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Okay Conservatives, self identify here

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I am a slightly crunchy conservative. I cried when Clinton was elected and again when Obama was elected. I want clean air, and a clean earth, but I also want more personal responsibility and less government interference. We are pretty conservative christians but kids have seen the HP movies. I don't own any denim jumpers, I am a working mom, and I still believe the Bible is literal. I don't know where I fit sometimes.

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Libertarians and Conservatives, and that's where I live, in the never-neverland between the two. Liberal/progressivism to me is incredibly boring, but, then I grew up in a very liberal family and attended very liberal schools. Their arguments are tiresome and wornout, and their policies are huge failures.

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:iagree: I definitely call myself a conservative, but probably no longer call myself a Republican, as it seems that 99% of the congressional Republicans are no different in deed/voting record than 99% of the Democrats when it comes to fiscal issues. (Don't ask me to back this up -- I don't have any way to back that up -- it's more of a feeling -- and I'm too tired to figure it out today...)


I have nothing to back this up either, but this is my same feeling. I posted in the other thread but I have fiscally conservative views that also fit in here.


But for all the whohaw about Republicans being the party of fiscal conservatism, I just don't see it. I feel they spend above means just as much if not more so than the liberal conservative Democrats. I really feel the parties are not so much on political values anymore, just party bashing. This goes for both sides.

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I'm a conservative. I have never registered with any party but I lean Libertarian or Constitutional and usually end up voting Republican....but not anymore....not unless it is a true conservative candidate. I'm waiting for the perfect Divine Monarch to return...until then, everything else is child's play.

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Just need to give both threads equal time. Socially I'm conservative (pro-life, family values, etc.) In other areas I'm more liberal. I refuse to fit into any nice neat little box.





Truthfully, I think the majority wouldn't fit into a nice little box...but we are forced to choose between 2 parties. And we don't all believe everything the party stands for but are stuck choosing the lesser of two evils. Sad.

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I am a slightly crunchy conservative. I cried when Clinton was elected and again when Obama was elected. I want clean air, and a clean earth, but I also want more personal responsibility and less government interference. We are pretty conservative christians but kids have seen the HP movies. I don't own any denim jumpers, I am a working mom, and I still believe the Bible is literal. I don't know where I fit sometimes.


:iagree::iagree:I fit all of this, except the working mom part. Although I think being a mom most days requires plenty of work!:D

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I no longer call myself a Republican as there are precious few Republicans that represent my views. I am a Conservative. I am ultra-conservative. Some might even call me a Right Wing Extremist, a title I proudly wear.


I am very conservative on social issues. I hate big government. I love the free market and *gasp* capitalism.


In short, Ronald Reagan is my hero!:D


Yeah, what she said :D.




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I'm too conservative to be a republican but I think the libertarians are too wacky for me to line up with either.


See, us extreme, flaming red, right wing extremists don't really fit in anywhere either. :crying:


I hear ya. The Constitution Party is looking better and better to me these days . . .






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I'm actually socially more conservative but fiscally more liberal.


By "fiscally liberal", do you mean you are liberal with *your* money or every one else's money? I mean, do you have a household budget you stick to, or do you throw your money away at unknown, ineffective, poorly-run causes with no accountability? Just wondering because I've never heard this term before and can't figure out what it means.:001_smile:


Personally, I'm a gun-totin', recycling, ultra conservative supporter of private charities who wants small government and is in favor of personal responsibility.:D

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I am my moms worst nightmare (God bless her soul). I am an Episcopalian (wanna be Catholic), Conservative, pro-life, pro family, ex corporate executive-now SAHM, fiscally and social conservative who as a child and teenager marched on DC ( and anywhere else the protest bus was going that weekend) for ERA and "choice", met all the top guns of feminists, probably played with their kids in conference rooms and hotels--- I am sure I have a file somewhere in the annuals of the FBI with my name on it.... but my mom as a radical feminist did do many wonderful things, got many laws passed--anyone that has been domestically abused or has had a family member/friend abused can thank her and Del Martin and other radical feminists for their devotion, the laws they got passed and the shelters that now help those in bad situations..... so radical liberalism is good when the fight is evil, .....me I have already fought :blush:


Adrianne in TX

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and I don't recycle unless I get a bottle deposit back. ;)


Okay - I know I don't belong here - except I am pro-life and pro-Guns and support a strong military and a balanced budget. My high school government classes were all conducted by proud members of the John Birch Society which probably explains my strong Constitutional and libertarian views on many issues. I am also proudly liberal on many issues.


