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Let's Brag-What did you buy today that was FABULOUS!?

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OK, so I'm going to brag, but, I have had a horrible week so this totally makes up for it!


Our computer (Desktop) crashed Wednesday, and I HAD to buy a new one:nopity: I am sitting at a brand spanking new, shiny Dell laptop. It TOTALLY makes up for my husband wiping our hard drive of 6 years clean in a freak accident. Yes, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth at our house this week, but he has more than made up for it. I may never forgive him for losing all our pictures from the last year (Praise GOD we found a disk from Jan 2008 where he backed up the pictures up till then, or my youngest would have no baby pictures), but at least he backed up Homeschool Tracker and Quicken before he decided to "play" with the computer.


OK, so, I digress. I went out at 3:00 pm and finished my Christmas shopping. Here's what I bought that was FABULOUS:


1. The Dell (obviously)

2. 2 shuffles - one for each girl with matching headphones (Oh yeah, I'm the Mom)

3. a Hanna Montana pillow that is really a huge plush diary that locks and has a place for her shuffle to plug in so she can listen to it through the pillow. (I AM the best Mommy ever!!!!)




Thanks for letting me brag. Feel free to brag at will


PS Did I mention hubby has said this is MY computer. He won't "play with it" without my permission:party: (We have an ancient laptop with little to no memory and a dead battery that he messes around with. That's his computer now:glare:)

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Well, I just posted in the Buy Nothing day that all I bought was antibiotics for my two sick little guys. But it slipped my mind that I picked up an item that I bought used through a local newsletter from another family for $25.


It is a Scoop digger (from Bob the Builder) motorized ride on toy. This is for my 3 year old, who I can never think of some big WOW present that his big brother hasn't already had. It looks pretty much new and is already assembled, yay!


Here is a pic. It has been discontinued but sold for around $199. The lady I bought it from said it was a gift from the grandparents and they got another different motorized vehicle at the same time.



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But it slipped my mind that I picked up an item that I bought used through a local newsletter from another family for $25.


It is a Scoop digger (from Bob the Builder) motorized ride on toy. This is for my 3 year old, who I can never think of some big WOW present that his big brother hasn't already had. It looks pretty much new and is already assembled, yay!



WAY TO GO! I know exactly what you mean about struggling to get a gift that the oldest hasn't already had. It's even better when you get something used, isn't it? You feel like such a spend thrift.



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I went out shopping later in the morning...


I found DS2 a translucent colored Doodle Pro with a drawer to hold the magnetic shapes for $10 and an Elmo doll for $12.50. I really wanted to get him the cool Elmo Live but can't afford the $60 price tag on that.


I found DD8 and DS6 three Wii games on our top priority list to go with the Wii DH got for free. They were used but guaranteed to play and at a better price. Plus they were buy 2 get 1 free. The three games came to $56. My son found a GameCube game for DH for $4. I had him looking at the GameCube games to keep him occupied while I secretly bought the Wii games.


So, nothing huge but I was happy about the prices.

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OK...you'll laugh...I was in Kohl's and found an adorable towel with a snowman who had a black top hat--which matched a new soap dispenser I recently purchased. Of course, the store I was in only had ONE so I had to hit another...well, actually, three other...Kohls to find another towel. :D


Other than that, our excitement for the day was picking up Kung Foo Panda for $9 and Batman Begins for $3.98.

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Today I bought a stuffed animal hippo. It was for me, a stuffed hippo is in my story I've been working on and it was a reward for finishing. It is also a visual aid to help me continue my writing.


What I had, not bought, was a great day with my family. We went shopping in the afternoon and there was no weeping or gnashing of teeth from anyone. We pre-shopped for a lot of items. We maneuvered through the crowds with ease and grace. :D


My ds spent some money he was saving and bought a paintball gun and gear. We had a great chat as a family about responsibility and economics.


I was just a beautiful day all around. That was the best deal ever.

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Does this count? We made the down payment and signed the loan paperwork for a home on 1/2 acre of land. The payments will be $40 more than our rent.


We will be closer to dh's job, a larger homeschool group and a great library!!




Oh, that is just the best!


Happy thoughts to you.




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I was ordering DVDs for the kids..... and found something for me. Totally frivolous, totally throwback to the childhood, but i bought it (and i guess that is my birthday present from teh family 'eh?)




Otherwise nothing exciting! LOL!!

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I was ordering DVDs for the kids..... and found something for me. Totally frivolous, totally throwback to the childhood, but i bought it (and i guess that is my birthday present from teh family 'eh?)




Otherwise nothing exciting! LOL!!


Oh my, I sort of remember that show!!! It's educational, for ancient history, right? Enjoy!!!


(Now I'm looking at all the old series DVD on there)

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So you're the pone that got my 99 cent poinsettias, LOL!


I wasn't looking for any big ticket Black Friday items, but needed to take my 12yo dress shopping for her Christmas Banquet. We went to Penney's and found a dress she loved marked down from $70 to $35. It looks like she can re-wear it for other occasions and she can wear it for a while while she grows...I'm happy!

