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Avert your eyes from the train wreck...

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Just wondering if anyone feels as I do about the upcoming Jon & Kate episode. The media trots out the invitation to come gawk for the ratings' sake, whetting voyeuristic appetites by saying, "life-altering announcement..." and "what does the future hold?" Well, I'm not watching. I'm completely disgusted with anything these people do and I don't want to add to the sky-high ratings. I swear the attention was dying off and now they run this one? I smell a rat...TLC is stirring the pot again to flame up the ratings again. Anyone with me on a boycott? It's not like you won't find out what happened the next day.

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I'll boycott it with you. I'm disgusted by the whole thing too. And as for dying down, I haven't seen that at all. Not with Kate parading around the mag covers in a bikini! My dd used to love that show, but now I can't let her watch it. Like you said, we'll find out the next day, or within 10 minutes of the "announcement" anyways!

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Anyone with me on a boycott?


How effective is the boycott of a television show if those choosing not to watch are not Nielsen Families?

Sky-high ratings are based only on the data from metered homes and those keeping Nielsen diaries, aren't they?


I don't watch reality television (except that one time...I couldn't tear myself away from those Real Housewives ;) ), so I'm not sure what the latest is with this family. I'm just thinking aloud that I may be misunderstanding how tv ratings work.

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I wont' be watching because I don't get TLC. However, I'll join you in being totally disgusted. I hope that they put their children first, get out of television, and do the right thing by those children they chose to bring into the world.



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Dd8 and I used to watch the reruns up until a year or so ago. I have not watched it since-even the premiere with all it's hype. I am so done with that show. I think their kiddos are cute but I truly feel badly for them. The rumor is that the "big news" is that they are splitting up. I'm sure Kate will want sole custody...so she can keep her TV show:glare:

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Not with Kate parading around the mag covers in a bikini!


I'm not really sure what this has to do with anything? I don't think she controls the paparazzi. I'm seeing just as much of Jon and hearing about his every move out to bars and clubs, and how he spent their anniversary weekend away from home. Should they be hiding in their house or something? :confused:

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How effective is the boycott of a television show if those choosing not to watch are not Nielsen Families?

Sky-high ratings are based only on the data from metered homes and those keeping Nielsen diaries, aren't they?



Err...say....I don't know! :confused: What makes someone a "Nielsen family" anyway? Do you have a report you fill out on viewing habits? I guess I've always assumed that "they" know how many people are watching a given show...how else do they determine that 10 million people watched so-and-so?


In any case, I can still not watch it on principle. Now, I'm off to google "what determines tv ratings?" :D

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Err...say....I don't know! :confused: What makes someone a "Nielsen family" anyway? Do you have a report you fill out on viewing habits? I guess I've always assumed that "they" know how many people are watching a given show...how else do they determine that 10 million people watched so-and-so?


In any case, I can still not watch it on principle. Now, I'm off to google "what determines tv ratings?" :D


We have been a Nielsen family in the past! They pretty much called us one day and asked if we would be interested in keeping the diary. I said "Yes!" and they even sent us a $20 bill in the mail! First time I felt like I actually contributed to any ratings (too bad we don't watch much TV!!).


Liz in NC

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A summary is posted all over online so I won't watch the show but I might read the updates. I personally don't like it. My son liked to watch it sometimes becuase he liked watching the little kids and pretending he lived in a big family with lots of play mates.


Personally I hope they announce they are ending the show, but somehow I doubt that will happen. I really think all these shows where families are followed for weeks/years need to stop. The original shows (that were intended to be a single show) were interesting. This is just overkill.

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The whole thing disgusts me. We stopped watching the show months ago. I am amazed these people are so blind they thing their kids are oblivious to the problems between the parents. I shudder to think what trouble these children will have later in life.


Hopefully they are going to quit the show to put their family back together.

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Actually, I'm already there with the boycott thing. A month ago, I sent TLC an email to the effect that I will not watch any of their programming and will encourage others not to do so until they pull the plug on J&K. Disgusting is right!

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I wont' be watching because I don't get TLC. However, I'll join you in being totally disgusted. I hope that they put their children first, get out of television, and do the right thing by those children they chose to bring into the world.




What exactly would that be? The right thing.....


Not that I disagree or agree with your sentiment.

But I do wonder what exactly they would do for money. And if they were both working outside jobs who would be at home with the kids? And how stressed out would the parents be after working a 9 hour day and then coming home to care for 8 kids? And not just 8 spaced out kids so the elders help the youngers...but 6 kids all the same age!!!


Everyone always says that Kate is female dog. And maybe she is.

