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New Year - Read the Bible in a Year, or Study a Smaller Part More Carefully?

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Do you have any Bible Study plans for 2009? Do you prefer to read the Bible through or study a portion/s more carefully? What are your favorite Bibles or methods? Do you study by topic, by book, or study a particular author, or time period...or maybe something else? I'm curious about different Bible Study methods/plans you all might have.


2007 I made a weak attempt to read the Bible through in a year, and I pittered out around Exodus or Leviticus. 2008 I made the attempt again, and I did a little better, but still failed to read through. This year I want to try again, and/or I'm open to other ideas/methods/plans.



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Well if you read 10 chapters a day you can get through the NT in a month. I did that Nealy twice this year. Second time I slowed down and did 5 chapters a day miss a day here and there and made it through in a little over 2 months.


Right now I am slowly reading, and rereading through Jeremiah.


Just about every day I read Ps 34 and 84 just to get their message deep in my bones and I do the same with Ps 27 and 121. For a couple of year I did Ps 91 that way. I like to read the Ps chapters aloud so that my boys get those Ps' deep into their psych too. Plus reading aloud helps to cement it in me.

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Well, I definitely do smaller studies also plus studying for each meeting with the congregation. However, I am trying to decide whether to read the Bible in chronological order or use the schedule where you read a different genre each day (history one day, poetry another, gospels another, etc) to get through it within a year.

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I have done the Daily Bible twice and enjoyed that. It has the Bible in chronological order with some commentary.


This year I am starting out with a study on the book of Acts put out by Explorer's Bible Study http://www.explorerbiblestudy.org/ I did the one on James myself last summer and then we did Luke as a Ladies Bible study this fall. Now I am doing Acts along with a friend and an older lady from church. From there I don't know. I just like these as they get you doing some in depth study but is very doable.

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However, I am trying to decide whether to read the Bible in chronological order or use the schedule where you read a different genre each day (history one day, poetry another, gospels another, etc) to get through it within a year.


I'm trying to decide the same. I'm leaning towards the chronological, but the other is appealing too. I really need to make a decision soon. :)

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Well, I definitely do smaller studies also plus studying for each meeting with the congregation. However, I am trying to decide whether to read the Bible in chronological order or use the schedule where you read a different genre each day (history one day, poetry another, gospels another, etc) to get through it within a year.



Would you mind posting this schedule, or a link to where I can get it?

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I was going pretty strong with a year-plan on my reader...for a while, and then I floundered. My goal is not to read the Bible through, but to read the Bible daily. I do want variety in my reading, not just sticking with the comfortable passages. However, the yearly plan was just too much for me some days.


This next year I am going to start off with a Bible study called Seeking Him. I am going to be doing it as a blog study with a few blog friends...setting a day that we all post about what we learned/feel God saying/etc. I need accountability to follow through. After the study is over, I'll find some other way to plan out a daily reading time.

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The link Dawn provided is my homepage. It's the first thing I see in the am and I have to read it before I go anywhere else on the internet.


I read the Bible thru (or at least try) every year. I view this more as reading for information (read thru enough times and I'll actually "know" it.)


Then I do indepth studies of whatever book of the Bible my pastor is preaching on.

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As Daisy said, it's all about discipline and priority. As long as I committed to reading my plan first as soon as I opened the computer, and did not move on to another post in my reader or email or a forum or...you get the idea. Unfortunately, I am not very disciplined. But, discipline breeds discipline...forging good habits is a difficult task for me. I am grateful for His grace as I struggle along. Maybe 2009 will be my year. :001_smile:

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I was going pretty strong with a year-plan on my reader...for a while, and then I floundered. My goal is not to read the Bible through, but to read the Bible daily. I do want variety in my reading, not just sticking with the comfortable passages. However, the yearly plan was just too much for me some days.


This is my goal, too: to read the Bible daily. I use the 52-Week Bible Reading Plan, but don't worry about finishing in one year. If I miss a day, I just pick it up the next. Some days I'm pressed for time, having trouble focusing, whatever, so I read 1 chapter, and leave the rest for the next day; or choose to break up a longer assignment over several days. This way I'm in the His Word each day, with a plan, but can dump the guilt (or try to). I'm just about through the Bible for the second time and wondering what to do next.



Would you mind posting this schedule, or a link to where I can get it?


