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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. My ds and I just had a moment :hurray: ...Wow, thank you.
  2. I don't want to miss any updates or pictures.
  3. I'm so sorry and send prayers. :grouphug: Remembering and acknowledging the loss is a special mom-thing you can do for her. I wish it had worked out differently for her.
  4. My dh loves it, but it took awhile to grow on me; now I'm definitely a Dr. Who fan. Dh used to watch it and I would read and half pay attention. Tennant is my favorite Dr. Who so far; he drew me into watching the show without a book in my hands.
  5. I'm so sorry and outraged for you :rant: ! I also think the nook is a sinking ship, but I still prefer reading on mine. We've got Kindle Fires here and Ipads; they love them; I will have to switch eventually. Dd & ds use the Ipads all the time, and dh uses the Kindle at work because he would have a heart attack if he lost it or had it stolen.
  6. I love getting an order in and receiving the tracking number :hurray: . That's pretty quick turn around for this time of year, and totally awesome with free shipping.
  7. That's sounds crazy high to me. I noticed after our last visit that the bill was itemized and each thing seemed to add up to a lot more than previous visits; it may be the nature of the beast.
  8. Oh, dear...(((Faith))). Mine was also uneven, thinned and the right side looks nothing like the left side; and I went straight out and bought a two ladies baseball caps at target. I couldn't bring myself to wear one on Sunday, so I developed a passion for using mouse and a TON of styling wax. I even tried hair spray, but even super-hold couldn't fix my problem. Another stylist took pity on me, but she had to chop it off shorter than my chin. She's the one who recommended the styling wax/mouse combo. My sympathies to everyone who has endured a horrible cut.
  9. That stinks, but I think you were smart to check with school SI. Different state here, but we had to log the hours and lessons and send them in with receipts of out sourced classes for credit. (Piano, swimming etc.) I also had my student write up a goals sheet at the beginning of the year and complete an end of the year self evaluation; then do a short essay for classes that were difficult to document like music and PE.
  10. I'm still growing out my worst cut ever :crying: ; it also involved the use of stupid texturizing / thinning shears. I will never ever let a stylist near me with a pair of those again. I've never heard of using them with an army/man cut. :confused1:
  11. :iagree: It was horribly inappropriate and offensive. I'm also offended by her/him not apologizing after your e-mail; that is just way over the top.
  12. I'm glad you found relief. Pf can make your life miserable. Oh, and this board is one of the best resources out there; tried and true recommendations are worth their weight in gold.
  13. Have a great year :001_smile: . I always love a plan that is solid and well thought out.
  14. I think your time would be better spent by focusing more on your dh for a while. Simply using one extra word Why in front of Did is not that hard to change when speaking to a child. Example of this... Did why did you just kick blank? Why did you just kick blank? I think some good discussions with your dh about how he can see in your ds that his parenting style is not working, and why a little give on his part would go a long way in raising a happy, healthy kid is worth the effort. I hope this reads a gentle; tone is so hard on-line.
  15. :iagree: We purchased a local second grader's school supplies here, and I about fell over from the sticker shock. Sadly, I think we will pass on adopting a local student next year.
  16. He may be feeling the stess of being a pre-teen as those hormones kick in. They can be difficult years to navigate. :grouphug:
  17. :iagree: That is just too many subjects to do them well. It's better to pick 5-7 subjects and do each subject with rigor than to try and hit so many nothing is ever really covered. They can all be excellent programs, but if you're spinning your wheels by stretching yourselves too far...It's a recipe for at best a so-so year and at worst burnout and failure. I understand the desire to choose a big meaty schedule and excel, but it often backfires when real life kicks in. ymmv
  18. I'm glad you aren't buying it; that's just way too much for an old appliance.
  19. We only just finished up our current year last month, and the summer feels like it's almost over.
  20. What a disappointment! I'd toss them too, but I avoid food poisoning like the plague.
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