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11th grade for 2020-21

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I don't think anyone started a planning thread for 11th grade for this fall. Does anyone else have a rising 11th grade student?

These are our plans, all classes at home:

  • Math - Applied Math (from our province) - will have to add in another half-credit math when this is complete
  • English - homemade CM/SWB-style literature and composition
  • Science - CLE Agriscience
  • Economics - Notgrass
  • World Geography - A Beka (so tempted to try the new Notgrass but maybe not yet)
  • Bible - Bible Quest study

He's only doing one elective this year because the Bible Quest study is a full credit.

Anyone else planning 11th grade?

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Yes... and it's agony.  


  • Math - He could do pre-calc but he would rather do statistics and I think he would be fine either way.  He decided on pre-calc.
  • English - Already completed AP Lit & Comp but "Incomplete" for the spring semester due to COVID anxiety and timed writing.  Not sure whether to have him do AP English Language or let him do the Oak Meadow "Hero's Journey" and find a writing instructor to support that.
  • Science - AP Chem at home.  Not sure if he will sit for the exam.  If he doesn't, we'll transcript it as Honors Chem (but syllabus has been approved by College Board, so we can do it as AP)
  • SS- US History - I will be teaching this to a group on Outschool using Zinn's "A Young People's History of the United States".
  • Foreign Language - After 2 years of Lukeion Latin and honors on the NLE, he wants to drop Latin 😵 and switch to Italian (our family is in Italy and we've been able to visit, but he can't communicate with them).  I just feel like he needs some kind of consistency on his transcript.  😕
  • Accounting - I'll be teaching him this.  It's a feeling out for possible future work (even if only a bookkeeping side hustle)

I'm feeling a bit anxious that these aren't nailed down yet.  I'm also mildly freaking out about his "Incomplete" grade for spring in AP Lit (he got a B or B- for his Fall grade).  He has other good grades for the spring (AP Human Geo, Latin 2, an Anatomy & Physiology course at the local college) so it's clear he's not a complete screw-up.  But he has horrifying test anxiety and the increased practice timed writings did him in. 

I also really need to find a writing "tutor" that's willing to follow the Hero's Journey curricula because that's really what he'd like to be doing for ELA this year.

Also--input on doing Algebra 2 and then Stats--bypassing the calcs?  He can do calc, but he's really interested in stats.  I don't even know where to find a good stats course.  Derek Owens doesn't have it.  He's not a fan of AoPS (I didn't check if they have it).

Edited by Amommymoose
No deletions but adding about a decision made so that further conversation isn't based on inaccuracies.
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Maths - continue with dual enrollment 

English - AP English Lit (Summer)

Social Sciences- American Govt (Summer, half credit), completed economics, US history and world history 

Japanese  - continue with dual enrollment 

Computer Science  - continue with dual enrollment 

Science - he has completed 3 lab sciences (env sci, chem, physics) so if community college is back on campus in winter, he might take astronomy or physics there. 


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We repeated 10th grade to give her more time to mature and catch up on math, more time to learn to drive, etc. (also she has a summer birthday.)

Bible - TBD
British Lit. - reading works this summer, adding something for composition during the school year. 
Geometry - local tutorial
US History - at home or local tutorial
Japanese 2 - WTMA

Life Skills - Driver's License and possibly work

(She's already had physical science with lab, biology with lab and computer science.  We might do chemistry next year.)

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11 hours ago, Amommymoose said:

Yes... and it's agony.  


  • Math - He could do pre-calc but he would rather do statistics and I think he would be fine either way.
  • English - Already completed AP Lit & Comp but "Incomplete" for the spring semester due to COVID anxiety and timed writing.  Not sure whether to have him do AP English Language or let him do the Oak Meadow "Hero's Journey" and find a writing instructor to support that.
  • Science - AP Chem at home.  Not sure if he will sit for the exam.  If he doesn't, we'll transcript it as Honors Chem (but syllabus has been approved by College Board, so we can do it as AP)
  • SS- US History - I will be teaching this to a group on Outschool using Zinn's "A Young People's History of the United States".
  • Foreign Language - After 2 years of Lukeion Latin and honors on the NLE, he wants to drop Latin 😵 and switch to Italian (our family is in Italy and we've been able to visit, but he can't communicate with them).  I just feel like he needs some kind of consistency on his transcript.  😕
  • Accounting - I'll be teaching him this.  It's a feeling out for possible future work (even if only a bookkeeping side hustle)

I'm feeling a bit anxious that these aren't nailed down yet.  I'm also mildly freaking out about his "Incomplete" grade for spring in AP Lit (he got a B or B- for his Fall grade).  He has other good grades for the spring (AP Human Geo, Latin 2, an Anatomy & Physiology course at the local college) so it's clear he's not a complete screw-up.  But he has horrifying test anxiety and the increased practice timed writings did him in. 

