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Do you get a physical exam once a year?

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Yes and no. I usually don't schedule every year. Our insurance allows for a yearly check up for a small co-pay. However, I am not allowed to discuss any health issues such as my asthma or thyroid condition during a check up. My doc(and I) gets frustrated with this policy. He's supposed to check my vitals and then scoot me out the door. If he finds anything wrong, I am supposed to reschedule with a sick appointment for a larger co-pay. Since I know that I have health issues already, I just schedule my yearly check-up as a sick appointment for the larger co-pay. I hate insurance companies sometimes.

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Yes - but I am thousands of years older than many of you on this board (even in homeschooling :drool5:years :lol::lol::lol:)


I actually schedule every 6-9 months with the family practice as I take anti-hypertensive meds (HBP) and I have Hashimoto's (thyroid condition). I go to the GYN in the OB/GYN practice once a year.


I hate insurance companies most of the time, but I REALLY ACTIVELY HATE the 'MAIL ORDER IN NETWORK PHARMACY' that we are forced to use. HATE :banghead: HATE :banghead: HATE :banghead:


I could probably stop taking my high blood pressure meds if I didn't have to get other prescriptions through them.

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Yes, I see my GP for a physical once a year for the routine bloodwork and to check on one of my meds.


I also see my ob/gyn once a year too. If I could go to her for everything, I would. She's amazing, and I truly love her. I see her for my pap and routine woman stuff.

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I don't have one physical but many doctor visits. I go to my rheumatologist most often and he does most of my blood work. I also see a gynecologist twice a year- had a bad pap that wasn't a cervical issue but rather a potential sign of something even more serious so have to do two a year for a while. I see my internal medicine doctor a few times a year. I will probably go to him in January to check up on my asthma and consult about things I need to do with my family heart history. I also normally see a dermatologist once a year and an opthalmologist twice a year.

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Yup, once a year for a combined physical/OB GYN with a pap smear. I have to do it for my meds, but I'd do it anyway. My insurance pays for an annual one as it's considered preventative care. IMHO, I've known too many people who had serious (and easily fixable) illnesses caught at their annual checkup to not get one.

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I wish I could. I was on birth control for about four years and had to get a regular check-up to get my yearly prescription renewed. I go to an Internist, and he does a complete check-up including all the female stuff and bloodwork.


I'm not on birth control anymore and were also without insurance. My last complete physical was about a year and a half ago just before we lost our insurance. I even managed to get my mammogram scheduled in time to be covered.


At this point, I figure since I'm in good health and I've never had any bad or negative reports concerning my pap, mammogram or bloodwork, I can probably go every couple of years and be okay.


I miss going. We have a wonderful doctor, and I always used the check-ups to ask about any other little things that I might be concerned about such as a mole or changes in my cycle. It was reassuring to get all the results back and hear that all is well.


I'm hoping in the next six months to either have some type of health coverage that will pay for part of a check-up or enough cash to pay for it all out-of-pocket. I really hate to go too long, but I may have to if we don't have the money or insurance.

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The last general physical I had was in April of 2006 so I really ought to schedule another one. I do go for an annual gynecological exam with my midwife and to the urgent care clinic if I'm sick. Our insurance will pay for it, it's just a matter of finding a primary care doc I like. I just want one that is tolerant of our lifestyle & that's hard to find among MD's in my area.

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Yes, but I have ongoing health problems/ medication that need attention. The one year I was totally well and not on ANYTHING (sigh, that was a great year), I didn't go. . .not. once :001_smile: My Dr is excellent. When we've been without health insurance, she's charged me a lesser rate so I can pay cash. Two years ago, it ran me about $60. This year we had Insurance so it was $0. Next year we have to change insurance and it will cost me $25 for the reg doc, $50 for my Gyno. SIGH! Is insurance worth it?:glare:



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SIGH! Is insurance worth it?:glare:


It's only worth it if you have health issues. The years when I've not been pregnant and/or given birth, we've always paid out WAY more in premiums than I've used. But it's the opposite in the years where I've had maternity & delivery expenses.


My cousin and his wife had a preemie at 32 weeks. Fortunately, she's now a healthy 2 1/2 year old, but their bills ran into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thank God they had insurance because otherwise they would've had to declare bankruptcy.

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It's only worth it if you have health issues. The years when I've not been pregnant and/or given birth, we've always paid out WAY more in premiums than I've used. But it's the opposite in the years where I've had maternity & delivery expenses.


My cousin and his wife had a preemie at 32 weeks. Fortunately, she's now a healthy 2 1/2 year old, but their bills ran into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thank God they had insurance because otherwise they would've had to declare bankruptcy.


I know what you mean. I ask my husband every year if we really need insurance and he walks away laughing as he signs the papers:D I make our deductible about every other year. :glare:

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I know what you mean. I ask my husband every year if we really need insurance and he walks away laughing as he signs the papers:D I make our deductible about every other year. :glare:


I don't think we ever made our deductible, but yes, i think insurance is worth it. There's a reason they are called "unexpected" tragedies......

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I go to my gyn yearly and since I have health anxiety (read: I am a hypochondriac), I usually end up going to the regular doc more than once a year too. I last had bloodwork in November (a year and a month ago) at an ER I went to for a heavy menstrual cycle. I just recently went to my GYN 3 different times in the last 2 weeks for UTI type issues. So, yeah, I see the doctor way more than most people need to (especially people who don't really have medical issues) *sigh*

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I just made a general appointment with the doctor. A first with the general practitioner in about 5 years. My last child was 3 years ago. I'm getting older. Just thought I should get checked for preventative measures.


No. I went for the first time last year since ds had been born. It had been 11 years. I do not go for routine testing. Don't know when I will go again.

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I have medical problems and I get free medical care through the veterans hospitals. I do tend to put off some tests/exams as time just gets away from me. I see my asthma doc 3-4 times a year, GP once a year, GYN/Cardiologist/Endocrinologist every 1-2 years.


My kids get a physical every year also. They all have asthma.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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I go about every 15 mths and only beacause it's the only way to get refills on the thryoid meds that allow me to function...gotta have em. I HATE going. I have a genetic disorder that has caused physical deformity and the lack of professionalism on the part of the docs is mortiphying. Being a text book case and all I guess gives them the right to stare and make comments. Did I mention I HATE going to the docs (no matter how understanding they are after the aforementioned reactions).

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No. My family history has no hormone based cancers of concern for women on either side, and longevity, most people live into their 90s in my family. Due to this and my personal medical history my OB says that for now I only need to come in every 3 years but no more than 5 years. We eat well and are healthy and active.


I see my gp for a physical every 5 years or so, unless I need to use the appointment (they are free on my ins yearly) to ask her another question. I don't take any medications other than naproxen for pain so I don't need refills.


I do see my dermatologist every year or so for a mole check and dermatological rxs.


I see the dentist every six months for a cleaning.

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