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Week of 7/26: What is your current Read-Aloud?

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We're continuing with Dinotopia by James Gurney.


We're in the middle of rowing The Rag Coat, so we're reading a dozen picture books on quilting, Appalachian mountain region and coal/mining.


Oh, and I'm so psyched, we just got back from a book sale, and got TWO HUGE boxes filled with books for just $10! (They only wanted $7.) I'm talking hundreds of books... :)

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The Hobbit - OK we are actually listening to the 10 unabridged cd set but the kids are hooked. We only listen in the van when we are all together but they beg to turn it on as soon as we get in. For the younger two, I am reading the Beatrix Potter collection of stories. One every night.

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DD the Elder -- we should be finishing The Black Arrow (history) and The Various (bedtime). We're enjoying the latter so much, we're going to move right into the second in the series.


DD the Younger -- still mostly Shirley Hughes. I never though I'd get sick of Alfie, but I am.

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Just finishing it, actually. It has been a lovely, gentle book. A little slow to start, for boys drawn to Star Wars action, but by the middle they enjoyed the quirks of each of the characters and were looking forward to finding out how things turned out.


Next up - A quick re-read of Wizard of Oz, then on to Dr. Doolittle or Phantom Tollbooth.

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DD just finished this today, and really enjoyed it.


We are finishing up Time Cat, then starting Half Magic sometime later in the week. We are also working through Celtic Fairy Tales by Neil Philip.


I LOVE Time Cat! That was one of my favorite books as a child :D


Right now we're reading Gooney Bird Greene, and next up is The Midnight Fox.

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I, Juan Pareja was a wash.

No read aloud at the moment.


I am, however, reading Maus--it's a Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel about the Holocaust with mice and cats as characters. Ds has to read it for college this fall. Kinda weird.


And I want to say, "Wow!" I'm proud to be a board member--y'all are picking excellent lit to read aloud!

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Adventure According to Humphrey by Betty Birney. Ds has really loved this series this summer about a hamster that lives in a school room and has all kinds of adventures. I think after this we'll read Betsy-Tacy which is one of my childhood favorites...I'm hoping he's still young enough to enjoy it and not think it's too girly.


We just finished listening to Swiss Family Robinson in the car which the whole family enjoyed quite a bit. It made dh and I laugh though at how they just happened upon every thing they might need or could use. We would look at each other and say things like "And then using bamboo and fuel I devised from the coconut plant I fashioned a space shuttle for our enjoyment."

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.


I made a deal with ds that if he read the 4th, I'd read the 5th.


What was I thinking??? It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. But we're enjoying it.




DH starts tonight with the first Harry Potter book, reading it aloud to DD8. He has told her he will read her the whole series this year. I wonder if he knows what he's getting himself into?? I will suggest that at some point, he let her do some of the reading, but she does have books she is reading herself for school and pleasure so...? I have not read the HP books, don't like the fantacy genre, but my DH adores them ( as do my other 2 DDs) and he can't wait to share them with her. Unfortunately, she has already seen all the movies. They should have a fun time!

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We just finished one of the Nancy Drew Clue Crew books. Ugh. That was trash. Those books aren't coming back into my house and usually I'll read anything and love it.


Next up is: Loyola kids book of heroes : stories of Catholic heroes and saints throughout history


After that I'm thinking about starting either Little House in the Big Woods or Harry Potter. I tried HP a year ago and they were too young for it but I'm hoping that this time around it'll click with them.


I love this thread. I've made a list of all the books mentioned so I can add them to my library list!

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Adventure According to Humphrey by Betty Birney. Ds has really loved this series this summer about a hamster that lives in a school room and has all kinds of adventures. I think after this we'll read Betsy-Tacy which is one of my childhood favorites...I'm hoping he's still young enough to enjoy it and not think it's too girly.


We just finished listening to Swiss Family Robinson in the car which the whole family enjoyed quite a bit. It made dh and I laugh though at how they just happened upon every thing they might need or could use. We would look at each other and say things like "And then using bamboo and fuel I devised from the coconut plant I fashioned a space shuttle for our enjoyment."

