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Which movies have stuck with you?

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I love watching romantic comedies but I don't usually remember much from them or think about them much after a week or so. There are some movies that I do remember months or years after I see them. Three that come to mind are "A Walk to Remember", "Into the Wild" and "Earth 2100". I posted about this last one a couple of weeks ago and said that it really disturbed me but it also really stuck with me. Which movies have stuck with you, made you think and grow, taught you a lot, or were much more than just entertainment?

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A diverse list:


Minority Report - the pain of loss and the EYEBALLS :eek:

Gattaca - the nature of humanity

You've Got Mail - uber romantic

Babette's Feast - self sacrifice

Crash - just wow

Pride & Prejudice (A&E miniseries, not more-recent version) - all time fave

Jane Eyre (Orson Welles) - my first memory of a "grown-up", complicated romance

Amazing Grace - truth

Juno - funny, thoughtful, unexpected


ETA: Napoleon Dynamite - only because my dh and I quote this at least weekly still. We rented it, and ran out and bought it the next morning.

Edited by BikeBookBread
typo; I guess I was supposed to explain! :)
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The Red Balloon

My school owned the film on reel, along with a few others. We would open the room dividers to combine the classes, turn out the lights, and watch it maybe once every few months. That movie had such a profound affect on me. The sound, the color, the light. I always notice if I'm somewhere and the moment takes me to that mood. I also remember there was only a little speaking in the movie, and all of us would say the line out loud "come back, come back"! :)


On the flip side, 28 Days Later also sticks with me. Great sound, beautifully shot, scary as heck.


Battle of Algiers to me is perfection, I never get tired of thinking about it.


How do you underline a movie title or italicize them?

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Sean of the Dead, only because it is the greatest zombie movie ever.


Pet Cemetary, because I snuck into the living room and watched it at five and have had countless nightmares from it.


V for Vendetta, because it is such an incredible movie.


Mad Max (coming up a lot lately), two reasons... my dad and my dh... both absolutely love that movie. I don't think I've seen it all the way through yet, but I will always own a copy.

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1776 (The musical from the 70's) - Sparked an interest in American History that had nearly been killed by my history textbooks and teachers.


Serenity - Just love this movie like wow!


Watchmen - I know a lot of people did not like it, but naked blue man aside, it had a very powerful message about power and society.


Thank You for Smoking - Love the rhetoric.


God's Must Be Crazy, Iron Man, Little Miss Sunshine - just 'cause.:001_smile:

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Hudsucker Proxy

Das Boot

Full Metal Jacket (coming soon to a theatre near me!!!)



Truly, Madly, Deeply

almost anything by Werner Herzog

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Frequency with Dennis Quaid & Jim Caviezel. It mirrors so many things in my husband's life (long, long story). I cry when I see it, I won't let him watch it.

Reign of Fire with Christian Bale, Gerard Butler. It's a scary dragon movie that I love to watch over and over.

Excalibur I loved this movie for so many reasons. I bought the DVD recently and haven't watched it yet.


Aliens (the second one) & Terminator both of these movies sort of defined my youth. Aliens gave me nightmares, but I still watch it when it's on TV.


Bride Wars - I watched this one last week and I'm still pondering some things over it. It's supposed to be a comedy right? Well, I think it brought up some emotions I had not be ready to deal with. So much for the comedy part. :lol:

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My Life as a Dog

Probably the most touching movie I've ever seen. The scene where the boy is pushing the potato around on his plate still makes me cry whenever I think about it. There's a subtlety to that movie, the way the sweetness and sadness are interwoven, that is just so perfect.


Jules & Jim

This film had a huge impact on me when I was a teen, and I've probably watched it more than a dozen times. I like all of Truffaut's films, but this is my favorite. And I LOVE Oscar Werner.


The Seventh Seal

Seems kind of kitsch now, since it's been parodied & referenced so much (Madeline Kahn in De Duve = genius!), but it had a deep effect on me at 19.



Not deep or moving, just weird, brilliant and incredibly funny, with the best sets ever. On our first date DH asked me what my favorite movie was and when I said Delicatessen, he said "No way! Me, too!" We knew we were meant for each other, LOL.