I also really need to find a writing "tutor" that's willing to follow the Hero's Journey curricula because that's really what he'd like to be doing for ELA this year.

Also--input on doing Algebra 2 and then Stats--bypassing the calcs?  He can do calc, but he's really interested in stats.  I don't even know where to find a good stats course.  Derek Owens doesn't have it.  He's not a fan of AoPS (I didn't check if they have it).

For the AP Lit and Comp, can he complete the course now?  Or can you make it an "at home" course and consider the outsourced part (that he completed) one of your resources?  Then decide how much more he needs to complete to satisfy your requirements and give him a corresponding grade.  Or, give him half credit for AP with a B and half credit for "English 2" (requirements determined by you) with a corresponding grade determined by you.  I'm not sure what would be best in your situation, but maybe others will have some ideas.  

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Here’s the plan for DD’s 11th Grade this year:

WHA AP Stats

Blue Tent Honors Pre-Calculus (SAT II)

Blue Tent Honors Biology (SATII)

PAH AP English Literature

PAH AP Psychology

CLRC Latin 3

Plus, some easy summer credit in ‘21 (music appreciation maybe?). She did 7 credits in each of 9th & 10th grade, so I’d like to remain consistent, but with 3 AP’s, 2 Honors courses, and Latin 3, I feel like she will be maxed-out during the year. If we don’t accomplish a full credit course next summer, it’s probably no big deal. 

She will have completed her driving hours and will be eligible to test for her driver’s license when she turns 16 in late-October. 

Assuming things don’t continue on the current trajectory (exploding COVID-19 infection rates), she will return to her residential ballet program Labor Day weekend. If she is prevented from returning, she will be sad and it will derail her ballet dreams, but I will love having her home and allowing her to prioritize academics. 

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2 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

For the AP Lit and Comp, can he complete the course now?  Or can you make it an "at home" course and consider the outsourced part (that he completed) one of your resources?  Then decide how much more he needs to complete to satisfy your requirements and give him a corresponding grade.  Or, give him half credit for AP with a B and half credit for "English 2" (requirements determined by you) with a corresponding grade determined by you.  I'm not sure what would be best in your situation, but maybe others will have some ideas.  


That's brilliant.  Yup--I could do that.  I'll apply to College Board if we opt to finish out AP.  Holy moly--I can't thank you enough.

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DD is doing:

Math - finish Video Text Geometry and move on to Chalkdust pre-calc

English - IEW Writing the Research Paper and reading/discussing Moby Dick, Hamlet, Robinson Crusoe, Huck Finn, My Antonia, The Inferno, Anna Karenina, Beowulf (her choices) - also Vocab from Classical Roots once/week

Government (half credit) - The Noble Experiment with Crash Course videos and a few Critical Thinking in US History lessons- I actually kinda hate Noble Experiment but I can't find anything else I do like and I already own it, so ...

Economics (half credit) - Great Courses

Child Development - using the college text by Laura Berk - hoping to get a few moms of preschoolers from our church to bring their kids over one morning a week starting 2nd semester for her to plan activities for them and implement them and write up how it went, but not sure how covid will impact this plan - plan B is to use my youngest DD as her guinea pig as she'll be almost 2 by then - she is super excited about this one and I am too 😊

Spanish III - Visual Link

Science - Apologia Advanced Biology

PE (quarter credit) - little bit of personal fitness every day - walking, running, biking, whatever 

SAT prep once a week

Extracurriculars - speech and debate club in the fall and drama troupe in the winter/spring - again, we'll have to see what covid allows to happen with these 

She wants to quit piano this year after taking lessons since 4th grade ☹

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2 hours ago, Momto6inIN said:

Child Development - using the college text by Laura Berk - hoping to get a few moms of preschoolers from our church to bring their kids over one morning a week starting 2nd semester for her to plan activities for them and implement them and write up how it went, but not sure how covid will impact this plan - plan B is to use my youngest DD as her guinea pig as she'll be almost 2 by then - she is super excited about this one and I am too 😊

SAT prep once a week

Child Development sounds super fun & useful!

