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Exactly how early can you start drinking and not be thought a lush?

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I already posted this recommendation (and let me say again, I'm dry) southern comfort can really warm coffee up :lol: But maybe that's liquer too?


DOES THAT COUNT?? Now I feel like an alcohol no nothing :p


eta, the caps are to indicate shock and confusion.


You aren't an alcohol know nothing, you just have a different knowledge set. ;) I'm not a whiskey drinker, it gives me headaches, so it's out of my range of experience. :D

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You aren't an alcohol know nothing, you just have a different knowledge set. ;) I'm not a whiskey drinker, it gives me headaches, so it's out of my range of experience. :D

I destroyed the lining of my stomach with a teenage Mountain Dew addiction. I can't drink alcohol (or orange juice, or anything too acidic), unless I want to curl up in the fetal position for the next hour or so.


I don't miss it too much... except those days when I start to wonder... how early is too early to drink?

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A liqueur is flavored alcohol. Baileys is a liqueur mixed with whiskey.



I like whiskey. :lol:

What about Southern Comfort... just curious...



Mamabegood (hope I spelled that right) you just made me laugh out loud.

Edited by lionfamily1999
I don't help my case with rediculous mispellings and bad grammar
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Dh put a touch of Gentleman Jack in my coffee a few different times over Thanksgiving vacation. Considering that we slept in most days, I probably didn't start my drinking until around 9am. So my answer is that 9am is good, but any earlier means you might have a problem. :001_smile:


What about the time between 12:00 am and when I go to sleep at 2 or 3? Is that strictly a no drinking time or does the next day not start until you have been to sleep?

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Well, according to my mother, if it is in fruit juice or coffee, it is breakfast, so as soon as you get up. Especially on holidays when one has to cook all day. And deal with lots of family members.


So that's been my mistake. I have been dealing with my relatives sober all these years. Here's to spiked coffee!!

Edited by Ferdie
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What about the time between 12:00 am and when I go to sleep at 2 or 3? Is that strictly a no drinking time or does the next day not start until you have been to sleep?


I'm not sure. That's the kind of question I usually save for my priest. My instinct says that the next day doesn't start until you've been to sleep, so I'll go ahead and say go ahead.

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Depends on where you are and what you're drinking. Socom goes well in coffee, good morning sun! I have know people to start the day with a bloody mary (barf) or a mint julep (barfier).


Basically, as long as you can still speak clearly and walk before bed, you're fine. IOW, if you get drunk, you're a lush. Tomorrow you should cut back. Repeat until you find your threshold ;)


But then, I've been dry for some time now :p what do I know?!?

Do naps count in the whole, 'speak, walk clearly before bed' thing?

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Uh..I dunno


Southern Comfort is a fruit, spice, and whiskey flavored liqueur produced since 1874. It is made from a secret blend of whiskey peach brandy, orange, vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon flavors.





It is HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE stuff and 19 years later the smell of it (or reading that description) makes me want to retch :tongue_smilie:!!!

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So, to summarize, we can have it


For breakfast drinking-smiley-49.gif


or around lunch time drinking-smiley-39.gif well, if you're with a friend drinking-smiley-43.gif


while fixing dinner drinking-smiley-27.gif


dinnertime drinking-smiley-13.gif


Pretty much, whenever, as long as the people you're with don't think you're drinking-smiley-50.gif or you don't get too drinking-smiley-26.gif


Did I get that right?

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When DH started his career, I went to a "new wife" thingy and was introduced to a General's wife who was completely lit at 10 o'clock in the morning. She was a very practiced alcoholic - if you didn't catch the glaze to her eyes or the whiff of vodka, you wouldn't have known she was drinking at all.


I was appalled.


Five years later, I couldn't believe we ALL weren't completely lit at 10 o'clock in the morning. :lol:


(my personal rule is 5pm)




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...however, there are adjustments as follows:


Children are fighting with each other--subtract 2 hours.


Husband is fighting with children--do not drink at all. You will need to have all your wits about you to referee.


The relative that you most often have had to ask to pass the bean dip has called--emergency. Any time will do.


It's Mike's that you're drinking--any time will do. Everyone knows that Mikes does not count. And neither does a nice, genteel little glass of sherry.


It's a really hot day--mint juleps do not count under these circumstances. Tom Collins'es, however, are iffy.


It's a really cold day--hot chocolate or coffee, doctored up with some sort of appropriate antifreeze, does not count under these circumstances.


