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Breast cancer diagnosis - please help with all the emotions - update 4/16

Quarter Note

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Quarter Note, I'm so glad your surgery is done and you're on the road to recovery.  My mother, back in the early 70's, had a double mastectomy  at age 42 (she actually had early cancer in both breasts) and is now 94!  That always made me think that mastectomies are the way to go, but since then, two of my closest friends have had breast cancer.  They both had lumpectomies and it's been at least 10 years for both of them and they are cancer-free!  Science and medicine have come a long way!  Prayers and best wishes to you as you move forward past this.

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I’m glad you got through your surgery okay. I’m sorry; I didn’t see your OP. I was diagnosed almost the same time as @Arcadia was; I know my posts are throughout the thread she linked. 

I had a lumpectomy with radiation. I did not have chemo; my “number” was low and it was statistically unlikely to improve my outcome. I am on Tamoxifen. 

In my case, I had a close family member who had a bad outcome from doing a double mastectomy with reconstruction. My memories of her bad outcome (infection in the reconstruction spacers) made me want to avoid that outcome if at all possible. So a lumpectomy worked out for me. So far, anyway. 

Good luck with the rest of your journey. 

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I just saw this thread, but I wanted to chime in good thoughts, QN, and am thankful the surgery went well. I am 10 years past a melanoma removed from my ankle. Margins were clear and that seems to have take care of it, but this week I had my annual and they took another henky looking spot off, so I am a little emotional until I get word of the biopsy results. 

Prayers are with you!!

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5 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I just saw this thread, but I wanted to chime in good thoughts, QN, and am thankful the surgery went well. I am 10 years past a melanoma removed from my ankle. Margins were clear and that seems to have take care of it, but this week I had my annual and they took another henky looking spot off, so I am a little emotional until I get word of the biopsy results. 

Prayers are with you!!

Praying for you.  

I have only had Basal Cell Carcinoma but have to go to dermatologist every year because of that.  Dh gets to go only every 3 years now since he hasn't had any skin cancer.  Also, I check him and he has an annual physical too so there is that.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/17/2022 at 8:06 AM, KrissiK said:

I just saw this thread, but I wanted to chime in good thoughts, QN, and am thankful the surgery went well. I am 10 years past a melanoma removed from my ankle. Margins were clear and that seems to have take care of it, but this week I had my annual and they took another henky looking spot off, so I am a little emotional until I get word of the biopsy results. 

Prayers are with you!!

KrissiK, I hope that your biopsy turns out negative!

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On 5/31/2022 at 4:47 PM, ScoutTN said:

Thinking of you @Quarter Note!


On 5/31/2022 at 5:12 PM, Kassia said:

Yes, me too.

Thank you, ScoutTN and Kassia!  Sorry I haven't replied earlier.  Treatment is at a standstill for now - the facility in my little town where I get my mammograms done and the cancer center in Big City Far Away can't seem to talk to each other.  It's hard being a non-medical-person trying to figure out what each of them needs and being the intermediary between them.  I thought that I'd be done with radiation therapy by now and it hasn't even started!

Emotionally, I'm hanging in there.  Every time that I look at the scar, I deliberately tell myself, "This scar is the result of a skilled surgeon's work to save my life."  But, my feelings still say, "Scars mean accidents or injury.  I shouldn't have a scar right there!"  It's one of those emotional things that you can't really prepare yourself for.  

I'll update again when treatment is started again!

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Thank you for the update.  So frustrating about the treatment being stalled like that and I'm sorry about how you're feeling about the scar.  Sending hugs and positive thoughts.  Hope the radiation is started soon and it goes well for you.

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1 hour ago, Quarter Note said:

Every time that I look at the scar, I deliberately tell myself, "This scar is the result of a skilled surgeon's work to save my life."  But, my feelings still say, "Scars mean accidents or injury.  I shouldn't have a scar right there!"  It's one of those emotional things that you can't really prepare yourself for. 


Not for everyone, of course, but I treated myself to the tattoo I had wanted for years and the artist figured out how to incorporate both the targeting tattoo from my radiation therapy and the mastectomy scar on the left side of my chest (the side that had the malignancy). I still struggle with my scars and flat chest occasionally, although for me it's not so much about the physical transformation as it is that the scars are tangible reminders of the ugly, upsetting family drama that was happening concurrently with my cancer treatment. However, now every time I see myself topless in the mirror, I also see the adorable manatee with a butterfly on its nose popping up out of that scar. 

It's not perfect, but it helps. 

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1 hour ago, Quarter Note said:

 Treatment is at a standstill for now - the facility in my little town where I get my mammograms done and the cancer center in Big City Far Away can't seem to talk to each other.  It's hard being a non-medical-person trying to figure out what each of them needs and being the intermediary between them.  I thought that I'd be done with radiation therapy by now and it hasn't even started!

I had mammograms done post surgery. I think the mammogram of the surgery area was all the radiation team needed. My surgeon was the one to liaise with my radiation doctor, same medical group so it was just internal memos between them. 
As for the scar, you could use Mederma, Scar Away, Vit E serum to make the scar less prominent. My scars (falls, chemo, surgery) were itching badly after Pfizer and surprisingly my anti-aging face moisturizer helped reduce both itch and how obvious the scars were.

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1 hour ago, Jenny in Florida said:


...I also see the adorable manatee with a butterfly on its nose popping up out of that scar. 


Jenny, I think this is a wonderful idea. I'm not a tattoo person, but I love that you changed your scar into something sweet.


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33 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

I had mammograms done post surgery. I think the mammogram of the surgery area was all the radiation team needed. My surgeon was the one to liaise with my radiation doctor, same medical group so it was just internal memos between them. 
As for the scar, you could use Mederma, Scar Away, Vit E serum to make the scar less prominent. My scars (falls, chemo, surgery) were itching badly after Pfizer and surprisingly my anti-aging face moisturizer helped reduce both itch and how obvious the scars were.

I've been using arnica gel, and I do have some Mederma I might start later when I've run out of the arnica.  I'll also look into using Vit. E serum.  What a great idea - thank you!

But really, I just have to have some time to get used to the scar just being part of me now.

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Thank you for the update.  Do you have a care coordinator (usually a nurse)assigned to you?  They can be so helpful in well, coordinating care between several clinics and doctors.  They are my go-to person when needing to deal with multiple clinics.  I hope your recovery continues with strength!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update, everyone.  My medical oncologist texted the radiation oncologist and said, "Patient wants to start radiation.  Please get her scheduled."  Rad onc himself called that afternoon.  Amazing what one MD can get another to do!  So I just started radiation this morning.  Hopefully all will go well!

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24 minutes ago, Quarter Note said:

Just a quick update, everyone.  My medical oncologist texted the radiation oncologist and said, "Patient wants to start radiation.  Please get her scheduled."  Rad onc himself called that afternoon.  Amazing what one MD can get another to do!  So I just started radiation this morning.  Hopefully all will go well!

Oh, I'm glad things got started finally and wish you all the best.  ❤️

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