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Please share your 7th grade plans


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Math - finish Lial's BCM/into Lial's Intro to Alg.

English - R&S 7

Hist/Lit/Geog/Writing - Tapestry of Grace

Science - Rainbow

Latin- Latin Prep

Logic- reading Detective

Religion and Public Speaking are at our Co-op


I MEANT to do a Roots prog. for Vocab, and a Geog. coloring book - but we just didn't get there.

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Here's my plan for ds who will be 7th grade:


VP Omnibus I (history/lit/Bible)

Videotext Modules B/C

Life of Fred Beginning Algebra (after VT C)

Latin Prep I (we got 1/2 way through last year and are going to start over next year)

Elem Greek I

IEW class from an outside teacher

AG (2nd Season)

Rainbow Science (Year 2)

Lukeion classes (2--maybe more---monthly seminar)

Mindbenders (we will do Formal Logic in 8th)

Weekly PE

Spring/Fall baseball

Youth choir at church (they perform in church monthly)

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TOG Year 3 for history, literature, geography


Life of Fred Beginning Algebra


Introductory Logic


Latin: undecided. Latin Prep, So You Really Want to Learn Latin, or possibly Cambridge. We've done Latin in fits and starts since he was in 2nd grade.


Rod and Staff English: We'll probably do 6 again. He did okay in it this year, but he's still pretty shaky in some areas, so I'd rather pause here than plunge forward.


Apologia Biology


Jump In Writing



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For 7th grade, ds will be doing:


Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2

Greek: Hey Andrew 3

Latin: Oxford Latin 1

English: Learning Language Arts Through Literature Green


History: SOTW 3 w/ Kingfisher & WTM Logic Stage recommendations

Science: Christian Kids Explore Chemistry w/ WTM Logic Stage recommendations.

Extras: Piano, swimming, karate, art & music appreciation

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This is our plan for next year so far:


TOG Y2 U3+4 with Writing Aids for history, literature, geography, some art


Thinkwell Algebra 1 and maybe a textbook to go with it but I haven't decided yet. Jacobs?


Apologia Botany combined with Botany Adventure labs to make it more of a 7th grade level. (He had his heart set on doing botany so we are skipping general science.)


Rod and Staff English (the 2nd half of 6)



Rod and Staff Bible (finish 6 and move on to 7 done orally)


Henle Latin with MP guide or First Form if it is ready


Elementary Greek 2 (This is his baby. He does it on his own time.)


Fine Arts: composer, artist, and picture study a la Ambleside, TOG art history and activities, and projects from Discovering the Great Artists)

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We are currently working on 7th grade.


BJU Life Science - son's favorite

Jacobs Algebra - son is thankful we're not doing Saxon again

Abeka Grammar

IEW History Based Writing Vol. 1

Kay Arthur Bible Studies

Fallacy Detective/Thinking Toolbox

TOG Yr. 3 Redesigned

Computer Science Pure and Simple

Vocabulary from Classical Roots/Vocabulary Cartoons


Son is also a Boy Scout and participating in Tae Kwon Do 3 times a week.

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Math: NEM

Science:Apologia Physical Science

History: Tapestry of Grace-year 3

Writing: Lost Tools of Writing

Grammar: Rod & Staff 7

Latin: Latin Prep 2

Greek: Elementary Greek

Spanish: stuff that Daddy makes up :-)

Music: Piano lessons/choir

Bible: Wise Up

Logic: Introductory Logic

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Here's the plan so far:


Bible: Positive Action for Christ (haven't picked the actual study yet)

History: BJU World (with lots of added reading/projects)

Science: Apologia General Science

Math: Glencoe 8th grade course (going to do over 2 years and take our time)

Writing: Apologia Jump In

Grammar: BJU 7th

Logic/Critical Thinking: Orbiting with Logic, Think A Minutes

Vocabulary: Roots and Fruits

Literature: Still deciding

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This is still tenative but mostly finished....


Math Chalkdust Prealgebra


Latin Henle (but I might look at First Form when it comes out)


French still weighing this out


Science Botany


Arts History of Art Sculpture+ Watercolor kit


Music Composer study+piano lessons


PE walking, rollerblading, swimming, biking, homeschool group


History This Country of Ours, Story of Mankind, and others


Literature Still working on this but will include Little Women, English Literature for Boys and Girls, Bulfinch's Mythology, etc.


