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Facebook.....like it or hate it?

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It was alot of fun at first, but now, meh. I do enjoy keeping up with my grown nieces and nephews though. And I have connected with a handful of people that were important to me and I'm thrilled to know where/how they are.


I ignore every app now. I don't like that aspect at all. So sorry if anyone out there has invited me to be in their mafia or to play farmville. I don't do those things at all, it's not personal.


So, I sorta like it.

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(I think all of you who "know" me on this Board know this about me already! I've harped on it enough. I won't bore you anymore. Did I ever tell you that I HATE it? :lol::lol::lol::lol:)


Yeah, what she said.:001_smile::iagree:

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I don't love it, I don't hate it, but I do enjoy it. Gives my friends and family more of a chance to be a part of each other's daily lives (without being obtrusive). That's a good thing. Like anything else, it's also something that can be abused. I don't do that, so I come out on the side of it being a positive experience.

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Like it.

I don't play the games or take the quizzes, and I ignore the little box in the upper-right corner that is full of stuff people have sent me.


I use it for the status conversations and the sharing of pictures. I love seeing pictures from my distant friends and family on a regular basis.

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I like it. I don't do any apps. Ignore who and what I want. I love keeping up and getting in touch with old friends I am talking friends I grew up with.


Same here. I was resistent to getting on FB, but now I am happy I did. I have reconnected with college friends, former co-workers, and family through FB. I have no use for the games, but I am thrilled with the networking aspect of it...and I can alway say no if I don't want to friend someone.

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I don't love it, I don't hate it, but I do enjoy it. Gives my friends and family more of a chance to be a part of each other's daily lives (without being obtrusive). That's a good thing. Like anything else, it's also something that can be abused. I don't do that, so I come out on the side of it being a positive experience.


ditto.. I also use it for work. But then I also use Twitter for that as well. :tongue_smilie:

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(I think all of you who "know" me on this Board know this about me already! I've harped on it enough. I won't bore you anymore. Did I ever tell you that I HATE it? :lol::lol::lol::lol:)




Dh and I each had an account for about three months. The last month I had it all I could do was complain. The whole thing annoyed me. I cringe when I hear or see companies and such that tell you to sign up with them on FB or Twitter. Uhhhhhhh!! Even my mom, everytime I talk to her, likes to try to convince me that I'm missing out because I'm not on FB. Huh? I don't think so.

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I hate how all these people I know from different areas of life are all in one place. I even had the person renting our house ask to be a part of my facebook while we are living abroad for a couple of years! Um, isn't that sort of like mixing business with pleasure? So, I don't think so.


I hate the trivia/drivel that gets passed around. I mean, why do I care what my friend from high school is cooking for dinner? Or what dog's name is?


Everyone told me that when we move this would be a great way to keep in touch. But I only go there once in a blue moon. Call us old fashioned, but we send out a family style newsletter to our friends every quarter or so. Thaat way I can put my thoughts and feelings into more than 25 words and can target who I am sending it to.


Yes, I hate facebook.



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I like it. I don't do any apps. Ignore who and what I want. I love keeping up and getting in touch with old friends I am talking friends I grew up with.

:iagree: I found a friend I had known almost 40 years ago, who had been looking for me since high school.:) I had a nice chat with someone with whom I had graduated from high school--nice because we had only known each other from afar in high school, and it was pleasant to find out that we actually had much in common (a little regret because we hadn't been friends in high school, but such is life). I found some family members who had been MIA for many years. And I've connected family members from Seattle to Germany (as I get older, I'm wanting that connection more and more).


I will admit to being, um, *attracted* to Bejewelled Blitz:D, but I tired of the other apps early on. Mostly I just drop in periodically to check on everyone. :-)

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I enjoy it. It provides several things...


I don't live near any friends that I had for years. On FB we can message, chat and look at each others photos. These are people that I actually care about!


It's also a way for me to connect with my teens!! They are going to socialize through the computer and this gives us an area to connect that tends to stay really positive... and teens need that.


