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Ok, I have a problem with this new Star Trek movie..

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I appreciate the remake and looks like it actually might not be a moronic story but please....all the characters I've seen from the trailers look like college sophmores. Unless it is a beach movie, I don't really care for flicks filled with Barbies and Kens.


What made Kirk, Spock, Piccard and everybody so great was their experience and normal looks. Gravitas goes a long way...


Please bring back the wrinkles, beer bellies, and grey hair.


Now I am going to :chillpill:.

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I'm a confirmed fan of the original Start Trek series. I don't know how I'll feel about this new version. However, keep in mind that the cast of the original series did not have wrinkles, beer bellies and gray hair. We just grew old(er) with them. As I understand it, this new Star Trek is supposed to take place before the time setting of the original series, so they would be the age of Barbie & Ken.



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I'm a confirmed fan of the original Start Trek series. I don't know how I'll feel about this new version. However' date=' keep in mind that the cast of the original series did not have wrinkles, beer bellies and gray hair. We just grew old(er) with them. As I understand it, this new Star Trek is supposed to take place before the time setting of the original series, so they would be the age of Barbie & Ken.




I remember Shatner in his slender days but the cast looked early to mid-30s in the beginning. With the exception of one person, everyone looked like they had a mortgage to pay.

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I am totally not a Star Trek fan...just never really watched it....but I did read an article yesterday online about the fans of "old" Star Trek not being happy with this new one for various reasons, mostly the casting and flashiness. Someone, maybe director or producer?, was saying that this was kind of the point of this new movie..the "old" Star Trek already has a HUGE fan base, but that fan base is aging, that no one under 25 probably watches Star Trek, and this new movie was kind of a way to revitilize Star Trek, so start another fan base, to keep the legacy going. That they weren't necessarily trying to please the original Star Trek fans.


Just some grains of salt to think about :).

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You all *do* realize it's a prequel, right? About how Spock, Kirk, McCoy, Scottie, Uhuru, and Sulu ended up beginning their Enterprise careers? It's pretty hard to make a movie about college seniors without using young actors.


All that being said, the scene I saw was *darker* than I would have liked with nasty aliens so I may not like it either. But it won't be because the crew of the Enterprise is young.

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I am totally not a Star Trek fan...just never really watched it....but I did read an article yesterday online about the fans of "old" Star Trek not being happy with this new one for various reasons, mostly the casting and flashiness. Someone, maybe director or producer?, was saying that this was kind of the point of this new movie..the "old" Star Trek already has a HUGE fan base, but that fan base is aging, that no one under 25 probably watches Star Trek, and this new movie was kind of a way to revitilize Star Trek, so start another fan base, to keep the legacy going. That they weren't necessarily trying to please the original Star Trek fans.


Just some grains of salt to think about :).


Well I know someone under age 25 that watches. My ds is a hard core trekkie. He has seen them all except for a few movies. We read about quantum mechanics yesterday and discussed Star Trek in the process. :D


The movie will undoubtedly have a JJ Abrams flair. The cast does look young, but they are supposed to. Some of that is good makeup and lighting and good genetics. Zachary Quinto (yes, Sylar from Heroes) plays Spock and he is 31 or 32. Chris Pine (Kirk) is 27, Karl Urban (Bones) was born 1972, and Simon Pegg (Scotty) was born in 1970, so they aren't college age really.


I think we'd gotten used to aging with the actors. :001_huh:

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So far we have had a Kira and a Sisko (now passed) and Commander Data excelling in his training:tongue_smilie: (puppy school--should get his Good Citizenship papers in a few weeks). Gordi (pronounced Jordi) is doing fine on kitty-squirrel patrol every day. Mr Neelix (the cat) keeps us organized--because if we are NOT organized--everything ends up on the floor covered in cat hair!


Our computer room is decorated with Star Trek prints...


DH and I have gone to Star Trek conventions (NOT dressed up)--we have several autographs--my FAVORITE speaker/autograph was Patrick Stewart--he performed the first act of 'A Christmas Carrol' flawlessly--considering the first 10 rows in the audience looked like a Klingon convention!


DH and older girls will see the movie tonight. I can't tollerate movie theaters because of my bad back. Youngest dd and I will stay home and watch Wall-e or Bolt in our theater room.

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I saw the movie last night and was quite surprised. It was really good!!! I was worried it was going to be bad and not in Trekkie style. You have to remember that they are in the Academy when they get called on the first mission, so they have to be young.


I really liked how they expanded on each individuals job. For example Uhura is a linguist and can translate multiple languages and is not just the receptionist for the bridge.


