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Okay ladies, where do you hide the Christmas gifts?


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Suitcases in the basement...in other family members' closets (dd has dh's hidden, because he'd never go there)...glovebox of car...under my mattress...the requisite nightstand or underwear drawer...in between my folded clothes on my closet shelves...hung on hangers underneath my real clothes (works with bags or clothes).



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In the space undermy bookcase headboard.


I tucked a gift card into the zipper bag that a set of sheets came in..I alsmot didn't find that one!


My friend tells of the year she went into her attic to get down some white lights to decorate their deck for their daugther's graduation party. In June.


Found a couple of stashes of Christmas cookies!

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Martian Matter! I have that in my hiding place this year, too!


I hid my mil's gift in the dryer when she popped in the other day and I had to stash it, fast.


The usual places:


Tops of closets.

Bottoms of closets.

Linen drawers that are rarely used.


Top of wardrobe.

Under a bed.

With the wrapping paper.

Top of kitchen something (fridge, microwave stand, etc.)

Behind a bookcase.

Desk drawer.


Just start going thru every drawer and behind every piece of furniture.

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The gifts are in my bedroom closet. I announce at the start of my seasonal shopping that there are now Christmas presents in there and if they wish to keep their Christmas surprises to stay out. If not, I don't want to know about it.


So far two kiddos have ruined their Christmas surprises and one her birthday surprises. She said at her birthday gift opening, "Is this is? I already saw this one in the closet. Isn't there anything else?" No deary, this was your birthday gift surprise. She's already said she's not going to do that again.

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Ooh - these are some great ideas! Presently, my place is dangerous and stupid - in the back o/ my car, under a haphazard blanket. Unwrapped. Still in the shopping bags.



Mine is haphazard too. I have them in the corner of my bedroom with a sleeping bag thrown over them.:D But dangerous? Only to themselves.....look under sleeping bag at your own risk.

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I use to use the neighbors house. But she moved. Now I use the walkin closet and tell the kids it is up to them whether they have a great Christmas or not so they can look and not be surprised or not look and have a great Christmas.


The littlest one looked last year and was disappointed Christmas morning, but this year she is the one who closes her eye half into my bedroom in the closet is cracked open a little!!! :001_smile:


The toolbox in the back of the truck works good too.

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On top of the bookcase and the freezer in cardboard boxes. So far I don't think the boys have even noticed them. Santa hid some presents under the tree already, but he tossed them in paper grocery bags and threw some packing tape around them to keep curious eyes from seeing what's under there. :lol We live in an old farmhouse, so we have very little closet space and have to be creative.

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The gifts are in my bedroom closet. I announce at the start of my seasonal shopping that there are now Christmas presents in there and if they wish to keep their Christmas surprises to stay out. If not, I don't want to know about it.


So far two kiddos have ruined their Christmas surprises and one her birthday surprises. She said at her birthday gift opening, "Is this is? I already saw this one in the closet. Isn't there anything else?" No deary, this was your birthday gift surprise. She's already said she's not going to do that again.


DD says "never again". She likes to be surprised. I wrap the gifts as quickly as possible, but if they do find them, or even unwrap them slightly to find out what it is, that's their problem.

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Mine are up in my walk in closet. Mostly wrapped. Those that are not wrapped (aka Santa's gifts) are up there in an Amazon box or two. DD would have to get a step ladder out in order to look, and I have already told her that I have it up there "just so" so I will know if she peeks. Her main gift is actually sitting in an Amazon box on the couch, yet to be open. As I know what is in the box, I didn't feel the need to have to hide it better. In the past I have hidden them under the bed, in a drawer in DH's dresser, under some clothing, tossed in a corner in my room with an extra pillow covering them.

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No one ever goes in my closet, so they're piled in there. I also have one drawer in my room where I stash smaller stuff throughout the year. A few times dh has hidden bigger items up in the shed, and I just pulled ice skates out of the stow and go compartment in my van.

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Most of ours just get thrown up into the top shelf of DH and I's closets. I start wrapping and placing them one at a time under the tree about the 2nd week of December. They are all labeled in code so the children spend weeks measuring, weighing, sorting, guessing. They don't want to hunt for the ones in my closet. They are too busy with the ones under the tree. LOL.


And they've never peeked at their gifts under the tree. Even as toddlers they wouldn't get into the gifts. Guess they like surprises too much. Oh, and the fact that we said if they ever go hunting for gifts, I'm taking them back to the store for a refund.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest olivia751



I don't hide my gifts. Mostly i put it on the show case and if there is not a sufficient place then i will put it on my wardrobe.





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