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Would you sign a national homeschool registar for federal tax credit?

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Well, since my city already knows I homeschool, the federal gov't wouldn't have a hard time tracking me down anyway.


I'm actually pretty proud of the fact that I homeschool, so I don't think I'd have a problem with it. I'm very independent on the political spectrum, and I like minimal gov't intrusion, but I do think we homeschoolers need to be vocal, proud, confident people -- showing the gov't that we are here and we intend to keep on going without their intrusion or control.


It's bad enough that we have to get permission and model after a social program (gov't schools).

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What is the purpose of the registry?


I just figured it would be automatic when you applied for your credit.


I also thought most states have something set up where they already sign a declaration of intent to homeschool.


This came up in a conversation with a PS parent friend of mine. She's the one that mentioned after I told her how much I spent in curriculum and also had to pay PS school taxes.


Okay, so what if it was a rebate of $1000 per child per homeschool year? I think I might consider that.

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I just figured it would be automatic when you applied for your credit.


I also thought most states have something set up where they already sign a declaration of intent to homeschool.


This came up in a conversation with a PS parent friend of mine. She's the one that mentioned after I told her how much I spent in curriculum and also had to pay PS school taxes.


Okay, so what if it was a rebate of $1000 per child per homeschool year? I think I might consider that.


For $3000, yep! I don't have any contact with the school system nor do I have to register in my state with anyone. I would tell them for 3 grand a year though. :D That could buy some sweet materials!

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I wouldn't sign it and I would most definitely *not* take any money from the government in any form because I homeschool.


I wouldn't "take money from the gov't" either.


We are talking tax credits -- like when you claim your children you get tax credits. You claim your children, don't you?

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Yes, because I already have to notify my school district.



Same here - and on that note I was wondering how this comes to be. I live near a school district that has an awesome homeschooling program. They pay the parent the tax money if there child was in PS to buy curriculum, they allow the kids to join programs at PS if they want (like band or dance), and they offer a lot of programs and support. I know its not for everyone but *I* would like it and wish our district would do similar. :)

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a *homeschool* register? no.


I would gladly check a box that stated my children were not enrolled in a public school tho. It's easy enough for them to look at the dependents on the tax form and check the local public school enrollment to verify [non] attendance. It's none of their business after that whether my children are enrolled at a big private school or our homeschool. [as it's none of their business for me to present them w/ receipts for food and clothing either ;) ]

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a *homeschool* register? no.


I would gladly check a box that stated my children were not enrolled in a public school tho. It's easy enough for them to look at the dependents on the tax form and check the local public school enrollment to verify [non] attendance. It's none of their business after that whether my children are enrolled at a big private school or our homeschool. [as it's none of their business for me to present them w/ receipts for food and clothing either ;) ]


I agree I wouldn't present receipts either that would be overboard for me too. I do like that idea about checking a box that says not in PS.

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a *homeschool* register? no.


I would gladly check a box that stated my children were not enrolled in a public school tho. It's easy enough for them to look at the dependents on the tax form and check the local public school enrollment to verify [non] attendance. It's none of their business after that whether my children are enrolled at a big private school or our homeschool. [as it's none of their business for me to present them w/ receipts for food and clothing either ;) ]

Good Point!
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Check a box that says "child not in public school" -- would that include children who are incarcerated or have dropped out?


I'd like a "stay at home mom" tax credit even more, and credit towards social security. I'm working. Working hard. I just don't get paid. But if someone else does it, it counts.

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Nope. I doubt it would be for "our favor" and the goodwill of our great leaders in DC. They can' t seem to count us... and this would give them a really good tool to do so.


If you let the gov't get their sticky fingers in what you do.... tax credit or payouts or financial support.... you had better expect some consequences very soon!

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I would have to break out my tin foil hat if it were something that singled out HSers like that.:scared:


However, I would be in favor of a flat voucher system for every child in America. Regular tax $ should be spent to upkeep public school buildings, and then $ beyond that should come with each child. If that's $1000 per child...then $1000 per child goes to either the public school, private school or homeschool that is *chosen by the parent*. I think public schools would see some drastic improvements b/c parents would hold the power to change things ($$$;))


Essentially, yes I would admit that I HS, but I think we should include all private schoolers in on the tax credit too.

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What prompted this question, even if it is only theoretical ?


I would refuse to sign. Even if it were required. Content demanded on our income tax statement is the only information I accede to the federal government.


I was having a conversation with a PS parent friend of mine and I mentioned how much I spend on curricula every year. She was the one that actually mentioned how she thought the government should give us something for not having to support our kids in PS.

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However, I would be in favor of a flat voucher system for every child in America. Regular tax $ should be spent to upkeep public school buildings, and then $ beyond that should come with each child. If that's $1000 per child...then $1000 per child goes to either the public school, private school or homeschool that is *chosen by the parent*. I think public schools would see some drastic improvements b/c parents would hold the power to change things ($$$;))




hmmm.....I like that!

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I would. I already have to register with my school district or state, so I'm sure if the government really had a pressing desire to find out if I homeschool, they could. I might as well get a tax credit out of it.



I can only understand people rejecting this if they have children not registered as hsers in their district, do not claim them on their income tax returns, and/or have school-age children who do not have SS #s.


Otherwise, what's the point?

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