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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Consider trying Tai Chi, it's great for stretching and limbering up. I took a class a few years ago after a neck and back injury; it helped so much with range of motion and general recovery. It's pretty easy and takes only a few minutes, and you can go through the movements pretty much anywhere. You can even check it out for free on youtube.
  2. Check the temperature of your refrigerator... (Freezer should be 0 and the refrigerator side around 37.) Our old fridge was the cause of our stomach ailment a few years ago. :grouphug: I'm so sorry, everyone must be miserable; I would get everyone on a probiotic and eat plenty of yogurts. If things didn't go away, you might check with your doctor.
  3. Would one of those shower wands help with the head pressure and fainting fear? Or, you might be able to adjust the current shower head to a very low stream of water that hits his body not his head.
  4. I'm a little worried about this causing headaches as the CFLs caused major ones; I'm hopeful the LEDs are better. The CFLs did not last nearly as long as they said they do here either. (I have them in the garage.) OP...if your old bulbs are high wattage, I read about a bird rescue / sanctuary that was taking them for donations or even purchasing them to keep the birds warm. I did stock up on the old ones, but my stock will only last so long.
  5. :svengo: That is so wrong, it's beyond words.
  6. Cutting Your Family's Hair, by Gloria Handel. Our library has a copy.
  7. I would appreciate getting the heads up e-mail, and know of plenty of other families who would too. Some friends might find this a reason to avoid them or to somehow help them with prayers, food etc. Hope the friend recovers fully and quickly and no one else catches it.
  8. :grouphug: It sounds like you need that mini-vacation in your room to relax.
  9. Tammyla

    MIL vent

    So, they now know that the gift isn't timed well, will cost you a small fortune, make the pregnant or new mommies uncomfortable, but they want to spend time with just the adults... because it is what they want for Christmas. It sounds like this gift is for them, and you enjoying the theatre is only a coincidence. You may need to just say, thanks, but no thanks and accept that they aren't interested in putting the money towards something else. Your dh needs to tell his parents that the gift would be wonderful in about x-months or years, but it isn't going to happen now. Please try not to let them upset you.
  10. NO, it sounds like you don't really know her. I mean, you don't even know if she wants to ride there and then return with you. I would not want to put myself or my dd in that situation. If she needs a ride and overheard you mention your road trip, she could easily call you at the restaurant. If I want to let my imagination run wild, I would consider her picking up something and bringing it back in your car; that would leave you liable. Now, if a woman approached me and needed to get away from a dangerous relationship, I would take her.
  11. They do have the experience of raising a kid to adulthood, and often feel rejected when their children have a different experience and or path as a parent. I find offering a word or praise or thanks, qualified with, times change and we all do our best goes a long way. This does not work with those who feel strongly that a good whipping will cure everything. I would not include, discuss or engage people of that mindset in regards to my parenting.
  12. I hope you are feeling better this morning.
  13. Tailoring your current clothing is an option if you are up to it or can find someone to do it for you.
  14. I think you need to find out what your current size is and then you are going to need to shop a bit. If stores are a nightmare for you, try shopping on-line. Make sure you can return and exchange things if they don't fit. Congratulations on your weight loss.
  15. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  16. Tammyla


    It sounds like her goal is to continue to hammer away and push at you and your boundaries, until you submit and see things her way. I would come up with a statement of something like... Please stop bringing this up, we need to move on .... Wash, rinse, repeat. BOUNDARIES by Cloud and Townsend or a number of other titles by the same authors are an excellent recommendation for dealing with someone not respecting your boundaries. Many libraries have the book btw.
  17. Quiche...my answer to quick little leftover meals lately. I make a crustless quiche with lots of different frozen veggies, but spinach and broccoli are my favorite two. I bake mine in a rectangle glass dish that has a plastic lid; it pops into the refrigerator and I love it with homemade bread for just about any meal. I also love egg, or tuna salad. They pop into a green pepper or tomato and I feel like it's a fancy lunch with crackers or fresh bread. Regular old salads are good, but winter here leaves us with slim pickings. Bake sweet potatoes or russet are pretty quick and easy. Just top them to suit and you have a healthy meal in minutes. I prefer the russets baked in the oven and just reheat them in the microwave, but I don't notice a difference with the sweet potatoes. I hope you feel better soon. MSG isn't easy to avoid.
  18. :grouphug: Can you set him up in your room to give you a bit of space? I agree with keeping him busy, many recovering peeps can go a bit stir crazy, thus driving their care-takers crazy. Schedule some you time. :grouphug:
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