Logic Art of Argument


Grammar/Comp. CW Homer A to finish and B + Poetry of Beginners + Harveys' Grammar

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WE are using


SL 4 American History

Sl La4, wordly wise 7, IEW SWI B, Sequential Spelling

TT7, LWF fractions, math mammoth (review in between)

Fallacy Detective

Florida Virtual school science

Home Economics with mom

PE Playing outside for an hour a day minimum (bike, swimming, skating...high cardio)

3D art every other week

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Original or the one we went with? *Ü*


The one we went with for my RyLee Kay is:


Tapestry of Grace year 3 History and a focus on people, literature/worldview/some geography. Spelling and memory work comes from literature she also narrates about History and people a few times a week.


Analytical grammar and spelling power too. We are all bad spellers... sad but true.


Spanish (in a class) favorite subject/class by far for her.


Apologia Science Zoo1 and Zoo2.


Writing IEW History based writing lessons.


Artistic pursuits Jr high bk 1/ Harmony fine arts ( slowly, slowly ) Im sure she will use this next year too. Its not a focus.


Teaching Textbooks Pre Alg. This is a good fit. I was worried because we went from Saxon to this for her, but so far so good. She did have a melt down before we began, but she is enjoying it well enough. Saxon was a great fit for her from K-76. I do not care to re-learn higher levels of math so TT is what we are going with~


Nature study: informal, just enjoying learning.


Completed already:

Introductory Logic 1


Not finished:

Washington State History we will work on this for more than a year anyway.... road trips are in our future *Ü*


Dropped Latin for Spanish after Christmas break. I wanted her to finish, but she hated it and loved Spanish... so we went where the desire was. She was covering both languages....Thats 3 for 3 with my kids.... put a big circle with the word Latin in the middle and put a line through it. :(


I intended to do more Nature study formally, but we have been doing informal. Things we notice when out... even on car rides, we come home and look things up. From different types of ducks to trees... what have ya....

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Dd will be 7th in the Fall:


Chalkdust Pre Algebra

Spanish (tutor, Rosetta Stone)

CW Maxim & Poetry online class w/ Kathy Weitz

Harvey Grammar, Wordly Wise 3000 7

Hakim History of Us series, TTC US History lectures w/ Linwood Thompson

Lightning Lit American

Apologia General Science

Piano, Voice

Christian Youth Theater

Sunday School teacher, piano w/ worship band


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I have a 7th grader this year:


Math: Singapore 6, LoF Fractions and Decimals/Percents

Latin: Latin Prep

French: Learnables, and Ecoutez! Parlez!

English: WWE 3, WS 3; Hake Grammar 7; Megawords 2-4; IEW's Poetry memorization

Science: My World Science w/siblings

History: SOTW 4 w/ activity guide

Lit: From SOTW 4 activity guide

Arts: Band, Music Ace (theory), art appreciation

PE: Tennis, PE class (when we can), walking

Boy Scouts


I will have a 7th grader next year (#2 dc:tongue_smilie:):


Math: Singapore 4B, 5A; MUS Fractions?? OR LoF Fractions??

Latin: Latin Prep (may let her drop this for more art)

French: Learnables, and Ecoutez! Parlez!

English: WWE 3, WS 4; Growing With Grammar 6; Megawords 5-7; IEW's Poetry memorization

Science: Prentice Hall???

Geography: Galloping the Globe w/ siblings (taking a break from history)

Lit: ??

Arts: Band, Music Ace (theory), art appreciation

PE: Tennis, PE class (when we can), walking

Girl Scouts


See, two lists in one e-mail!

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My rising 7th grader:


Math: Algebra (Undecided on the program)

Spelling: Spelling Mastery E

Vocabulary: Jensen's

Composition: IEW Theme based - Ancients, and The Lively Art of Writing

Grammar: The Grammar Key

Science: Apologia Physical Science

History: Ancients ~ Multiple resources

Lit: corresponds to history

Japanese: Rosetta Stone

Geography: Ellen Mchenry

Logic: Fallacy Detective


Swimming, running and Aikido

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Here's what I have planned for DS next year:



IEW Fix-it Grammar

Math-u-See Pre-algebra

SOTW Volume 4

Noeo Chemistry II

Typing Instructor Deluxe

English from the Roots Up

Plenty of historical fiction

Megawords Spelling books 5 & 6


He is also very involved in Boy Scouts and may join a Lego Robitics League next year too!

