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2010/2011 school year


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Yep, already planning here for another second grade boy, but I need to stop looking! There is so much cool stuff and only so many hours in the day. I already have about $1000 on my wish list. :eek: Someone needs to take away my catalogs and block RR on my PC.


I'm looking at a mix of AO, CM stuff in general, LCC, and traditional materials. Here is some of what I am looking at-




Classical Writing Primer

Calvert Discoveries in Reading




Key to workbooks

Hands on Equations




First Book in American History

Maps, Globes, and Graphs



The Story Book of Science

Archimedes and the Door of Science

Along Came Galileo

Albert Einstein: Young Thinker



Lively Latin



Handle on the Arts: Time Traveler Vol. 1



The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs

Men of Iron by Howard Pyle

At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald

The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling

Five Little Peppers and How They Grew by Margaret Sidney

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If all goes well with chemistry, I'll be using RS4K Pre-Level 1 Biology next year. I got the chemistry book and it is so fun looking and the experiments are as well. He'll acutally be doing some of it in a co-op class that I will be teaching, but I'll be including the full program at home.


Here's what I'm looking at for next year (2nd Grade)


History: a full year of American using CLP's A Child's Story of America as a spine; reading historical fiction; doing as many projects/field trips as we can


Science: RS4K Biology Pre-Level 1 & something for earth/space science (his sister is doing Rainbow, so I have him doing the same topics)


CLE Math 3


CLE Reading 2


I do not know any others yet, but hoping to find ideas here!

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I too am planning for next year. I will have 2nd grader and K'er. I love seeing all the great ideas everyone has. We will be studying medieval times next year history. My 2nd grader is a girl but K'er is a boy so knights and such should be good fun.

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I am planning for a 2nd and K'er.


Trying to decide if we will go back to HOD. I would do Bigger and Little Hearts. I did Little Hearts with my oldest but Beyond was a flop at the time. Now two years later I am thinking we might be ready to go back. I am getting tired of writing my own Science and Social Studies all of the time. I know we will continue with Singapore Math, DITHOR along just reading good books, R&S Grammar and Greek. My biggest question is History and Science. I have tried reading SOTW myself and have not been that impressed but I know that doesn't mean my children wouldn't be so I am torn between piecing it together myself and purchasing a complete package. Oh! and remembering they are young and acording to my dh they really just need to learn how to learn. We shall see what I end up doing!

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Yes, this is the time of year I begin to think about the next year. It seems that every year there are some decisions that are easy (do the next level of what we're already doing) and some decisions that are harder (starting Latin, choosing a new science curriculum, etc.) For 2010-2011, the easy ones are math, Latin, some LA stuff. My harder decisions are what to use to guide our second cycle through history (TOG? Stick with Biblioplan?), science, and some of the LA stuff. Buying will probably begin in February and go through July.

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I too am planning for next year. I will have 2nd grader and K'er. I love seeing all the great ideas everyone has. We will be studying medieval times next year history. My 2nd grader is a girl but K'er is a boy so knights and such should be good fun.



Hey now, girls like stories about knights, too! Try Igraine the Brave, a story about a particularly brave girl knight. :)

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To be honest, I am so sick of finding myself 1/2 way through the year and wanting to just do my own thing, I am seriously thinking of going it on my own next year except for math & Grammar.


I would prefer instead to buy some good equipment for our homeschool. I would love a Personal DVD Player that I can tote around the house and watch educational video's on from the library. (We only have a TV in our basement). I would also love a new computer & some bookshelves.



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I'm tired. I'm thinking of OM for the Grade 2 and Grade 8 child. I can't for the Grade 5 because he has covered everything in the grades around that. I just don't want to plan for next year. The Grade 5 child is so sensitive and I think SOTW 4 (we are doing 3 currently) is just too much for him.

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I have our curriculum already planned for next year because my first grader will start some of his second grade work in the next few months.