Champagne drinks are acceptable at breakfast time or brunch. Extra points if there is an actual piece of fruit IN the drink.


Rum drinks are acceptable starting at lunchtime in the tropics or in any sunny resort area.


Sake is fine with any Japanese meal.


That is all...


:lol: Classic. But I'd like to add G&T to hot day not counting items (hot here today, G&T in hand)


I also think that if you are at a resort, with a pool and you are laying in a pool lounger, anytime after 10 is a gooooood time for a cocktail. :D


Oh my goodness, this thread has given me the giggles. Classic!

I wonder if I have any Baileys for my coffee tomorrow morning. Asta I think lit by 10am sounds rather appealling when ones children are being revolting.

Edited by keptwoman
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So that's been my mistake. I have been dealing with my relatives sober all these years. Here's to spiked coffee!!


Oh yes, it is one of the holiday joys when some of our family descends on our home! Our tradition is that we pour our coffee for the other, so my husband gets to surprise me with this little nod to how great our regular life is, and me right back at him. ;)

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:iagree: The Southern Comfort reminds me Gluhwein. Gag.


So, to summarize, we can have it


For breakfast drinking-smiley-49.gif


or around lunch time drinking-smiley-39.gif well, if you're with a friend drinking-smiley-43.gif


while fixing dinner drinking-smiley-27.gif


dinnertime drinking-smiley-13.gif


Pretty much, whenever, as long as the people you're with don't think you're drinking-smiley-50.gif or you don't get too drinking-smiley-26.gif


Did I get that right?

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Southern Comfort is a liqueur. It is flavored whiskey.

Ah... thank you! Much better to think my past weakness was a liqueur than whiskey :p

Do naps count in the whole, 'speak, walk clearly before bed' thing?

Only if you nap long enough to get rid of the effects :lol:

Thank you for the link :hurray:

It is HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE stuff and 19 years later the smell of it (or reading that description) makes me want to retch :tongue_smilie:!!!

Oh poo. Goldschlager is gross and the mere thought makes... urp... brb :lol:

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depends on what you've been doing or what your plans are ;)


I like bailey's in my hot chocolate, and as long as i'm not getting ready to operate heavy machinery or start at a job that makes any imbibing of alcohol a no-no, then it seems just fine in the morning to me.


ditto for lunch- beer seems like a staple in Texas, esp if you're eating Mexican food or BBQ.


dinner is a given.


i used to sell a beer to a guy every morning at 6am sharp when i cashiered. He was on his way home from working the night shift: it WAS his "5:00" lol.......

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And if you add peppermint schnapps to coffee does it taste like a peppermint mocha at Starbucks? Because if it does, then I am seeing the holidays in a much rosier glow. :tongue_smilie:


No, no, no...what you must do is add the peppermint schnapps to some very chocolate-y hot chocolate. And then add a shot or two of espresso. Top with whipped cream.


But honestly, it tastes better without the espresso - it's called a Peppermint Patty when you just add the schnapps to hot chocolate. It's a tree-decorating favorite for me. :)

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Did you really? Are you certain the Dew did it?

I used to drink a LOT of it. One day, I went to chug one and it felt like I had a ball of lava in my stomach. When I went to the doc he said it was the dew. Of course, our doctor never used to order tests or anything :p, but 90% of the time he was right and as long as I avoid acidic/citrus stuff I'm fine.

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Well, I could tell you the rules according to my great grandmother, now deceased for, oh, 15 years.


Before 10am, the only socially acceptable drink is a mimosa, because really it's just orange juice, and that is appropriate for breakfast, right?


After 10am, but before lunch, acceptable drinks are a gin and tonic, bloody mary, maybe a beer, but only if you are a liberal/black sheep like my Uncle McGowin.


After noon, then you can have anything clear, or anything added to a coke. White wine might also be acceptable.


Around 5pm is when you can indulge in whatever you wish. However, great grandmother goes to bed at 8pm, and the fun really starts then.

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:lol: Classic. But I'd like to add G&T to hot day not counting items (hot here today, G&T in hand)


I also think that if you are at a resort, with a pool and you are laying in a pool lounger, anytime after 10 is a gooooood time for a cocktail. :D




OK, gin and tonic is on the hot day not counting list. Tropical rum drinks are also on that lists, particularly in a resort setting. But not Manhattens. Those are for the cocktail hour. Martinis, too.

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