But I know how I can get and I only have two kids: an 11 year old who helps me greatly with my 9 month old. So I can't imagine how tired and stressed out Kate is. I am definitley in no position at all to judge her because sometimes, especially when I am tired, I am mean.......


I don't know - the Duggars have a camera too you know. Maybe it's different because their camera hasn't always been there. And their mother seems way sweet. But who really knows what goes on when the camera is not rolling. Who knows what they edit.


I just think it sucks that everything they do is now such a big deal to the entire country.....if you believe the headlines anyway. I don't know.


But I will tell you this - if they ever want to film me and my kids and I never have to work again or be stressed out beyond belief - i would do it in a heartbeat! I think that Kate and Jon chose the best option at the time when they decided to film their lives. What other options did they have? Did it get out of control? Yes. But I believe they chose with the best intentions for their family.

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What exactly would that be? The right thing.....


Not that I disagree or agree with your sentiment.

But I do wonder what exactly they would do for money. And if they were both working outside jobs who would be at home with the kids? And how stressed out would the parents be after working a 9 hour day and then coming home to care for 8 kids? And not just 8 spaced out kids so the elders help the youngers...but 6 kids all the same age!!!


Everyone always says that Kate is female dog. And maybe she is.

But I know how I can get and I only have two kids: an 11 year old who helps me greatly with my 9 month old. So I can't imagine how tired and stressed out Kate is. I am definitley in no position at all to judge her because sometimes, especially when I am tired, I am mean.......


I don't know - the Duggars have a camera too you know. Maybe it's different because their camera hasn't always been there. And their mother seems way sweet. But who really knows what goes on when the camera is not rolling. Who knows what they edit.


I just think it sucks that everything they do is now such a big deal to the entire country.....if you believe the headlines anyway. I don't know.


But I will tell you this - if they ever want to film me and my kids and I never have to work again or be stressed out beyond belief - i would do it in a heartbeat! I think that Kate and Jon chose the best option at the time when they decided to film their lives. What other options did they have? Did it get out of control? Yes. But I believe they chose with the best intentions for their family.


Thank you. You articulated what I was thinking very nicely.

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I think that people are very hard on this family. Is it a shame what it has become? Yes. However I'm sure if the paparazzi was following me all day every day they could certainly find an instance or two per day where I'm not the best mother in the world. :glare: And I'm willing to bet that most of us would be the same.


We are seeing only snippets of their lives and we are supposed to believe that that is their day in/day out family life? It is TV and is edited--heavily.



And hey, if I had 8 kids and could wear a bikini and feel comfortable you better believe I would! :001_smile:

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I'm not watching (although I do want to know!). It's sad to watch a relationship implode. It's even sadder that they are doing it in front of cameras. And I notice now that the media can't make Kate bad enough-they are finding every mean thing, every little wrong and blowing it sky high. I guess when your life is on camera, you're not allowed to be human. I don't necessarily like her but I don't think she deserves all the nasty things being said about her either-no one does.

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TV is such drivel. Sorry, that's just what I think. I saw this show twice and hated their bickering and disrespect towards each other. It's no wonder their marriage is in the tank. It all takes their toll whether they're joking back and forth or not. They need to cancel the show, grow up and get their act together.

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I'm not watching either. I think what they're doing to their children is disgusting. Like those kids really need to have the destruction of their parents' relationship covered by the media. I feel incredibly bad for those kids -- especially the older two who are old enough to really know what's going on (and if they're sheltered from it at home at all, I'm sure their friends at school are filling them in!).

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What exactly would that be? The right thing.....


Not that I disagree or agree with your sentiment.

But I do wonder what exactly they would do for money. And if they were both working outside jobs who would be at home with the kids? And how stressed out would the parents be after working a 9 hour day and then coming home to care for 8 kids? And not just 8 spaced out kids so the elders help the youngers...but 6 kids all the same age!!!


Everyone always says that Kate is female dog. And maybe she is.

But I know how I can get and I only have two kids: an 11 year old who helps me greatly with my 9 month old. So I can't imagine how tired and stressed out Kate is. I am definitley in no position at all to judge her because sometimes, especially when I am tired, I am mean.......


I don't know - the Duggars have a camera too you know. Maybe it's different because their camera hasn't always been there. And their mother seems way sweet. But who really knows what goes on when the camera is not rolling. Who knows what they edit.


I just think it sucks that everything they do is now such a big deal to the entire country.....if you believe the headlines anyway. I don't know.


But I will tell you this - if they ever want to film me and my kids and I never have to work again or be stressed out beyond belief - i would do it in a heartbeat! I think that Kate and Jon chose the best option at the time when they decided to film their lives. What other options did they have? Did it get out of control? Yes. But I believe they chose with the best intentions for their family.