Asking respectfully: Do conservatives recycle? And is recycling a political choice? I know many liberals self-identify as being environmentally active and aware, but does this exclude conservatives? Are there proud conservative environmentalists?

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Okay - I know I don't belong here - except I am pro-life and pro-Guns and support a strong military and a balanced budget. My high school government classes were all conducted by proud members of the John Birch Society which probably explains my strong Constitutional and libertarian views on many issues. I am also proudly liberal on many issues.


Asking respectfully: Do conservatives recycle? And is recycling a political choice? I know many liberals self-identify as being environmentally active and aware, but does this exclude conservatives? Are there proud conservative environmentalists?


I think you belong here!


I'm a conservative and I recycle. We're very earth friendly ;), but we have the means and the life-style to do it. It's not cheap, easy, or quick, but we believe we are stewards of everything God has given us.:001_smile:

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Asking respectfully: Do conservatives recycle? And is recycling a political choice? I know many liberals self-identify as being environmentally active and aware, but does this exclude conservatives? Are there proud conservative environmentalists?


Yes, conservatives recycle too. The crunchy-con philosophy is basically living in harmony with the natural world as wise stewards entrusted by God with the care of His creation.

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Conservative to the end. My poor daughter was asking how "ANYONE" could be a Christian and vote for Obama. I explained the different views and what's most important to you...She was dumbfounded. (And her dad is a huge liberal to his death...guy!)

I am the .... get government something better to do than worry about my personal life.... I can raise my own kids..thanks!

I love the person who has the signature that says, "I've seen the village, and I don't want it raising my children"


And also... I think that they should have some school that's public... but not babysitting.... maybe grades 3-8 or so... moms or someone else for younger... and a college type thing for older...



Edited by NayfiesMama
I liked Jimmy Carter...and his peanuts.. But, just as a nice guy:-)
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Present! ;)


In case you couldn't tell..... :lol:


Crazy liberal until I got a real job! Passionately pro-abortion until I saw my neice at her first ultrasound... she just turned 16!


Not into politics until Newt Gingrich led the charge. First campaign was to volunteer for Senator Jeff Sessions in a state election & still think his is doing a great job!


Anti-public school & anti-government benevolence (charity of any kind is the person's responsibility) & pro-gun & pro-death penalty (with strict req for witnesses & hard evidence)... pro-SUV... pro-recycle if saves money or earns money... pro capitalism (rise & fall of business, it works if left alone!).... pro-States having more authority & feds less


Love Thomas Sowell & Walter Williams. Love Palin, Sessions & DeMint. Love Limbaugh & Levin.


And apologize to the world that Jimmy Carter is from the beautiful deep SOUTH!:lol: Just embarrassing!:glare:

Edited by Dirtroad
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I no longer call myself a Republican as there are precious few Republicans that represent my views. I am a Conservative. I am ultra-conservative. Some might even call me a Right Wing Extremist, a title I proudly wear.


I am very conservative on social issues. I hate big government. I love the free market and *gasp* capitalism.


In short, Ronald Reagan is my hero!:D


Ronald Reagan wasn't conservative enough for me. ;)


I'm Probably closest to Constitution Party [w/ Objectivist leanings :D].


Ron Paul's my guy.

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I'm all wee-wee'ed up just reading this thread! Must be the season!


I am proudly:


Pro American

Pro Constitution

Pro Capitalism/Free Markets (duh!)

Pro Fiscal Discipline (small govt)

Pro Life

Pro Family

Pro Strong National Defense

Pro Personal Responsibility



Big Government (Boo! Hiss!)

Nanny State

Socialized Medicine

Government interference in the private sector

Open Borders

Gun control

Taxation without Representation

State-controlled Media


I know I'll think of more later.


I have 3 simple words for my fellow conservatives:


Sit vis vobiscum!

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Asking respectfully: Do conservatives recycle? And is recycling a political choice? I know many liberals self-identify as being environmentally active and aware, but does this exclude conservatives? Are there proud conservative environmentalists?


