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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. They are already married, so this is more of a wedding party than getting married. It wouldn't bug me, but I wouldn't get all excited and give a super gift to a couple that had been together 5 years vs. a couple setting up their first household.
  2. Op, I'm going to discuss this with my two. I was always taught to cooperate with the police for their safety and mine. I've never specifically discussed getting out of the vehicle and to keep your hands visible to the police officer. Reacting emotionally is something a number of teens are known for.
  3. I'm enjoying my Cinnamon colored Kitchenaid; it's just better than the one I had that was a cheapie. It's quiet and doesn't shake my arm off.
  4. I've used and loved my KitchenAid for 10 years, and think it was worth every dollar. I think you can find a way better deal than $350. Kohls would be a great place to start looking.
  5. :grouphug: Prayers for guidance, good care, peace and healing.
  6. Crockpot applesauce...My short review...It was so easy! I made a batch today with no sugar, just the Granny-Smith apples, a dash of salt and a bit of cinnamon. I did peel and slice my 12 apples and then tossed them into the pot for 3.5 hours with a small amount of water on the bottom. I cooled them a bit and drained off the excess water; then mashed them for a homemade lumpy applesauce. My yield was 4 cups of applesauce to the 12 apples. We enjoyed them on top of Belgian waffles tonight at dinner. Yummy :thumbup1: .
  7. We were gifted a laundry basket full of Granny Smith apples...(They are not pretty, but they are homegrown and organic.) I'm planning to make a few pies for Thanksgiving, but this thread prompted me to peel a bunch and try my hand at homemade applesauce. OP...My sil would expect me to make applesauce from scratch. However, she would pop it out of the can :laugh: . Oh, and I've never had or heard of applesauce on Thanksgiving. Are there going to be a lot of little kids there?
  8. :grouphug: (((Robin))) prayers for you, your dad and your dear mom. :grouphug:
  9. I think the owner was negligent leaving you out there with the dog; and they knew about the behavior or they wouldn't have had/been looking for the collar remote. I agree if you know a dog is nice and doesn't have a bite history, yes grabbing the paws will give them a reality message not to jump on you. HOWEVER, you never know this 100% especially with a dog you don't know. And in my experience, all dog owners think their baby is the sweetest thing on the planet and would never bite anyone until they do, and if they do many will project the blame on the victim.
  10. You mention a fever last night in your child; I would definitely have stayed home at least 24 hours fever free. I hope you all feel better soon. And in general, I do appreciate anyone staying home and not spreading an illness to any unnecessary events. I realize sometimes there isn't an option, but when there is a day or so of resting is best for everyone.
  11. No way, no way, no how would I sign for their image and full name. In all honesty, the image and video taping doesn't seem out of the norm to me, but the first and last name sets off a little alarm in me. In the best light the teacher is naive.
  12. If you really want to remove the fence, I would send (keep a copy) a certified or registered letter informing them of when you will need them to keep their animals indoors so that you can work on your fence. I'm not sure I would involve with the decision of whether to fix or get rid of it. Just Let them know you the day you will be working on the fence, and then fix or get rid of the whole thing. My concern would be that they will not control their pets once the fence is down.
  13. :iagree: with the poster who is concerned that you aren't working as team with your family and finances, and that he seems to be 100% in control. Have you considered counseling from counselor or clergy.
  14. Congratulations on your new baby girl. (Woe, I missed that you were expecting.)
  15. :grouphug: I wish I had something to make it better somehow. I hope something works out soon for your family.
  16. :iagree: I've made the mistake of thinking, I'll go back later and buy a few pairs of this perfect pair; only I find they are now so different in fit or not available.
  17. I would tell her my husband was having some health problems and while you look forward to seeing her when she is in town, hosting her will not work for your dh. My thinking is that going into details or lengthy details are not necessary. Personally, I would not want to impose myself as a guest into a home where my presence would cause difficulties for my friend / host.
  18. Trying on clothes is a nightmare, but you may want to keep trying. When you find something that fits, buy extra. I had to change my go to brand of jeans a few years ago and in the end the effort was worth the fuss.
  19. That poor girl sounds miserable. I hope her parents can at least be encouraged not to force her into situations that literally make her sick; it sounds just awful. I'm sure they are thinking and hoping she will get used to it and get over it, but it sounds like it isn't working. From what you have listed she is participating and managing in a number of activities. What does the daughter want other than being home? Is she desperate for friends or is she happy with acquaintances and peers at school and her activities? Often as parents our desires and hopes for our children are not in line with their path to happiness. I'm glad the girl has you in her corner; it sounds like she needs a friend and advocate. I would never suggest any diagnosis or treatment for the girl, but encourage the parents to discuss this with her doctor or a the school counselor. Recommend they be very careful how they approach it with her.
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