First of all, to answer the question what would they do for money. In the early episodes, Jon was working as an IT and they were apparently able to put food on the table. I do not buy the concept that there options were either have a tv reality show or starve. They are not the first people in the world to raise 8 kids with one salary.


Secondly, about Kate and the female dog thing. Kate was snarky, even in the earliest episodes, but personally it didn't bother me. *I* am certainly no paragon of patience and it would not be hard for cameras to catch me acting like a witch-with-a-b now and then if they followed me all day long.


Third, yes, the Duggars have a camera crew, too. I have watched that show, too. But at least they are not breaking up on TV.


Personally, I would not "do it in a heartbeat"; I wouldn't dream of having my life exposed and my children tailed by camers for money. Honestly, the Jon & Kate debacle made me re-evaluate some things I wanted to do in my dreams of becoming a published writer. Yes I still want that, but it really made me think about how exposure would affect me should fate be with me and my writings become a hit. It helps me remember that we don't have to be all things at once and while my children are young and growing, they really are where 90% of my time and attention needs to be.

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I've never planned to sit down and watch an episode or record it on the DVR. I have watched it from time to time because I'm sitting down and looking for something to watch. However, crossing the line of publicizing and manipulating someone's marital difficulties for ratings is just too much. Using someone's pain for your gain crosses the right/wrong line for everyone.


I will not be watching anymore even though they'll never know it.

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I've only watched about three episodes overall, I think the Hawaii ones where they renewed their vows. So this whole thing looks doubly sad after that.


I wonder if it would be a supportive thing to direct positive fan mail to THEM rather than TLC? Saying, we won't watch your show because we don't like what it's doing to your family, but that we really hope things can work out for you, that your family and marriage be okay. I mean, TLC could care less what happens to the family as long as they get ratings out of it, I bet. But just maybe, an outpouring of loving and honest concern might make a difference to them as a couple.


I dunno. It's just a thought. I'm not one to bother folks with fan mail, usually. But they sure look like they could use a few kind and loving, prayerful, words right now.

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I've only watched about three episodes overall, I think the Hawaii ones where they renewed their vows. So this whole thing looks doubly sad after that.


I wonder if it would be a supportive thing to direct positive fan mail to THEM rather than TLC? Saying, we won't watch your show because we don't like what it's doing to your family, but that we really hope things can work out for you, that your family and marriage be okay. I mean, TLC could care less what happens to the family as long as they get ratings out of it, I bet. But just maybe, an outpouring of loving and honest concern might make a difference to them as a couple.


I dunno. It's just a thought. I'm not one to bother folks with fan mail, usually. But they sure look like they could use a few kind and loving, prayerful, words right now.


Try contacting them at letters@sixgosselins.com - got this from a quick search on google. It came from their official website (as far as I can tell!)

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Nielson families have little computers hooked up to each tv in the house and send the viewing data to Nielson over the phone line once a day. We did it for a few months and were told we counted for a certain number of viewers in our area.


Really? We've done it twice, and both times we had to fill out a diary by hand -- the last time was about 3 years ago. Fortunately we don't watch much TV, so it didn't take too much time. It seems like the computers would be more accurate.

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I'm with you. I don't like that show at all. I know the one time that I did watch the show, the entire time they complained about the kids ( I think they were two at the time).All it seemed like was the whole show was John and Kate complaining about having to care for the kids. It was one great big complain fest. It really disgusted me because they seemed so whinny and ungrateful for the children they had. If they couldn't handle it then they never should of had so many in the first place.

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It's times like these I wish we had cable. :lurk5: We saw the show for the first time this past March when we were staying in a hotel. Those kids are cute! Kate was going on and on about making two pots of soup. It was funny-sad.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I wouldn't know anything about John & Kate at all if their problems weren't splattered all over the news. And I'd prefer that the media report on REAL news, not semi-celebrity gossip.


I've never seen the show, but I hope the life-altering event is that they're going to choose to concentrate on *raising their children out of the spotlight*.



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We were Neilsen a couple of years ago. They took the info through our TiVO. But our letter said that we were among the first group where they were counting people who used DVRs to record shows. No diaries, just consent forms for them to get the data from TiVo.


We watch NO reality TV at all, so it isn't our fault! I long for the days when I didn't know who Jon and Kate were... now, even though I find them agonizingly distateful, I have no choice but to read headlines about them at every magazine stand, grocery store checkout and on the front pages of the "news". Yuck yuck yuck. I do not care about the personal lives of reality TV "stars". Make them go away!!!

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What exactly would that be? The right thing.....


Not that I disagree or agree with your sentiment.

