stop calling flip flops thongs...........they were thongs when I was a kid!


I guess I am showing my age..

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Now I am just imagining me hiding in the bathroom smoking cigarettes (I don't smoke) and eating my lunch in peace with a book. :lol:


Lol, there are days when I would kill for a cigarette still. :)

And that was my lunch break for years, chainsmoking with a book.

In the before I had a family and homeschool days.

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I'm afraid I eat lunch on my own. I've explained to the boys that I need that time to myself in order to be a decent human being in the afternoon (I'm an introvert and need to recharge alone). So I take a bowl of food into the sitting room and often come here, and the boys eat together in the kitchen.



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Well I've just sent hubby and the kids out to buy milo (add to milk chocolatey stuff) and ice cream so we have something to eat it with, because I need some more tins. Miss 2AndAHalf can get the lids off anything except milo tins, so that is what I need. I guess I can tolerate eating tons of it mixed into ice cream for the sake of uncluttering my pantry. ;)Rosie


I am so glad you cleared up the Milo confusion. Out here in Nebraska, milo is grown in fields. It is used for cattle feed. I just had an awful image of you trying to eat this grain-like cow-food substance.

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I have an awesome, most comfortable chair that hangs from a tree. It has a cup holder and a foot rest. DH hung a chain in the center aisle of our barn for me to hang the chair in. Sometimes I'll go out there with a cup or tea and a book. If the kids call me, I only answer when their tone tells me it's urgent. Usually it's a tone of, "Where's mom" or "Can I do this or that?" so I ignore those and hide. Of course, my oldest is almost 18 so he can handle things for me. I don't tell him where I'm going either.


I've been known to have entire phone conversations in the car, in the DARK garage, in the middle of winter. Nobody suspects I'll be out in the dark garage freeing my butt off. I do tell dh, and he handles the kids for me. It's not like I leave everyone guessing. :001_smile:


When I had my mom living with me I had to buy a wheelchair accessible vehicle. BIL bought us a bus with a lift. I used to sit out there with all the doors shut and bring an animal or two. One day as I was talking my duck, Guido, came up to the bus and kept tapping on the glass doors. I laughed and my friend automatically asked, "Is that Guido?" He went on many rides in that bus. We just put a junky blanket under him. Eventually we threw the blanket away. It was SO FUNNY watching that duck just sit there like a person, looking out the window, enjoying his ride. He looked like the bus was bought specifically for him, and he really appreciated it. When we'd stop he'd hop down and walk to the front of the bus just like a person. TOO FUNNY!!!

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Well I've just sent hubby and the kids out to buy milo (add to milk chocolatey stuff) and ice cream so we have something to eat it with, because I need some more tins. Miss 2AndAHalf can get the lids off anything except milo tins, so that is what I need. I guess I can tolerate eating tons of it mixed into ice cream for the sake of uncluttering my pantry. ;)


Now they've gone, I can get some housework done, and maybe even a few chapters of St Augustine's confessions! Woo hoo!





Rosie - I grew up drinking Milo in Japan. Kind of like the Ovaltine they have in the U.S. but better. We can get it in Asian markets here.


Most of our beef and cheese came from Australia too!

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hahaha guido, that's funny.


Okay ladies my addiction kicked in early last night. Usually I am fine until conventions and new catalogues start in April. BUT last night I was up all night with a sick LO and started going through last years catalogues and online to pass the time inbetween the cycle of nurse, puke, bath, nurse, sleep repeat. Now I want to order everything in sight, and some how combine SL, WP, MFW and every stray resource I found on RR and timberdoodle. If I had my way I could easily spend $10G in one night ordering new curric. AND the worst part is a good chunk of what I bought for this year we have barely used or not even started yet. (first term was a total write off). Now I am exhausted(having only gotten a combined total of 3 hours sleep last night), and have a sick baby sleeping in my lap, with nothing to do but look through catalogues and websites and ish I had an endless bank account and that the new catalogues were out already. actually i got the new HWOT one yesterday but it is too tiny to mean much to me right now.

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Now I am just imagining me hiding in the bathroom smoking cigarettes (I don't smoke) and eating my lunch in peace with a book. :lol:


LOL. When I had 3 little ones at home by 4pm I used to feel like locking myself in the bathroom with a whole pan of brownies.

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LOL. When I had 3 little ones at home by 4pm I used to feel like locking myself in the bathroom with a whole pan of brownies.


I only have 2, and I take a beer with me...


(Lest anyone freak out, my husband's office in in the house, right near the front door. He's my "hall monitor.")

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My bathroom has become my teacher's lounge. After lunch, I put ds(2) down for a nap, give dd(3) something to entertain her, and have dd(8) do assigned work, then I am off to the teacher's lounge. I bring bottled water, a cup of yougart, and a book to read. We have a 2 person jacuzzi tub that I fill it up with nice hot water, soak and relax. I get out feeling like a new person and the house actually stays quiet and clean while I'm in there. ahhhhh...

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I can't even get away from it all in the bathroom. Imagine trying to take a bath with kids, cats & dog all running in and out. :tongue_smilie:


When my third child child was around age 3-4 I started locking the door. They fussed and banged for awhile but then they got used to it and mostly leave me alone.