The link I posted follows the genres: Epistles, The Law, History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy and Gospels. If someone has a link to a chronological study I would also appreciate it!

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2007 I made a weak attempt to read the Bible through in a year, and I pittered out around Exodus or Leviticus. 2008 I made the attempt again, and I did a little better, but still failed to read through. This year I want to try again, and/or I'm open to other ideas/methods/plans.




That's about where I petered out reading it through that way, too.


I made it through in a year and a quarter with "My Utmost Devotional Bible,"




A reading from Oswald Chambers linked to one of the passages for the day, and a daily reading from the OT, NT, Psalms, and Proverbs.


You can slog through a bit of Exodus daily if you're reading Psalms, Proverbs and one of the gospels, too, it's a bit much for a whole month by itself.


Here are some online ones along the same lines, just print them out and read through your own Bible:






Our whole church a few churches ago committed to trying to do the first one, I like how they slightly overload the schedule to give you a few days at the end of the month to catch up. I actually finished this one in a year, although I like the "My Utmost Devotional Bible" best, the Oswald Chambers part makes you think a bit more. (Note: we're not church shopping, just moving. We've moved 7 times in the last 10 years. We do look around a bit for a church that matches our beliefs at the beginning, but stick with our choice for the move duration.)

Edited by ElizabethB
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Do you have any Bible Study plans for 2009? Do you prefer to read the Bible through or study a portion/s more carefully? What are your favorite Bibles or methods? Do you study by topic, by book, or study a particular author, or time period...or maybe something else? I'm curious about different Bible Study methods/plans you all might have.


2007 I made a weak attempt to read the Bible through in a year, and I pittered out around Exodus or Leviticus. 2008 I made the attempt again, and I did a little better, but still failed to read through. This year I want to try again, and/or I'm open to other ideas/methods/plans.




If you want to read the Bible in a year, I recommend The One-Year Bible

. It comes in several translations/editions.


I read it several years in a row (6, 8, ?), and was amazed at how much it pulled the whole thing together for me. I chose to join a Bible study group to study topics more deeply. We would go to the Christian book store and find a guide to use and discuss it weekly, biweekly, or monthly. If there was not group already started, I started one.


Merry Christmas.

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I used the planning cd in Balancing the Sword to set up a plan for me for 2009. With the cd I could decide how long I wanted the plan to be, where to start, what days to take off and more. It's pretty cool. I am going to work one up for me and the kids as part of our schooling - maybe proverbs and a NT reading per day or something.

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I like how they slightly overload the schedule to give you a few days at the end of the month to catch up.


I do like THAT. It seems EVERYONE would miss a day or two here and there. Or even just have something come up and not be able to finish all 4 sections that morning.


Did you find it difficult to keep up with reading FOUR selections in one day, taking a year to get through the Gospels, that sort of thing?


I think my daughter and I may try that one. I am going to find a 3 year for my son.


I just saw a 3 MONTH and a ONE MONTH Bible Reading Plan. WOW!

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Happy, you may sometimes need to glance at the top of the page to remember what you read last week (for example, in Joshua), but generally, your brain just adjusts to it. In fact, I also find that you get more opportunity to call earlier readings to mind, meditate on them, apply them to real life, etc.


I was a little worried about doing 4 sections in one DAY (weekly seems easy enough) like that one schedule, but I'm sure the brain figures it out. I'm going to try that one. Also, I didn't find a 3 year I liked well enough so I'm just going to have my ds try to keep up with us, even if he only manages 2 sections, instead of 4, per day.


And it does make it soooooooooooooo much easier than trudging through some tougher sections day after day.

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I'm pretty sure I got this from someone here but don't remember who.

Genres bible reading plan written up by intothyword.com which is similar to the bible reading plan mentioned. Also a book blogger is having a


"operation actually read bible"


challenge, or just a thing really in which you set your own goals for bible reading. There are no rules and she may set up a post where people can share their progress.


We could do the same thing here with a social group if there isn't already one that I just haven't noticed yet.


I have set a goal to read the bible daily using the genre plan, plus doing some bible studies by kay arthur, etc. I'm posting it on my blog to give myself some accountability.


thanks for bringing this up. It's very timely since working on goal for the new year.



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I'm leaning toward Bible Reading.com. I like that they had an e-mail option within the yahoo groups format. I'm already a member of several groups that I read daily, and so that will just go along with my already established habits. I also like that you can choose the version of the Bible. I chose New American Standard, because I haven't read through that version yet, and it's the version that my pastor uses.