That was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, we're definately into being good stewards. We usually are very frugal and have little to recycle, other than cans for the bottle deposit, as we re-use almost everything.

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I assumed you were being tongue-in-cheek, because I have assumed from some of your other posts that you are frugal. Your comment just made me think - my brother is super conservative and would never recycle. He thinks its all some gay-liberal conspiracy and if he starts recycling he is on a slippery slope to becoming one of those weirdo tree-huggers like me. He's the most conservative person I know IRL.

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Asking respectfully: Do conservatives recycle? And is recycling a political choice? I know many liberals self-identify as being environmentally active and aware, but does this exclude conservatives? Are there proud conservative environmentalists?


I am ultra-conservative, both socially and fiscally, and we are RABID about recycling, reducing, re-using. Growing up in Washington DC in the 70's when no one had even heard of recycling, my ultra-conservative dad made my brothers and me drive around our neighborhood once a month to collect everyone's newspapers and then drive an hour to the nearest recycling center! Our neighbors thought we were nuts! (But they still saved all their newspapers for us :lol:). I can remember throwing away a piece of aluminum foil and my dad making me fish it out of the trash can for these monthly runs to the recycling center. We also had to take trash bags with us on any outing/hike we went on because my dad would make sure we picked up any trash that we found on our way. To this day, he can not go out on a walk without coming home with an armload of trash and empty bottles. Now, my kids and I do the same when we are out. What a pain it was then but it left a lasting impression on me about being good stewards of our earth. Liberals do not have the monopoly on this!;)

Edited by Debbie in OR
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By "fiscally liberal", do you mean you are liberal with *your* money or every one else's money? I mean, do you have a household budget you stick to, or do you throw your money away at unknown, ineffective, poorly-run causes with no accountability? Just wondering because I've never heard this term before and can't figure out what it means.:001_smile:


Personally, I'm a gun-totin', recycling, ultra conservative supporter of private charities who wants small government and is in favor of personal responsibility.:D


I'm still defining it myself, but essentially what I mean is that while I don't support a welfare state, I do believe in some forms of government assistance for the poor, especially women and children. At the same time, I also believe in smaller govt and definitely in personal responsibility...so like I said, I'm still figuring out exactly what kind of assistance should be given. Truthfully, I'm not even there yet, because I have no time for politics in this crazy but wonderful season of life with little ones and homeschooling!


Oh, and on a personal level, I'm quite frugal, which is a challenge living in one of the most expensive places in the world, but I feel so grateful to have all of our needs met and many of our wants as well. I'm not very materialistic--prefer to spend on experiences rather than things, i.e. travel, good food, educational activities, etc. Whenever possible, I buy things secondhand, esp. books and clothes. As for giving, it's mostly limited to our church, but if we are ever in a position to have more to give, I will thoroughly do my homework beforehand. I'm addicted to research :)

Edited by Myrrh
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Growing up in Washington DC in the 70's when no one had even heard of recycling, my ultra-conservative dad made my brothers and me drive around our neighborhood once a month to collect everyone's newspapers and then drive an hour to the nearest recycling center! Our neighbors thought we were nuts! (But they still saved all their newspapers for us :lol:).


This was the first business I started, I was 11. I found an abandoned grocery cart in the woods and would wheel it to my "customers" a few times a week collecting their papers. Once a month my father would drive me to the recycling center. I was so proud of myself that first summer when I did my own school clothes shopping.

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Asking respectfully: Do conservatives recycle? And is recycling a political choice? I know many liberals self-identify as being environmentally active and aware, but does this exclude conservatives? Are there proud conservative environmentalists?


:001_smile:Hi Karen.


Now this is only my opinion, so take it for what it's worth. It's not the recycling issue that I have a problem with as I believe that we should all be good stewards of God's creation, it's the telling me that I have to be a good steward.


The whole "going green" phenomenon is sweeping the country now, and I think it is great that people are becoming more aware of taking care of what we have been given. It becomes a slippery slope, however, when the gov't begins mandating how we can and cannot live and what we can and cannot throw out and what we can and cannot use as light bulbs and what we can and cannot drive, etc. I think that is what most conservatives balk at, or at least this conservative does.


