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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Sort of, but she lives a 5 hour drive each way from us; accepting an invitation involves a large amount of time and usually an overnight. One year, we drove up early in Decemeber to visit before the roads got bad, enjoy a Christmas in our home and allow dd to dance in the Christmas program. She was ticked off that we weren't driving up again and decided to book an Olan Mills picture for the 24th of December :huh: She notified us of the photo 4 days before. via e-mail. Wow, was she angry when we didn't come. (I had told her the year before that we wouldn't be making the trip every year, but they were welcome here.) And of course, there have been a number of times that she calls on Thursday night and asks what we're doing for the weekend and then decides to drive down on Friday morning for the weekend. Either way, I know if she asks about any date near or far, she wants something and if she doesn't get it... she gets angry. Op, sorry for the thread derailment. I've been married for years and know that things can get worse if you let someone get thier way and walk all over you for the sake of keeping the peace. Sorry for typos, spell check isn't working.
  2. :iagree: She may be doing an end run around your dh to know he's free and then guilt or fuss about him for not coming. My mil will always ask about a date and then have a fit if you don't say yes. Finally, I've learned not to fall for that one anymore.
  3. Interesting and scary. Here locally, there have been a number of cases of rabies transmissions from bats. The CDC mentions a number of precautions to take if you are around one.
  4. :iagree: You would think so, but my first concern would be the elderly lady sleeping with a bat in her home and not knowing she was bitten.
  5. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: Op....Around here bats have rabies and they can bite without you knowing it or leaving a visible mark :w00t: . Lots of people have to get shots and pay for a professional to remove them. That 93 y/old lady was blessed to have you there.
  6. Rose, you've been on my mind today. I'm hoping and praying for peace and gentle outcome all around.
  7. Prune juice is a natural option, and it works in so many cases.
  8. Oh, Rose. It sounds like you are doing and have done just about everything you can. I have a small hope that his FASD, ODD , and RAD may help him some how resist her manipulation and do what he wants and needs to do. I'm just going to be praying for the two of you. (My heart aches for you guys and worries a bit for my sister who has an adopted little boy with a very troubled birth mom.)
  9. Rose, I don't want to add to your fears, but after reading this thread and thinking about it...I'm going to suggest you, your husband or a sibling /friend go with him. I'm thinking you could present it as a stay with your sister and a potential place for a possible break or a safety net for him. I also agree a call to an attorney may be necessary. You must be feeling so drained and overwhelmed, and I'm really, really sorry you and your family are going through this. :grouphug:
  10. Travel agencies have plenty of options and pre-planned trips. Depending on your destination, (places like Disney World) have plenty of packages available that include everything from hotel, food, tickets, etc. Their planning part is free; you just pay for the package.
  11. What a difficult situation. A back-up and (no questions asked) exit plan sound like a must have in this situation; I'd even go so far as to have a code word set in place. His b-mom doesn't sound stable to me and we don't want him to be afraid of her hearing and reacting badly. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
  12. What he did by telling your kids in such detail makes me think he is likely to act on this and in a sense leaving a trail of sorts; it sounds like he may know on some level how dangerous this is. Due to the potential danger he may be placing himself in, I would be very worried and talk to his parents asap.
  13. :iagree: Oh, my...I'm waving my hand wildly in agreement here. Dh loves The Grapes of Wrath and I loooathe it :rant: . Op great thread.
  14. :grouphug: I hope she is doing better. Only two days of pain medication doesn't sound like enought to me btw.
  15. I've always been under the impression that the driver is responsible for the car - even things the passengers do.
  16. Big changes are almost always scary. :grouphug: Your plan and services sound pretty amazing, and I think the Baltimore area has the large hs community to support this. (Bolling AFB, Andrews AFB and Ft. Belvoir have huge hs communities close by.) Best wishes on you new adventure.
  17. Seek a place with the AC on and stay inside. :grouphug: Yesterday was 90' with a 76% humidity. The news here classifies that as uncomfortable humidity. Gag! I classify it as horrible, but as the summer heats up so does the humidity.
  18. I'm glad he is ok. I see people texting and driving here all the time, for the most part it's younger drivers, but I see all ages. There should be extra penalties for doing it esp. if you cause an accident.
  19. It's sickening. A s s a u l t and r a p e are not hazing and should be reported and prosecuted. My state is one of the cases listed and many sports fans were furious that the athletes were going to punished for team stuff.
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