I just had a thought...with this genres type reading plan I could also incorporate a prayer routine around that particular genre. I used to have a weekly prayer rotation, Mondays - self immediate family, Tuesdays - extended family, Wednesdays - church family, etc. etc. I don't remember what the actual days and genres were, because this was several years ago. But, I've wanted to get back to more of a prayer routine this year too. For the last few years with all the new babies and changes in our family I've slacked off on regular Bible reading and prayers. I really want to get close to God this year, and feel like I know him more at the end of 2009, instead of feeling further removed from Him. Maybe incorporating a genre prayer response to the genre readings would be appropriate. :glare:


I'll post more about how that works out. So, for today I'm going to start on the Biblereading.com in the yahoo e-mail. I see it in my box, so I better get off to reading it. :D

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Do you prefer to read the Bible through or study a portion/s more carefully?


Search the Scriptures, by Alan Stibbs is a great combination of these two types of study. This book was originally written in the 1950's or so, and it covers the entire Bible in three years. The study focuses on one book of the Bible at a time, and each day assigns verses/chapter(s) from that book along with 2-3 thought provoking questions to help you dig deeper into the meaning. I journal my answers. The study takes me about 20-30 minutes per day, depending on how long I allow myself to sit and reflect on what I've read.


I am two "years" into this study (actually more than two, because I sometimes miss days or spend more than 1 day on a particular study), and what I appreciate most is the order in which the books of the Bible are presented. The study moves between Old and New Testament books in a manner that lays a historical foundation for interpreting Scripture. This book has made Bible study come alive for me.


Plans for 2009: Complete year 3 of the study. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/Search-Scriptures-Study-Guide-Bible/dp/0830811206/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1230310762&sr=1-1

Edited by Beth in OH
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I don't do well with the read-thru-the-Bible-in-a-year programs; I get bogged down as well. I do have several good studies here that I'd like to work thru, some of them for the second or third time. Our church does several different studies in Family Bible Class throughout the year, some topical, some on a book of the Bible, so I'll do those too.


I would really like to get the new ESV Study Bible I saw at the Christian bookstore the other day -- it looks awesome.



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There is really something special about reading through the whole Bible, though. The overview, the connections between the different books, even obscure ones that you don't usually pay all that much attention to--those are really valuable.


I started with a group to read the whole Bible in two years, talking about it once per week. We ended up taking about 3 1/2 years to get through it, though. And we still felt very rushed. There were a lot of things that we really wanted to discuss that we never quite did get to, and the discussions that we had were not nearly in as much depth as we would have preferred. So we felt like we were flying through it at breakneck speed, and in fact we were plodding slowly.


So based on our experience, I would think that taking on reading through the whole thing in one year would be challenging as far as retention and reflection.

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OK - I tried out Biblereading.com yesterday, which was Isaiah chs 7-11. That was a lot of reading, and I was getting very little comprehension, because I was trying to get all the reading done, and I had no idea what most of it meant. A few verses here and there popped out at me which were referring to Jesus, but other than that not much comprehension was happening. That said, I don't think this is going to work for me. I need something with less reading and more time and help for comprehension and reflection. I want the Word to sink in and take root and bear fruit, not just "get through the Bible".


Now I'm leaning toward Beth from OH's suggestion, "Search the Scriptures" - 3 years through the whole Bible with study helps. Like Beth, it will probably take longer than 3 years, which is fine with me, and as another poster said it was like taking the Bible at breakneck speed just to get it done in 3 years with some time for comprehension and discussion.


So, I'm off to do a little more research on the book's author and to make sure a particular "bent" on Scripture is not evident in the book, and if that checks out I think I'll try that one.


Beth, I'm going to pm you about the book's author.

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Good for you! Better to actually get it read and have some time for comprehension, than to try to get it done on someone else's ideal schedule and drop it partway through. I'd also encourage you to keep going on whatever plan you end up with, even if your understanding is not perfect. You should have time to read it more than once in your lifetime and get more from it each time.

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I love the "genres" plan linked in these posts, and I plan to do that, but if I'm feeling I'm pushing too much with that to the point of not comprehending, I will slow it down.


