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Quote by Mommyintraining

I am not talking about obese because of medical issues, but because of a choice to overeat. That does not equal skin color...one does not have a choice in that area.


I do find that offensive since overeating/obesity is more than just bad choices. It may start out that way, but from what I understand, once someone has put on certain amount of body fat (especially in the abdomen) that there are metabolic/hormonal processes that make it very difficult to lose weight. I am an RN who is currently obese and I have researched this. There is a syndrome called metabolic syndrome that in simple terms can make the cravings happen for physical reasons such as blood sugar fluctuations and the like. As a result these cravings (choices) are not just in our heads and it is difficult to overcome. I hope to lose weight for my health.

I think people need to understand that obesity is a disease and not just a lack of moral character. Yes, there are choices but there are also many physical/hormonal cravings that at times seem almost insurmountable. It can be a vicious cycle. I would not be so quick to judge.

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Please don't attack me. I simply asked the question if people felt that way, would it be a justified feeling.


If you don't think it is a justified feeling, then just say why.


I don't think this thread has to turn into a personal attack session! :boxing_smiley:


But, like I said, if it is too emotional I can just delete it.

I am just going to answer the question as you have asked it.

NO, I do not believe that someone who is obese is not as smart. I do believe that when you over eat you body slows down and your thinking can be a bit foggy. This is from my own experience. I am not a skinny mini, I weigh about 205. I know people that are much heavier and also have a much higher IQ in many areas.

I think the food we eat is very important to our brain activity. I also know that the enviroment we are in impacts our brain. If I am in a chemically filled enviroments(many of the store, churches from colognes and perfumes, homes from cleaning/laundry items and fragranced candles and such) are total brain fog for me.

I guess I didn't just answer your question.:lol::lol::lol:

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Whoa. Loaded topic. No, I don't think that people who are obese have any chance of being less smart than their slimmer counterparts and as of why people would think that.. hmmm.. maybe some people who are more to the prejudiced side think that it's obvious. Like.. "don't you notice you're getting bigger so don't eat so much and lay off the fries"? This is a gross oversimplification of the whole eating debate as eating is most often an emotional issue, not an intellectual one.


Oftentimes it's also a matter of habits. Habits and sometimes addiction. Eating junk foods as a rule tend to become a pervasive habit that's very hard to break. Then there's lack of exercise. To tell you the truth, I know many people (myself included) who would rather read a book and engage in other intellectual pursuits than exercise.


(I'm not obese, by the way, but just blessed with a great metabolism inherited from my dad. I also tend to eat rather well, but a lot. I know, it's the one thing people don't like about me at all :leaving:)

Edited by sagira
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I am not talking about obese because of medical issues, but because of a choice to overeat. That does not equal skin color...one does not have a choice in that area.


I used to work with a woman who was a size O. That's ZERO, back before that last round of dress size inflations. She ate horrible food from the supermarket prepared food section EVERY DAY. Fried, greasy, food for breakfast and lunch and who knows what she ate for dinner.


She made horrible choices, but had a quick metabolism (her rationale) and never gained weight. What would be the difference between her intelligence, and someone who made the same choices, ate the same garbage, but gained weight and became obese?

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I am not talking about obese because of medical issues, but because of a choice to overeat. That does not equal skin color...one does not have a choice in that area.


You know, I think there are soooo many reasons we have ALL overeaten (whether we can count it on one hand how many times that was or if it's a daily thing), but I have to say...it never occurred to me that one of those reasons is because of a lack of intelligence. :confused:


Were you seriously wondering if this was "justified"? I'm genuinely wondering - you are asking if this thought has merit????:001_huh::001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:

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I am not talking about obese because of medical issues, but because of a choice to overeat. That does not equal skin color...one does not have a choice in that area.


:001_huh: Oh yeah...this really didn't do anything but put some gas on the fire. Kinda shot to Hades those that thought the question was somewhat badly phrased, but innocent in intention. You're really wanting to have your judgment and discrimination against obesity sanctioned, by somehow drawing an imaginary line btwn those that 'choose to be fat'. I'd like to know exactly how you'd propose to suss those folks out?


Allow me to give you a hint: even the person(s) you may be thinking of, be it sister, mother, SIL, MIL, cousin, neighbour, whatever...you might be THINKING that they're choosing to overeat...but you have absolutely no clue as to their emotional, psychological, or physiological map. You're simply sitting in judgement of something you have a thumbnail snapshot of.


And for the record? Body weight, BMI, height, hair colour, or any other identifying characteristics have NOTHING to do with IQ.


Ignorance and prejudice are often an indicator of a lower end of the scale, however. Not that I'm pointing fingers or anything. :001_smile:


I'll also add if I've completely misread your intention, it would seem that you've once again chosen your words extremely badly.

