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Poll- How many people do you know personally who are battling cancer?

How many people do you know personally, who are actively being treated for cancer?  

  1. 1. How many people do you know personally, who are actively being treated for cancer?

    • 0
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9+

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I got the news today that my best friend's mom, who has been part of my life since I was 6, has breast cancer. It struck me that I know more people actively fighting cancer right now than I've ever know before. For me it's 4- a homeschool mom friend with breast cancer, another HS mom with colon cancer, a good friend with prostate cancer and now my friend's mom.


So I'm curious. Please count only people that you personally know, not people who are just internet friends. And please count only those who are actively fighting it, not those who are cured, in remission, passed away, ect.

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My bil was diagnosed with lung cancer 4 yrs ago. (He's never smoked.) They thought he had it beat, but just last fall they found cancer in the bone. He doesn't have much longer. It's the first time this has happened to either of our families. Just so, so sad.



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Minister friend passed away last month.

Two male friends in remission.

Three breast cancer survivors in remission.

One leukemia friend in remission, still.

My dad, grandpa, 1 uncle, and 2 aunts died of cancer.


Currently no friends and family are battling cancer. Miss those who have left us.


Is there something going on in your circle of influence which made you ask this poll?

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My mom is taking Arimedex, the follow-up hormone to be taken for several years after just finishing chemo for breast cancer. My bio dad had Hodgkins disease, I have an uncle who just died from a rare endocrine cancer.


I know lots of other people who have died from cancer, some only children.

Michelle T

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I got the news today that my best friend's mom, who has been part of my life since I was 6, has breast cancer. It struck me that I know more people actively fighting cancer right now than I've ever know before. For me it's 4- a homeschool mom friend with breast cancer, another HS mom with colon cancer, a good friend with prostate cancer and now my friend's mom.


So I'm curious. Please count only people that you personally know, not people who are just internet friends. And please count only those who are actively fighting it, not those who are cured, in remission, passed away, ect.

Shannon, I'm so sorry about your dear ones with cancer. My sister recently finished surgery and chemo, but is still not "out of the woods" (whatever that means with this stupid disease) with colon cancer. A friend at church has just finished chemo and will have a double mastectomy in 2 weeks.


Interestingly, a friend just today gave me a book titled, Cancer, Step Outside the Box. I've only gotten to page 15 and it is already frightening me. It is about the "Big Guys" who shut down cancer treatment so as not to stop the gravy train by healing people. It's very believable, but sickening. It also deals with "alternative" treatments and their success.


Maybe your friend would like to get the book and see if she thinks her mom would benefit from reading it?


All the best,


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One that I can think of right now. (My aunt has brain cancer, and it is her second bout with cancer.) But I do understand where you are coming from. A few years ago, it seemed like everywhere I turned, people I knew and loved were being diagnosed with cancer. (Both grandmothers - one has since passed, and the other one is fine, and a good friend's dad, who passed away last summer, etc.)

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My mother has a rare form of cancer called carcinoid syndrome. It's a slow growing cancer that she will have to deal with the rest of her life. She gets a shot once a month to keep the tumors from producing hormones that can cause lung and heart failure. These shots cost from $6,000 to $11,000 a month depending on the dosage. Luckily she has insurance that pays all but several hundred dollars of it. It's still a huge chunk of money to come up with every month. Without the shots, her life expectancy would only be 3-5 years.


My uncle was just diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. He will start chemo next week.

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September of '07 my stepmom was diagnosed with lung cancer. Three weeks later my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer.


The fiance of a friend of mine was just diagnosed with melanoma a week ago and is just starting the treatment phase.


I've also lost two dear friends to cancer over the last 5 years.

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My son is 3.5 and has spent more than half of his life on treatment for leukemia.


A little girl from our hospital, 5, who has relapsed several times.


Another little guy, 7, such a sweetie is trying to get back into remission for transplant after relapsed t-cell leukemia.


My neighbor is finishing up maintenance for breast cancer.


My great uncle is being treated for bladder cancer.


We miss those that have passed on and celebrate with those still in remission, some for years. We also worry with those who are fearing relapse or are on hospice.