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I REMEMBER! The Joy Luck Club It's funny, but I was just thinking of a movie last night. So much so that I had to run through the entire plot in my head. Sadly I cannot remember the title, but it was about two generations of Chinese women and how the Cultural Revolution and emigrating to America affected them. It has been driving me crazy. The reason is that all of the Chinese people I have met including my dh can relate to it.


Of course The Princess Bride b/c it is a cult classic.


And finally Schindler's List. I am a history major and have watched all sorts of documentaries showing the brutality of wars, particularly The Holocaust.

I have never been affected by a movie as much as that one. Cried for hours afterward.

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Terms of Endearment--there was a scene in the hospital between the mom and oldest son that I'll never forget.


Definitely. I made the mistake of seeing that movie just a few months after my beloved aunt died of cancer. I cried the "ugly cry", out loud, in the theater. Not pretty.


A similar scene that has always stuck with me is Sally Field's rant in the cemetery in Steel Magnolias. Another extremely raw and touching scene.

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Rear Window, The 400 Blows, The Searchers, M, The Manchurian Candidate, Giant, Modern Times, Beauty and the Beast (the French version and the animated one), Vertigo, The Big Sleep, Battleship Potemkin, The Bicycle Thief, and 8 1/2. There are many more, but I would have to say The 400 Blows had the biggest impact on me. I saw it in my first year of college, and it moved me so much that I went on to major in film. I also named my first son Truffaut.

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There are a handful of movies that I watch over and over again - and can't really explain why... I just love them - like The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Steel Magnolias, Pride and Prejudice (yes, the newer one... I know it's not really like the book, but I love it anyway), and Where the Heart Is. ... and Twilight :D


There are some that make me cry (A LOT) everytime I watch them, even though I know what's going to happen, like One True Thing, Atonement, Moulin Rouge, August Rush, Here on Earth, Return to Me, and I'm sure there are more but I can't think of them right now...


There are some that shocked me with their ending, like The Others, The Sixth Sense, Atonement (I know, this one is a repeat :001_smile:), and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.


The movie that totally ruined scary movies for me was The Ring. I will not ever again watch a scary movie.


My sister usually likes really weird movies, so I'm always surprised when I like something that she likes, such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Big Fish.


I have to be in a certain mood to watch these, but I love Glory with Matthew Broderick and Gone With the Wind.


Remember The Commitments? I still love that one. I even have the soundtrack, LOL.


I enjoy the occasional manly/action movie, but mostly I'm a big sap and like the mushy stuff. :D

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Rocky is on my list, too. For a lot of reasons...not only the story of the down and out succeeding, but Stallone's persistance in creating the character and the film. A real success story.


Chariots of Fire. I love that movie still. It makes me want to feel God's pleasure when I do what he made me to do.


E.T. A story I wanted to participate in...I wanted to be Elliott or E.T. I'm afraid I would have been the guy with the keys. I want there to be wonderful intelligent life 'out there.'


I was physically ill for three days after seeing Jack Nicholson in 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.' I was a psychology major at the time and so sensitive to how things should be.


The Natural. One of my all time favorite stories.


There's a whole list of movies I can watch over and over and over.

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And finally Schindler's List. I am a history major and have watched all sorts of documentaries showing the brutality of wars, particularly The Holocaust.

I have never been affected by a movie as much as that one. Cried for hours afterward.


Oh yes! How could I have forgotten that one? :confused:

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Chariots of Fire - Your greatest accomplishments come when aligned with one's beliefs, feeling God's pleasure.


Secondhand Lions - Reminded me of my father's independent and unusual way of thinking.


The Natural - Lightning can strike twice.

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Ladyhawke w/Michelle Pfeiffer, Matthew Broderick, and Rutger Hauer. But I don't know why.
I do so wish they're re-release this with a different score.
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The Red Balloon

My school owned the film on reel, along with a few others. We would open the room dividers to combine the classes, turn out the lights, and watch it maybe once every few months. That movie had such a profound affect on me. The sound, the color, the light. I always notice if I'm somewhere and the moment takes me to that mood. I also remember there was only a little speaking in the movie, and all of us would say the line out loud "come back, come back"! :)...


Oh, wow! I remember that movie! We would watch it in school during recess on "inclement weather" days. I recently showed it to my kids and it did not affect them the way it affected me (and how you shared). Glad to know there's someone else out there like me. :)


Other "romantic" movies that have left an impression on me:

Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version)

To Sir with Love (though I haven't watched this one since I was a teen)

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One fine day I walked into a movie theater with friends and we happened upon the movie "Killing Fields". We just didn't know how the next 2 hours would haunt us for a while.

