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Still have period at 56.5. When will it end?


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I had an ovary sparing hysterectomy at 55 due to fibroids. At that time, I guess based on my bloodwork and what things looked like internally during surgery, she [my GYN] told me yeah, you might have been one of those women who go to sixty (meaning a monthly cycle).

Totally added another layer of validation to my hysterectomy decision!

ETA my mom had other medical issues which required she not have any more children, she was anemic and the 1970’s solution to that was a full hysterectomy, so using her age was not a good prediction for me. But I’ve often heard mother’s age at menopause as a good benchmark to consider. 

Edited by Grace Hopper
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Every year or so my mom asks if I'm still having my periods. I'm 48 and while the timing is getting wobbly (used to be like clockwork) they are still coming every month. She ended in her early 40s. My GYN says she doesn't think I could get pregnant so I could get rid of the IUD (that's 12 years old) but I'm not stupid. That shop closed a long time ago! 

I work with women in a menstrual related activity (mikvah) so I see some of my friends who are well into their 50s and even one in her 60s coming (not every month). They have grandkids, lots of grandkids. 😳

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1 minute ago, MEmama said:

All I can say is please, please, please let a hysterectomy be the solution for my fibroids or I’m afraid I’ll be right there with you. Just no. 

I'm so, so sorry. 😞 

This is where knowing when your mom stopped helps please the case. I was bleeding really heavy and one possible course of action was to just wait it out, because post menopause the uterus shrinks and the fibroids are no longer a problem. Mine were large enough to be causing bladder issues, so between that, anemia and regular heavy blood loss, a hysterectomy was best. I was also offered BCP but that didn’t seem like the best choice mid-fifties. 

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Hang in there.  I had to have a pregnancy test before they did my colonoscopy.  Yep.  Overlap.

I was 55yo, and within about a year after that I wasn't having periods anymore. 
I did think I was going to be the oldest menstruating woman on the planet.

I consider myself very fortunate to NOT have had all those complications that would require a hysterectomy.
And all in all, my peri-menopause was tolerable.

And yes, my Mom went thru menopause at 35yo naturally.
I had our fifth child at 39yo, and was optimistic that I would just slide into menopause.  Nope.

This is all TMI, but just wanted to encourage you.
It will happen eventually, and again I was just thankful I didn't have any complications!

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25 minutes ago, Grace Hopper said:

This is where knowing when your mom stopped helps please the case. I was bleeding really heavy and one possible course of action was to just wait it out, because post menopause the uterus shrinks and the fibroids are no longer a problem. Mine were large enough to be causing bladder issues, so between that, anemia and regular heavy blood loss, a hysterectomy was best. I was also offered BCP but that didn’t seem like the best choice mid-fifties. 

My mom had a hysterectomy when I was 2 or maybe 3, so idk what age she would have gone through menopause. My sister is 54 and seems to still be going strong tho. Ugh. 

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28 minutes ago, Beth S said:

Hang in there.  I had to have a pregnancy test before they did my colonoscopy.  Yep.  Overlap.

I was 55yo, and within about a year after that I wasn't having periods anymore. 
I did think I was going to be the oldest menstruating woman on the planet.

I consider myself very fortunate to NOT have had all those complications that would require a hysterectomy.
And all in all, my peri-menopause was tolerable.

And yes, my Mom went thru menopause at 35yo naturally.
I had our fifth child at 39yo, and was optimistic that I would just slide into menopause.  Nope.

This is all TMI, but just wanted to encourage you.
It will happen eventually, and again I was just thankful I didn't have any complications!

Me, too. I just had a colonoscopy at 54 and surprised them by needing a pregnancy test. Now I just had one on the last 12 months—in June and the gyn thinks I’m done, but we’ll see…

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I have considered posting this question too, and I'm not quite 50, but I'm SO ready to be done, and it seems like most of my friends are, or are at least close to done. Not me! As regular as I have been for almost 40 years 😭

And I also don't have a family history due to my mom's surgery. So having others chime in is oddly helpful. At least I don't feel alone. Then again, it tells me that I could have a ways to go, which isn't the best news. 😕

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I keep thinking I'm done at 55, but Aunt Flo surprises me too often! In the last 10 years, my periods got incredibly heavy and I had many instances of leaking. I just wanted to go back to my normal 3 day cycle. Now, it's slowing down inconsistently. I always carry supplies because I don't want to get caught unaware. 