Regardless, I plan to supplement my reading with audio Bible on mp3 (ESV by Max McLean). I've never used an audio Bible before, but I listened to some chapter long samples, and I was surprised at how much I was able to take in and remember later. (And I'm a very "visual" learner!) I think I will be able to listen to a lot more chapters than I'd be able to read in a day. So that way I won't have to feel I need to push myself to read a certain number of chapters, regardless of comprehension. "Read some, listen to some" is what I'm going to try!


My only goal for 2009 is to get as much of the Word into me as possible, so I'm hoping this will help. I can even listen while I wash dishes!

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I've tried and tried to read through the Bible in a year, but I get bored without a guide in the Laws. I really like to do in depth study. I haven't decided whether to do one on Creation, or Beth Moore's study on Esther (both are being offered at my church, but at the same time).

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have the ESV SB and it is AWESOME! I recently switched to the ESV and love it. The study Bible is the best I've ever seen! It is huge though-best for reference rather than for a regular Bible. (I also have a regular ESV for just reading.)


I like to be able to read and ponder without others' notes sometimes; when I'm really digging in and studying, I like to have several references available. I keep a "reading" version in my book bag that I take to church. I'm afraid I would get distracted by all those notes and maps and charts and miss important parts of the sermon, LOL.

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I tend to get distracted when I read with a study Bible. And as Matthew Henry said, "It is God's Word and not man's commentary on God's Word, that changes men's souls." There is certainly a place for both (and he should know-he wrote one of the most famous commentaries ever!)-I love a study Bible and commentaries for digging deeper, for studying. But I have to keep my distraction-free regular Bible for focusing on reading, letting the Holy Spirit speak to me directly through the Word.

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Good for you! Better to actually get it read and have some time for comprehension, than to try to get it done on someone else's ideal schedule and drop it partway through. I'd also encourage you to keep going on whatever plan you end up with, even if your understanding is not perfect. You should have time to read it more than once in your lifetime and get more from it each time.


Kathy, thanks for the encouragement to stick with something even if I don't have complete understanding. That is so wise! And, you must know me already from these few posts, because I am a perfectionist and I easily get stuck on the details. But, I hear you saying just keep plugging along, and next time around I'll have more understanding. Thanks!


I've done a little more research, and I think the 3 year plan using "Search the Scriptures" is the one for me. I also asked my husband this morning if he would be my study partner. I said, "I'm going to seek out a Bible study partner, and I wanted to ask you first since you are my closest companion. Would you like to be my study partner?" He said "yes". I was suprised because yesterday I told him I was seeking out a Bible study for this year, and we had a conversation that left me thinking he didn't want to make studying the Bible a priority this next year. Then this morning he said "yes" to being study partners, and he said with all that's going on this next year (he's studying and preparing for a career switch - it's a big deal), he said that he really needs to stay in the Word, with all that's happening. :hurray: Praise God!


Thank you ladies for all the wisdom and great resources. I can see that you all are making God's Word a priority this next year. That is so encouraging!

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can you plz explain how it differs from what you'd find in a study Bible or a commentary? It looks really great!


I wish I could, but I don't have it yet! LOL A friend whose dh works at Moody Bible Institute recommended it to me--he has taught from it and it's used as an OT survey text. I was looking for something that would give me some historical background and tie together all the themes of the OT for me so that it really gels, KWIM?


There is some more good info about the book here: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=031700&netp_id=504805

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I just got the wonderful ESV Study Bible in Oct, and dh bought me the John MacArthur Commentary in Nov, so I'll have to say I'm set for awhile! You can never have too many good Bible resources though! Also on my wish list for the future are the one-vol Matthew Henry and also the Archaeological Study Bible-so many books, so little time! :001_smile:

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This is my 4th year for reading the Bible through chronologically. I tried when I was a young girl, but would fizzle out in Leviticus. My husband and I did a chapter of Proverbs a day for a year about five years ago. Then my grandma gave the challenge to read through the Bible chronologically. My husband and I both decided to take the challenge. The next year we decided to do it again and my son, who was then 10, wanted to also. As I said before, we have done it every year since and we are finishing our 4th year. My son who is 13 is finishing his 3rd year and my daughter who is 11 is finishing her first year.

It has helped by doing this with someone because we hold each other accountable. We each have a schedule in our Bibles of what we read each day.

We all do our reading separately. My husband does his first thing in the morning before work. My son and daughter usually do it in the morning too. I usually read right before bed.