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Here's what I'm planning:


Literature and Theology: Omnibus I--which includes the Shakespeare and Plutarch readings (ala AO)

Ancient History: Streams of Civilization and Guerber Story of Greeks and Story of Romans

Latin: Second Form or Henle units 3-5

Math: Complete BJU Math 7 and then Life of Fred: Fractions and Decimals

English: CW Diogenes/ Poetry B/Our Mother Tongue/ Simply Spelling

Science: Earth Science/Geography

Logic: Fallacy Detective

Picture Study, Composer Study, Poetry ala AO

Swim Team

Baseball Team

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Here's ours so far


English: R&S 6(finish)/7, spelling workout G, IEW U.S. history based writing level 1, continue w/ cursive copywork (I combine copywork from ambleside w/cursive practice) English from the roots up for vocab. And lots of reading of classic Literature

Math: Saxon algerbra 1/2

Logic various sources

History: SOTW 3 and lots of historical reading (both fiction and non)

Science I told dh (the science teacher) to take over the planning on this- so I don't know yet :D

Maybe give Latin a try again.....or not. He would like to learn Greek.


That's what I have so far. I'm sure I'm forgetting something!

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I'm still working on this, but here's what I have so far:


English: CW Homer, Poetry, Harvey's Grammar

Literature: Lightning Lit.

Math: MUS Zeta

History: Famous Men of Modern Times, Hakim US history texts

Science: continued nature study, gardening, topics of interest

Logic: Art of Argument

Latin: Getting Started with Latin

French: First Start French

Geography: Daily Geography practice

Religion: daily Bible reading/hymn singing

Art: Master Drawing

PE class

Music class

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We are in the midst of 7th grade now. We are using:


Latin Prep 2

Elementary Geek 1

Dolciani algebra

Classical Writing - Diogenes

TOG history and geography

My own mishmash of literature, drawn from LCC and my own preferences

50 States and Where to Find Them - American geography

Living Memory - memory work





Swimming/Homeschool PE/Soccer

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Math: Math-U-See


English: IEW American Theme Based Writing, Analytical Grammar, English From the Roots Up, Teaching the Classics for literature discussion, and Spelling Power (for our "off seasons" with grammar)


History: All American History w/ lots of biographies


Science: Apologia General Science


Spanish: Rosetta Stone


Art & Music: Artistic pursuits & piano


Bible w/ family

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OK, here's my prelim plan...I'm sure it will change


Bible: AWANA

Math: finish Kinetic books Alg 1, some TT geometry

English: LL7 plus CLE (some hybrid of these 2...need to work on it), either R&S 7 OR CLE LA, outside writing class, Word roots software

History: Journey Across Time (Spielvogel - middle school world hist) interactive cd version, historical fiction

Science: probably Apologia General, but being tempted by Rainbow...stay tuned

Languages: Elementary Greek 1, Irrashai Japanese

Logic: Fallacy Detective (did Thinking toolbox this year), Art of Argument

Fine Arts: Piano, Musical Theater, Children's Choir

PE: Swimming/volleyball with our isp, Taekwondo

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Here is what my 7th grader will be doing next year:


History: TruthQuest Middle Ages/Renaissance

Science: Bob Jones Life Science

Math: Life of Fred Beginning Algebra

Grammar: Christian Liberty Press Applications of Grammar I

Composition: Classical Writing Homer

Spelling: Megawrods

Vocabulary: Word Roots

Literature: Lightning Literature

Logic: Fallacy Detective

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Grammar: R&S 8

Literature: Lightning Lit 8

History: BJU Grade 8 American history

Latin: 2nd half of Latin in the Christian Trivium volume II

Spanish: carry on with SYRWTLS (leisurely - focus is mainly on Latin)

Writing: Either IEW Elegant Essay OR Lost Tools of Writing

Logic: Traditional Logic I from Memoria Press

Math: Chalkdust Algebra II (he's a math guy)

Science: my nemesis - possibly Apologia Physical or BJU Space & Earth

Bible: Bible-based devos and continue with Catechism


private piano instruction, Boy Scouts, Youth Choir at church

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This is what my 7th grader is doing this year:


Saxon Algebra 1

Henle Latin 1

Rod & Staff English 7

Classical Writing: Homer for Older Beginners

Elementary Greek 1 (after nearly a year of dancing around Athenaze!)

