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Car seats and booster seats...

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Am I an old 'fuddy-duddy' because I insist that dd (7) use a booster seat EVERY time she is in a car.


I had 'Smile Patrol' duty at dd's school this morning--helping the littles out of their car and smiling at the parents... I noticed only 1-2 car seats. LOTS of kids in the front seats, even BABIES with seat belts 'kinda' around them.--most cars without car seats were NICE. Our booster seats cost under $20--so it is not really a $$$ issue.


My sister NEVER uses a car seat/booster when she is driving around town--it still BUGS me.


My kids have always used them--the older ones actually WEAR their seat belts automatically... are we 'weird'?... DH and I had a high school friend die in a LOW speed accident--he would have been fine with a seat belt on. DH also lost his best friend and his wife in a car accident a few years ago--the others in the car were fine (minor bruises). We wear our seat belts.


Soooo--am I paranoid--or are these people just being careless or 'above the law'?


For the record I'm not really 'for' the seat belt laws---but I do know that they have saved lives (by increasing awareness if anything).


I spoke with the teacher who helps with drop-off and pick-up. She said she has a HARD time helping the littles into their cars after school when there is no car seat. I wonder if she could be held partially responsible if a child is seriously injured or killed on their way home... I would not put it past Texas law...



Edited by Jann in TX
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My kids have always used them--the older ones actually WEAR their seat belts automatically... are we 'weird'?...




Soooo--am I paranoid--or are these people just being careless or 'above the law'?


No, I don't think it's weird to put on seatbelts automatically. We do it too. I've always stressed it to my kids, even when they were very young, that they were doing it to protect themselves. They know it is not an option; it is mandatory.


There are many studies that seem to indicate that it is helpful/safer for kids to be in car/booster seats for as long as safely possible (height/weight/age fit for the appropriate seat). One of the standard questions at annual pediatrician checks is always about using car/booster seats & seatbelts.


I think people (unfortunately) get out of the habit of doing a good job about booster seat use, thinking they're only running down the road for a minute & that nothing will happen. Well, accidents can and do happen. And, sadly, that's when some learn the hard way that having a booster seat might have been the wiser choice.


Wonder if the school could get some free posters or signs to put outside near the drive up lanes, talking about using booster seats, etc....?

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Nope, my kids NEVER EVER rode in the car without a seat until long after the law said no seat was needed. My 8 yr old is still in a booster. As long as he fits in it, he'll be riding in it!


Long ago, my oldest (5 yrs at the time) and dh were hit by a drunk driver on their way to church on a Sunday morning. The car that hit them was traveling at a very high rate of speed weaving in and out of lanes. He clipped the back of our car smashing it to within a few inches of where my daughter was sitting. At the time, FL law said dd did NOT have to be in a booster but she was still using hers. Because she was securely belted in and had good neck support, she was not harmed in any way.


I'm horrified that parents would risk their children's lives over something so simple.

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When I helped with the pick-up line at our church preschool, we were told to absolutely NOT help with seatbelts ... the parents had to do it. It kept us from being liable.


It's not the law here in AL for 7yos to be in boosters, but mine usually is anyway ... just feels safer. We recently had to upgrade my 4yo's car seat because she is neither at the weight nor the age limit to move up to a booster, but couldn't fit in her old seat anymore (not with her winter coat, anyway). That was expensive!

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I do not think your "odd" or "weird" We also are automatic with seatbelts. My parents were ones that didn't really care but when I met my dh it's required to wear one on military bases so it became a habit of mine. My kids have always been in an appropriate carseat or booster (even on airlplanes we would buy our kids a seat when under 2 and put them in their FAA approved seat on the plane. Talk about weird looks) My oldest son is going to be 10 in May and he's still in a belt positioning booster (compass B510) because he's still 2 inches short of what the recommended height it. Even though he's past the age and weight limits I won't let him out of that seat until he's tall enough for the cars seatbelt to fit him properly. He could care less, even when he was in PS and was teased for sitting in a carseat. His response was "I'd rather be safe then cool."


I really think that it's as many have said the parent probably thinks "We're only going down the block etc, what could really happen" Unfortunately when something does happen they aren't prepared and learn the hard way.

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I am a strong supporter of using car seats and boosters. My dd is 6 and still uses a booster. In fact, I do not let anyone ride in my car without wearing a seat belt. I only let friends' kids ride with me if I have a proper seat for them.