But I do wonder what exactly they would do for money. And if they were both working outside jobs who would be at home with the kids? And how stressed out would the parents be after working a 9 hour day and then coming home to care for 8 kids? And not just 8 spaced out kids so the elders help the youngers...but 6 kids all the same age!!!


Everyone always says that Kate is female dog. And maybe she is.

But I know how I can get and I only have two kids: an 11 year old who helps me greatly with my 9 month old. So I can't imagine how tired and stressed out Kate is. I am definitley in no position at all to judge her because sometimes, especially when I am tired, I am mean.......


I don't know - the Duggars have a camera too you know. Maybe it's different because their camera hasn't always been there. And their mother seems way sweet. But who really knows what goes on when the camera is not rolling. Who knows what they edit.


I just think it sucks that everything they do is now such a big deal to the entire country.....if you believe the headlines anyway. I don't know.


But I will tell you this - if they ever want to film me and my kids and I never have to work again or be stressed out beyond belief - i would do it in a heartbeat! I think that Kate and Jon chose the best option at the time when they decided to film their lives. What other options did they have? Did it get out of control? Yes. But I believe they chose with the best intentions for their family.


The right thing, imo for whatever little that might be worth, would be to get their family off television and out of the media. Early on Jon worked as an IT or something and Kate was a nurse. Frankly, I can't see both of them working with that many small children; I cannot imagine coming home after 9 hrs. of work to then deal with the family. I do know several families with many children that are financially making it on dad's income. In none of these families is dad extremely well paid, just average, but the moms are a whiz at being frugal. No huge houses or vacations, but these families seem to be happy. I 'think' if they were determined, they could make it work - especially since they're a little older.


Also, I don't judge Kate any more than Jon. They both put their family on television. The fact is I don't think their personal lives should be the business of the entire country, but when you're on television that is what happens. I'm not a child of divorce, but many of my friends were and I remember well how so very, very hard it was on them as children. Add to that having your family's story in every tabloid at the checkout, most likely full of exaggerations and untruths, and it seems unbearable. Those children love their parents; I hope they haven't had to see their mom and dad on those magazine covers.


And for the record, I don't care for the Duggars either for the same reason. Although the Duggars appear to be happy, good marriage, etc., they have still put their family in the limelight. I feel the same way about those Nanny shows. Broadcasting your children's misbehavior (and many times one of the parents) and their punishments, should be done in the privacy of their home. I just don't like reality TV.


I cannot imagine the situation that would provoke me to put my children out there for the whole country to watch. Even right now with my dh unemployed and the strong possibility I'm going to be looking for work, I cannot see that happening. I know better than to say never though. If we were hungry or homeless, the opportunity would probably look like a saving angel.


I feel sorry for Kate. When I lose my temper, get snarky with dh, yell at the kids, just my family knows. There were many times when my twins were small that I probably made Kate look good. All the more reason I wouldn't want it on television.



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My dd8 watches the show. I'm not going to make any excuses as to why we let her watch it, or pass judgment on the parents, or anything else. She enjoys seeing the kids. Looked upon from a simple point of view, it's a glimpse into someone else's life. That's all.


We met Kate at a book signing a few months ago and she was very nice to dd. I think I've posted that before. Since I don't know the woman in real life and accept that a lot of the show is scripted, I'm going to let my impression of her be my impression of her and leave it at that.


It makes me ill that so many anti-Kate, anti-Gosselin websites have cropped up on the Internet, with people spending hours each day posting horrible things about a person they don't know and probably never will. It's all done in the name of "child advocacy," yet most of the posts have to do with Kate's clothing and alleged affair(s). They begrudge these people everything they have. They ask companies who do business with the Gosselins to provide receipts to the public to prove that they're not receiving freebies. So what if they are? Does it really have any bearing on anyone else's life?


The only reason the tabloids are following these people around are because the public is interested! The minute those rags stop selling, you can bet the Gosselins will be dropped like a hot potato and they will disappear into obscurity.


There are people who have gone so far as to email the organizers of the speaking engagements that Kate is scheduled for to ask that she be dropped from their events. In some cases it has worked. People slam the Gosselins for being Christians in name only, yet these same people are doing their best to destroy a family and a livelihood, all in the name of child advocacy. Funny enough, Kate's speaking engagements have nothing to do with the children, so how, exactly, is that child exploitation?


Enough is enough. Even contacting the advertisers - why? Does it really have any bearing on anyone's life if this show is on or not? If CPS sees some reason to get involved, it will. Otherwise, it's simple. If you don't like the show, don't watch. It will run its course eventually, and in five years no one will remember anything about the Gosselins except that they had a bunch of cute kids.

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