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Why would a person feel like someone who is obese (a woman around 250-300 pounds) is less intelligent than a normal weight person?


I dunno. :confused: Perhaps they are wrongly assuming that making bad choices (i.e. poor eating habits, lack of self control, what have you) somehow equates to lack of intelligence.


Would that be a justified feeling?



Nope. There are so many factors that can lead to obesity... but lack of intelligence certainly is not one of them.

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I read the question and felt very annoyed and defensive because I know some very intelligent very fat people and get really sick of the prejudice that fat people face (and for the record, I'm not fat, but I guess most of us in America love someone who is).


So I did a google search expecting to find some good statistics on how weight is not related to intelligence. But I found some disturbing studies that indicate that it might be in some limited cases. Just for the sake of discussion I will throw these out.











Thank you for actually answering the question. I grew tired of reading through responses, but I remembered hearing about education level and weight being related, so I did my own search:


There are some differences by education and income levels as well. College graduates say they have a little less weight to lose (13 pounds on average) than do those with less education. Also, those with lower incomes (under $30,000 a year) say they need to lose more weight (21 pounds on average) than do those in the middle and upper income brackets. http://pewsocialtrends.org/pubs/310/in-the-battle-of-the-bulge-more-soldiers-than-successes



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I dunno. :confused: Perhaps they are wrongly assuming that making bad choices (i.e. poor eating habits, lack of self control, what have you) somehow equates to lack of intelligence.




Nope. There are so many factors that can lead to obesity... but lack of intelligence certainly is not one of them.




I debated on saying anything, but my independent mouthy self just wanted to chime in :)


Anyway, I really don't think Terri (:grouphug:for you) meant anything bad by her question and I feel bad that so many of you are slamming her. Like Terri, I may not always phrase things the best, but I have to write questions/statements out the only way I know how. She's a busy mom with several kids and I think she just want's to be a part of this group. Not all of us can write quite so cleverly as some of you. So please, give us more foot in the mouth but said with innocence people a break.


And my respense to the OP is that I do believe there are uneducated/less intelligent overweight people out there who have become overweight because of their lack of intelligence. And even this is hard to put into words, but what I mean is that there may be plenty of people who just aren't very smart and because of this they are unknowingly eating foods that are terrible for them...leading to them being unintelligent overweight people.


That being said, when I overeat on good ole southern food I know exactly what I'm doing to my body, darn it!


Please, no stones.



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I think it was an honest question. I hope the OP had not received discrimination concerning this unfortunate topic. My BIL has a PHD in history, and is also 300+ pounds. Last year he put out dozens and dozens of resumes to high schools, and was called by most of them for interviews. He received dozens and dozens of turn-down notices. I wonder if there is a connection. He is brilliant, witty, and a fabulous teacher BTW. I hate discrimination in all it's ugly forms.


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I am not talking about obese because of medical issues, but because of a choice to overeat. That does not equal skin color...one does not have a choice in that area.


Who are you to know when obesity is due to simply overeating with no other factors complicating it? Or that overeating in itself somehow provides a clue about intelligence? Even overeating itself can be a symptom of problems unrelated to intelligence like clinical depression.


I don't understand why anyone would put actual work into justifying a prejudice. Why not dismiss it, get on with life and simply enjoy people whatever wrapping they happen to come in?

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I debated on saying anything, but my independent mouthy self just wanted to chime in :)


Anyway, I really don't think Terri (:grouphug:for you) meant anything bad by her question and I feel bad that so many of you are slamming her. Like Terri, I may not always phrase things the best, but I have to write questions/statements out the only way I know how. She's a busy mom with several kids and I think she just want's to be a part of this group. Not all of us can write quite so cleverly as some of you. So please, give us more foot in the mouth but said with innocence people a break.


And my respense to the OP is that I do believe there are uneducated/less intelligent overweight people out there who have become overweight because of their lack of intelligence. And even this is hard to put into words, but what I mean is that there may be plenty of people who just aren't very smart and because of this they are unknowingly eating foods that are terrible for them...leading to them being unintelligent overweight people.


That being said, when I overeat on good ole southern food I know exactly what I'm doing to my body, darn it!


Please, no stones.




She's had plenty of opportunities to reword her OP. She even said if her question was worded offensively, she'd change it, but yet it remains. She's even responded more than once, so it's not an issue of not having time to clarify her question.

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You asked why would a person feel like someone who is obese is less intelligent than a normal sized person. Did someone else say or do something to indicate that was their belief, or why do you ask?




Are you asking if some people *treat* overweight people as if they were lacking in intelligence?

My SIL gained a LOT of weight during a pregnancy and told me later that people were downright rude to her. Once she took the weight off, she was treated differently in public.

Now this does not mean they thought she was less intelligent but somehow they felt justified to be rude. Why? I have no clue!