Traditional Logic 1


History: Famous Men series, Kingfisher, library books, documentaries, etc.

Science: Nature study, library books, projects, documentaries, etc.

Literature: The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid (any other books are his choice)


Community theatre



He started the year in Boy Scouts, but ended up dropping that. Is it wrong that his quitting makes me so happy?

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Galore Park Latin 2

The Art of Argument

Lighting Lit 7th

Mystery of History 3 with Truthquest

Greek Morphemes (just started with that will go through 8th)

Daily Grams

Alfred's Music Theory

Runkles Geography

BJU Life Science with DVDs

a co-op IEW/Literary Analysis class

Teaching Hearts Training Minds

Life of Fred Fractions and Decimals and Percents and we just started Beginning Algebra with Home Companion

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Math- Finish Hougton Mifflin PreAlgebra and on to CD Algebra


Language- Analytical Grammar and Daily Grams


Spelling- Calvert Spelling


Vocab- Vocab from classical Roots


Reading/Literature- Lightning Literature 7 or Select Progeny Press guides

Figuratively Speaking


History- history of us w/Hewitt guide


Science- Rainbow Science


Writing- IEW US? or

Put that in writing


Logic- Fallacy Detective


Music- piano lessons with Music Theory


Latin- Finish Getting started with Latin then Latin Alive


Spanish- Getting Started with Spanish (if released in time)


PE- competitive gymnastics

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Here's our line-up for Storm's 7th grade year in the fall:

Chalk Dust pre-algebra (if not done) & Algebra

Latin Book One & Cambridge Latin (Oak Meadow)

The Art of Reasoning by David Kelley

AG units 11-17, then MCT's Magic Lens I as our reinforcement work rest of year

MCT's Word within a Word I (Vocabulary)

SWI B & History themed lessons with the CW: Homer Core manual only

HO level 2 Early Modern & Education Live history blocks

The Story of Science series by Hakim & Education live science blocks

Formal reading list


· Titles by Spenser (book 1), Bunyan (modern trans.), Cervantes, Wilder, Franklin, Irving, Defoe, Dickens. Shelley, Douglass, Austen

· short stories (Poe & Hawthorne)

· 2-3 Plays (Shakespeare)

· Fairy Tales (Grimm & Perrault)

· poetry (Donne, Shakespeare, Pope, Milton, Bradstreet, Longfellow, Poe, Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Keats, Tennyson, Shelley & others from MCT's Poetry & Humanity text)

· Realms of Gold anthologies (Core Knowledge) Selections


Fine Art: Classical Guitar, Waldorf Art class, Discovering Art text by Davis Publishing


P.E.: Dance class, gym, nature walks

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Here are our 7th Grade plans.


Math - Saxon 8/7 with Pre-Algebra

Language Arts - Lightning Literature 7

Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Daily Grams

Science - Exploring Creation with Physical Science (Apologia)

Social Studies - NM History (Switched on Schoolhouse)

Military History of the Western World by JFC Fuller

Geography with The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide


I'd like to do something very inexpensive for Art & Music history/appreciation, but haven't figured that out yet. Above is our basic core.

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I've never been brave enough to post my plans before, but this is what I'm planning for next year.


Science - BJU Life Science

Math - MUS Pre-Algebra

History & LA - Sonlight Core 100

Jump In

Wordly Wise

Music - Orchestra/Music Theory

PE - Swimming, Biking, Walking

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I'm a little new to more WTM curriculum's and subject's, but here is my line up for my oldest going into 7th next year...but would be in 6th in ps...he has an Oct. birthday. He's also pretty darn smart!


Language Arts (Grammar, Spelling, etc.) - CLE 700


Reading/Vocab. - CLE 700 and various literature.


Math - He's doing LOF Fractions now after finishing his math early...will start Decimals and Percents, then not sure...I THINK I'm going to do VT A-C and/or LOF Beginning Algebra.


Science - Apologia General on CD-Rom. (He loves the computer)


History - Biblioplan Ancients with MOH, some SOTW and other resources.


