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Body aches with no other symptoms?


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The last day or so my knees and elbows felt a little “off.”  I don’t know how to describe it.  Sorta how they feel when I am fighting something, but not exactly painful.  I woke up in the middle of the night very achy all over. Joints, muscles, head, even eyes.  My skin feels kinda sensitive.  If 0 is my baseline and 10 is excruciating, it’s maybe a 3?  I don’t have a fever.  I don’t have any respiratory or GI symptoms.  I am tired and a little blah but not crushing fatigue of illness.  I don’t feel sick, but I generally associate body aches like this with being sick.  Do I need a Covid test?  I have a slight hesitation about getting one because my oldest has a specialist medical appointment this week that absolutely HAS to happen this week. We’ve waited months and they turn 18 in a month and will not be eligible and evaluation has to be done by pediatric neurologist. (Sudden tics…adult neurologists here don’t specialize in that.) I could do a binax test.  Can’t go to appointment if a PCR is being done and we probably wouldn’t have it back in 48 hours. 

Yesterday, after (outdoor) church, my husband and I both took a nap.  Got up, ate, my husband went to help his mom who had someone coming to her house to buy a bed and help them move it.  (In laws are moving to a senior living apartment.) He came home and went back to sleep for another couple hours and then went to bed early.  So maybe we are both fighting something?  

Kids are off school for holiday.  Inclination is to take ibuprofen and alternate laying in bed and laying on the couch watching tv. I don’t feel like this needs a doctor appointment.  And do a binax test.  Does that seem reasonable?  It’s just so weird, because I really don’t feel sick.  Just everything hurts.  

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This is probably a long shot, but I felt that way a few years ago. My joints actually swelled up and it was painful to walk, turn my head, everything. It developed over the weekend and I was afraid it was the first presentation of RA. I went to the doctor the following Monday and he ran a few tests but there was nothing conclusive. By then I was starting to feel better so the doctor was like, well I don't know. Then the next weekend, my daughter developed a rash on her cheek. It was Fifth Disease and it explained everything. I guess I caught it first and passed it on to her. 

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See if you have a fever this afternoon after the ibuprofen wears off. There's no way to second guess with ibuprofen in your body. Sometimes you have an ache and no fever, sometimes the ibuprofen brings the temperature down a lot and sometimes only a little. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. 

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Oh my gosh, I'm going through this right now. My body aches like the flu. My head is pounding, my throat is sore and the back of my neck hurts. BUT there are no other symptoms of being sick. No cough, fever, congestion, so I have no idea what's going on. I do hope you feel better soon! If you find out what it is, would you come back and update? 


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I am sorry you are not feeling well--and that your child's medical appointment goes well.

I have had something similar the past few days.  I have been tired and had muscle fatigue--but it feels more like when I was kid and would have been in the hot sun and swimming pool all day and my muscles just feel like jello rather than the achey like a flu.  I have also had a headache and just want to lie on the couch watching old TV shows that I don't have to think about--no fever, no sore throat, no cough, negative COVID.  It all started the day after I got the flu vaccine last week; we have also had windy weather blowing all types of allergens around, So, my best guess is that it is allergies with perhaps a flu vaccine response thrown in.  



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4 hours ago, Katy said:

Hot bath with epsom salts.  Otherwise no.  Hope you feel better soon.

This is to raise your magnesium levels, which is a smooth muscle relaxer.

FWIW, I need a REALLY heavy soak with epsom salts (like two cups of the stuff into a half way full bathtub--it should look briny) AND oral magnesium (the good stuff, not the oxide) when I get achy.

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FWIW, when I am on the edge of getting sick like I think you are, I don't take ibuprofen and I do get into the hot tub to try to get my body temperature up to burn the infection out.  I actually have some success with that.  Fevers are protective, adaptive things.  I'd try to ride out the discomfort in hopes of having a 12 hour fever and getting that infection kicked before it really takes hold.

I would also mask in the house. No one else needs your germs, iykwim.

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31 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

FWIW, when I am on the edge of getting sick like I think you are, I don't take ibuprofen and I do get into the hot tub to try to get my body temperature up to burn the infection out.  I actually have some success with that.  Fevers are protective, adaptive things.  I'd try to ride out the discomfort in hopes of having a 12 hour fever and getting that infection kicked before it really takes hold.

I would also mask in the house. No one else needs your germs, iykwim.

I agree.  Induce a fever with a hot bath or shower, overdress, and go to bed. Preferably for 12+ hours.  I’d forgotten that strategy because we’ve been isolating for so long we haven’t had a bug in a long time.