I have a very good friend, though, who frequently does not strap her children in properly. Her oldest was riding without a booster at 4, despite what the law said (and I looked it up). Her youngest would be in a carseat with only the top strap done, leaving the between the legs buckle undone. Could you imagine if they were in an accident? It scares me to death, but nothing I say does any good.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Am I an old 'fuddy-duddy' because I insist that dd (7) use a booster seat EVERY time she is in a car.


No, you're not a fuddy-duddy. You're a mature adult who doesn't live in the teen mindset of "it can't happen to me."


I had 'Smile Patrol' duty at dd's school this morning--helping the littles out of their car and smiling at the parents... I noticed only 1-2 car seats. LOTS of kids in the front seats, even BABIES with seat belts 'kinda' around them.--most cars without car seats were NICE. Our booster seats cost under $20--so it is not really a $$$ issue.


I am horrified to see the way people put infants in car seats, with the shoulder straps dangling around them and the chest clip drifting at belly button level. If the opportunity presents itself, I actually do gently tell parents that it needs to be snug and the clip at armpit level. I have gone so far as to point out to them what the likely outcome would be if they were in an accident. I have also heard stories of children who should be in booster seats being decapitated because they were wearing a seatbelt with no boost. I can't even begin to imagine the anguish...


The lack of decent (or any) car seats/boosters in pricey autos is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, although pet peeve doesn't begin to express the extent of my outrage. People will buy a new vehicle with every feature on it and balk at the price of a Britax or similar car seat. Do they see no irony in that?


Soooo--am I paranoid--or are these people just being careless or 'above the law'?


See above. I think you're being mature and pragmatic. I think the people who choose to do without have the "it can't happen to me" mindset OR they're the ones who ridiculously say things about how they survived just fine without it in their day. Really?! Because they were in a three car pileup and survived? Or they were never in an accident so who knows what would have happened if they were? I hope they never have their lack of carseats put to the test. To me, it's a no brainer. Anyone who doesn't have their kids in the proper car seats and suffers the loss or serious injury of one of those kids would most assuredly wish they could go back in time and change that.


I spoke with the teacher who helps with drop-off and pick-up. She said she has a HARD time helping the littles into their cars after school when there is no car seat. I wonder if she could be held partially responsible if a child is seriously injured or killed on their way home... I would not put it past Texas law...


I can't imagine it, because I looked up the TX law recently and I believe that no one above the age of three is required to be in any safety seat at all. The law was something like under 3 years of age OR under 36". I just remember that the state of TX would have been fine with my 37.5" 2 year old riding without a car seat.


Sorry. Hot button issue for me. I'm nuts about it anyway, but it adds fuel to the fire that my MIL is an ER doctor and my husband worked in her ER for 6 years. They've seen a lot of scary (and a lot of preventable) stuff.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Both of my girls still ride in 5-pt. harnesses, so no I don't think you're "weird" or anything. They'll be in 5-pts until they get considerably older - their seats go up to 80 lbs with the harness. Then they can be in BPBs for a while.


Yes, my three ride in 5-pt. harnesses that go to 80 pounds also. I joke that they'll be in a 5-pt. harness until it's socially embarrassing. :lol: They actually really like them.

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I agree with you, seatbelts and car seats should be automatic when one gets in the car. My 3 are all in car seats. We ditched the 5 point harness as soon as they reached 40 lbs, because we live around a lake and rivers so driving over all of that water scares the hebby jeebies out of me (no way could I get all 3 out of those harnesses if we went over the ridiculously small little gaurd rails during a crash). They are all in boosters with lap belts though in the back seat, no exceptions. Can anyone guess why my kids don't ride with the ILs?

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I wonder if she could be held partially responsible if a child is seriously injured or killed on their way home...


Probably. For the same reason that teachers are mandatory reporters for abuse and neglect, I can see them being prosecuted if they're involved in putting a child into a car without a car seat.


Perhaps the school should come up with an official policy.

Edited by phathui5
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I hope TX law changes like other laws have. Tx law is too loose. Unfortunately, most parents seem to need there to be a law (and even still, so many won't do right by their kids). Sad.


My ds quit using his booster at 11. I probably wouldn't have most 11+yr olds in one even if they were on the small side. But any kid under 10 who is also small (under 100 pounds and/or 5 foot) should be in a carseat.


And if EVERYONE had their kids do it til they were old enough or big enough to safely ride without the booster, then there wouldn't be an issue in terms of what other kids think because they'd all be in the same boat. Thankfully, my kids don't really worry about what other people think. But they are different that way.

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My kids are Always in seat belts and car seats/booster seats until they out grow them. It was about 8yo for both of the older kids. I should have dd2's new car seat being delivered today via Amazon that goes to 100lbs. I expect she will be in it until then.