I do recycle. I buy the majority of my furniture from Craig's list. I support local farmers and businesses. I teach my children to be good stewards of God's creation. I do all of these things because I choose to, I don't like the idea of someone telling me that I have to.

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i'll be counted!


Conservative, pro-life, pro-death penalty, pro personal responsibility, anti-gun control, anti-big government, and anti-socialized medicine...


and since it's been mentioned, I do recycle....however, it bugs me when we pay a deposit on sodas in MI (visit family there) that I will never get back, even though i will be recycling the bottles/cans in NC.....

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Oh that's good to hear. I was hoping that there were environmentally friendly conservatives.


Most of the conservatives I know recycle. Even my church has a special trash can for aluminum cans, and one of the deacons takes plastic and cardboard to the recycling center weekly (no money for recycling, either). And, my church is probably the most conservative one in town (unless there's some small ultra-ultra conservative church hidden somewhere around here. LOL).

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I am ultra-conservative, both socially and fiscally, and we are RABID about recycling, reducing, re-using. Growing up in Washington DC in the 70's when no one had even heard of recycling, my ultra-conservative dad made my brothers and me drive around our neighborhood once a month to collect everyone's newspapers and then drive an hour to the nearest recycling center! Our neighbors thought we were nuts! (But they still saved all their newspapers for us :lol:). I can remember throwing away a piece of aluminum foil and my dad making me fish it out of the trash can for these monthly runs to the recycling center. We also had to take trash bags with us on any outing/hike we went on because my dad would make sure we picked up any trash that we found on our way. To this day, he can not go out on a walk without coming home with an armload of trash and empty bottles. Now, my kids and I do the same when we are out. What a pain it was then but it left a lasting impression on me about being good stewards of our earth. Liberals do not have the monopoly on this!;)




We can't avoid recycling in our region, can we? I think it's so cool that I have one can for garbage and 2 for recycling. We are recycling more than we throw away. I'm all for caring for the earth. God gave it to us to care for.


I do have a problem with environmentalists putting the earth before human welfare. Animals are important but not as important as humans.

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If the bees all vanished tomorrow, man would be toast. :tongue_smilie:


I actually agree about the bees. I'm pro-bee. I don't recall any special things we are supposed to be doing for the bees. Did I miss that?


I mean people's property being deemed prairie land for ground hogs. Not being able to build on land after the county decides to make half of it protected wetlands. I'm pro-wetlands, too. If you are an average joe you are sunk. If you are rich, well that's a different story. I could go on and on about animals being put before humans.


And I have a problem with changes for the environment that aren't actually good for anyone. Why do I have a "green" light bulb with mercury in it? Who's bright idea was that?

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I actually agree about the bees. I'm pro-bee. I don't recall any special things we are supposed to be doing for the bees. Did I miss that?


I mean people's property being deemed prairie land for ground hogs. Not being able to build on land after the county decides to make half of it protected wetlands. I'm pro-wetlands, too. If you are an average joe you are sunk. If you are rich, well that's a different story. I could go on and on about animals being put before humans.


And I have a problem with changes for the environment that aren't actually good for anyone. Why do I have a "green" light bulb with mercury in it? Who's bright idea was that?



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Karen in CO asked "Do conservatives recycle? And is recycling a political choice? I know many liberals self-identify as being environmentally active and aware, but does this exclude conservatives? Are there proud conservative environmentalists?"



Well we do recycle and do consider ourselves sort of conservative environmentalists. Why I say "sort of" is because while I want clean air and water, I realize that we need to balance environment desires with economic desires. We donate to several groups that buy up or restore environments.

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I do have to add that I am against the CFC lightbulbs and also don't like the mileage laws. We don't buy cars for idiot reasons but I want safe cars ( so not very lightweight vehicles) and my dh needs a truck for his hobby (woodworking). Others use large cars for various reasons- lots of kids, pets, camping, whatever. Our air is cleaner than it was when I was a child growing up. It is also cleaner than many parts of Europe. (I have asthma and have read studies on these things).

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I do have to add that I am against the CFC lightbulbs and also don't like the mileage laws. We don't buy cars for idiot reasons but I want safe cars ( so not very lightweight vehicles) and my dh needs a truck for his hobby (woodworking). Others use large cars for various reasons- lots of kids, pets, camping, whatever. Our air is cleaner than it was when I was a child growing up. It is also cleaner than many parts of Europe. (I have asthma and have read studies on these things).


