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WHEN do you buy curriculum?

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I have already made most of my purchases for next year -

I am ready to start planning in February, and buy as much of it as I can when we get our tax return.

There are always a few things I have to buy a month or so before we start (WWE3 comes to mind) and I always seem to have a mental "wishlist"

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I have already made most of my purchases for next year -

I am ready to start planning in February, and buy as much of it as I can when we get our tax return.

There are always a few things I have to buy a month or so before we start (WWE3 comes to mind) and I always seem to have a mental "wishlist"



me too, with the mental wish list.

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I am buying now so that I have plenty of time to go over everything before we use it. You will probably do well selling you things now. I just mailed out 18 packages of curriculum that I sold two weeks ago. Everything sold pretty quickly. I think a lot of people are buying now.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I have already made most of my purchases for next year -

I am ready to start planning in February, and buy as much of it as I can when we get our tax return.


:iagree: I buy the bulk of it with our tax return and buy nice, fluffy extra books and things in the months trickling up to the new school year.

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I buy when I get my tax money, which is usually March. Our conventions here are also at the end of March, which probably all conditions ME to think that March is just the month for buying! ;)


I try to save money to go to used curriculum sales and library book sales over the summer, and I also usually buy some stuff mid-year.


Happy selling!

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
But what about those of us who are still using the curriculum but can sell it in May-June?


Do ya'll think that buying so early, you'll miss some deals or are there others that buy later in the year?


Now that you mention it, I would guess that many peope who buy lots of curriculum wait until the school year is over to get the best deal. Funnily enough, it didn't occur to me because I buy very little actual curriculum (I think math is it, actually). I mostly buy books which (through painstaking metamorphosis) become my curriculum.

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With http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com I can buy a year-long membership that gives me enough listings to have a good number of books "out there" all the time with little effort. The heaviest months are always April to September, but I've sold things right after Christmas too. I buy when I have money in my Paypal account or a little leftover from when I get paid.


IMHO a deal is deal, and I really don't worry too much about seasons.

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We have a monthly budget for home school materials. Since I don't have a lump sum all at one time, I spread out my purchases. I usually start in about February, but this year I think I'm waiting until after Easter. The one time I don't buy much of anything is September-December.

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But what about those of us who are still using the curriculum but can sell it in May-June?


Do ya'll think that buying so early, you'll miss some deals or are there others that buy later in the year?


I think there are also TONS of people who wait until after this "year" is over before they buy. It is just us "have to have it planned out" types that do it this early. LOL

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I have most of next years purchased already.


My thoughts would be to post now since most are getting their tax refunds about this time.


May-July is a good time because people are getting rid of books they are finished and looking for next years.

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Guest leigh37

I start searching out several months before for what I'm thinking of buying and try to keep a list handy. That helps me when I see people selling used curriculum that I need. Then whatever I haven't bought used, I generally place an order first part of the summer.

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I'm buying now, too. I like to plan and think ahead for a while. My brain is like a crock pot - I need to throw everything in and let it sit a while before I'm ready. I also buy my phonics and math from A Beka and if you order from a book display you get free shipping. That'll be a $35 savings for me if I can get my buns over there next week.

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I start planning after the first of the year, and decide what we will be doing. Then I make a shopping list. I take it with me to my local homeschool convention the end of May, buy as much as I can there, then after I get back, I order online anything I couldn't find at the convention.


I do have a used hs store close by...I go there every couple of weeks all thru the year and if I see anything for the future I buy it cheap!

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I buy no more than a month in advance, preferably two weeks or so. I can never tell how what level of any book we will need until we need it.


It does make some purchases more expensive but it drastically cuts down on the buying of materials that aren't right. And that is a bigger cost for us than the incremental cost of shipping or buying of the wrong thing... again.

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I usually start buying in December. Christmas money has to go somewhere right? :D I spread out my purchases. Now I only have a few items left to buy for next fall.


As far as waiting until others are done I usually decide whether I want a deal or I want it new. There are a few things I'm looking for used. I'm also trying to have the bulk of my planning done before summer so I can use my break for other priorities. We'll see how long that lasts, I love to plan. :lol:

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