Writing - Not sure...possibly IEW Ancients...but may just continue MC learned this year with outlining.


And, thinking about Latin or Greek - going to start English From the Roots Up this summer and then decide.


As a family, we are going to do Character Building for Families and various devotion's.


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k12 consumer direct for English, History, Art, and Science.


For math we started out this year trying to do NEM 1 and it wasn't getting done consistently. We just started doing TT Algebra 1 so that ds can work independently. We still do NEM when we can get to it, but I don't worry about it when we can't. Just for fun and a little reiew we are also going through LoF Fractions and will move on to Decimals and Percents then Beginning Algebra. Again the LoF is on the side. Ds likes being able to do TT on his own and when he finishes I plan to get TT Algebra 2 and Geometry and have him work through both of them concurrently, alternating days, weeks, or chapters.


We are also doing Latin Prep 1 and Critical Thinking book 1 and will move on to the second book in both of those programs when we get there.


I tend to start labeling my kids as being in the next grade level around my oldest's birthday at the end of September, but I don't worry too much about tying my curricula into an academic calendar. We work until we finish a program and then move onto the next level, or switch to something new when were not satisfied with what we're doing.

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history, literature, geography, Bible - Tapestry of Grace Year 1

grammar - R&S English 5 (finish, then start 6)

Latin - Getting Started with Latin

Science - Apologia General or BJU Science 7 (depends on cost of BJU's online program)

Math - continue with CLE or maybe switch to a video program (which is what he wants)

writing - IEW Ancient History lessons, notebooking, written narrations


maybe: Vocabulary from Classical Roots

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For 7th grade, we used


Math - Lial's BCM( his weak subject)


LA-- Michael Clay's The Magic Lens and Word Within a Word, CLE LA 7, Word Roots, Apples and Pears D, IEW SWI B, online writing with Write at Home


Literature- CLE Reading 7, LL7


Geography- Runkle


Latin- Latin Alive 1, Latin BK 1


Spanish- Spanish Education(United Streaming,), Spanish for Children for reinforcement


Science- Singapore Interactive, Prentice Hall Science Explorer sometimes with it


History- SOTW 3, Kingfisher to outline, PASS World 2, PASS America 1, United Streaming videos


Art- Meet the Masters


Music- Piano lessons, Listen to Learn( American Music History)


PE- Water Polo, Soccer


Logic- Fallacy Detective, Building Thinking Skills Verbal

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left out something
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Would you please share with me what MCT stands for? I am interested in your reading list as well. Would you be willing to share a few titles from your reading list as well.


Thank you so much!:001_smile:


We school for roughly 40-42 weeks year-round of 4 quarters consisting of 10 weeks each. I'm combining many methods and resources from AO year 8 & TWTM 1999, ed. mostly for literature, poetry, Shakespearean plays, Sonnets; and art appreciation. I'm using History Odyssey for the KHE outlines, summaries, mapwork, and timeline work. We may or may not read the HO literature selections as dd read most of them in 3rd grade while working through SOTW III.


MCT= Michael Clay Thompson. You can view his language arts materials here: http://www.rfwp.com/mct.php I purchased homeschool package #6. I plan for Storm to complete AG units 11-17 (1st 8 weeks of school year), then use MCT's Magic Lens I as grammar reinforcement for the rest of the school year. I also will introduce MCT's vocabulary series, Word Within a Word, after completing the year 2 AG units to reduce overkill.



Shakespeare via AO's 2009/2010 rotation, plus one additional play:

Measure for Measure (Lamb or Nesbit retelling)

Midsummer Nights Dream (Oxford )

Hamlet Prince of Denmark (Oxford)

The Tempest (Oxford)


Poetry--1 per week or so for total of 30-40 selections memorized

Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves, which is Spenser's Fairie Queene Book I updated and annotated by Roy Maynard (purchase here; (read online here)

13 John Donne poems here & notes here (from AO site year 8)

John Milton, selected poems, to include Paradise Lost Book I, L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Lycidas(from Ao site year 8)

Shakespeare Sonnets, Selections: XVIII (18), XXIX (29), XXX (30), LIII (53), LIV (54), LVII (57), LXXIII (73), XCIV (94), CIV (104), CVI (106) CXVI (116), CXXIX (129)


