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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Thanks for updating us, Rose; I image this just gets more and more difficult for you to understand. I hope once life in the real day to day world vs. summer vacation fun settles in he experiences a reality check.
  2. Oh, you poor guys. I hope the red tape is cleared up and they can ship the stuff. I'm always amazed at the regulations on so many things; they often just seem so stupid and counter to common sense.
  3. I agree with sending the card and an apology. Don't be too disheartened if he doesn't respond at first. I'd follow up with a holiday or birthday card as time goes by regardless of his response or lack of one. This will allow you to feel a little peace knowing you have apologized and tried to reach out to him. I hope it goes well; family issues are tough. :grouphug:
  4. My email coupons and catalog discounts are expired, or I would post them. But, you can do a google search of them and their web site has links you can enter through that will be good savings. (They have a 70% off sale and a few others now, but you have to enter the site through the sale or discount link to get the discounts and sale prices.) Do get on the email list and you will get lots of sales and discounts. I've had good luck calling them and asking for their help getting the best price. Library...many of them carry Teaching Company lecture dvds.
  5. :iagree: It may be time to gently mention the "bark" and if that doesn't work, leave the room once a loud lecture begins. HOWEVER, (sorry for using my loud typing voice) could it be a hearing issue? :bigear:
  6. I would be silent... :toetap05: I think no matter what you do, if you do something, it will come back to bite you. (You didn't receive anything and you are under no obligation to send or say anything.) So, my thinking is, that your SM is waiting for you to give in and do what she wants, but you don't have to because it wasn't your gift and therefore isn't your problem. I'm sorry you are dealing with such a manipulative woman. Don't let her such you into her madness.
  7. I guess I'm a weirdo, but I do wash them every time due to sensitive skin.
  8. If I'm remembering right, your ds is not able to sleep elsewhere because of a very serious head injury and his inclination towards danger when not closely monitored. My idea of helping your dh hear his problem may be controversial, but here goes. Record him and let him hear just how loud and disturbing it is. Do you think that might help him seek another opinion from a different doctor? His doctor sounds pretty lousy umo. I know what it is like to try sleeping in the same room with a loud snorer; it's impossible. I think you are a dear to start the night out in the room with him btw.
  9. Did I read the op wrong? It was an aunt by marriage and mil/sister of the uncle were jumping to be the first with the scoop via a mass emailing and FB, not the immediate family of the deceased. I totally accept giving a pass and grace to those very close to the deceased, but it still appears to me a rush to be the first vs. a caring for those reading the news. I could be reading it wrong, but having read this kind of information in the recent past has left me a bit touchy on the topic.
  10. I would be honest with him and have some information about possible solutions you would like him to try ready. You will all be happier if everyone is sleeping good at night.
  11. :iagree: Some news should be given with more caring than a simple mass email or FB posting. I'm also growing to think some people, simply want to be the first and willfully ignore the feelings of the family involved.
  12. :grouphug: No advice, other than to follow your gut.
  13. The updates are a window into the future relationship. It's disturbing to believe they think of using you and your family in this way. It's strange though too. Kid needs shoes & food...Kid knows mom will move mountains to provide them. My thinking may be off, but I think you may have to cut him off financially to allow him to see what you really provide...love. Love and security are so much more important than good shoes and fresh veggies. Working with ss is a two edged sword, but it looks like the only way to move forward. I also agree with not allowing the bio-family on the shopping trip for any reason, and I would make sure all tags and receipts were removed before dropping him off. (I feel like a hard-hearted person for writing that, but I think it would wise.) You might even consider telling them you are recording the phone and texts in the future. (That's if it's legal.)
  14. Based on your posts, I don't think you can or should have him work on his own next year and expect different results from this year.
  15. (((Rose))) I can only imagine the deep heartache you must feel, but hope and prayers are with you and your family. I'll join in the voices hoping this plan works out for the best at the end of the road.
  16. (I think many kids have been conditioned to see a kids corner and go to it.)
  17. I hope you find a wonderful dress, and I'd just walk into the store and throw myself at their mercy. Keep your mind open and let them bring dresses you might not consider and just try them on. They see lots of bodies in their dresses and often have a better eye for what you and your body will look great in. ;)
  18. I believe that is the way it was a few years ago, when I was buying and selling used things here. Since the big change, I've just donated my stuff...So, my information may be way out of date.
  19. I think in quick conversations like you mention, a simple and quick answer will suffice. I'd say something like, "Oh, this is my favorite subject and could spend hours discussing it, but we use a mix or abc." That leaves the invitation to discuss it further, but can be enough for those just making small talk.
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