Do you assign any credit for SAT prep? Just curious if anyone does. I’m leaning toward no, but ???

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Dd15 is my 3rd 11th grader.  We are doing mostly the same things that her brother and sister did, with a few changes.


Math -- Saxon Algebra

Language -- Apologia American Literature

History -- Notgrass American History

Science -- Apologia Biology (finishing from last year)


She will also continue with three electives: Sewing, Costume Design, and Fashion Drawing.  This is done all on her own -- I just grade and give credit for what she does on her own.


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My oldest will be in 11th. This is my child who HATES school and it’s hard to believe she’s nearly done. We were supposed to start today but just got home from vacation early this morning and we’re exhausted. 

Bible/History/Literature - MFW World History and Literature

        This will cover New Testament for Bible, World History beginning with the fall of Rome, and British Literature. There’ll be some writing involved of course and we’ll be doing the last season of AG plus the British Lit reinforcement book. She’ll  be doing this with her younger sister who will be in 9th. 

Math - MUS Geometry plus a review of Algebra 1 

       She did MUS Algebra 1 last year but we’ll be making another pass through with an old textbook my mom gave me. Math is this DD’s least favorite subject I’m just trying to get her to the highest level we can manage before she graduates.


Science - Apologia Biology with all labs

       We’ve put off a full lab science long enough. We’ve done some easier things but this year I want to her to push herself some more (meaning I’ll be doing the pushing). My younger two DDs will most likely do Biology next year (2021/2022) so I may have all three girls do the dissections in the second half of the year together rather than doing them two years in a row. 

Language - ASL

        This will be her 3rd year taking ASL with a group of her friends. One of the girls’ grandmother’s, who used to teach in a local PS, teaches it. DD loves this class. It feeds her artsy side and provides much needed friendships. 

Extras -

1) She’ll continue taking piano lessons and I may add a theory course geared toward hymn playing.

2) She’ll be taking karate classes 3 days a week. She’s getting close to getting her black belt and has started doing some teaching in class. I’m going to encourage her to add some daily fitness time in as well. She needs a PE credit but I don’t want to count the karate. I’d rather leave that as an extra curricular. 

3) She’ll loves all things art and will be doing the half credit Art Appreciation course through EasyPeasy as well as taking an art class and teaching one to younger kids. Also, many hours watching YouTube videos and painting and drawing on her own. I’ll build a credit out of all this.

4) Getting her Driver’s License. She is scheduled to take her permit test on Wednesday. Then we’ll start working on her hours and the class she needs to take. Depending on where we end up with credits (I’m a little behind on her transcripts right now) I may add this to a life skills credit. We’ll see. 

5) Working. She’s working on a farm this summer but will be looking for something else this fall when the farm work ends. A job has been great for her. 

6) Cross country road trip. We have a 6+ week cross country camping road trip planned for this fall. We are hoping it still works out. We are mostly planning on outdoor activities and national parks. I’m not counting it as school I don’t think, but it will be a great experience if it can happen. 

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    Rhetoric I — Rhetoric Alive! Book 1 by Classical Academic Press (1 credit)
    British Literature — Old Western Culture: Early Moderns by Wesley Callihan of Roman Roads Media Press* (1 credit)

    Calculus I — Early Transcendental Functions 9th Edition by Ron Larson and Calculus I by Chalk Dust (1 credit)

    Chemistry — BJU Press 11 Chemistry (1 credit)

Social Studies:
    American History – Dave Raymond's U.S. History (1 credit)

    Spanish 1 — BJU Press Spanish 1 (1 credit)

    Guitar 3 – Private Lessons with two performances (1 credit)

    Philosophy – Old Western Culture: Early Moderns by Wesley Callihan of Roman Roads Media Press* (1 credit)
    Apologetics 2 — CAP 201 & 202 by Answers in Genesis (0.5 credit)
    P.E. 3 – Archery, Pistol & Smallbore Rifle, and Strength Training, also Basic Life Support CPR (BLS certification) (0.5 credit)

*Integrated Humanities – 1 Literature Credit and 1 Social Studies or Elective Credit

PSAT in October
SAT in December

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US Government - dual enrollment