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I voted 0 - because there is no one currently that I know well (as in someone I see and talk to) that is battling it. I know people through other people...like a guy I dated in highschool, his sister's daughter has leukemia. My mom's ex husband's mom just died of a relapse of lung cancer (she had been in remission for 5 years) a year ago in December.


I am so sorry for all of those who are, or whose loved ones, friends, and family members are, currently battling cancer.

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I voted 9+ but that is because I work in a pharmacy. When pts start coming in with cancer diagnoses, they typically need a little more help that a typical pt and we get to know them better.


In my personal life, I know at least 2 but I suspect 3, and wouldn't be surprised to find out the number was more like 4 or 5 based on family health situations.

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I only know one and he's just finishing up his chemo treatments; I'm hoping for many healthy years for him! Of course, not counted are my favorite aunt who went through 2 separate bouts of bre*st cancer (one before age 30..one much after) and 2 or 3 others including ovarian cancer. She went for over 30 years of battling cancer. Then at least my dad's other 2 brothers.

It's something I kinda worry about...since I have over 6 - 8 members of my family (aunts and uncles...blood relatives) who are died of cancer.

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My father had prostate cancer a year ago...he had his prostate removed but there were signs it had spread....hormone therapy is keepiong it at bay though. He has good health and is making the most of life now- I think it was a good wake up call for him. he even came and visited me, all the way across the country, last year. It made him re-evalate his priorities a little.


My mother's long term partner (same age as dad, 71) has exactly the same thing...has had it for longer, didnt have it removed, controlling it with hormones. his health is not so good but its more because of fibromyalgia than cancer.


It was a shock to find out about dad....but he is ok. My parents are young- my mother is only 63 and I am 41- so their mortality hadnt quite registered in me yet. Now it has.

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She is fighting it and doing well presently. She just finished chemo, and still has short-ish hair from having lost it. So I voted 1.


I just remembered there is another woman I know who's struggling with cancer...I wonder if I can go back and change my vote..?


I also know 2 people who died in the last 6 months from cancer (lung and breast). And 2 other people who have prostate cancer, but aren't having a problem with it (i.e. It's not getting worse and they aren't presently treating it).


So really, in the last year, I know 6 people who are directly touched by cancer...


- Stacey in MA

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I tend to avoid these questions as they stir up a lot of emotions in me, but I notice there has been a grat deal of talk on this subject over the past week. DH was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago and life at our home has never been the same. Sadly by the time DH's cancer was diagnosed it had already metastisized. At this time his overall health is pretty good. He is still in a great deal of pain and depressed though. He has gone through all his chemo treatments and had the neccessary surgeries needed to remove the cancerous tissue and repair the damage it had caused. Now we are left to just wait and pray.


During DH's treatment his friend, which happened to also be a coworker, was also diagnosed with cancer and started treatment. She is doing very well and seems to have responded very positive to the treatment.


Sadly about a month ago I lost one of my close friends to pancreatic cancer. He had only found out a month prior and never even had the chance to leave the hospital. He was suffering not just from the cancer but also from other illness and had made it very clear that he was ready to "go home to be with his heavenly father." He really touched me because he was so at peace with dying and so certain of where he was going.


I pray for all of those who's lives have been touched by this horrible disease. The disease itself is terrible and the treatment for it seems just as bad. I hope everyone finds the strength and comfort they need while dealing with this.

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My 37 year old sister-in-law just had a double mastectomy and has started chemo. She is the only person currently under treatment.


My dh just hit his 5 year survivor mark. Kidney cancer.

My MIL will be hitting hers in month. Kidney cancer

FIL- survivor. prostate cancer

My father passed away a year ago from pancreatic cancer.

My Uncle passed away a year ago from colon cancer.

Aunt-in-law-2 year survivor -breast cancer.

Neighbor-1 year survivor-colon cancer


I feel I am at the age when people I know are diagnosed and battle this awful disease. I spoke to my mom once about how it seems like every other day I hear someone battling this. She said it was the same for her when she was my age. Many years without hearing the word and then boom every time she turned around.

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