...And to simply answer your question: I know people of all sizes and intellect does not seem to be tied in to body size.

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Thanks for sharing this! That is just the kind of information I needed to see :001_smile:!


It's anecdotal! Looking for information of that sort is what gets people into trouble in the first place. I do grant that it's good for people to hear from us who are fat and very intelligent but shucks, if that's all you're (and take my use of you as a general, non-specific use) depending on then the next time someone tells of someone they know who's overweight and not too bright maybe you've got confirmation for your prejudice and our stories become exceptions to your rule.


It's sloppy thinking that's the basic problem here and a person won't stretch beyond it until that's addressed.

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She even said if her question was worded offensively, she'd change it, but yet it remains.


Well I said I would delete it. I can't delete the thread, but I can delete my post.





it's not an issue of not having time to clarify her question.


I don't feel I need to clarify. I asked what I wanted to ask.


Thanks for coming to my defense Alison :001_smile:! Thank you to the rest of you that did also.



As I said in the beginning, I didn't want this to turn into personal attacks. And yet, I have been attacked for asking a question.


If you don't feel like it is a justified feeling then why not just say so. That is what the original question was.


I will go back and delete my question, but, unless the board moderator decides to delete the thread, the rest will remain.


I am sorry to those of you I offended. Please forgive me.

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Hmmm. My guess is the OP had someone in her life say something like this and wants to know *why*.... she asked:


Why would a person feel like someone who is obese (a woman around 250-300 pounds) is less intelligent than a normal weight person?


That's how I read it... that someone in her life made a comment like that - either directly to her or about someone else...


I don't think the OP is actually saying this is HER feeling - I can't imagine anyone actually coming here and stating THAT, y'know? I think maybe it was someone in her life and she wants to know what makes a person like that think in that way...what makes them tick, why someone would have that opinion, etc etc...


Yeah, I get that--but why would it matter why someone thinks that? At some point things just don't need to be analyzed. Why do some people think Elvis is still alive? And she did ask if someone would be justified in thinking that. NO, they would not.


See now, the idea of *not* questioning the 'why' about things is completely foreign to me. I'm naturally curious about people - everybody's got a story, y'know?


(Besides - I think that if you want to change something, you have to understand it first.)


That said, it's now looking like my optimistic interpretation of the original post doesn't fit.... doesn't leave me any less curious though, just changes the focus.

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I have not waded through all the answers here, but how many times have you heard a redneck/hillbilly talk on the TV, and I mean the really country sounding ones, and automatically think that they are as dumb as a box of rocks?


In our society we are trained to make these kinds of first impressions. Fat people/rednecks/hillbillies, must be dumb/stupid/inbred, because they are not "normal."


The media has a lot to answer for. I really do not care about Oprah/Jessica Simpson/Kirstie Alley's weight loss/weight gain.


There a plenty of skinny dumb people out there. Your weight/accent has no affect on your intelligence.


Never judge a book by its cover.

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Thanks for sharing this! That is just the kind of information I needed to see :001_smile:!
Woo hoo! Mensa admitted at least one person while obese, so I guess that means they can't all be stupid.


You seem to be incapable of understanding why your question, worded the way it was, is so offensive, so you probably also won't understand why this makes it worse.

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If someone in your life has charged that you're less intelligent due to your weight, and you actually buy into that and think it's a justified conclusion, then I'm worried for you. I'm not being snarky or flip. How one could even make that conclusion is bewildering. One has nothing to do with the other, but you may choose to believe what you like. Personally, I'd choose to believe whomever said that to you is lacking in the intelligence department.

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Non-admittance to Mensa does not equal stupidity, does it?
No, but one could assume that admittance to Mensa is proof that one is not stupid. Therefore, if one obese person is admitted to Mensa, then not all obese people can be stupid. If this wasn't surprising to you, and wasn't the nature of the "information you needed to see," please clarify.
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I'm just wondering what prompted the question in the first place. Was this something directed to the OP? Or some one close to her? Or is it something she believes and is looking for "justification" for her view, because that's what she seems to be wanting..."is it justified?".

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Okay, I purposed not to participate in this thread because honestly the answer to the question is so absurdly obvious to me. But ya'll wore me down and I have to comment now. Obviously weight has nothing to do with intelligence. If that were the case, then anorexics and fashion models would all be rocket scientists and members of the world's "think tanks". Name me one that is??

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Ladies, ladies... I am truly shocked at how many of you seem to feel that one question you deem offensive justifies your snotty, rude, and offensive replies. So apparently one bad post deserves another? When did this playground thinking come to prevail on this board?


I hope that this is only an isolated effect of everyone being tired and cranky and anticipating the end of the school year. A dissenting view point has just as much right to be presented here as any other. The tone of many of these posts has demonstrated to me that if the OP is guilty of inappropriate or prejudicial thinking, she certainly isn't the only one! And for the record, I don't believe her to be guilty of the crimes of which she has been accused. Ladies, get a grip on yourselves--what kind of message is this sending to your children???

