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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I have the same problem here. :cursing:
  2. I can't post the words here, but mine would be hate, curse and derogatory words and the word Pop for soda.
  3. :iagree: I would love more audio downloads or cds. A conference would be great, but they never seem to be near or worth the effort and $'s around here.
  4. :hurray: I love my very old Kingfisher, and I don't think I'll ever part with it unless someone can appreciate it as much as I have.
  5. Your poor son and his friend. I detest bullies and even adults that ignore or allow them to flourish. I'd talk with the leadership and have them set up a conference with the bully and his parents. That kid needs to be called on this and helped to find a better path for the future.
  6. It's an excellent resource, and you can't get a better value than free. :hurray:
  7. I would definitely have a discussion with the leadership. I can't imagine an 8 y/old writing 3 page essays for youth group, nor can I imagine many older kids enjoying a yg with so much written homework.
  8. Traci, I hope you slept better. There are quieter machines and possibly masks if you two can't adjust to the one he has. OR your dh's mask might need an adjustment. (My dad has one now that you can't hear and my mom longs for the old one that added white noise, but anything is better than his snore/gasp/scary-breath sleeping pattern.) If my dad visits without the machine, we can hear him through the walls, no one else sleeps and it's terrifying to listen to :grouphug: .
  9. :grouphug: I hope you are healing and feeling better. :grouphug:
  10. I would send a generic e-mail to start a paper trail if a refund is needed later. Don't go into details, just mention what happened and how it needed to be remedied. Big hug to your dd, I hope this works out. fyi...There is a product called color-oops or something like that; it removes color to the before state and then you try again.
  11. :grouphug: Catwoman, I just read the 7/10 update and I'm sending prayers your way. :grouphug:
  12. We're missed you Catwoman. :grouphug:
  13. I poo-poo the warnings :smash: . I've lived in Italy, Germany, Japan, and a few other lovely places. Don't bother stocking up on things you can live without. If your child has specific needs (Jumbo crayons were impossible to get in Japan.) get those or if you have a favorite bra, hair color or whatever, take a few. The water in Italy was awful. We had to use bottled or free filled bottles from post for cooking, drinking or even teeth brushing...It was a pita, but it was a long time ago and may be better today. Friends, I was a military brat and my best friend in Germany was there with her Civ. dad. You may feel left out a bit by the number of military functions, but most civ families are invited. When I was an Army wife, many of my friends overseas were expats from the US and other countries.I also made a number of local friends from every country; they were the best guides to everything local. The outdoor markets in Italy were awesome. I got the best undies there for next to nothing. It was strange to buy them from a vendor who wanted to haggle, but a lot of fun and a great deal. Don't freak out, it will be an adjustment, but probably the best adventure you guys will ever have. .
  14. I'm glad you found some answers. Therapro.com has brusing tools that are super soft.
  15. Well, I would be upset to say the least. Is your mother going to have a meal with the man who abused you? That's disgusting imo. Sick, mean and what the heck...mom? If I've misunderstood and she isn't going, but just wanted to let you know... I'd think her laughing was inappropriate to the situation, but it could have been nervous laughter and I'd try to excuse it. I'm now going to read the other responses, but I wanted to get my opinion down before reading them. (Some of my dearest friends and a family member were abused when I was growing up, and I'd like to drive a stake in the heart of the abusers for the damage they've done.)
  16. I'll be praying here too, and I'm really glad you came back to tell us, even if it is this kind of news. We care about you and wish you the very best. I come from a family of medical freaks, and I get what you are saying. Hang in there, I know this was a shock.
  17. I would focus on math and language arts. That would allow for time to have fun and finish 3rd grade up quickly.
  18. It just stinks when you're trying to plan an event. I think (agree) a nice e-mail or call is fine. Recently, I did have someone call about not receiving our RSVP. It had a respond by Monday and the flake called us the Friday before. It made me feel a bit huffy to have her call before the card was due :leaving: . That said, I do like a respond by xyz, and I actually do mail them yes or no.
  19. (((Prayers))) I agree with asking for blood work and discussing this with her doctor.
  20. I'm glad it worked out and delighted the clinic has a sick policy in place.
  21. Interesting list. I've always just lumped clutter into one category; this list makes you think.
  22. I missed this thread, but I'm wondering how everything turned out.
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