While I don't play the games like mafia, farm, or yoville, we have had a LOT of laughs clicking on some free random games and we try to beat each other's scores. Once again, this is in the teen zone. That has given us fun to share and they enjoy me competing in the sometimes stupid and often funny games.


I found a friend who was my birth coach having my first child. Our families knew each other from before we were born. Her parents moved, I moved, she moved and none of us knew how to find each other!! Now we chat once in a while on FB.


FB is part of my day, like checking email. I think it's fun to see random thoughts. I wouldn't care to have a hundred friends, though!! I have been picky about accepting people as my friends and it has stayed very enjoyable.

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"Mom, are you talking to your imaginary friends again?"


"No, dear, these are my real friends. My imaginary ones are on the WTM boards."




Connecting with friends from 25 years ago may seem lame to some, but it's an outlet for a mom of 5 who doesn't get out much. It's been fun to reconnect in a different (peer pressure-less) space. I've had meaningful conversations in which I shared how others had impressed me or I them, discovered other parents of children with autism, joined in praying for people I remember. After teaching school for 12 years, I'm now friends with some grown former students. I am so proud of them!


I enjoy it so far.

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... it's easier for me to keep up with vs. blogging. :)


I like seeing what everyone is up to. It was weird at first having all those different relationships in one place, though.


All the apps were fun at first, but now I ignore them all and just enjoy the status updates and photos.

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I enjoy keeping up with family and friends on the big stuff (news, awards, - you know, the important stuff). I also like that people post funny videos - things that make me laugh.


I absolutely HATE that people use it to post what they're doing at that moment or about to do. My SIL posted she was about to get her toes done (a pedicure). Who the flip cares? And she's not the only one. It seems that some people are so narcissistic that they actually believe others give a da## about their little day to day activities. I'm still waiting for the one where someone reports they're sitting on the toilet.


Like I said. It's a love/hate thing. I actually "hide" some people's comments if they are getting too personal or too political or too religious.

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I am very "eh" about FB.


I like being able to connect with people from the past...MOST of the time. Other times, I really think that some friends of mine should never meet other friends. For instance, my pastor made a comment about a Gay sitcom. My ex-stepdad who is gay didn't much appreciate it. :(


I have considered cancelling my FB account numerous times. What keeps me from it is losing contact with people on a daily basis that I actually care to talk to. It is quick and easy to have everyone in one place to send a message.

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I really like it and can't imagine ever giving it up! I don't do all the applications but just read each day to see what everyone is up to. I love that I can keep up with my family that is all spread out and I hardly get to see (cousins, aunts/uncles, etc.). I love seeing everyone's pictures. And I have moved a lot so it's nice to keep up with friends that don't live near me.

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I am very "eh" about FB.


I like being able to connect with people from the past...MOST of the time. Other times, I really think that some friends of mine should never meet other friends. For instance, my pastor made a comment about a Gay sitcom. My ex-stepdad who is gay didn't much appreciate it. :(


This is what I mean by my worlds colliding. Some people I know and love should not interact with one another.

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I like Facebook for keeping up with extended family, many of whom live across the country. I like seeing pictures of friend's trips and activities. I do enjoy interesting links, videos, and tidbits from friends.


I hate those endless games that clutter up my status page. I hate when people feel compelled to post political stuff that apparently they assume everyone agrees with.


I HATE how my DH is addicted to FB. He could spend hours there if I didn't get mad. He has over 300 "friends" and feels compelled to read every update, and respond. It is a huge time-sucker for him.

Michelle T

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It has definitely made it easier for me to maintain relationships with certain friends who are far away, and has even given me a better understanding and more connections to some people I see regularly. It's a tool, like anything else. Some aspects of it are useless or annoying to me, but certain aspects have been really fantastic. (shrug). I don't know that I'd go so far as to say I "love" it, lol. But I do appreciate things about it. :)

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