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I think that when the OP threw out an inflammatory question and then did not feel the need to clarify, despite having riled some feathers, only added fuel to the fire. It is only natural to get offended responses with a posting like the original post. I know that I would not hesistate to clarify my statements especially if my words have riled some feathers. In my opinion, the OP could have avoided all of this.


I do not think that this is like a playground, I see it as a community for people in the same home schooling boat so to speak.:)

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I've varied in weight in my adult life -- from average, to obese, to slim -- and my I.Q. hasn't changed a bit!


I expect the people who believe that obese people are less intelligent have been watching too much T.V. and therefore also believe that Christians, people from small towns, and people who dress unfashionably are less intelligent, too. :blink:

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If someone in your life has charged that you're less intelligent due to your weight



No, that is not the case. But there are other things about me that someone might say, "Well, since you are ....(fill in the blank), then you must have a lower intelligence than someone who isn't.....(same fill in).


It seems that some of you think that there is a prejudice against obese people. So, if you want to dispell that myth then why not just say, "No, that is not true and here is why it is not true...".


Seeking knowledge and wisdom...

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No, that is not the case. But there are other things about me that someone might say, "Well, since you are ....(fill in the blank), then you must have a lower intelligence than someone who isn't.....(same fill in).



There are always some people who are going to say mean or unpleasant things. That whole misery loves company addage is very true. A person's worth doesn't come from a dress size or a number on a scale or if they have blue eyes or how much money they make in a year etc. I hope that you know your true worth and if someone is saying ugly things to you I hope that you are able to just ignore them and not take them to heart. I admit that sometimes that can be difficult, but being secure in yourself will make them eventually stop if they see that their words make no impact upon you. It helps also if you speak postive statements outloud over yourself. If someone is getting down on me and it starts to get under my skin, I just repeat to myself all the things that God says that I am. I personally don't really care very much what other people think of me. At the end of my life I'm going to be standing alone before God and no one else is going to be there with me. I figure He is the one I have to live to please. ;) :)

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I don't understand why anyone would put actual work into justifying a prejudice. Why not dismiss it, get on with life and simply enjoy people whatever wrapping they happen to come in?


It isn't that easy to dismiss. I do know someone who thinks obese people are lazy, stupid and should be dead. People like this are all around us and cannot be written off that easily.


I think it is a good idea to try to understand why they think like this so it can be changed.


Even if the OP did believe this at least she asked and was able to get support the opposite way. I'm not saying she did believe it, just making a case for asking. When people hold their assumptions to themselves there isn't a chance to try to talk them out of it.

Edited by kwiech
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It seems that some of you think that there is a prejudice against obese people. So, if you want to dispell that myth then why not just say, "No, that is not true and here is why it is not true...".


Seeking knowledge and wisdom...


I don't think that comes from seeking anecdotes though or having others disprove your assumptions.


What needs to be done is for a person to honestly and critically evaluate their own thinking and assumptions. Demanding they justify their own thoughts and supporting their own ideas to themselves.


I think that's possibly what annoys me about this. If this is a stereotype you personally hold then do your own work on this. Don't bring that burden to others and expect them to do the work of arguing that assumption for you.

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I don't think that comes from seeking anecdotes though or having others disprove your assumptions.


What needs to be done is for a person to honestly and critically evaluate their own thinking and assumptions. Demanding they justify their own thoughts and supporting their own ideas to themselves.


I think that's possibly what annoys me about this. If this is a stereotype you personally hold then do your own work on this. Don't bring that burden to others and expect them to do the work of arguing that assumption for you.


We all need to honestly and critically evaluate our own thinking, but it's really hard to follow through with. It's a lot easier to ask for info from friends who will possibly pad their answers some :D.


As far as bringing the burden to this group goes, well I understand this post annoyed you, but I see this forum as a place where I can bring my burdens. That's what I love about a message board, and because I homeschool and own the WTM, this is the best place for me to go to. I've asked so many questions here and received a lot of encouragement and wisdom. Some I didn't agree with, and some I did. I'm so glad I have this board to turn to when I need help, on curriculum, parenting, or the best WII games to buy :001_smile:. The OP didn't bother me, but I understand that many of you didn't like the posting. I just hope that nothing I've seen in this thread will keep me from posting in the future. If I had posted the original question then my self esteem would be at a record low about now (speaking for me, not Terri...hopefully she's a lot stronger and more confident gal than I am).


God Bless all this morning,


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No - there is just more of us to love. ;)


I have meet some real dingbats who are skinny as a rail - but this holds true for us chubbies, too.


You might as well assume all jocks are dimwits. Not true at all.


So I am saying, no.

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