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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I just remembered, I think you can easily withdraw the money in cash funds or deposit them into your own bank account.
  2. I was told that there is an additional credit-card fee, but that was some time ago.
  3. I can't eat a number of my favorite things anymore. It makes me sad, as they were healthy fruits and veggies that I miss and have a difficult time finding healthy alternatives.
  4. They were knowingly and publicly mean to your children, your kids noticed it, and it will very likely happen again, and again. You can say something, but they are grandparents and they didn't care enough (with witnesses) to feign an interest. The likelihood of them changing is very little, but I think it's worth a shot, if for no other reason than to call them on their behavior. I'm going to recommend reading BOUNDARIES, by Cloud and Townsend for the second time today :001_smile: . Your library might have a copy or it's well worth the cost. I'm so sorry you and your children are dealing with this. Grandparents should be adoring, loving people that a grandchild can count on through thick and thin or boring and dull and... you name it; it just isn't that hard to be nice for a few minutes.
  5. Does she have a favorite color or one she wears more often than not? I think I'd go with a print of some kind that would go with a number of clothing choices.
  6. I'm so sorry...it sounds like an awfully difficult family-mess. I think family-messes are the worse, because you can't easily disengage. The book BOUNDARIES, by Cloud and Townsend is an empowering and very helpful resource; I recommend buying or checking out a library copy and reading it as fast as you can.
  7. :grouphug: I just read through your updates...and hope the meeting with your niece gives you some comfort and peace. Imo, fwiw, the unfriending on FB is strange, but not shocking, and the idea of them hoping for money is sad.
  8. :grouphug: That is also my mil... Last year, his sister was in the hospital for emergency surgery. She would not answer her phone, so I had to call around to the different hospitals to find where to send flowers and check on her. (Mil is retired btw.)
  9. What a little sweetheart. Congratulations, I hope she is home very soon.
  10. This year, I have one high school student and one in college living at home.
  11. My dh used one in his old office building to heat water for tea. The heating element was exposed inside the pot not below it; I wouldn't want to heat anything in it other than water. It would have been impossible to clean; not that dh ever cleaned it. It only lasted about a year, but he liked it. We have one here that is nicer and also use it for heating water only. It was expensive, but the heating element isn't exposed in the pot. I'm not sure I would heat anything other than the water in though, but then I have a full kitchen at my disposal. In a dorm, I might think otherwise.
  12. Our local limit is 50 per card. Our last city had a family limit of 8.
  13. My ds and I will start August 5th. My dd starts college classes on the 19th. The three public school districts around here begin the last week of August.
  14. No way, I wouldn't change my name, nickname or anything else for a couple of donkey-butts.
  15. I think you should take your old glasses back to your eye doctor and have him or her check them. I had tons of trouble getting a pair of progressive glasses that actually worked. Make sure you get a guarantee from the place that fills the prescription of money back or a new pair. It took me three frames to get my current pair correct. One was too large and couldn't be adjusted, one was a lens that wasn't correct and the third pair actually worked. Don't let a crazy tech tell you it's right and can be adjusted if you can't see clearly or to break you neck focusing with your head vs. your eyes... Something is either wrong with the lenses or your prescription is incorrect. I had to switch eye doctors, but I'm 80% happy with my progressive lenses. I can see everything just fine, road signs, up close etc.; I just have difficulty reading a computer screen or book because I have to look down and prefer a cheap pair of reading glasses for any long time screen time or actual reading.
  16. If the number keeps calling me, I've started by pressing every single number on the dial over and over until I hear a click. The latest is some scam about delivering my I've fallen and can't get up device from their phony shipping department. I've argued with them, and now I enjoy getting the live person and driving them a bit nutty. Typing this, I just realized they haven't phoned me this week.
  17. :grouphug: It hurts when people are mean to kids, even if they are kids. Please don't think of yourself as being mean; the other kids are because they are allowed to get away with it. It has been my experience that mean does not want to be seen by adults, and that a mom or dad listening and responding is often a very good cure. Just say that...xyx is mean or hurtful. Basically you are just repeating back to them their unkind words and calling them on it. If the bullying behavior continues, say something like...I guess a and b can't play nicely today, so we are going to xyz. I would make sure that xyz was fun and leave it at that. Your ds will eventually learn from your example how to react and respond to mean and bullies by your modeling appropriate responses.
  18. Oh, yes, yes I have. I'm a little paranoid about checking it if we are leaving the house, and especially going out of town. Dh found a solution, our new stove turns itself off after 12 HOURS no matter what.
  19. I'm going to send a hug and encourage you to just work through it the best you can. :grouphug: Take heart, many first days are bad, bad, bad and many of us have no little ones to blame them on. A couple of ideas. 1. Ear plugs :bigear: or headphones for your oldest. They wouldn't work all the time, but they might help cut down on the distractions. 2. Do you have some crazy fun box for the other two? Masking tape was a lifesaver suggested to me years ago. It's cheap and little kids love tape. 3. Try getting the youngest to nap longer or sleep in later and school during sleep times. Could you tire the younger two out and then work with the older one? 4. Bubbles, as a stress reliever. 5. Can you wear the baby in some type of carrier? 6. Last resort, work when your spouse is home or hire a helper for the little ones. I'm sure the ladies with younger ones will have some wonderful ideas, that I've long forgotten. Hang in there.
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