For a positive movie, I like the Canadian series "The Road to Avonlea." There are so many examples of kids (adults too) misbehaving and having to ask for forgiveness. Great lessons and humorous as well - oh and appropriate for any age.

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The Red Balloon

My school owned the film on reel, along with a few others. We would open the room dividers to combine the classes, turn out the lights, and watch it maybe once every few months. That movie had such a profound affect on me. The sound, the color, the light. I always notice if I'm somewhere and the moment takes me to that mood. I also remember there was only a little speaking in the movie, and all of us would say the line out loud "come back, come back"!


I remember seeing this at the local public library...the room seemed HUGE and it was such a special thing to see a movie back then! The librarian would wheel out the huge reel-to-reel projector, pull the curtains (that were "up-high" -- must've been on windows which were at most 4 feet off the ground) and darken the room. Everyone was really, really quiet and behaved very well.


I recently found this on DVD at the library for my girls to watch. PDG liked it, LLL was surprisingly scared.

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The Notebook has stuck with me. Also American Psycho comes to mind, and I once tried to watch 8 mm with Nicolas Cage and couldn't even make it to the end. I like lots of lighter movies but only if I'm in the right mood for them. OH, First Wives' Club is one of my all-time favorites because the first time I watched it, I was a teenager and watched it with a redheaded friend and a light-brown-haired friend (I'm a blonde... and I never wear dresses), and we nicknamed ourselves after the women in that movie. That's where my screen name comes from :D

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OH, First Wives' Club is one of my all-time favorites because the first time I watched it, I was a teenager and watched it with a redheaded friend and a light-brown-haired friend (I'm a blonde... and I never wear dresses), and we nicknamed ourselves after the women in that movie. That's where my screen name comes from :D


How funny! :lol:

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The Red Balloon

My school owned the film on reel, along with a few others. We would open the room dividers to combine the classes, turn out the lights, and watch it maybe once every few months.


Did we attend the same school? :D I never "got" what the movie was about - why couldn't he just catch that darn balloon?




Sense and Sensibility - this is my comfort movie, either version.


Shawshank Redemption

Gone With the Wind


The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - did you know the story this is taken from is only 25 pages long?

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Without a doubt Schindler's List would be the film that has stuck with me more than any other. I was so moved, I am pretty sure that I didn't speak for a couple of days. I have only seen it one time, but I hope one day to watch it again with each of my children.

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Jaws and Halloween. I saw both of these when I was much too young. I'm not looking around for Michael Myers anymore but I am still afraid of the ocean.


Awakenings. The scene when Robert DeNiro and the girl dance makes me cry every. single. time. I see my mentally challenged son in that scene, I guess.


The Naked Gun(the first one) and Airplane. Surely I'm not serious you ask? I am serious and stop calling me Shirley.

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When I was in college, I went to see the movie Camille Claudel which is a french film at the theatre. It was so stunning, I forgot I was reading subtitles.


Also, the movies Philadelphia and Longtime Companion both because my cousin and a few friends of mine died of AIDS when at around these times. They profoundly affected me.


For another reason completely, Gone with the Wind, because it made me want to be Scarlett O'Hara but barring that, an actress. Changed the whole course of my life.

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Pride and Prejudice (BBC or recent version)


Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (not the sequels)

Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

About Schmidt

Say Anything

Sense and Sensibility

Pan's Labyrinth

What about Bob

Groundhog Day

The Pianist

As Good as it Gets


The Matrix (not the sequels)

Empire Records



All of these I have watched many-a-time except Pan's Labyrinth and The Pianist, those I only watched once but they are both the kind of movies that stay with you....for better or worse (I thought Pan's Labyrinth was extremely creepy).

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Ok, don't laugh at my first one: Shag: the Movie. I'm not sure that anyone remembers it or not. I think it's from the late 80s. I used to watch it over and over and over when I was an older teen. I loved it! I still think about it every now and then.


And the other one is one that we just rented this weekend, but WOW!! Gran Tureno (sp?) it's with Clint Eastwood (I think his latest). There were times I had just about given up watching it because of a lot of language (a lot of language affects me poorly) and some drawn out parts. I just couldn't stop thinking about it though! Very good!

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