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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. You might check with your pharmacist for a good recommendation. I hope his the recovery runs smoothly.
  2. I'll also recommend the vitamin D. I take Citracal Petites, but there are lots of options.
  3. Op, I know it was difficult, but I think you did the right thing for the dog and your family.
  4. Prune juice...Drink a cup or big glass of the stuff and stay near a bathroom until the stuff works its magic.
  5. (((Sheryl)) My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  6. :grouphug: Goodness, I hope you are both fixed asap.
  7. Our experience with a loved one and his living-will was that it was disregarded; they gave weight to what his listed spouse / designated (legal definition) wanted and never referred to the actual document. I would advise plenty of prayer and a good attorney to assist you with the ins and outs of your particular state.
  8. I would also thing the landlord is responsible for the payment. My head is spinning imagining the damage 11 of those critters could do to a home. They are pretty icky, and around here can have rabies in addition to their other icks.
  9. Let the books sit in the car for 24 hours. Nhs reports that a number of germs, viruses and bacteria can live for 24 hours. I think avoiding the crowds and letting things sit in the car for 24 hours and even wiping them off is less trouble than dealing with catching something esp if you are handling things alone.
  10. I hope you can find the solution. The ideas listed in this thread are all good ones. I would make the list and have her look over it, and then choose the best option for her. I would definately get some of those bathing/wipes asap to have on hand until a better solution can be found. My sil's fil refused to bath for a very long time; he was a farmer and just sitting in a room with him became difficult. It really hurt my heart to listen to them tease him.
  11. I hope it can be worked out, but I would be very cautious with the littles.
  12. I rinse them, squeeze them out and then let them dry before tossing them into the laundry basket to prevent stink. The other people in the house tend to leave them wet and toss them in the kitchen towel laundry basket. If they have a stinky odor, I use vinegar in the wash.
  13. I'm so sorry. My sister had a GS with those issues and she treated it with something from her vet, but she had to make all his food. A second opinion might give you and your family peace of mind.
  14. He sounds like a sweet 4y/old to me too. On the friends and hugging issue, it can be confusing to little ones. Distinguish between new and old friends for him and discuss the differences. Friendship, family and acquaintances would also be a place to label and model how to interact.
  15. Tammyla

    thank you

    :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  16. OP... You do need to make sure your winter clothing is top notch, so that when you do go out you are as comfortable as possible. In your post, you mention a late baseball practice. I would wear my flannel lined jeans (a silk set of long johns if it is outdoors) good socks, a long-sleeve t, a sweater or fleece jacket, good gloves, a hat, a scarf, fleecey lined boots and my stadium Land's end coat. I only wear my Land's End Stadium coat when it is below 20'; I affectionately refer to it as my ugly coat, but it's worth the loss of style and the money in warmth. I do have Columbia jackets for quick in and out runs, but if my legs and tush are cold, I'm freezing. I always try to buy when stuff is on sale. This year I'm seriously looking at a light-box and possibly UGS.
  17. I don't handle it, but I try not to give into it. (Whispering softly, actually I hate it.) Tonight should be -17' and I'm ignoring whatever they are adding to that with the windchill. That said, maybe adjusting or I'm a nut now...because I get all excited if we hit a daily high of anything in the teens...Any day with temps up in the teens and I'm out running around trying to get as many things done as possible. Today was 9' ; I reluctantly went grocery shopping and did a ton of errands that I don't want to do when it's colder tomorrow. I wear layers have a ton of coats, boots, gloves and silk longjohns and even flannel lined jeans. (The flannel lined jeans are pretty soft and comfy btw.) Turning up the heat and humidity inside your home can go a long way towards comfort.
  18. Limiting contact is what we have slowly moved to with mil; it began when fil was still alive. Boundaries were put in place to ensure we could continue to have a relationship and protect our children when they were younger. In reality it looked like we were only willing to visit here in our home or at their home, but not at big family gatherings. Avoiding big drama esp. during the holidays is and was a blessing. We never made any declarations, but simply (ha, funny word for it) started saying no or that is not possible and sticking to it... Saying no and not giving in was and continues to be a struggle. She especially knows the buttons to push and will whine, guilt, nag, demand, or throw a major fit/meltdown to get her way. I think she is finally coming to understand that no means no, no matter her drama. I'm sorry your holiday was that way. :grouphug: I wanted to add, that we put up with it for years, but when my kids began to see it, I knew we had to change something. BOUNDARIES by Cloud and Townsend is an excellent boundary setting tool. For me it was also an ahha read.
  19. How scary, but I'm so glad you went in. I hope people read this thread; it's a real warning.
  20. :grouphug: Ellen, I'm sorry, that sounds very hurtful to me too. :grouphug:
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