Plus, several from the poets listed in my original post. AO provides a poet page with several links to resources: http://www.amblesideonline.org/Poets.shtml

Romantic & Victorian poetry byBlake, Coleridge (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner), Wordsworth, Keats, Tennyson, Shelley & others from MCT's Poetry & Humanity text)

American Poetry selections by Bradstreet, Longfellow, Poe


Book titles and authors for year 7

The Pilgrim's Progressby John Bunyun (a modern translation--iffy since we're not Christian)

Don Quixote by Cervantes

The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder

Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin

Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving

The legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (iffy--don't know if dd will read)

Emma by Jane Austen

A Christmas Carol or A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Narrative of the Life of Federick Douglass

Fairy Tales

Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales, Zipes edition

The Complete Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault, Holmes edition


Realms of Gold I, II, & III for some of the poetry, short stories & a few speeches(Core Knowledge)

The Anthology of American Poetry (Norton)

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Bible: read aloud

English: R&S 7, CW Diogenes (can’t wait to do this!), CW Poetry, VCR A/B

Lit: Maybe TOG or no formal lit. Maybe whatever I decide we should read at the time and use TWEM! Tempted by LL.

Math: Undecided—NEM 1 or Foerster’s Alg 1-or both?


Science: MODG Natural History + Apologia Biology

History: TOG Y1 and however I tweak it using TWTM methods.

Logic: Undecided—Intro to Logic or TL1. Used TL with last dc, but I really like some of the lessons in Intro like truth tables and the logic of proofs that are not in TL.

Latin: Finish up LP2 then go to Wheelock’s.

PE: Lots of soccer

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We're still pulling together what we want for 7th grade.


Saxon math, probably R&S grammar. We still need a writing program, and I'd love to combine writing with grammar because it worked so well for DS for 5th and 6th grade.


History will be SOTW 1 & 2, but with more intensive research and an accelerated pace. Science will be a mixture of Barron's "Painless ____" series and labs & experiments to go along with his lessons. We just started Barrons Painless Life Science and he's really enjoying it. :001_huh: Surprised the heck out of me! It's fast and each lesson is in small bites that are deceptively easy but clearly explain the information. DS didn't listen to the directions I gave him yesterday (we just started the book) and ended up doing 75% of the vocabular for chapter one - I had only assigned the vocab from the first two lessons! He admitted to finding it interested, which I think is a big deal from an almost-thirteen-year old. :lol:

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This is my first time writing it all out.


TOG2 for history, literature, geography, some writing, Church History

IEW Medevil writing lessons

AG second season

Video Text Algebra finish module B and then do C & D (we should be 3/4 of the way though B by the end of this year. I'm taking 3 years to do the whole program.

Apologia Physical Science

Kay Arthur Bible Study

Tennis 3 times a week

We will be doing TOG co-op every other week which will include art for half the year and Drive Thru History Foundations of Character the second half of the year.

Since we dropped Latin this year(after 3 years) I will probably add in a Word Roots program for Vocabulary.


Janis in DE

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've really been struggling over this. We've decided to take a break in the history rotation (we're finishing up Veritas 6th grade this year), and do a year focusing on geography/world cultures.


The plan so far:


History/geography: Around the World in 180 Days


Writing: IEW SWI B, Outlining Grades 5-8


Grammar: Winston Word Works, Advanced Grammar


Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots A, B


Logic: Introductory Logic, Mindbenders C1-3


Math: Still working on this!


Literature: Still working on this; leaning towards Lightning Literature 7


Art: Geography through Art, Artistic Pursuits


Spelling: Spelling Workout G, H


Latin: Great Latin Adventure


Science: Jr. high science at co-op


Other: guitar lessons, homeschool drama group


Any feedback?



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Bible - Rod & Staff 7


Grammar - Rod & Staff 7


Spelling - Individualized Words & Jumbleword Puzzle


Vocabulary - Wordly Wise & Vocab From Classical Roots


Literature/Writing - WTM book list, chapter narration, outlines, essays


Math - Jacob's Algebra & Life of Fred


Logic - Fallacy Detective


Latin - Henle I (cont.)


French - Memorize dialogues


Science - Apologia General Science


History - Early American - Early Modern


Music - Piano & Guitar Lessons


Extracurricular - Horseback Riding, Girl Scouts, & UT Breakfast Bytes

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