Inter. Algebra - dual enrollment

Human Nutrition - dual enrollment

Core Biology I w/Lab - dual enrollment

Medical Skills III - local public high school


The last two are now up in the air. Biology with lab is too important for her to be taking it online. She does much better with in-person classes. It looks like all college classes near us may be online in the fall. The Medical Skills class is part of a magnet program she has been in for two years already. She really wants the class and will lose all of the benefits of the program if she doesn't take it, but I don't really want her in the high school every day. Florida government has not made educated decisions concerning school openings recently. At least my daughter agrees with me on that. We have difficult decisions to make the next couple of weeks. The two classes most important to her may just need to be dropped for this school year. 😞

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This is for my DS who has never liked school and has been threatening to quit high school since March. He has agreed, for now anyway, to finish high school but I am trying to lighten his load for next year a bit. I have agreed to let him drop a third year of foreign language (Latin) since a college he may go to is only requiring two years of high school foreign language. He is "ahead" in social sciences/history due to beginning the high school course sequence in 8th grade. He actually really enjoys history! Consequently, I am planning only a semester of social studies for 11th grade. We also allowed him to drop his music (drums) after two years so there will be fewer things he "has" to do overall.

English composed of:

Grammar: Easy Grammar Ultimate Grade 11; Stewart English books 2 and 3

Vocabulary: Sadlier Oxford Level F (11th grade)

Composition: Assignments drawn from Writing with Skill Levels 1, 2, 3; IEW Advanced US History theme book; assorted assignments across the curriculum maybe using The Power in Your Hands and The Writing Revolution; potentially a short online course in writing research papers

Literature: Reading and discussing a list of novels and short stories; poetry study (not sure how yet); analysis of some famous speeches


Algebra II probably with Math U See. My DS truly dislikes math even though he is good at it. Geometry this year has been agony as he likes Algebra better even though he really doesn't like math at all. 

Social Studies/History:

United States Government (1) semester online with extra readings from me. Possibly an online course about Supreme Court cases in the spring semester.


Forensics with lab at co-op (if co-op happens this fall). DS really doesn't like science mainly due to having to write lab reports. I am hoping he finds forensics intriguing.


Health  (1 semester credit)

Personal Finance (1 semester credit)

One more elective but not sure what it will be yet, maybe intermediate logic as he has already  had introductory logic. Maybe cinema studies since he likes movies. Not sure.

He's had his driving permit since last year and completed the classroom portion of Driver's Ed this last spring. Now, he is finishing with his behind-the-wheel driving hours and is on target to get his driver's license this fall. Currently he works 20 hours per week to save for his car and insurance.

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DD's current plan.  It'll be a stretch year.  I'm hoping her current enthusiasm will carry her through. 🙂


  • AP Physic C (Mech & EM) - PAH
  • AP Chem - PAH
  • AP USH - PAH
  • English - plan was a pair of DE classes at the local JC, but unclear if we can be in the area, if they'll be holding classes, etc. May need a backup plan.
  • Prob & Counting (AoPS intro and intermediate books). Also wants to make a big push for a solid AMC12 score
  • ASL 3 - OpenTent
  • Scouts BSA - Eagle Project done by end of summer (mask making and distribution), Eagle Scout by December.  But she's the incoming SPL, so there will be much scouting the whole year.
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1 hour ago, AEC said:


  • English - plan was a pair of DE classes at the local JC, but unclear if we can be in the area, if they'll be holding classes, etc. May need a backup plan.

It’s online for Fall 2020 at your nearest community college, their class schedule is out. 

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7 hours ago, Arcadia said:

It’s online for Fall 2020 at your nearest community college, their class schedule is out. 


thanks. At this point we're pretty good at fully online classes.  For older brother, Eng01A and 03 (composition) where his introduction to 'regular' in-person classes.  I was kind-of hoping for a similar experience for DD16, but it seems not to be. oh well...at least scheduling time to take the placement test is easy!

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This year, all my kids were going to a charter school and I was going to be the one in school.  Then covid and stuff.

So, my 11th grade plan:

Chemistry online w/Schole Academy

Alg2 w/Schole Academy

He's supposed to take English and Welding at the PS.  Our area is exploding with covid cases at present.  We are a hot spot, but public school is supposed to start in three and a half weeks.  Who knows if schools will open or if they will stay open?  If he's home for English, we'll do Windows to the World and something? for the other 1/2 credit.

