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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. If you are referring to a general Sam's Club satisfaction guarantee, no I wouldn't take it back after 4 years of use. If the actual product had a guarantee, I would consider going through them. Finally, so many appliances just don't last any length of time and it going after 4 years doesn't surprise me.
  2. Thank you.. I'm glad your dd is alright; just reading about it gives me the shakes.
  3. My parents had theirs freeze up. The pipe needed to be moved; I think it was installed wrong, it kept freezing in the summer with the AC on. I hope you get it working soon.
  4. It would be a deal breaker for me... We didn't purchase a perfect for us home that had one beside it. Anything listed in the Disclosure on a home or property is always something to seriously consider before purchasing.
  5. I'm happy it went so well. My dad, had both of his done last fall, and he is thrilled with the results.
  6. Since the police are willing to charge him, it is definitely not okay; that would increase my fear of him.
  7. Wondering how the bat trauma worked out. :grouphug: I would have freaked out; those beast carry rabies and it's easy to be bitten and not know it.
  8. Have you tried laying down and then putting the drops in? Let us know how your surgery goes.
  9. :grouphug: I hope it all works out.
  10. :grouphug: Weepy and funerals are pretty much a given for me. To avoid puffy eyes, try just blotting vs. rubbing your eyes, and sunglasses hide a lot.
  11. I'm lost here again; I take it we aren't discussing the Rate Topic at the top-left side of a thread? (I did rate the thread with 5 stars btw.)
  12. I was sad to hear so many people are still stuck this morning. :grouphug:
  13. Wow, my heart is hurting for your ds. I'd want to go all momma-bear on her; that was just mean. If that was an attempt at humor, I still think grandma needs to be set straight; it was not appropriate or appreciated and is not going to happen again. A part of me would be tempted to send a nasty thank-you note, but that would probably backfire or reinforce whatever is mixed up in her mind.
  14. :grouphug: I agree :grouphug:
  15. I would try to attend both if possible.
  16. Sunbeam has a cape like heating pad (RENUE), that is awesome for neck and shoulder pain. I just remembered this and used mine this morning, as I was suffering with pain and the beginning of a migraine from sewing so much this weekend.
  17. Tammyla

    Hey All!

    :seeya: I'm sorry, but I love reading about your mil; for me, it's a relief to hear someone else actually has a loved one who is...I don't know, unbelievably selfish to the bone. At least you can enjoy the fact, that she isn't moving in with you. Pop back in again, sooner. I'm glad the fam is doing so well.
  18. Target service has declined to the point here, that I just go to Walmart...nuff said.
  19. :iagree: It sounds pretty, but it's a mess and a big-old-pain all around. We had the blizzard last night...crazy and now today the temps are dangerous; pretty much everything is closed even dd's college classes. Our city is almost out of salt and sand, so they are concentrating only on the interstate and Snow Emergency Routes; driving can be a nightmare.
  20. Hanna Andersson Land's End The Teaching Company CBD JoAnn's Our Chic-fil-a also has great customer service.
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