I am very proud of my children. We have not told them to do this. They have decided on their own. There have been many blessing from this. I love the fact that we are in God's word daily. It has been wonderful reading the same thing everyday, because it has caused some wonderful discussions.


Whatever you decide to do, you will be blessed from being in God's word daily.



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This is my 4th year for reading the Bible through chronologically. I tried when I was a young girl, but would fizzle out in Leviticus. My husband and I did a chapter of Proverbs a day for a year about five years ago. Then my grandma gave the challenge to read through the Bible chronologically. My husband and I both decided to take the challenge. The next year we decided to do it again and my son, who was then 10, wanted to also. As I said before, we have done it every year since and we are finishing our 4th year. My son who is 13 is finishing his 3rd year and my daughter who is 11 is finishing her first year.

It has helped by doing this with someone because we hold each other accountable. We each have a schedule in our Bibles of what we read each day.

We all do our reading separately. My husband does his first thing in the morning before work. My son and daughter usually do it in the morning too. I usually read right before bed.

I am very proud of my children. We have not told them to do this. They have decided on their own. There have been many blessing from this. I love the fact that we are in God's word daily. It has been wonderful reading the same thing everyday, because it has caused some wonderful discussions.


Whatever you decide to do, you will be blessed from being in God's word daily.




Tammi, that is awsome that your family is doing this together, and this is your 4th year, WOW! Last year at this time my husband, daughter and I all decided we would try to read through the Bible in a year, and my husband and I both didn't get far, but my daughter did. She'll be finishing on time by the end of the year. I'm really happy for her, because she's getting a good start in God's Word. I chose the Day by Day Kid's Bible for her because it was easier than an adult Bible, but formatted like an adult Bible, not a story Bible. We are going to include my oldest daughter in our studies this year with a full text Bible, but taking it slower through the Bible with Search the Scriptures. I just ordered 3 copies of it, and a new Bible for my daughter (her's is really torn up), and a new Bible for me (mine is torn up too). I'm really excited for all of us to be reading the same sections and answering the same questions. We can use the questions in Search the Scriptures as dinner or after dinner topics, or just in conversation. I'm looking forward to those "wonderful discussions" you speek of. Your family is an inspiration! Thank you for sharing.

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OK, I have been doing the One Year Bible now for about 7 years. I am getting tired of just reading through now. It is no longer as exciting. I have decided to go very slowly and focus on one book for as long as it takes me. I am tired because for the last three years I have been reading aloud to my children. Three more days to go until I am done reading the One Year Bible to my sons. I have reading the KJV and NIV out loud to the boys.


We have a new plan. I have the boys memorizing their scriptures in the morning first thing instead of me reading to them. They do their scripture memorization and then recite it back to me. I am going back to my prayer journals and devotion notebook. I will write my prayers to God and take notes on sermons, devotions, etc. I realize that I was duplicating my work a lot. I decided that I am going to have them go over what they learned in Sunday School during the week. Also, they need to do their own devotions and I will get back to my own. I love the One Year Bible, but I need the smaller portions now.


Blessing and a blessed New Year!



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This year, unfortunately, I've done a kind of hit-or-miss approach. Next year, one topic I plan to study the Tabernacle. I am also going to lead a small group study on Women of the Bible. I'm sure I will do a lot of outside studying for that!


I wish I could come to your "Women of the Bible" study!

This year, my schedule has changed (working part-time) and I feel like I am not plugged into anything.

What is the "Christian Almanac"? Last year, someone recommended it and I was going to check it out and it never happened.

Can one do a study using it or is it more a reference tool?

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He said that a more focused study might serve us better than a broader study. In fact, he suggested that we would do well to study thru just the four Gospels this year.


I'm intrigued by this idea, and I think I'll pursue a plan to do this. I'm thinking a month on each book, studying each book three times thru the year, each time with a different approach.

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What is the "Christian Almanac"? Last year, someone recommended it and I was going to check it out and it never happened.

Can one do a study using it or is it more a reference tool?


There's an old one (1991-1992) on our bookshelf, but it's not something we've used much. It is a reference book, pretty much like the annually- published World Almanac, but this one contains information that would be of interest to Christians; topics include How to Select a Bible, Fastest-Growing Churches in America, and Christian Music/Book/Film Awards.

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