Audio book literature list from me (with or without the school's English class)

TOG year 1 history + geography with siblings

Lots of working, golf team, battlebots


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Mine is supposed to be starting dual enrollment part time, but I seriously doubt I'll be comfortable letting him go in person this fall in our area. So things are a bit up in the air right now, but tentatively:

Math: AP Calc AB at home (DH is a high school calculus teacher, so this is all on him)

History: AP US history at home (I'm putting this together; I'm doing a very thorough planning job compared to what I usually would, since it's been one of my quarantine projects. His 9th grade brother will join in, too)

English: American Lit, which I'm also putting together to go along with APUSH

Science: he's supposed to be taking "introduction to landforms" class DE (I wanted him to take physics, but the prereq rules are annoying, so that will have to wait for senior year). This might get pushed back to next semester or maybe he can do it online. We'll see. 

Spanish: again, supposed to be DE. He's done 2 years through Georgia Virtual School, so it's possible I could sign him up to do that again, but he'd much rather do it DE. I'm planning to do a fairly casual Spanish at home with my 9th grader, so he could always join in on that and still get plenty of Spanish in DE spring and/or next year.

Music Theory: Well Trained Mind Academy

He's also supposed to be playing clarinet in at least one youth symphony and auditioning for another one next month, but...we'll see. He'll take clarinet and piano either virtually or in person. He's planning to major in music, so that part is really tough. I'm SO glad he's not a senior this year, at least. 

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AP Calculus BC: Blue Tent

Physics: Holt homeschool package

Economics: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt homeschool package

Japanese: Genki 2

British & American Literature: homebrewed including Progeny Press poetry study guide

Game development: continuing from last year using book Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development

Driver's Ed: parent-taught, continuing from last year at a rather leisurely pace

Also working on SAT prep and USA Computing Olympiad. Was planning to volunteer as a tutor and may be able to do so remotely. He's also in a swordfighting club but has not been able to attend due to COVID.

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We're still working on planning for my 11th grader.  So far we know:

AP Calculus AB: Kolbe Academy Online

AP Biology: Kolbe Academy Online

Spanish III: Kolbe Academy Online

Probably American History, either a one year course, or the first half of a two year course

Possibly Government

English 11, though no idea what we will be using

Art, but not sure what we will be using

At least one more elective


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Our semi-finalized plans!

AP Calc BC (either BT or PAH)

AP Lit & Comp (PAH)


Anatomy & Physiology (local teacher, but online) OR AP Chem (not sure he can manage it though with along with the rest of the load)

French 3 (either online or local cc)

US govt (home, thought it would go nicely with APUSH)

(needs one more class either 1/2 credit or 1)... still mulling this one... 

Anyone know of a good web design class that's not too intensive? lol  (He took AP CS this year and liked it)



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My 11th grader is my easiest to plan for this year, she's doing online college classes from two different schools plus online Arabic tutoring. And she'll keep doing Irish dance and karate and working as a karate instructor. It's a full schedule, the hardest bit is actually going to be fitting in driving practice and driver's ed.

She doesn't care for academics so once she figured out she could cut down on the total number of years in school by doing college classes in high school she jumped at the chance 😂

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2 hours ago, maize said:


She doesn't care for academics so once she figured out she could cut down on the total number of years in school by doing college classes in high school she jumped at the chance 😂

Mine doesn’t want to be a high schooler anymore but he still have some high school credits undone. So doing only dual enrollment full time next year.

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On 7/18/2020 at 9:36 AM, maize said:

My 11th grader is my easiest to plan for this year, she's doing online college classes from two different schools plus online Arabic tutoring. And she'll keep doing Irish dance and karate and working as a karate instructor . working on her art skills, selling the occasional commission online.  It's a full schedule, the hardest bit is actually going to be fitting in driving practice and driver's ed.

She doesn't care for academics so once she figured out she could cut down on the total number of years in school by doing college classes in high school she jumped at the chance 😂


For my own rising 11th grader I can copy and paste with just a wee alteration!  😄

And other than Arabic, nothing is scheduled before 11 am!

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I have my 3rd 11th grader this year (only two more to go). He won't start this schedule until October, though. He's focusing on PSAT/SAT Prep, and finishing up some things from last year.  He's narrowed his college path to three schools, so we're tailoring to those school's degree path. He's interested in Computer Engineering and possibly video game design, so using ABET Computer Engineering and interests to guide what comes next.

