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How many c-sections have you had?

How many c-sections have you had?  

  1. 1. How many c-sections have you had?

    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven
    • Eight or more

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I've had four. I know several women who have had five or six. My doc said four is my limit and I'm glad to agree. The ones I've known with five or six have been experiencing loads of problems related to scar tissue, bladder problems, etc. I don't know if it's so much from the multiple pregnancies piled on to the multiple c-sections (a couple were in rapid fire progression, no time for the body to recover well) or due to individual issues. I have done very well with four and don't feel the need to push my luck!

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One pregnancy, One C-Section, Two Children. If I were to ever be pregnant again (not likely), I would opt for another.


Same here, except the "not likely" part. :) We are considering trying for a third child, and most likely it would be my second section.



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How many is safe should be taken on a case by case basis. The doctor who did your last cesarean would be the best person to ask how well you'd handle another one. :)


To answer the poll, my first two children were born by cesarean, my last three were born naturally.

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I've had 4 each one increases the danger of something going wrong, the number is different for everyone. Some can have 1 and have problems some can have 10 with never having a problem. I cannot have anymore children because of a 5th pg implanting on one of the sections scars, thereby causing my uterus to explode. A dr. could not have predicted that happening with a prior c/s. I am the rarity though but it does happen.

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I had my first two vaginally, and my last one by emergency c-section because I had monoamnionic twins, and one died at birth.


NO WAY, NO WAY would I ever have another C-Section ever, ever, ever.


Which is why I never had any more kids. It was awful. Took me weeks to recover and I think I didn't even look at my husband straight in the eye for 6 weeks. I couldn't even stand up straight.


My baby days are done now, but if I ever got pregnant again, I would beg for a vaginal birth over a c-section any day of the week.


Many of my friends thought I would be crazy to choose that option. Okay but I would choose that option:lol:

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When they make the incision, do they need to do it in a different place each time due to scar tissue from the previous incision? If so, how is it safe for someone to have 9 c-sects?




I don't have an answer and if there is one, I'd certainly be curious to hear it. My funny response is that they just don't make uteri like they used to! :D


But, seriously, when I was in the 'prep' room the morning the twins were born (9yrs tomorrow), the anesthesiologist was asking me questions, giving me little cups to drink of disgusting tasting stuff, and he asked me (in his very heavy Russian accent) how many pregnancies I had thus far (the answer was nine), he gave me A look....then he asked how many live births......I said three (I had a few miscarriages)....and then he asked if all three live births had been c-sections. I answered that they had been. He looks at me again and he says, 'So, this will be your fourth c-section?' I stared back at him and said, 'Unless you can think of another way to get them out!':lol::lol::lol:

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Wow, I'm amazed with the number of C-secs over 4 or 5. I've had 3 and after my last I DEFINITELY got the impression from the doc that I might want to stop. Might have been because I had 4 kids or that I was approaching 40.


My hubby said no more -- he didn't want me having any more surgeries because of the danger. The 2 posters that had problems on here said they are rare, but from what I've been told, their situations are not rare.

C-secs are MAJOR surgery and there are all the risks of regular surgery and then some -- not to mention recovery time.


I think everyone's body is different and that really comes into play. I just really think my body would not do well with more.

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I've had four C-sections. They made the incisions in the same place each time. By the fourth there was a lot of scar tissue, so while my OB was already in there he removed it. My incision scar looked a lot better after the fourth than after the third.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know how often she posts these days, but if I recall correctly, Colleen had more than three.

Did she even have a c-section with each of her five boys?

Your memory serves you correctly.:) All five of mine were sections. The first was an emergency during which I was under general anesthesia; the second was an emergency performed during an attempted VBAC; third was a planned section; last two were planned sections that were performed early due to emergencies. And then the double abdominal hernia repair. Whew!;)
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The VBACs were face up, too. My dh said he wishes he could somehow spray face inside me: "FACE DOWN! THIS WAY OUT!" with arrows.




My two single babies were both face down too. In fact, of my four, only one was facing the right way. Fortunately, he was Twin A so we were able to avoid a c-section even though Twin B was a footling breech.

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