R&S English 2

R&S Spelling 2

R&S Health and Manners 2

CLE Reading 2

CLE Math 2

CLE Science 2

CLE Social Studies 2

CLE Bible 2

French (not sure which program yet - we will have finished Hooked on French)

Pentime 3

Draw Write Now

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I've alread purchased Saxon alg., PH America, CPO Life science, and IEW writing for next year. I know that we'll continue with CLE LA and reading. The only thing left is Spanish which we'll probably just continue with a combo of SFC and The Learnables.


But you never know, it might change. ;)

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I'm glad I'm not the only one. I sat down with DS today and asked him what he liked/disliked about each subject/curriculum. The only thing we may be changing is spelling, apparently, and even that's up for debate. I'm now on the hunt for his books so I can get them all ordered. Now I need to decide what DD is going to do next year...

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Yes! My oldest will be in first grade and she'll be doing:


Galloping the Globe with biome/plant/animal study (BFSU)



FLL 1/2 with hands-on supplements

RS B or Singapore PM 1A/1B or both

Song School Latin

I'm not sure what we'll do for religion or if we'll do anything more formal for Spanish.


DH has been asking what I'm going to be doing with ds so I guess I better start thinking about that. :)

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I'm already planning, too. My son is is doing K-1 work this year and I'm not sure yet whether he'll be registered as a 1st or 2nd grader next year. My plan so far is:




Noble Knights of Knowledge because he keeps begging me for it!

I want to get Singapore, too, but that might be excessive! Or not? What does the Hive think?



books of his choice

Explode the Code to help cement some of the phonics rules



Classical Writing Primer

Cursive First (I'm still trying to decide whether to use this or not.)



selections from Ambleside Online’s Year 1 and 2 lists



SOTW 2 + Activity Book



R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey: Earth & Space

Nature study from Classical Writing Primer


Music/Composer Study

Classical Music Composer Study 2010/2011 using Classics for Kids


Artist/Picture Study

As outlined on my blog: We Don't Need No Education


And we may be working on a foreign language by then.

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Yep, next year is already planned and purchased (we live overseas). Should be here next week, via my packmule friends from the States!


For a second grade boy doing middle ages, definately read Castle Diary and build your own cardboard castle!

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I'm thinking about next year too - many things will be "do the next thing," but we have to register for Classical Conversations by the end of Jan or (likely) lose our spot. I thought this was going to be a no-brainer, but now I'm not sure if I want another year of intense memory work for my (will-be) 6th grader. And then I realize that if I'm going to change what we do next year, I should take 7th grade options into consideration - I mean we don't want to change co-ops twice, right?


Other than that, I'd love to do a middle ages year combining AO year 2 with AO year 7 lite. I'm also always jealous of the depth I hear about from CW-Homer users, but I really need something more user friendly (and I admit I'm a little anti-IEW). So, I'd love a writing program - but I'm not sure *what*!!!???

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I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one already planning for next year. My DH keeps telling me to back away from the catalogs and stop trying to plan. My issue is that I'm not sure where my kids will be at by the end of the school year. Right now my DS who is in 1st can read on a 1st/2nd grade level and working his way through ETC online and "20 Easy Lessons," but by August he may be done completely with needing phonics or maybe not. So not sure what to buy for him--a program using books or a more advanced phonics program.


My DD (4) is doing MFW-K and the reading seems to have just clicked since Christmas. Last week I thought there was no way she'd be ready for MFW-1st, but now she's starting to really be able to read and sound words out.


Not knowing where my kids will be at is making it difficult to plan for next year. But the things I am working on are:



DS6-Singapore 2a/2b

DD4-Singapore 1a/1b (if she is ready, otherwise a K math program)

Singapore CWP



God's Design for Heaven and Earth (unless I go with MFW-2nd, then I'll use their science stuff)








Haven't decided--we'll have finished up HOS by then so something basic



Continue with Song School Latin or Prima Latina if done



FLL 1/2



Undecided between age appropriate CLE, DITTHOR, and MFW-1st for DD



I'm waiting for divine inspiration to make my mind up for me.:lol:

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I am continually tweaking our plans...Iv'e got a 2nd grader this coming year too.


He's going to be doing:


AO yr2 with some FLL2 & WWE2 (textbook) mixed in there.