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7 minutes ago, JumpyTheFrog said:

For those who are still having periods later than average, did you start puberty earlier or later than normal? Did your periods return extra early or later than normal after giving birth?

My periods started at 11. 

Idk how to answer after birth bc breastfeeding kept my periods from returning  until my toddlers were at least 19 months old—sometimes later. Three times I got pregnant again.  so I had many years with no periods. 
My mom went through menopause at 55 so I think that has more to do with it. 

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I was worried someone would say they knew someone who was 60 who still had a period.

My mother took estrogen replacement so she had a period because of that long after she shouldn’t have, well into her 60s.  I’m not sure how to tell when she would have stopped otherwise. She died a while ago so I can’t ask. One sister stopped by 52 or 53, but she is only a half sister. My other half sister got a hysterectomy in her 30s.

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I had IVF later in life so that might be extending things. Also, when I did IVF my AMH (test to see how viable your eggs are) was high. They told me mine was higher than many of the 30 year olds they had as patients. I was 46 at the time.

I asked my Gyn recently if that might be why my period was still going and he said they haven’t done any studies on that.

I love my Gyn. He talks a mile a minute and tells me really interesting things. He fits so many interesting things into a very short time period. The only thing is the last time I saw him was the first time with a mask and the speed with which he talks and the muffle effect of the mask I couldn’t catch nearly as much of it.

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My mother was 60 when she finished. And my grandmother was 61 when she gave up and had a hysterectomy. My aunt on the other side got pregnant at 57 but miscarried at four months. 

At 52, I  have an IUD which is awesome. It will be used up at 55 and my OBGYN said I will need one more given my family history. 

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2 hours ago, lewelma said:

My mother was 60 when she finished. And my grandmother was 61 when she gave up and had a hysterectomy. My aunt on the other side got pregnant at 57 but miscarried at four months. 

At 52, I  have an IUD which is awesome. It will be used up at 55 and my OBGYN said I will need one more given my family history. 

Oh, your poor aunt! I can't imagine the roller-coaster of emotions! 

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8 hours ago, drjuliadc said:

OK I’m over it. Please tell me that 56.5 is the oldest person on Earth who ever had a period and this will be my last one. Haha. 

Sigh. I'm going to be 57 in a month. Things are finally spacing out, but it's still been just a few months and isn't it supposed to be over a year till we can call it done? I was past 56.5 for the last one. You are not alone...

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2 hours ago, Halftime Hope said:

Oh, your poor aunt! I can't imagine the roller-coaster of emotions! 

Yes. I can imagine. It would have been her 6th. The last one I think she had 42. 

I do have a friend whose grandmother was 54 when her uncle was born, and that was long before IVF.

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12 hours ago, wilrunner said:

I keep thinking I'm done at 55, but Aunt Flo surprises me too often! In the last 10 years, my periods got incredibly heavy and I had many instances of leaking. I just wanted to go back to my normal 3 day cycle. Now, it's slowing down inconsistently. I always carry supplies because I don't want to get caught unaware. 

I had an ablation to deal with the heavy periods and haven’t had one since (it’s been a few years- best thing I ever did!!).

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19 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:

I had an ablation to deal with the heavy periods and haven’t had one since (it’s been a few years- best thing I ever did!!).

I went to see the gyn and confirm there weren't any other problems because my younger sister had just been diagnosed with Stage 1 ovarian cancer. Had she suggested the ablation, I probably would've done it. I think I'm likely close to the end because my last period was the beginning of Nov. I hope!

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Oh, my mom was done right before she turned 53, so I am also going past her. She got her first period at 12, and I had my first the month after I turned 11. Her own mother didn't start until 16 and ended at 45, but I think that was food insecurity as a child having a hand in it. Grandma's family was dirt poor, and the food was rationed so the oldest boys got way more than the girls and little boys (family of 17) since those three oldest ones worked the farm with their dad. There were definite health problems associated with childhood malnutrition.

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