The privacy lasted for years until we got a kitten who loved water. He's grown now but he still follows me in there but he doesn't complain, squabble, talk non-stop, or tattle so I can handle it.

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Here I am, in the Teachers Lounge again! Gave my kids the day off today since we're doing school projects with dad on Monday (MLK jr. day). I don't always 'follow' the Holidays off schedule, but sometimes I like to do so! :^)


Anybody else hanging out here with me for awhile today?

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Okay, I'm beginning to feel like I'm alone 'in here'. Maybe this will stimulate the conversation: does anyone else have the challenge of inviting people over and no one ever comes? It seems whether I give plenty of notice or last minute invites, it doesn't matter. People don't RSVP. They don't show up. And I often get a call or email/post about a week or two later that says," Sorry I missed it, I just went through my mail (email) and saw your invite." OR I get a response, maybe the day before, that says, "I'll try to make it" but they don't. Ok, so I'm NOT Martha Stewart when it comes to housecleaning but I'm not the garbage dump, either. And yes, I DO have friends! :D


I just wonder if anyone else has the same 'challenge'?

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Okay, I'm beginning to feel like I'm alone 'in here'. Maybe this will stimulate the conversation: does anyone else have the challenge of inviting people over and no one ever comes? It seems whether I give plenty of notice or last minute invites, it doesn't matter. People don't RSVP. They don't show up. And I often get a call or email/post about a week or two later that says," Sorry I missed it, I just went through my mail (email) and saw your invite." OR I get a response, maybe the day before, that says, "I'll try to make it" but they don't. Ok, so I'm NOT Martha Stewart when it comes to housecleaning but I'm not the garbage dump, either. And yes, I DO have friends! :D


I just wonder if anyone else has the same 'challenge'?


YES!!! I was beginning to think no one liked me. You know, "they're just not that in to you!":tongue_smilie:

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YES!!! I was beginning to think no one liked me. You know, "they're just not that in to you!":tongue_smilie:


:iagree: That is so me. I live in a SMALL town. Apparently one must conform to fit in. Ahem, I'm a homeschooler. I am a non-conformist by nature. People are just not that in to my due to my non-conformity and general weirdness.

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So even though it is Saturday can we still have teacher's lounge? Yesterday ended up being a major no school day. It was child support day, which means we hit the floor running getting groceries and other needed items. Baby dd is still sick, yesterday was her worst day of them all, she woke up 4 times over night Thursday night with the runs (though I am liking that she now wakes me to change her diaper and not just sleep in it). So she was extremely lethargic yesterday and I was wiped. DD10 had tumbling class for her cheer team last night as well. So from morning till night it was go-go-go. We picked up some movies from blockbuster on the way home and today will be a mellow day(though based on how much screaming I have already heard from the 2 boys I need the teacher's lounge first).

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Okay, I'm beginning to feel like I'm alone 'in here'. Maybe this will stimulate the conversation: does anyone else have the challenge of inviting people over and no one ever comes? It seems whether I give plenty of notice or last minute invites, it doesn't matter. People don't RSVP. They don't show up. And I often get a call or email/post about a week or two later that says," Sorry I missed it, I just went through my mail (email) and saw your invite." OR I get a response, maybe the day before, that says, "I'll try to make it" but they don't. Ok, so I'm NOT Martha Stewart when it comes to housecleaning but I'm not the garbage dump, either. And yes, I DO have friends! :D


I just wonder if anyone else has the same 'challenge'?


YES!!! I was beginning to think no one liked me. You know, "they're just not that in to you!":tongue_smilie:


Yes! This just happened at my birthday party! I got some replies that people were coming (no one replied saying they weren't) and then of the ones who said they were coming, a number of them didn't come after all. After I bought a ton of food.


Very frustrating. And I was wondering if no one liked me anymore!


I'll put my leftover appetizers/chips/soda/cream puffs out on the table in the teacher's lounge and y'all can eat them.

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One day a really good friend from Brisbane and I were talking on Skype. We were laughing at the difference in seasons we were each experiencing. She then proceeded to tell me that her, her husband and 2 yr old son were all walking around the house in their thongs that day. WHAT??? That is a terribly disturbing picture that I did NOT want to even imagine. After quite a hilarious exchange it turns out that thongs are flip-flops! I'm so relieved! LOL :)


ROFL!!! :lol::lol:

I forgot that once upon a time, I called flip-flops thongs too!!!! :lol::lol:

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I think the kids toys have been mating. I have been decluttering like crazy in prep for the move, but everytime I look on another shelf the toys have managed to multiply like crazy. I swear the darned things are like rabbits. I managed to go through all the girls polly pockets and barbies and toss out all the shoes missing their pairs, and the broken peices. Then sent more than 1/2 of each to good will. The barbies is still a pretty full bucket, but at least it is down to 1, previously they took up 2. The polly pockets I got down to a small enough number to use a ziplock freexer bag to hold it all including the van, so that is much much better. I also went through the little people bucket and dinosaur bucket and got them down to a reasonable number.


Off to do the toy shelves across the room. Hopefully those toys have been chaste since the last time I culled them.

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