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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. VaKim, I'm so glad I'm not the only one with the hair-dryer, I'm on fire problem. I actually purchase a hair dryer with a cool-high speed option; it is amazing. I thought I was going to have to go for the simply air-dried on my head look. For now, I do only have the flashes with pms...and it seems unfair to suffer both at the same time :w00t: . Good nutrition, a regular vitamin, Calcium w/ Vit. D, fish oil and no caffeine along with a fan seem to help a bit. A good cool shower is often the only real relief. Now, I think I need a purse fan and a cooler bra. Anyone know of a cool-bra?
  2. My dh is also Essential required to work everyday with no option for taking sick or annual leave. I called him a volunteer, but he's actually an unpaid employee with no benefits. We did rec. our mini-paycheck and no further money will be comming in unless and until Washington does its job. ( I'm actually considering trying to go back to work; jobs here are not easy to find though.)
  3. You are such a good mom. I just do not like or understand the wait until something awful happens before we can do anything in domestic situations.
  4. :grouphug: I wonder if you have any legal options? The facebook stuff and his behavior pushing your boundaries and comfort around your family is concerning to me. I would actually speak with a police officer and possibly an attorney and her doctor on how best to protect her. Very gently, due to her mental age / development avoiding pregnancy is something to consider before they find a few moments alone.
  5. :iagree: I wouldn't put money into the old vehicle.
  6. :grouphug: Oh, I'm so sorry :grouphug: . :iagree: with rivendellmom, legal advice sounds like a very wise path.
  7. Op, I'm really sorry you're hurting. :grouphug: Grieving is so difficult and people should be more sympathetic. You might tell them their words are hurting you and then walk away. Again, I"m so sorry.
  8. Personally, I suggest wearing what will make you and your family look and feel your best in a photo that will be looked at for years to come... Sil and photographer have in mind what can look dated and a little contrived imo. (BYW... I do think a single family photo with little ones dressed up like mini mom and dad can be kind of cute and sweet, but a bunch of families seems a little over the top to me.)
  9. I hear you :bigear: . My sister's 4 y/old picks up every interesting word he hears now. The word of the day yesterday...was the D word. He said it, sang it, and then sang about not being able to say or sing it. :blink:
  10. Your poor daughter :grouphug: . I hope she is okay. Finding the cat owner might not be easy. If you see it again, snap a picture to help identify it. If I were the owner, I would offer to pay your dd's medical and apologize profusely; and I'd try to keep my kitty indoors.
  11. :iagree: I would open a case with ebay, and I hope you are quickly taken care of. I've shopped ebay for years using paypal and never had a serious problem that concerned me until recently. I could tell the seller was talking in circles after the item arrived that was not as listed / described. We went back and forth and I finally opened a case; my account was fully refunded including shipping in less than a day. (Honestly, it was so quick and settled to my satisfaction before lunch.)
  12. :grouphug: I hope she is okay and you have a very strong immune system.
  13. If my child was 18 and could afford to pay his way...I wouldn't love it, but I would live with it. Presently, I do have an adult child living at home attending college; while we still have family rules decisions are hers. However, I always enjoy discussing and voicing my thoughts and opinions, but will only fund things I approve of. Fwiw, I would not have allowed her to attend a mix overnight group without a chaperon at 17; ds is under 18 and has the same rules.
  14. :iagree: It would be kinder to simply say thank you, and do with the gifts as you choose. Mils can be tricky, and it didn't sound like a question of do you think I should buy them and what size are they. Confession, I've had to disappear more than one gift in my lifetime with little to no guilt. Things go missing and life goes on.
  15. Oh, I'm so happy you made it. Prayers for a smooth settle-in and of course some good sleep. I'm so excited for you all! What an adventure.
  16. Update... Dh is Essential... Last week he was informed in meeting that they would be paid. Now they will be paid for the first few days that have passed He is still required to go to work, and I'm steaming mad :cursing: . (They also said back pay would most likely be paid at some undetermined date; like I'm really going to believe that .) Big hugs to everyone stuck in this nightmare. :grouphug:
  17. My dh is considered Essential or whatever they are calling it; they informed him he will most likely be paid :confused1: as long as he doesn't take leave, sick-leave and it doesn't last more than a few days. (We had a mini leave/vacation planned for Wednesday-Monday for his big-birthday, but that is on hold and cancelled until we know more.) My sister's dh isn't mandatory, so they will definitely not be paid :crying: while our elected officials work this out. :iagree: Vote them all out, because this is just too stupid. :grouphug: :grouphug: Hugs to everyone stuck in this stupid-stupidmess.
  18. That is so disturbing and disgusting. And, I missed the rice / plastic story; thank you, we do eat a lot of rice here. I'm the nutty woman who returns anything with a smile and a complaint, if I miss that it was from or made in China. I go out of my way to be nice, but to let customer service know why I'm returning something, and of course I do try to notice where things are made before purchasing.
  19. :grouphug: Big hug and prayers coming your way. :grouphug:
  20. Your Inn looks like the perfect place to relax and get away for a few days. If we get back to the area, I would love to stay in such a beautiful place.
  21. That's heartbreaking, and I'm so sorry for your loss.
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