I think you might be surprised at the ending twist. If they make new movies with the new actors, it will make sense.

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I see both sides of this. When we were "growing up" with Star Trek, the characters were more real. They were not air brushed perfection because that was not in vogue back then. It is now. Size 0 is the goal for all women - isnt it?


How many amazing actors and actresses are there in Hollywood now? I mean with real, amazing talent vs fake beauty? How many awesome movies are being written or produced? Sure, there are some, but is it the norm or the exception.


This star trek is about the "main" characters when they were cadets - college freshman (?). They are supposed to be young - mid 20s - with the possible exception of McCoy. But, the problem today (as I see it) is that our society no longer wants "real", they want that fake beauty. It doesnt matter if an actress can actually act, as long as they are size 0, tall, preferably blonde, bee sting lips, and on the arm of a gorgeous (equally fake) guy and wearing next to nothing so they can show off those trim legs, bouncy books, and barely there back side - all tanned to perfection. It is fine if the guy cant act too as long as he has a smirk, messy hair, gorgeous body, and on his arm is the before mentioned actress.


Is weight loss surgery still the Number 1 surgery in this country? It was last time I checked. When we lived in a larger city - the ads for botox, weightloss, plastic surgery, etc were plastered all over the billboards. The message was, and is, clear - it doesnt matter what you are like inside or how good you are at your task, as long as you look great.


So, this new movie is about great characters who are much beloved by an entire generation. But, this movie is about these characters at a much younger age/stage. They are not "there" yet career wise. They are not in charge - they are kids. But, again, they are kids with makeup artist perfection.


Just my 2 cents

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I see both sides of this. When we were "growing up" with Star Trek, the characters were more real. They were not air brushed perfection because that was not in vogue back then.


Actually, in the original series, every single close-up of a female has gauze over the lens to make her soft-focus wrinkle and blemish free. That went away in the later series. (maybe nowadays women are supposed to be wrinkle and blemish free without the aid of gauzy lens filters? - that's why all the chemical peels and facelifts? :tongue_smilie:)

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OK. William Shatner was hot. Patrick Stweart? Yum. In the original series, the rest looked 'normal' so Shatner could have no competition for the sexy girl aliens in thigh-high boots.


My dh is losing his hair. I keep telling him he will be a sexy bald man, just like Picard. :001_smile:

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My dh is losing his hair. I keep telling him he will be a sexy bald man, just like Picard. :001_smile:


I like the bald captain, but Sisko, not Picard.

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I appreciate the remake and looks like it actually might not be a moronic story but please....all the characters I've seen from the trailers look like college sophmores. Unless it is a beach movie, I don't really care for flicks filled with Barbies and Kens.


What made Kirk, Spock, Piccard and everybody so great was their experience and normal looks. Gravitas goes a long way...


Please bring back the wrinkles, beer bellies, and grey hair.


Now I am going to :chillpill:.


My dd and dh saw the movie last night. My dh was a Star Trek fan from the beginning (I had a crush on Spock, when I was 7.) and our dd is a real fan now. Her favorite series is Deep Space Nine with Next Generation in second place, I think. We are about done watching all the Voyager episodes. Dd was worried that the trailers made it look too Star Wars like in the look and feel, but she was not disappointed with the movie at all. They both came home thinking that the movie worked pretty well, even though there were a lot of new aliens. There were a couple of things that dd didn't like as well, but that was bound to happen.


If the Star Trek franchise was to do another movie they couldn't keep getting older. Too many faces and voices are disappearing or are just getting too old to do the action that is required. In this movie the computer didn't even have a voice yet. The voice of the computer, Majel Barrett, died last year. Scotty and McCoy are also deceased. And Kirk? Seriously, he is not Starfleet material at this time.


As far as the Ken and Barbie thing, Dd said that Uhura was the only one who really stood out as Barbie-like to her. And they don't act like Ken dolls, unless it is the way that little brothers sometimes play with them. LOL

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You all *do* realize it's a prequel, right? About how Spock, Kirk, McCoy, Scottie, Uhuru, and Sulu ended up beginning their Enterprise careers? It's pretty hard to make a movie about college seniors without using young actors.

Yeah--if you're graduating from Starfleet Academy, wouldn't you be fairly young (not 38, like Shatner was when the original series premiered)?

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I'm not going to see it just yet because a couple of my kids aren't interested and my dh is out of town for a couple more weeks. DH is however going to see it tonight or tomorrow. I'm a bit jealous. We're both ST fans (our dd is named Annika after the character 7 of 9 played by Jeri Ryan from ST Voyager, Annika was her human name before she was assimilated by the Borg) and this movies looks great.


