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"That's Gay!"

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I cannot describe how much I hate that phrase. Truly hate it. Unfortunately, because I am a principal I hear it ALL DAY. It seems to be the favorite phrase for kids to describe anything they don't like or don't agree with.


Who came up with this ridiculous phrase? I'd like to punch them. I can deal with "That sucks!" better. Or even "WHATever". But if I hear "That's gay!" one more time I might seriously hurt someone. :rant:

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Oooohhh, I hate that one too. My kids' friends use that one alot:glare:


But I still hate "Retard!" more though. Yes, I have a mentally challenged child. Yes, it find it insulting to someone with a disability. I will correct a child who says "Retard" at my house--especially with ds10 sitting right there. He may not understand. but. I. do.

**sorry for the :rant:**

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Ummm, what does it mean?


Well, the kids seem to find ways to make it mean all sorts of things but basically it is a phrase they use to express their displeasure about something or their dislike for something.


For instance, I told them they could not kick the ball when they play "four-square" at recess because kids are getting hurt. The response? "That's gay!"


Another instance, in class they were talking about movies they like. One student said they liked High School Musical and another kids said, "That's gay!"



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:iagree: That phrase is no different from any other bigoted epithet, none of which would be considered acceptable language.






Can't you make a policy about no hateful/hurtful/derogatory language? Otherwsie what fun is it to be principal?:001_smile:

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How about a contest for which class can go the longest without anyone in the class using the phrase?


Or a contest for classes that can come up with the best or most comprehensive list of alternatives for expressing their displeasure? For example, in a month's time, every time they would have used the phrase, they write the circumstances that caused them displeasure (or to disagree, or whatever) and come up with alternate wording to express that particular emotion. At the end of the month, each class submits its list for evaluation by a panel of teachers.


Individual students could also get awards for writing essays or stories based around the experience that would have triggered the use of the phrase, having the story's characters expressing themselves without using the banned phrase.


Just brainstorming....

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Back when I taught high school a few years ago, I HATED hearing this phrase. The kids just didn't understand how much I couldn't stand it and how offensive it sounds....no matter what side of the fence your opinion falls on.


And yes, most of the time it was meant to mean "that's stupid!" I'm so glad that I don't have to listen to it anymore. That phrase will be banned in this house.

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People were much less p.c. back then. I guess everything old really is new again.


Dismissing it as a "p.c." issue trivializes the problem, though. This is (and always has been) a pretty straightforward bigotry issue. Even back in the 80's, the expression was derogatory. It's just that that kind of overt bigotry against gays was more acceptably mainstream then.

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Dismissing it as a "p.c." issue trivializes the problem, though. This is (and always has been) a pretty straightforward bigotry issue. Even back in the 80's, the expression was derogatory. It's just that that kind of overt bigotry against gays was more acceptably mainstream then.

Didn't mean to dismiss the issue. My apologies.


In the 80's I was a youngster and wouldn't have meant it as derogatory at all...nobody ever told me it was. And I agree, overt bigotry in general was more acceptable.


No offense meant....still like the paddle idea and glad for the meeting.

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That phrase bothers me, but I have also noticed some of the same kids (white middle class suburban girls) calling each other "Nigg@".


I just really can not get over it.

I think your example is a result of Pop Culture. Strange world we live in. Reminds me of my parents thinking I was crazy for saying "bad" (think Michael Jackson) was "good" and "wicked" was "cool or awesome"

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That's not something I would allow if I were ruler of the whole world. I hope my children would know there would be hell to pay if I heard *anything* like that come out of their mouths! It's completely awful & unacceptable!


They were not allowed to say that at my oldest son's (Quaker) school without repercussion. They were excellent about putting down this kind of language without punishment.

Edited by LibraryLover
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That particular phrase used to annoy my dh considerably when he was teaching Auslan. The kids would translate it word for word, but unfortunately the slang connotation doesn't translate. It took him ages to get them to see quite how stupid they looked signing "that computer is a homosexual man."



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My brother is a teacher in a middle/high school in a small rural town here, and he tells the story of when he wanted a student to move their desk to better interact with another student. The one who was asked said, "That's gay!" and my brother, said, as he picked up the desk and carried it himself, "Gay gay gay, gay gay gay, gay gay gay gay, gay gay gay," like the little rhyme. It diffused the situation and pointed out the ridiculous use of this word!


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I cannot describe how much I hate that phrase. Truly hate it. Unfortunately, because I am a principal I hear it ALL DAY. It seems to be the favorite phrase for kids to describe anything they don't like or don't agree with.


Who came up with this ridiculous phrase? I'd like to punch them. I can deal with "That sucks!" better. Or even "WHATever". But if I hear "That's gay!" one more time I might seriously hurt someone. :rant:


My 15yo dd says it a lot. I have to say that it bothers me much less than "That sucks!" I can't stand that one.

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I'm in a difficult position here. I've got an 11yo who likes to use 'queer' quite often. It's her favorite word. She uses it properly. I wish I remembered where she first read it. She was an early reader and it was a classic, but I can't recall. It's going to bother me.


I tell her that although she uses it properly, it may offend some people, or encourage others who don't realize that it has another meaning. She thinks that is silly and wants to educate the masses.


She likes to combine weird and queer to get queerd. It means something is truly bizarre or a seemingly unsolvable mystery.

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My brother is a teacher in a middle/high school in a small rural town here, and he tells the story of when he wanted a student to move their desk to better interact with another student. The one who was asked said, "That's gay!" and my brother, said, as he picked up the desk and carried it himself, "Gay gay gay, gay gay gay, gay gay gay gay, gay gay gay," like the little rhyme. It diffused the situation and pointed out the ridiculous use of this word!



What a smart man! Good for him. Banning words seems likely to be counter productive to me, especially with middle schoolers. Disarm the situation - very smart.


Your brother's "song" reminded me of the movie The Producers which has this song in it called "Keep It Gay," where they repeat that phrase over and over. It is a very catchy song so it sticks in your head. It is a kind of shocking musical number that I could not help feeling would surely offend nearly everyone. I found myself in a kind of "offended" loop where I did not know who was offending whom or if anyone was really offended. Disturbing. Can't recommend the show for people who are easily bothered, BTW, but your brother's song totally made me think of this, so now that song is stuck in my head! Ugh! :D

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I'm in a difficult position here. I've got an 11yo who likes to use 'queer' quite often. It's her favorite word. She uses it properly. I wish I remembered where she first read it. She was an early reader and it was a classic, but I can't recall. It's going to bother me.


I tell her that although she uses it properly, it may offend some people, or encourage others who don't realize that it has another meaning. She thinks that is silly and wants to educate the masses.


She likes to combine weird and queer to get queerd. It means something is truly bizarre or a seemingly unsolvable mystery.


Same here. Having heard quite a few Enid Blyton novels, my kids think queer means strange or unexpected. A lot of traditional children's books also use gay in the older sense. (I usually just read it as happy or cheerful to avoid confusion.)

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It's very common around here...we have a large culture clash going on due to the high immigration and the city people moving to rural areas. "That's gay" is quite often the kid way of drawing a boundary, especially in the locker room, since many other students won't respect ordinary English and apparently come from cultures where one stares at others changing. Other times it's just plain intolerance of others and needs to be nipped in the bud like all bullying.

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