Maybe SL readers????

My mix of maths - Miquon/MEP/SM CWP/RS games

Science???? - probably Apologia Botony and Mudpies to Magnets with his younger siblings??? still open to tweaking there...

Music by Mommy:D



My dd4 (she'll be kindy-age in the fall) will be doing:


SWR and Cursive First,

AO yr 0,

Miquon/MEP/RS games for math,

maybe SL readers with her brother...they are almost the same reading level at this point...I'll aim Mudpies to Magnets at her interests and she'll sit in on the Botony too...and she'll pick up some piano and music theory along the way.


My ds3 (June B-day) will be doing starfall and math-play....sitting in on whatever reading he likes...I have BFIAR on the shelf, so I may do that with him.

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Already planned for my 1st grader...I'll start buying in March and start in June.


LA: SWR/Cursive First/SL Readers 2

Math: Singapore 2A/2B/CWP 2 & Horizons 2

Bible/History/Geography: Sonlight Core K and Galloping the Globe(light)

Science: Noeo Chem 1 with supplements

Art: I Can Do All Things


And if all is well and we have time:


Latin: Song School Latin


I've spent the last week briefing dh and warning him about the purchases coming up.

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I'm mostly planned out for oldest dd - she'll be in fifth next year. I have loose plans for ds, who will be doing K. I know what he'll be doing next up until he reaches a certain ability level with regards to math, writing, and reading, but I don't know exactly when he'll reach those levels. :) Once he does, I'll have to plan more!

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I'm starting to think about it already... anyone else? My son will be in second grade. Anything really fun for second-grade boys that you want to share? He's very hands-on and loves to read.

Yup, I know what we will be using, I have much of it purchased, and much of the rest setting in various on line carts waiting for the send button. :lol:

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I always start planning this time of year so that I can buy used. And, so I know what I want to preview and purchase at our April homeschool convention. And, so I can spread my purchases out over about five months, instead of taking the hit all at once.

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My Body (Teacher Created Resource)

Greek Alphabet Code Cracker

Logic Safari

Calvert Discoveries in Music

Complete a Sketch


Draw Write Now

Thinker Doodle

Draw Then Write

Stranger Safety dvd

Atelier Art

The Complete Book of _____ series (especially the animal one at that age)

Highlight's Puzzlemania

SL Discover & Do dvd's and kits

Pop Bottle Science

My First Lab Duo Microscope

Exploring gear

a Rock Pick

pile of wood, hammer, and nails

Sports stuff

Magic Schoolbus, Horrible Histories, Liberty Kids all on United Streaming

educational games: Professor Noggin, Snapshots Across America, Bananagrams, Set, Blokus, Muggins/Knockout, 4 player Mancala, Charades


Some things on my wish list:

Exploration Education

Homeschool Science Adventures


Thank you!! I've copied this entire list and will be checking it out!

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I started reading WTM last night to research what I will be doing for next year. For 3rd grade I will be adding: Spelling, Latin, and Critical Thinking. Latin shouldn't be too hard. There are only 2 choices in WTM. The Big book of Latin is suggested for an advanced 3rd grader, which my oldest is. But since I will want to reuse the program later w/my younger child, and I will be learning along w/her, I think we will go w/Prima Latina w/C.Ds. I have almost everything I need for 1st grade for next year, except maybe one workbook and music workbook and a handwriting book from R&S, which I will pick up at convention. These are pretty inexpensive.


But 3rd grade is killing me:tongue_smilie: I actually have the core texts already from R&S that were given to me by a friend, so I will only need to purchase some test packets and speed drills for math and English and maybe one T.M, plus the next music workbook and handwriting book. Then I will still need the recommended Science experiment books from WTM and SOTW 3 and A.G. For some reason I had thought that this coming year wasn't going to be too expensive, but it is beginning to add up!


For extracurriculars we will stick w/our co-op. But dd7 will be adding an additional day of dance (more time out of our week.. uggh) and I want to make a decision about a musical instrument or a homeschool choir..


So yes, I have begun to plan next year, but nothing definite yet!

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