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Do you wear gloves when you garden?

Guest Virginia Dawn

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I don't like to wear gloves, because I like the "feel" of the dirt. When I don't wear them, it takes me FOREVER to get my nails presentable. So, I wear them even though I would rather not. If I use the hoe without gloves, I get blisters.

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Sometimes. :D


I try. Really. I do. But the gloves come off and go into my back pocket...then my hands get dirty and I can't put them back into the gloves like that, can I?


So, yes. I do. And I have dirt under my nails at the end of the day anyway.


I use cheap garden gloves from the dollar store. I also have a pair of 'mud' gloves...latex coated ones for planting. Those I really like.


One thing to remember....gardeners, even ones who use gloves, need to be up to date on their tetnaus shots. That bacteria (virus?) lives in soil and can infect a gardener through an open cut on the skin. Mine's out of date and I have scratches on my hands from some garden chore. :001_huh:

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I wear gloves, otherwise I tend to get skin infections from small scratches. I am especially prone to cellulitis, and get it every time my roses scratch me...don't know why.:confused:


I also work in pharmacy and having dried out, scratched up hands, with dirty fingernails...just doesn't look good when I handle people's medications all day. :D

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I prefer to work without gloves but, at our new home, we have lots of snakes! The thought of reaching in and touching a snake freaks me out, so I wear gloves more often now. If I know the area is snake-free, I take them off.

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I have very thin, fitted gloves. They keep the dirt out from under my nails, and keep me from getting infected cuts. We also have tons of black widow spiders behind every pot and plant in our yard, so I'm hesitant to just stick my hands back there.


My avatar is a picture of our yard.

Michelle T

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I use gloves when using a shovel or rake, but not for the rest of it. If you ever use potting-soil or garden soil that has enhancers like Miracle-gro or other generic enhanced soils, I would highly recommend gloves. They have chemicals that are absorbed through your skin. I also use gloves when I have to put my hand in areas covered with leaves, mulch, or rocks/stepping stones because we have black widows, brown widows, and brown recluse spiders where we live. I'd much rather have a poisonous spider bite my glove than my hand!!!

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:lol: I pop ours into the washer all the time to keep them fresh and spider free.:lol:


I wear them I don't wear them.


I've tried, but can't get over the fear that a spider might be hiding in them when I go to put them on. How rational is that?
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We also have tons of black widow spiders behind every pot and plant in our yard, so I'm hesitant to just stick my hands back there.



I've tried, but can't get over the fear that a spider might be hiding in them when I go to put them on. How rational is that?


For me, fear of spiders in the glove trumps fear of the spider behind the pot.

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I don't usually wear gloves, even if it means blisters... I've got one on my thumb right now, actually. I like the idea of those thin gloves, though, because my main beef with not wearing them is that I do have a lovely case of arachnophobia and also wild blackberry bushes out in the pasture, and I'd rather not deal with the pain and hassle of either.

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I don't like to wear gloves, because I like the "feel" of the dirt. When I don't wear them, it takes me FOREVER to get my nails presentable. So, I wear them even though I would rather not. If I use the hoe without gloves, I get blisters.


Ditto. I keep my fingernails short, but getting the dirt out from under them, and getting the dirt stains off my hands....ugh.



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You bet I wear gloves. My hands are a wreck. I don't have most of my fingerprints. Most nights lately I've had to wear cotton gloves with lotion on my hands overnight. Combination hard work and dry skin = bad. When the snow finally stops and I can get outside, I will be wearing the best gloves I can get, probably with surgical gloves underneath them and lotion on my hands. I don't stop working - I just layer it on. :D

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