Right. There has to be balance. I think most conservatives want a non-poluted earth. I also think that some of the "environmental" stuff that goes on out there is politically motivated to shame and control people and their thinking. I think that is what conservatives react negatively to.

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I actually agree about the bees. I'm pro-bee. I don't recall any special things we are supposed to be doing for the bees. Did I miss that?


I mean people's property being deemed prairie land for ground hogs. Not being able to build on land after the county decides to make half of it protected wetlands. I'm pro-wetlands, too. If you are an average joe you are sunk. If you are rich, well that's a different story. I could go on and on about animals being put before humans.


And I have a problem with changes for the environment that aren't actually good for anyone. Why do I have a "green" light bulb with mercury in it? Who's bright idea was that?


Prowetlands & proprairie lands.... great.... my idea is that you sould rally support and BUY that land. Not manipulate gov't to seize it and the poor farmer lose his family heritage & livelyhood.


Buy it & honor private property... conservation, cultural preservation & property right protection!!!:)

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I do have to add that I am against the CFC lightbulbs and also don't like the mileage laws. We don't buy cars for idiot reasons but I want safe cars ( so not very lightweight vehicles) and my dh needs a truck for his hobby (woodworking). Others use large cars for various reasons- lots of kids, pets, camping, whatever. Our air is cleaner than it was when I was a child growing up. It is also cleaner than many parts of Europe. (I have asthma and have read studies on these things).


Plus, science doesn't support it all. If you have 6 kids & spouse... it will take multiple (2-3) cars at 35 mpg to carry the entire family, luggage & a dog.... but only 1 suburban at 18mpg. Are you really saving the environment... gasonline use... you are NOT saving any money for sure? Plus, petro/oil is abundant & proven... but it doesnt fit with the political agenda.


Light bulbs. Do not last as long, hazardous to dispose of ... HELLO? Did anyone do the math & research before forcing these things on us. They amy reduce the power bill a little but not enough to help me recover from $2.50-4.00 per bulb.:001_huh:


Our local gov't will fine you $500 for not having landfill/garbage pick up. Even if you compost & recycle everything and show them your system. They want money on one hand & to be PC on the other. If we all go to 100% recycle & natural disposal.... they will have to tax it. (crazy)


Last year, we had droughts here. Everyone was encouraged to conserve adn even use grey water. Folks got pretty good at it. Now, water is back to normal, but people have adapted some new, good, conservation minded behaviors and water demand is lower... guess what? Great Green Gov't is raising fees & taxes to recover the revenue. (nuts)

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Plus, science doesn't support it all. If you have 6 kids & spouse... it will take multiple (2-3) cars at 35 mpg to carry the entire family, luggage & a dog.... but only 1 suburban at 18mpg. Are you really saving the environment... gasonline use... you are NOT saving any money for sure? Plus, petro/oil is abundant & proven... but it doesnt fit with the political agenda.


Light bulbs. Do not last as long, hazardous to dispose of ... HELLO? Did anyone do the math & research before forcing these things on us. They amy reduce the power bill a little but not enough to help me recover from $2.50-4.00 per bulb.:001_huh:


Our local gov't will fine you $500 for not having landfill/garbage pick up. Even if you compost & recycle everything and show them your system. They want money on one hand & to be PC on the other. If we all go to 100% recycle & natural disposal.... they will have to tax it. (crazy)


Last year, we had droughts here. Everyone was encouraged to conserve adn even use grey water. Folks got pretty good at it. Now, water is back to normal, but people have adapted some new, good, conservation minded behaviors and water demand is lower... guess what? Great Green Gov't is raising fees & taxes to recover the revenue. (nuts)


Yes, that happened in a community in my state. They reduced water usage and their reward was having their fees raised.

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I no longer call myself a Republican as there are precious few Republicans that represent my views. I am a Conservative. I am ultra-conservative. Some might even call me a Right Wing Extremist, a title I proudly wear.


I am very conservative on social issues. I hate big government. I love the free market and *gasp* capitalism.


In short, Ronald Reagan is my hero!:D


:iagree:I was just saying the other day that I ID myself as a conservative now, not a Republican.

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