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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Op, I'm glad your dog is going to be okay. Please consider reporting the dog if you haven't already done so, you could be saving a life.
  2. I wouldn't bring one home unless I wanted to be the caregiver of it for the life. (Although, I find it hard to image a snake as a pet; I grew up in rattlesnake country and I prefer our leg-less friends in the their natural environment.)
  3. I agree with getting everything checked. Nioxin shampoo and conditioner were rec. to my mother when she lost a lot of hair due to medications. Dh was told to BLOW dry his hair everyday to stimulate the scalp.
  4. I think you're spot on then. Realizing you aren't the 100% central focus of the family can be difficult for some kids, but it is a life lesson everyone needs to understand.
  5. Congratulations on the baby! I'm sorry about your mil, you deserve pampering not her craziness. You can't reason with crazy, so I would ignore it.
  6. :grouphug: I would put her to work; that is always my go to for fussing. She could wrap gifts, clean something or go to her room with a disagreeable attitude. Have you tried reasoning and asking her what she expects you to do? Ear plugs or simply not hearing anything close to fussing also works. We can go out, but we have to shovel our way out of the driveway first...again. I'm so hoping this weather warms up...soon.
  7. You were upset, you told them. The next part is letting go of the anger and hurt and moving on; that takes time, especially for moms when their children's feelings were hurt. Not everyone loves big vacations and something else that they want to keep private was probably going on. I also imagine, DW with an infant and 4 yr old could be overwhelming for many couples. I'm sorry it worked out so badly for your family. :grouphug:
  8. My mil used an attorney to walk her through the financial steps after fil passed. A free copy of her credit report would give her the balances on the accounts. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  9. Congratulations, the new home sounds beautiful. Happy moving, next week is really soon, but I'm so happy you sold your house.
  10. It would bother me a lot, and her comparing it to precious blows my mind.
  11. It's your call of course, and only you can decide if going is worth dealing with the illness at your house.
  12. What a way to start your day! I'm getting my parents a Keurig for Christmas with the reusable K-cup; my mom would die without her cup of Folgers in the morning. I'm hoping they will like it, as my mom detest old coffee, but always tries to finish the pot. :huh:
  13. I made rice-filled draft stoppers for our windows a few years ago; we use them year after year and they've held up very well.
  14. :grouphug: Big hug to you and your sister :grouphug: . I do understand what you are feeling...My mil moved on very quickly and it just makes things uncomfortable and even hurtful at times. Too bad your sister wasn't able to just tell him how hurtful his announcement was vs. asking asking when he said it. I'm with the others in thinking scolding him now will not be very helpful, but if the family needs more consideration for the next holiday, then I would discuss it with him.
  15. Stainless steel pots and pans. I've used a Cuisinart set for 10+ years and learned to love them. There was a learning curve, esp with eggs, but after I got the temperature right I grew to love cooking with them. I was worried about the non-stick toxins, but concerned about things sticking and the mess of clean ups of ss. Well, I grown to love ss cookware, because they are so easy to clean up. I like to soak for a few minutes and then scrape them with whatever I have on hand... metal, a knife, green scrub-pad, sos pad etc. and wala clean as new. ymmv
  16. :thumbup1: I'm glad you popped in to update us, and wish you continued success.
  17. Sn :001_tt2: rt! I'm picturing myself hunting for really big envelopes; just because I'm that way, you know. After reading this, I'm waiting for the social stamp of approval on...Hey, just deposit cash into our account on-line.
  18. No alcohol at a social function or party wouldn't not bother me, nor would I expect alcohol at one.
  19. I love spending time with my mom, and I wish she didn't live a 30 hour car drive away.
  20. If you really don't want to do this for whatever reason, just don't. I would not give to an organization I didn't believe in or trust; nor would I argue with a family member over what I was giving. That for me, would mean giving what I could afford and felt comfortable giving. Small warning, some less reputable organizations will take your information and market you for a donation.
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