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Okay Conservatives, self identify here

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I am a staunch independent moderate, but because of my conservative stance on certain issues (abortion, taxes, govt spending) I am the black sheep of the family. I grew up in a staunchly democratic family, my father and grandfather actually served in the state legislature as democrats, and I grew up going to rallies for candidates like Dukakis. While in college, I questioned the leberal massage my family and media had given me (yes, most reporters are liberal, it is simply a profession that attracts liberally minded people). I also got a degree in education, and my experience did leave me feeling that there was a liberal slant in public education (again, liberal minded people are simply attreacted to education, and you can't help but have your views impact the way you do your job). After having to learn about homosexuality in my "multi-cultural education" class, I knew that public education was overstepping it's bounds. I was supposed to teach third graders about homosexuality, but we couldn't discuss Halloween, and Jesus was not to be mentioned during Christmas although Hannukah was explained in depth as part of social studies.I am not homophobic, but I don't think it is a subject that needs to be discussed in grade school!y a teacher. I come from a very conservative state, and so this surprised me greatly. In my mind, you present all the view points, Christian included, or you should just skip it all together and leave it to the parents (which is my preference).only presenting one viewpoint is a characteristic of propganda, and I see it coming from the right and the left, but in my "red" state the school curriculum was decidedly liberal. This type of opinion usually gets me labeled as a religious fanatic and republican, which I am not. Being stereotyped and ridiculed by my liberal friends and family because I didn't tow the party line led to a revelation, liberals want everyone to be accepted and are very tolerant as long as you agree with them. This lack of tolerance was something they seemed to hate about the far right, but they seemed to dish it out themselves. I realized I was a moderate and never looked back. Republicans are not as tolerant as I would like, but they don't necessarily claim to be either. I don't agree with them on many issues (immigration, capital punishment, social justice) but they are less hypocritical to me than the far left, so they have more of my respect.So I don't really fit in with either group. There are many moderate democrats and republicans I greatly admire (Byron Dorgan, Ron Paul). To gain my support, the only requirement is that you demonstrate common sense and an ability to get things done and work well with others. You also must care about protecting civil liberties and preventing abuse of power.I also prefer my leaders to have a strong sense of ethics and good character. Republican or democrat doesn't matter to me as long as these basic requirements are met. However it is becoming more and more obvious that these types of politicians are few and far between.

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He helped usher in the progressive movement in the 20th century --

a socialist agenda of progressive taxation :(.


This conservative is not a big Teddy fan.


See the parks may have been a great idea... such a wonderful place to go & not everything is covered in concrete...


BUT he did it by seizure and "legal" theft. It should have been purchased from any private owners and only IF they were willing to sell. No force. NO strong arms. NO seizure or buying via laws. NO manipulation with the Supreme Court (as of late with shopping mall rulings).


But... he let government run over the people & it tarnished a great idea.

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I used to be a Democrat. My younger son (when he was a baby) was even kissed by Bill Clinton :ack2:. I had a "Vote Against Hate, Vote Against Helms" bumper sticker on my car. :rolleyes: I was woefully uninformed.


I've been a conservative for about 15 years. Pro-life, pro-2nd amendent, pro-Constitution, anti-gays in the military, anti-women in the military, etc., etc..


I am not the most well read person on Jesse Helms... but he was a hoot! He was tough, really conservative, and known as Mr. NO! Gotta love any politician with the reputation for telling the big, greedy government NO at every chance they get. He also had an episode on an elevator once with a crazy leftwing politician that will forever be one of my favorite DC stories. He really was a funny man.

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Ah, but you didn't answer the question. What's the name for that in the logic books?? .... Reagan's involvement in Iran-Contra, something that's having huge repercussions even today. I was merely wondering if you chose to let your kids know the good and the bad about a person, being open minded and all.


sure. and we'd be feeling the repercussions if he hadn't, too.


we discuss the good and bad about everyone ;)

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