  • Math -- Precalculus (this is mostly a review, looking for any potential gaps), Starting Calculus 1 (going to stretch this over 2 years, mostly don't want to lose the math skills, he'll be retaking Calculus in college), Statistics, and Intro to Discrete Math are the main courses this year (AoPS Number Theory books and Counting & Probability).
  • English -- Textword Press American Literature, Killgallon, Abeka Grammar V (CLEP exam)
  • Economics (Economics in One Lesson, Penny Candy, etc.) CLEP study/exams for both Macro and Micro
  • Chemistry (BJU) 
  • Philosophy (Consequences of Ideas, Everything Philosophy make up the bulk of this course) (CLEP exam)
  • Mandarin (Udemy/EdX) 
  • Technical Literacy (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher); He'll probably do a computer animation course after these, as these most likely won't take him more than a semester.
  • Computer Science Courses (Intro to Programming, Intro to Operating Systems, Database, Python, C, C++, Java,  Programming in R, Intro to Linux, basically, just taking one after the other.)
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A son--finish A Fresh Approach Algebra 2 (completion likely late Sept/early Oct); Move to Lial's Pre-Calculus
B son--finish MUS Algebra 2, moving into MUS Pre-Calc when ready (My goal for B is to have a solid algebra 1 and 2 foundation) 

English 11: IEW Writing Research Papers (in process now); following with IEW Advanced Communication Series; Literature component is still being planned

Science: Physics (A-Jay Wile text; B-conceptual physics)

Foreign Language: ULAT Spanish 

Social Studies: Finishing Oak Meadow US History mid-Fall; may move into Government or another course

Other: working on study skills/executive function; drawing for 1; PE/fitness; SAT prep for 1

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On 7/17/2020 at 4:11 PM, Lisa in the UP of MI said:

We're still working on planning for my 11th grader.  So far we know:

AP Calculus AB: Kolbe Academy Online

AP Biology: Kolbe Academy Online

Spanish III: Kolbe Academy Online

Probably American History, either a one year course, or the first half of a two year course

Possibly Government

English 11, though no idea what we will be using

Art, but not sure what we will be using

At least one more elective


We have the rest of dd's subjects decided, but not what materials we'll be using.

She will be taking the three classes at Kolbe Academy (AP Calculus, AP Biology, and Spanish III).

She wants to prep at home for the AP English Language and Composition exam, but not take an online class.

Government & Ecomonics, 1 semester each

Drawing & Painting, 1 semester each

Religion 11

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This is the latest I have ever been trying to plan for fall (we start in 3 weeks and I ordered my stuff yesterday) but it's been a crazy spring/summer.  And that's not even factoring in anything to do with covid.  Plus after telling me he REALLY REALLY wanted to study Ancient History and Literature this year, tells me yesterday about 5 minutes before I place my curriculum order, that he didn't actually mean Ancient LITERATURE, just history.  (I really need the emoji smashing it's head into the wall right now)  SO.  This is my "kinda" plan. 

Math:  Algebra 2 (BJU)

Science:  Anatomy and Physiology (Apologia)

English:  Writing/Grammar (BJU) and for Literature I'm pulling choices from a couple of different sources to make a "World Literature" type course.

History:  World History: Ancients  (this might end up just being a regular world history course.  We will see.  This is what I will be spending time planning over the next couple of weeks, but he's already studied the middle ages up through modern history in depth so he wants to focus on ancients)

Foreign Language: ULAT  (First time using this.  I'm a little nervous about using this instead of having a live teacher/online class)


Elective: Shakespeare Tragedies : Lightning Literature 

Another possible elective: Creative Writing or a Computer class if I can find one online

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On 7/4/2020 at 5:02 PM, Amommymoose said:


  • English - Already completed AP Lit & Comp but "Incomplete" for the spring semester due to COVID anxiety and timed writing.  Not sure whether to have him do AP English Language or let him do the Oak Meadow "Hero's Journey" and find a writing instructor to support that.

I also really need to find a writing "tutor" that's willing to follow the Hero's Journey curricula because that's really what he'd like to be doing for ELA this year.


Did you find a tutor? Oak Meadow has a tutoring service you can use while studying their subjects independently: www.oakmeadow.com/support-and-tutoring/ 

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Math: Derek Owens Precalculus - the only class not taught by me

Science: Biology - using Oak Meadow's new high school biology as a spine, tweaked to allow a deep dive into the deep ocean and octopuses

English: Finishing Byline (Clearwater Press) for an easy US literature credit. Homemade Chinese literature study of the 4 great novels

History: East Asian history using Ebrey and Walthall, East Asia as a spine

Foreign Language: Japanese using Genki as a spine, and probably italki for conversation practice

Art: Okay I don't teach this either. This is DD's passion - she spends at least 2 hours every day learning, creating, challenging herself

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  • 4 months later...