So very MacGuyver-ish!!



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We just finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which means I need to pick something new! Probably we'll finish A Bear Called Paddington, which was tossed aside for some odd reason, and after that I'm leaning toward Stuart Little unless better inspiration strikes. :001_smile:

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We have several read alouds going. We read every night, and we usually follow this routine:



  • One chapter from the Old Testament, one Psalm and one chapter from the New Testament (KJV)
  • One chapter from Pride and Prejudice
  • One chapter from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
  • One chapter of The Lord of the Rings (we're on The Two Towers)
  • However much of the Narnia series I can handle before my voice gives out (we're on Prince Caspian)


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We have several read alouds going. We read every night, and we usually follow this routine:



  • One chapter from the Old Testament, one Psalm and one chapter from the New Testament (KJV)

  • One chapter from Pride and Prejudice

  • One chapter from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

  • One chapter of The Lord of the Rings (we're on The Two Towers)

  • However much of the Narnia series I can handle before my voice gives out (we're on Prince Caspian)



Just curious...why read so many at once. (other then the Bible of course) It just would never occur to me to start one book when I haven't finished another...I am ridgid like that. :D But still, why? We read one at a time aloud and DD8 has two books to read silently, one fiction, one non-fiction. I could never read two books at a time myself, I would just be so curious about knowing what's happening next in them...and this seems like dragging them all out so long....just wondering!

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As mentioned last week we are in Trumpet of the Swan. It's going slow b/c ds will only be still and listen for so long.:glare:



If kiddo won't be still, I've taken to letting him wander about the room. For awhile I quizzed him and he was following closely. A trick I learned is still or not, if he started interrupting with *anything* but book questions ("Why are there so many sirens tonight?") he'd stopped listening. Oh, and toy sound effects. If he vroom-vrooms, he's lost me.


We are re-reading the Sleeky the Otter, Thor the Moose, Ruff the Wolf series. We just finished Coolidge's Trojan War and someone or other's Beowulf. Heavens that I should make a mis-reading giving a grammatical error!


Audiobooks (I'm gone all day) these days are the Naxos CDs of Greek Myths and he has returned to the wonderful Cardinal Tantoo reading of Island of the Blue Dolphin. Never sure what I'll come home to find in the machine!

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just wondering!


I ask kiddo what he's like to read tonight. I make him look for it, so he starts getting a sense of "finding things". He's not always long on dedication to "finding things" but rarely gives up on a book for read aloud. If I ask him where we were in the book of the night, he usually knows. Working on that in-one-ear-and-out-the-other my mother used to complain of.

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Just curious...why read so many at once. (other then the Bible of course) It just would never occur to me to start one book when I haven't finished another...I am ridgid like that. :D But still, why? We read one at a time aloud and DD8 has two books to read silently, one fiction, one non-fiction. I could never read two books at a time myself, I would just be so curious about knowing what's happening next in them...and this seems like dragging them all out so long....just wondering!


I don't know, really - it's just how we roll around here. ;) We're all reading mulitiple books in addition to the read alouds. Part of the reason is situational; we have to bring hardcovers in the car because if we leave paperbacks on the seats the heat melts the glue. We don't take hardcovers outside to play because they are expensive to replace when they get left in the rain. You don't want to read a scary book right before bed, and you don't want to read a funny book right before church . . . I could go on, but I'll spare you!


As for the read alouds, when the kids were younger we did only read one book at a time, but the books were shorter and could be finished in just a few evenings. This year we started out just reading the Bible and Tolkien, but then my daughter wanted to hear the Narnia books as well, and then we found Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and had to add that in. And my son decided reading a chapter of Pride and Prejudice before P&P&Z would be hilarious, so we started doing that, too. I don't mind "dragging them out;" after all, I've read them many times before (except for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies) and the kids seem to like listening to books on installment - I think it's a bit like watching a sitcom or a soap opera for them, the poor cable deprived darlings. :lol:

Edited by Melanie
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