As for the whole "Ken and Barbie" actor thing, well I honestly don't remember the women in any of the ST series being chubby or having bumps and bulges in their jumpsuits, so I really don't see the difference.


Like many have said this is supposed to be a Prequel, I think that was the right way to go, I don't know to many that want to see a bunch of wrinkled, beer bellied, gray haired geezers pushing their walkers around a starship.

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Yeah--if you're graduating from Starfleet Academy, wouldn't you be fairly young (not 38, like Shatner was when the original series premiered)?

When the series premiered, Shatner's role was as Kirk becoming the Captain of the Enterprise. Obviously he did not graduate from the Academy right into the captaincy. There were a number of intervening years in lower ranking positions on other starships. His age at the time (36) probably would not have been far off a "normal" age for a Starfleet Captain.



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I have to say, though, that Simon Pegg (the actor who plays Scotty) is 39. If he's able to pull off looking like a guy just out of the Academy, more power to him! :001_smile:


more power to the engines, you mean;)



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So far we have had a Kira and a Sisko (now passed) and Commander Data excelling in his training:tongue_smilie: (puppy school--should get his Good Citizenship papers in a few weeks). Gordi (pronounced Jordi) is doing fine on kitty-squirrel patrol every day. Mr Neelix (the cat) keeps us organized--because if we are NOT organized--everything ends up on the floor covered in cat hair!



When my brain freezes, the kids are called by their Borg Designations. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 get over here!


quoting Weird Al on White and Nerdy:

the only question that I thought was hard


do I like Kirk or do I like Piccard?



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I'm not going to see it just yet because a couple of my kids aren't interested and my dh is out of town for a couple more weeks. DH is however going to see it tonight or tomorrow. I'm a bit jealous. We're both ST fans (our dd is named Annika after the character 7 of 9 played by Jeri Ryan from ST Voyager, Annika was her human name before she was assimilated by the Borg) and this movies looks great.


As for the whole "Ken and Barbie" actor thing, well I honestly don't remember the women in any of the ST series being chubby or having bumps and bulges in their jumpsuits, so I really don't see the difference.


Like many have said this is supposed to be a Prequel, I think that was the right way to go, I don't know to many that want to see a bunch of wrinkled, beer bellied, gray haired geezers pushing their walkers around a starship.



Seriously, I agree! We were watching Voyager the other day (boys bought a season on sale) and I told dh I'll bet Jeri Ryan was so glad when she could stop wearing those skin tight jumpsuits.


My dad has a bunch of star trek toys from the Next generation. He lets ds carefully play with them when he is visiting but won't let him have them.

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When my brain freezes, the kids are called by their Borg Designations. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 get over here!






I do this also, and my children are very well aware of which ones they are. My 11 year old has watched all the original series, Next Gen, and watching her way through Voyager as we speak. Next she is on to Deep Space Nine.

We are most definitely a family of Trekkies here...


We are probably going to see the movie, but I am not terribly excited about it. Hopefully it will be fun.

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My 5 yo loves "Star Tricks". She knows the Capt. Kirk man-to-man fight song, "dada da da da da dahhhh dada da daaaaah", her Dad bought her and her little sissy a couple of Star Trek glasses at Burger King last night, and she has announced that she "IS" Uhura. She likes Capt. Picard because he's bald like her Daddy.


But what she doesn't know is that she inherited her nerdy Star Trek streak from ME! I've seen every single episode of every show, MOST more than a few times (except I never saw ONE of "Enterprise" -- just didn't capture my fancy from the first moment).


I can hardly wait to see the movie. Would it be a huge break in form to pull Mother's Day rank and go (by myself because we don't have a babysitter) and see the movie on Sunday???:tongue_smilie:

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I can hardly wait to see the movie. Would it be a huge break in form to pull Mother's Day rank and go (by myself because we don't have a babysitter) and see the movie on Sunday???:tongue_smilie:


Absolutely not. GO! I would if I could find someone to watch my kids. AHH, if only dh was home.

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Well I know someone under age 25 that watches. My ds is a hard core trekkie. He has seen them all except for a few movies. We read about quantum mechanics yesterday and discussed Star Trek in the process. :D


The movie will undoubtedly have a JJ Abrams flair. The cast does look young, but they are supposed to. Some of that is good makeup and lighting and good genetics. Zachary Quinto (yes, Sylar from Heroes) plays Spock and he is 31 or 32. Chris Pine (Kirk) is 27, Karl Urban (Bones) was born 1972, and Simon Pegg (Scotty) was born in 1970, so they aren't college age really.