I was so upset that there wasn't an 11th grade planning thread most of the spring/summer, and I missed this one when it finally came up! Since it is time to start planning the new semester, I will put what we have been doing, and what I think the new semester will look like. 


math: mine is finally getting Algebra. She has to get through Geometry and Alg 2 still to get the state college tuition scholarship that we qualify for by income here.  But I am just so glad that she is finally getting this! So right now we are closer to done with this course, then we will move into Geometry.  We are leaning towards adding an extra year of high school for her to get caught up here, but aren't sure yet. We will wait and see how she does on ACT in the coming semester after some geometry.   We plan to work through the summers to get the last two courses in, but if it is just too much, then we will add another high school year.  She is not against this.   She could work a lot of hours, save some money, and really only work on math and art and dance and theater that year. It would be a good semi gap year.

English: we have used an American Literature, a Chronological Approach book very sparingly, mostly for poetry this semester. She has read one novel and written a fantastic essay for that. We have read a couple of novels aloud together, and we are currently working in depth on poetry units that include writing poetry. She has done a lot of journaling and writing prompt type writing. We have not done much grammar review this semester, and I might add that in coming up.  She also uses Dyslexia Games journals for some basic vision therapy exercises and their spelling journals for working on spelling, which is a need for her. Sometimes we throw in some Spelling Power activities from an old activity card set we have.  She has continued to read through The Well Educated Mind this year. I believe she read the novel section when she did the Well Trained Mind style work on The Great Gatsby.  I need to have her read the poetry section since that is what we have focused on this semester. 

Spanish 2: This is her 2nd year of Spanish, but we are still working through a Spanish 1 course from Schoolhouseteachers dot com. She will finish it by Christmas and start the Spanish 2 over the 2nd semester. We have been working through a CD course that I have for listening and pronunciation practice and she does Mango lessons free from our library. I have stacks of children's books in Spanish that she reads aloud as well. 

Economics: This is one course that we are actually doing in its assigned one semester time frame (not the norm for us. We start subjects and take as long as want on them, studying them, stretching out curriculum, as we want or need to. I will often give a one semester credit for a subject we work on all year, because we do it once a week or something instead of completing it in the one semester.) Anyway, for her basic text she is reading the basic, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy. Then she has a Thinking Tree Economics journal that assigns projects like researching and setting up a budget, a business, doing definitions, watching YouTube videos on certain topics. I really wish I had had this for my odd. It makes a nice full course. I did find a unit in an economics course on Christmas economics that I am going to have her work through this month. It includes a lot of graphing and other skills work. 

Art: We don't follow a prescribed course here. I do assign projects at times, or have her work with me as a family, but for the most part, she explores different media and skills on her own. So far this year she has built a miniature "room" from a cardboard box completely decorated and furnished. She made all of the miniatures in the room from magazines, cardboard, paint, and things from around the house. Very cool. She works on small drawings and paintings with us in our nature journals as a family (we did a unit on acorns last month that was fun.) DD6 is doing Drawing with Children, so she has done a couple of projects with her. She is finishing a large scale acrylic painting which is actually a painting of a collage that she made earlier this year when she was into collage that she really liked. She is entering one of her pen and inks from earlier this year into a homeschool art show this month.   We usually enter several of her favorites into the state fair creative arts contests each fall,  but of course that wasn't an option this year. She will put them in next year. This is her real passion, along with dance/musical theater/costuming. She is just an artist!  I think for her senior year art I will assign some learning to make an art portfolio, art journal, and how to prepare pieces properly. Those would be new skills for me. We did some of it in high school art a LONG time ago, so I remember some tricks. I did three years of high school art, so she gets a lot of her love of art from me, but I never went on and did any in college or after, besides just enjoying it with them. I think she will pursue the arts in some way. Next semester, I have no plans. She will come up with projects of her own. I did print out lesson plans from Schoolhouseteachers dot com from their Teen Studio Art course. We have done lesson from it before, it is art and literature together with some art history.  I chose a unit on Snow and Ice that I thought she could work through when she finishes some other things if she is interested. 