Maybe you could print up a reminder about what the law is and request a page in the school new letter. Possibly even arrange a car seat check station for a few hours after school on a few days. There are organizations that have volunteers who will do check stations, maybe you can call them and set up something specific for your school? Some publicity around the subject in a non-finger pointing way, may get some parents back on track, if by nothing else than guilt of you seeing into their cars everyday! Some police stations also have car seat checks, so maybe you could contact them for some suggestions.


If you really wanted to push it :D You could set up a school campaign to have every child properly seat belted/car seated by a certain date (a month or more into the future to give people time to make purchases). Make it a real campaign with posters, fliers and reminder stickers. Get the kids involved with the safety issue of car seats, and have them do room projects. Maybe they could even have a Teddy Bear Seat Belt design contest...etc. You can make it fun, but at the same time make a difference. I wouldn't go checking for correctly restrained kids on the date, that could create problems if there are improperly restrained kids. Just a party at the end or some other celebration.


I don't know if there are any charities that accept used seats but if there is maybe you could also arrange a 'seat collection day' to donate to the charity. (Also this would give a way that seats could be requested by a family who needs one but can't afford one)

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Add me to the fuddy-duddy list - my 6 and 7 year olds are still in boosters and will be for as long as I can swing it. They're tall but thin. I get SICK when I see people driving around here with kids not in seats. Don't get me started on babies on laps in the front seat. Really. Makes me sick.

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My 6 year old is still in a 5 point harness. I think he will likely be using it for a long time. My 8.5 year old got tired of her 5 point harness when she turned 8. We moved her into another booster that is not a 5 point harness. Now she has been asking about not using any booster. I haven't decided if I will let her yet or not. I have been thinking about letting her sit with just the seatbelt once she is 9.



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I pick up a friend several times a month, and they don't use carseats/boosters for ANY of their children, who range in age from 4 to 8 and are very small (two are below all percentiles on the doctor's charts). My children are both older than the laws specify in our state (8 and under) and are big -- off the charts at the doctor's office and well above even both the most conservative numbers. So when I finally tossed the youngest's car seat (a Brittax) this summer because it had expired and she had truly outgrown it, I had to make a decision.


I bought a carseat for my car and told my friend to have her husband to talk to me if they had objections to using it when I transport her 4 y.o. And there hasn't been a word...

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We all buckle up automatically when we get in the car. 13dd is in a regular seat, but the other five (11, 8, 6, 3, 17mos) are in 5-pt harnesses and will be until they outgrow them. I do hope that my 11yo eventually outgrows hers, but I don't think it will be anytime soon. It goes up to 80lbs and she's only a very petite 65.



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I'm so glad to see that I am not alone about kids in boosters. My oldest girls will be 11 and 9 next week and they are still in boosters. I was going to take my oldest out, but after research decided against it. Research shows that kids do better in boosters until they are at least 4'9" and/or 80lbs. I have a short kid and she doesn't weigh near 80lbs yet either, so we are keeping she and her sisters in their boosters.

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Nope. My dd, 8 1/2, sits in her booster seat EVERY time and ds, 5, in his car seat EVERY time. None of the dc are allowed to ride in the front passenger seat until their 13th birthday. No one is allowed to ride in our car without a fastened belt. Why risk it? My cousin's fiance just died a few months ago(one week before their wedding date) when she fell asleep behind the wheel unbuckled. Her 4yo dd was safely fastened in her carseat and suffered only a bruise....and the loss of her dear mother.

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It's not so much about how old they are as how tall they are. It can be dangerous for a child to ride in a booster if the midpoint of their head is above the headrest behind them. My 8.5 is very tall for her age, so she's already sitting in a regular seat without a booster. I noticed that my 6-yo's head was above the head rest when she was in her booster the other day, but I was able to raise the head rest behind her, so it's ok.


Car seat and seat belts are really important to me! My dad worked in the ER for years and used to share all the horrible things that came in. I know bad things can happen!

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my 9yo dd is in a high backed booster, though she is getting close to being too tall for it. We were in a crash last year, and the paramedics were relieved to hear her say she was in a booster. They told her that was good, and that she was much safer in one.


She is the only one her age who rides in one and even though the law is anyone under 8 (i think) a lot of her friends who are under age still don't ride in them. What gets me is that the mom says that the kids argue because it's not cool. So it is okay to potentially be injured more, as long as you are cool?

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My nephew is 7 and has ridden without a car seat and in the front seat with an air bag for years. It's so sad.