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Temp is a smidge over 100.  Still definitely have pretty uncomfortable body aches.   My eyes and my head hurt.  But no respiratory or GI symptoms, though I don’t really have an appetite.  I’m very tired and feel kinda weak even though I slept most of the day. 

Probably trying to fight off some nebulous virus?  

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

Temp is a smidge over 100.  Still definitely have pretty uncomfortable body aches.   My eyes and my head hurt.  But no respiratory or GI symptoms, though I don’t really have an appetite.  I’m very tired and feel kinda weak even though I slept most of the day. 

Probably trying to fight off some nebulous virus?  

That sounds like the virus going around my area. 

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18 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I did a binax test, which was negative.  I can go get a PCR tomorrow afternoon, assuming my husband can take our kid to their appointment on Wednesday.  

Yes, but you take one, then take the other at least 36 hours later.

Edited by melmichigan
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16 hours ago, OH_Homeschooler said:

This is probably a long shot, but I felt that way a few years ago. My joints actually swelled up and it was painful to walk, turn my head, everything. It developed over the weekend and I was afraid it was the first presentation of RA. I went to the doctor the following Monday and he ran a few tests but there was nothing conclusive. By then I was starting to feel better so the doctor was like, well I don't know. Then the next weekend, my daughter developed a rash on her cheek. It was Fifth Disease and it explained everything. I guess I caught it first and passed it on to her. 

I had that several years back - I had such awful symptoms and some lasted for months. My doctor had me tested for rubella and sent me to a rheumatologist because she was worried I had lupus. I was so relieved when I figured out what it was. I had pretty much every rare symptom.

OP, I have had body aches and low grade fevers before without any other symptoms. I have suspected gluten in the past (I’m gluten free now) and I think there might also be a connection between the aches and my dust allergy. I’ve noticed feeling achey after cleaning the house (not just muscle aches).

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Okay, I give in.  I’m sick.  I feel absolutely dreadful today.  Throbbing headache, really bad body aches, utter exhaustion.  Fever comes and goes.  There’s no need to try to navigate urgent care, is there?  The thought of being out of bed that long does not appeal.  Anyone with any ideas of things to try?  I feel sick enough to try essential oils.  

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Anyone with any ideas of things to try?

Get a bell? Or is everyone gone to school and work so that you're home alone? 

Do you have a weighted blanket or some extra weight on top of that? Like maybe try *2* weighted blankets for an hour and see how that feels. Might calm things down. I sleep under about 12 pounds of blankets (literally, I weighed them) but I have a 20 pounder for emergencies. 

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5 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

Do you have one? Which? They look amazing. My ds still wets, so everything goes through the filter of whether it washes lol.

I have the Cotton 25 lb, I think.  Can throw it in the wash!  I love the texture.  Pondering a velvet one. 

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I'm feeling much better today. Not well but better. The headache and sore throat started 3 days ago. The intense body ache, headache, sore throat and a sore neck were the next day. Extreme fatigue and even worse body aches were yesterday. I ended up sleeping for most of the day and all of the night. This morning the aches are much more manageable and really the headache is the only bad thing left. So I hope this means that you are coming to the end of the what ever this is soon too. 

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I felt vaguely off but no symptoms I could describe Sunday. Woke up Monday morning with terrible body aches and exhaustion.   Feel worse today. Hoping that means I will feel better tomorrow or Thursday.  

Had a televisit with doc who sent me for covid and flu tests.  Flu was negative.  Wait a couple days on covid. 

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9 hours ago, Terabith said:

I felt vaguely off but no symptoms I could describe Sunday. Woke up Monday morning with terrible body aches and exhaustion.   Feel worse today. Hoping that means I will feel better tomorrow or Thursday.  

Had a televisit with doc who sent me for covid and flu tests.  Flu was negative.  Wait a couple days on covid. 

That sounds so miserable. I hope you feel better soon.

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Really hoping that @stephanier.1765 is right and that after today I will start feeling better.  


I hope your covid test was better than mine! The first one (Walgreens) was just an inch in and you did it yourself. The 2nd was at the doctor's office and that was all the way up to your brain, ouch!! 

18 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Would it be being lazy I tried to sleep???  I am so tired and so sore and achy and exhausted and nauseous.  I am struggling to keep my eyes open, vacillating between everything.  Just feel like I need a real rest

Of course you should rest so you can HEAL. If you're going to keep your eyes open, make sure you put on a movie with some really hot man to cure the nausea.

I hope you feel better when you wake up. 🙂

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Poor you! I hope you feel better soon. Just remember - lots of rest, lots of liquids. If nobody else in your family cooks, order dinner in.


And no, it's not lazy to sleep! It's *responsible*. Your body needs to *rest*. The sooner you do what you're supposed to do, the sooner you'll feel better.

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