History: So we have always followed the WTM history schedule and a lot of the style of work. My odd graduated doing WTM cycles completely. This one always followed along, and my ydd is in 1st grade, and fit perfectly into the cycles to start an ancients year this year. So we are in SOTW1 with her. This SHOULD be an ancients year for dd16.  But truly- she has enough history/social studies to graduate already. Last year was heavy with Am. History, State History, and Government credits.  Plus she had the year before that for a year of World History, early moderns. So what has actually happened is that she has just continued forward in Am. History from where we were last year.  She said every time we go through Am. History, we hit the early times then all of the wars heavily, and just have to breeze through a few small readings and topics of the 20th century. Not untrue.  So she decided to keep moving forward.  Last year she got a half credit for the History of Fashion. We used a Fashion History unit study course that was AMAZING.  It was meant to be an 11 week one semester course, with added projects for art, English, cooking, museum studies, computer projects, and a final project assignment for high school credit. You could pick which way you wanted to lean with it= more towards someone interested in theater costuming or museum studies, or art and handicrafts. Well, we did it all. My dd was dancing in a community theater production over the previous summer and volunteered in the costuming, so she had experience and interest in that. We had attended a seminar at Mt. Vernon on seeing history through the Washington's clothing, and we were just fascinated with it all. So she used a Thinking Tree fashion journal which incorporated small history assignments and a history textbook over the course of the entire year. We chose a movie per decade to go with it to watch. She has designed and drawn fashions and read a history costuming book.  She has just continued with the fashion journal and history book after she completed the unit study book for this semester.    I don't know if she wants to continue this or or do a semester humanities course for next semester in the ancients. I bought several Great Courses sets on different topics that she could do.  But she is really enjoying what she is doing.  I will just have to decide how to assign a course title for this year for this. Last year she got her full credit of Am. History and a one semester credit for The History of Fashion as a fine arts elective.   So I need a title for this year... Maybe History of Fashion 2?   Simple enough. I am obviously thinking all of this through as I go here. 

elective: Human Development/Child Development.  She is doing these courses from 7sistershomeschool with a co-op class. They do the projects and activities there. She does the reading at home. They have a preschool class there to observe and do projects with.  They are two separate one semester courses, one this semester, one next. 

Driver's Ed.  I do give a one semester credit for this.  We put in the time.  She is about to take her driver's permit test this week.  After that it is just driving practice and the AAA parent taught course videos and final test. But it is a course that she works through. 

Speech/Theater.  I think I will just call this speech/rhetoric. She did two online courses over the summer. One was a VarsityTutors course on the works of Frederick Douglass.  Then she did a summer program through Ford's Theater on the speeches of Abraham Lincoln.  Both required a lot of reading, writing, and speaking.  Currently she is doing a weekly Masterclass on zoom with our state's Shakespeare in the Park on different topics to do with speaking, acting, and even the business side of being an actor. She is participating in a co-op play this year too. It is booked to be performed on a college stage in May (we will see if that happens. Her friends' production was recently canceled.) But I think I will keep the play as extracurricular along with the other productions she has done. She has done enough work for a speech one semester credit. 

PE/dance  I give a half credit (one semester) credit each year for this because of the hours she and my odd put into this.  This year has had limited hours because of studio closings.  (Try keeping in shape over zoom in a 1000 sq. foot house when you are taller than the average size woman...) and of course limited performing opportunities.   Usually she is dancing in fairs, videos, on stages, in nursing homes, and things all year.  But it isn't her fault.  She is there and doing all that she can. So she'll get her half credit still.   She still volunteers in younger classes as a volunteer teacher too when the studio is open. 


So this semester changes:  

She is mostly done with economics and speech. So she can put those aside to put more time in on Spanish and Art.  We will just move forward in math and English.  We need to decide what to do in History.  Her choice there.  I don't have a lot of plans for English yet. I have doing about a month in advance of plans so far and that seems to work for us to have wiggle room.  It will kind of depend on what she chooses for History too. If she chooses to stay in Am. History we will choose more modern works, at least two novels and more poetry and short stories. If she wants ancients, then I will probably just choose one important work and do it in depth over the semester with her. 

She will move from the Human Development course to the Child Development course at co-op. 

Spanish 2: move into the actual Spanish 2 coursework, but keep up the extras we are doing. 

Math. finish alg. 1, start Mr. D's geometry

Driver's ed: do the required driving and take the driver's license driving test and the final AAA test to pass that course are the ultimate goals. 

We need to add test prep and schedule her first ACT to get a grasp on where she is. She only needs a certain score and the required classes to get the state tuition scholarship. We need a baseline for her, but she can retake over senior year to get to the required score if needed.  And as I said, if necessary, we aren't against giving her another year of high school. She is a late summer bday.  She has dyslexia.  She would benefit from the extra time. 





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