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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Ecco Mary-Jane :thumbup: When it gets colder, I'll enjoy my Bjorn boots.
  2. That's just so sad. It was difficult reading about it; I can't imagine what you and your children are feeling. :grouphug:
  3. Since you already informed them before you moved, I wouldn't respond to the letter.
  4. If it were me with a sibling, (And it has been btw; the rest of my family never knew and keeping the secret really ate me up, but I couldn't justify hurting my parents or the rest of the family.) I would be upset, but talk to them and then choose to love them and move on. If continuing a relationship with the stbex is important to you, do it. You can encourage him to tell your mom & family, but I wouldn't hurt her with the news myself. It isn't easy to keep your mouth closed as the fallout occurs around you, but in many cases it is the best option; the deed is done and you aren't going to be able to fix it. Kwim? Don't put yourself in the role of messenger, because we all know what happens to the messenger. I'm really sorry you are in the middle. :grouphug:
  5. That sounds awful and Crazy :grouphug: . I agree with the others; I would skip the big family get togethers and just visit in-laws at my home or over there, when sil & the spoiled/possibly dangers cousin aren't there. And...I would let them know why the changes were necessary. Safety and sanity rank pretty high on my list, not to mention my kids. Kwim? :rant: Grandparents should be loving and attentive to all their grandchildren.
  6. :bigear: I'm listening with my good ear. We currently have a 5 month old, mattress that replaced the worst mattress on the planet, but I'm terribly afraid it will turn into a torture device any minute. (The one it replaced was so comfortable at first, and we thought it was wonderful, but after a few months it was a nightmare.
  7. Consider making the mantle thicker/bigger by constructing a box over it and then trimming it. You wouldn't have to remove it, and that can make do-it-yourself construction a bunch easier. I would also consider a new paint color and flanking it on each side with bookshelves.
  8. :grouphug: It is sad and impossible to explain when you know someone else deserves (insert award, lead etc.) and it goes to the son of the coach or daughter of the instructor etc.... Sadly, there are times when talent, hard work and practice are not going to taken into consideration. There have been times I've wanted to say, don't even bother trying or it's a waste of time and money, because we all know who is going to win. But that isn't a lesson I want to teach, so I teach them to do their best and accept that life isn't fair. kwim?
  9. I'm not sure about the list, but it sounds like the Golden Rule would work.
  10. Good luck, and have a wonderful time. I think I'm a bit jealous.
  11. Wow, that is just awesome! Congratulations :hurray: .
  12. I recommend making a sack-breakfast the night before or having lots of grab and go options. We keep lots of yogurt on hand with granola for quick-out-the-door-breakfasts. I'll admit to getting up early and having something hot and nutritious waiting for her on her early days. (my dd started college this year too, and she gets low blood sugar if she doesn't eat something for breakfast.) Imo, It feels good to have someone pamper and care a little when life is kind of crazy, and I guess I'm just a bit of a softy when it comes to my kids.
  13. Wonderful! I hope the new space is awesome.
  14. It's so common here, that we actually have Kindergarten and alternative-K in our district along with regular pre-K.
  15. I like some more than others, and around here they are seen on lots of bums.
  16. Tammyla


    Wow, now I guess you will find out if you can trust him...I hope he sends the check.
  17. :iagree: We used to watch it all the time, but now I don't even bother.
  18. Vinegar works pretty well; don't forget the actual walls. You might also hit everything with diluted clorox as a last resort.
  19. :banghead: Ugh, I imagine her behavior gets pretty old, but at least you are first! No, I don't know, imitation is the best form of flattery; maybe you should start posting ridiculous things and see if she has to out-do them.
  20. I deleted my post, and based on the post below by the op, I would consider having him evaluated. It sounds like he is having a very difficult time in so many situations.
  21. :001_rolleyes: How could I miss such an amazing thread :confused1:. My best guess, is that he was flashed (something horrible was exposed) it started a chain reaction,and he nearly died seeing or smelling it. :w00t: Seriously, I would report the incident, because like this thread incidents can take on a life of their own.
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