I read a study recently that said kids under 15 are too immature to handle the pressure of an air bag. It's not height or weight, but how their bones and muscles aren't developed enough to withstand a deployed airbag.


Our dc are on the small side, but dds were in their 5pt harness car seat until they were 9. 7yods is still in his 5pt harness seat.


Personally, I think the booster seats give us a false sense of security with younger children. I guess they're better than nothing, though.

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I had kiddo in 5 point as long as possible (before that YouTube video), and he is now in a carseat with a belt. He's not going to a booster until he can't fit in the seat any longer. They are comfy and he belts himself, we all listen for the loud CLICK, and then he makes sure the belt is routed properly. Not a problem.

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I just let my nearly-11yr old son stop using his booster seat. He couldn't stop using it until the shoulder belt crossed between his collar bone and shoulder where it should. He's hated it for a couple of years but tough stuff. My husband agrees with me completely and our extended family does what we want with respect. I think they think we're a little obsessive though. ;) I don't mind.


Other points: I think here in the AL the requirements on children car seats/booster seats is some ridiculous low age and I don't support the seat belt law for adults. Just my opinions thrown out there. :)

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I'm also a big supporter of seat belts and car seats. I was in an accident in high school in an old car that didn't have seat belts (nor was it required-grandfathered in). Well, I was propelled across the car, hit my head on the door hard enough to open in, and fell on my face. I was knocked unconscious for about 20 minutes. Fortunately, I was only mildly injured...still required an ER visit, though. Ever since, it's been seat belts for all.


My daughter, age 9, just recently got out of her booster. The only reason she's not in it is because she no longer properly fit in the seat belt when using it. It caused the seat belt to cross her upper arm instead of collar bone because she was too tall in the booster.


I think you are doing the right thing by requiring properly fitting car seats and seat belts.


Those other parents are taking an unnecessary risk with their children's lives. It really angers me that the innocent children are put in harm's way like that.

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Personally I could not help out with this task; it would stress me out to much. I picked up my grandson at preschool last year he was the only child in a car seat most of the other kids didn’t even use a seat belt. I brought it to the teacher’s attention and she knew all about it. The staff had safety days showing parents how to use car seats they even had a policeman come in and explain the new law that was making it mandatory until the child reached 80 pounds. It didn’t change anything.

This year my grandson is in Kindergarten, when they go on field trips the school provides boaster or car seats depending on the child’s weight.

I would print up some little notes and hand them to the parents; at least you can say you tried. My first dd is now 28 she carries little notes in her car when she sees parents not using a car seat she will leave a little note saying something like it is the law or if you really loved your child you should do the best you can and so on. She would never confront anyone but some times people just do what they think is the norm if someone points it out that it isn't socially expectable to endanger their children just maybe you can convert one parent to use a car seat.

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I have a friend who knew that I'd just fix the carseats for her. She's come say "Hi" and I jumped in with a smile and a "I know you know I'm crazy about this" and fix them.

Also, boosters aren't for a kid as soon as the age/weight says...That's a MINIMUM! not a maximum. I have my 5.5 year old in a Britax. He'll be in it forever...

Right after I saw this thread...this morning....I saw a little bitty baby...face forward...what are they thinking???????


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My kids all automatically put their seatbelts on. They even put seatbelts on when they play car around the house. I have my 9 year old in a booster, the 7 year old in a high back booster (he was in a 5pt harness until this past September), and my 3 year old is in a 5pt harness. My 11 year old is the only one that only uses just a seatbelt. I make him ride in the back unless there is no room (occasionally I will plan poorly and we will have to put half of the back seat down, forcing him to ride up front, but our van has a sensor that turns the airbag off if the passenger is below a certain weight. My DH, on the other hand, lets him ride up front all the time, which drives me crazy.


They will probably stay this way because it's safer. It drives me crazy here in Italy, because where I live, they don't wear seatbelts or use carseats. Tiny kids are running all over the car, sitting in the DRIVER'S lap, etc. They'll pack 5-8 people into a car meant for 4. It takes some getting used to. When the realtor came to pick us up to look at houses (our car wasn't here yet), she just assumed that we would all get into her car even though we didnt' fit (she wanted the baby to go without a carseat). We told her no way and she finally went back to get another car. It's crazy!

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my 8.5 year old still has a booster and will until the seatbelt fits her properly in my vehicle. In my mom's van, the seatbelt hits where it should, so it's not needed. But it think it's scary when I see little ones riding up front and unbelted in the back. I have a very high truck and I see it all the time. It's sad that they won't do this for their children.

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