I think we'd gotten used to aging with the actors. :001_huh:

I think the problem is that WE have aged.:001_huh: Captain Kirk is supposed to older then me: not younger.:glare:



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Would it be wrong if I went to ToysRus by myself and picked up a few Star Trek toys? For research, of course, to see which ones ds might like best.


On a side note: my ds dropped and broke his Bajoran phaser this week. He was extremely bummed, as was I when I discovered what they are selling for on e-bay right now.

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At what age did you introduce your children to Star Trek?


7 or 8 was when he started watching. It was Spike Tv (we made him mute the commercials :glare:) he would watch after school. It started with next generation, worked to DS9, then Voyager, Enterprise on SciFi, movies. etc.

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7 or 8 was when he started watching. It was Spike Tv (we made him mute the commercials :glare:) he would watch after school. It started with next generation, worked to DS9, then Voyager, Enterprise on SciFi, movies. etc.

Tell me about the commercials!:glare: We can't even watch TVLand anymore.:glare::glare:

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DH and I are HUGE Trekkies. He was mostly of the original series and I love, love, love Next Gen. I still have a huge crush on Jonathan Frakes. :tongue_smilie::001_wub: We've liked all the series, esp Next Gen, Voyager and I liked Enterprise a lot. DS9 was pretty good. Unfortunately I cannot be in the official Trekkie fan base because I find the original series completely cornball and unwatchable. No flames, it's just me. My husband even shuns me some because of this flaw of mine.


For those of you who have seen it: if my almost 5 yo is a big time Indiana Jones fan and has seen all of those (except the ripping out of the heart scene in # 2) and has also seen all the Star Wars (except the final one, er...#3 because of some of the really dark Darth Vader stuff) do you think this new Trek would be okay for him? Aliens too scary? I will go check, but is it R or PG-13?

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DH and I are HUGE Trekkies. He was mostly of the original series and I love, love, love Next Gen. I still have a huge crush on Jonathan Frakes. :tongue_smilie::001_wub: We've liked all the series, esp Next Gen, Voyager and I liked Enterprise a lot. DS9 was pretty good. Unfortunately I cannot be in the official Trekkie fan base because I find the original series completely cornball and unwatchable. No flames, it's just me. My husband even shuns me some because of this flaw of mine.


For those of you who have seen it: if my almost 5 yo is a big time Indiana Jones fan and has seen all of those (except the ripping out of the heart scene in # 2) and has also seen all the Star Wars (except the final one, er...#3 because of some of the really dark Darth Vader stuff) do you think this new Trek would be okay for him? Aliens too scary? I will go check, but is it R or PG-13?


Jonathan Frakes smiled at me once. We were at this huge jazz fest in Kansas City. I saw him knew I recognized him from somewhere and did a double take. He flashed me a big grin, but I still couldn't be sure who it was. The next day in the paper it mentioned he was there. I was with my soon to be husband so I had to do with the smile.

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Everyone remembers that you had to have AWEsome legs in the original series, right? (If you were a woman.) They all wore those tiny mini-skirts.


Remember in the Grumps, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah episode, where the blonde woman who always had Kirk signing that little board said, "Captain, I always wanted you to look at my legs. Now...look at my legs!" (because she caught that disease that turned her skin leperous.)


And don't forget the catsuits that Troy and 7 of 9 and the Vulcan Science officer had to wear. They were practically naked, the clothes fit so tight.

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Elegantlion wrote:

Would it be wrong if I went to ToysRus by myself and picked up a few Star Trek toys? (Messed up the quoting of that)


I almost bought myself a phaser from Target the other day. I was this close to getting it. (I wish I had.) (Maybe I'll go get it tomorrow...)

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Jonathan Frakes smiled at me once.


OH. MY. GOODNESS. :ohmy: I might not have been so composed. DH and I have a funny pact (not serious;)) that we are allowed to leave eachother for our celeb crush if they would have us. Jonathan Frakes is one, and Alec Baldwin another, but that's for another thread. :001_tt1:


I almost bought myself a phaser from Target the other day. I was this close to getting it. (I wish I had.) (Maybe I'll go get it tomorrow...)


Verizon has a phone that is a flip phone but the top is clear, so you flip it open just like a communicator. He's such a dork that if it made that little chirpy sound, he would have totally bought it! :001_rolleyes:

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Elegantlion wrote:

Would it be wrong if I went to ToysRus by myself and picked up a few Star Trek toys? (Messed up the quoting of that)


I almost bought myself a phaser from Target the other day. I was this close to getting it. (I wish I had.) (Maybe I'll go get it tomorrow...)


I *can't* be the only one flashing back to the TEA thread, can I?








Well, maybe I can.



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