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Well, I wanted the pre-lit Christmas tree at Home Depot, and I got there 10 minutes after the store opened, but they were gone. I got a pair of Land's End Shoes for myself and dh, a little laptop desk for my dd, and air scents from Bath and Body works. Both of my children had saved for laptops and bought them - one got a Dell and one got a Toshiba online. I also wanted a pair of Lee rider jeans at Walmart for $8, but the ones in my size were gone.

Oh well, the thrift store is probably cheaper.:D




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I have to tell someone this, and you all are the only ones who will appreciate it. We were in Austin yesterday, and my MIL watched our boys for us. Instead of fighting the crowds, we had coffee together in the morning and lunch at noon. In addition, we hit a few of the stores that we don't have here. While I was browsing at Half Price Books, I found the Teaching Company 6-DVD High School Chemistry course by Cardulla for $29 (including tax & teacher discount). This program is $254.95 at their website, and TC puts it one sale each year for $79.95 plus shipping. I only paid 1/3 of their sale price, and yes, all 6 DVDs work and the course guidebook was included!

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I was ordering DVDs for the kids..... and found something for me. Totally frivolous, totally throwback to the childhood, but i bought it (and i guess that is my birthday present from teh family 'eh?)




Otherwise nothing exciting! LOL!!


Oh. my. word! O.k. well now we know how old you are Tracey from Fl- my age!


Is this the one with "Oh something winds that blow so high....something something... Oh mighty Isis?

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The best deal that I got was at The Children's Place. They had things on sale, plus I had a 15% off coupon, PLUS they took an extra 20% off before 9 AM!! So, every year my mom buys all the cousins Christmas PJs from Children's Place and this year I got them for $7.00 each!!

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Oh my, I sort of remember that show!!! It's educational, for ancient history, right? Enjoy!!!


(Now I'm looking at all the old series DVD on there)


You mean to say that show was educational? I don't remember the plots at all.

Now ask me about Shazam... well.. I don't remember the plots there either. I just remeber going.. :001_wub: when he came on the tube.

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I got baskets from Wolferman's for all three sets of parents. Clothes for DH from Lands' End. A Wii game for DS off Amazon.


But the best were the gifts for DH from CafePress. He's a loan consultant, and I got him a clock and mug that are occupation-themed. Along with a cap that has a stick figure doing all sorts of exercises, and the words "Your workout is my warm up". That's DH in a nutshell! He's out running seven miles right now, when he could be home in bed!

Michelle T

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I had fun on black friday. We hit 3 sales and did most of our Christmas shopping. I got an MP3 player for one of my sons, a new nintendo ds for another son to replace his broken one. We also got some track suits, pjs, a back massager for me and dh, a razor for dh, and a bunch of tools for one of my sons at Sears.


I guess I dont see whats wrong with going to black friday sales. I planned on buying the stuff anyway so why not get it for less? We go every year, its a tradition around our house. I am not ashamed to admit I go to sales, I guess I dont see the problem with it.

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It's now ours! Warts and all.... My son is now trying to wrap his head around the idea that we really DIDN'T own it before. And we also make bad jokes like, "Now that it's paid off, that big avalanche will wipe out the whole town. (Our town is the most likely in the world to have an urban avalanche. Uh, yikes?) And we're used to it: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90060569



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It's now ours! Warts and all.... My son is now trying to wrap his head around the idea that we really DIDN'T own it before. And we also make bad jokes like, "Now that it's paid off, that big avalanche will wipe out the whole town. (Our town is the most likely in the world to have an urban avalanche. Uh, yikes?) And we're used to it: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90060569






And gee, do they have avalanche insurance like Earthquake, Hurricane and Flood?? :tongue_smilie:

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My dh arrived 2 hours before opening at Office Depot and scored a $350 laptop! I never thought it was possible to get one of the cheapest laptops by only showing up 2 hours early. Mine has been on the fritz so I kind of needed it. I picked up the $100 Star Wars Lego set for $60 at Target and a couple of Bionicle sets for 50% off at Toys R Us.

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And gee, do they have avalanche insurance like Earthquake, Hurricane and Flood?? :tongue_smilie:


I don't think so. We're actually a few blocks away from the usual "path" of the avalanche. There are lots of houses directly in the avalanche "path" (path of least resistance), and they have trouble getting mortgages.



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I didn't shop yesterday, but today I got some great stuff!!! At Goodwill!!!


First, I got the nicest cookie jar that has gingerbread men & holly all over it, so I'm going to make some fantastic cookies for friends of ours & give it to them as one of their gifts. $2.99-thank you very much!


Then, I hit the book section, and got 6 Magic Schoolbus books, a couple Max Lucado's, Tomi DePaola, 2 Frankin's, 2 Arthur, The Real Mother Goose(looks brand new), I could go on and on!! I was in 7th heaven. I love Goodwill.:001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:

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Well.....My ds and I left her house at 10:30P and were at the mall just beofre midnight, yes midnight Thursday, when the mall opened. It was crowded and so much fun. We did not win any of the door prizes :glare: but I did get some great buys. We were back home around 4:30A then went back out around 11A.

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Does this count? We made the down payment and signed the loan paperwork for a home on 1/2 acre of land. The payments will be $40 more than our rent.


We will be closer to dh's job, a larger homeschool group and a great library!!




That TOTALLY counts!!!! Way to go!

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I have to tell someone this, and you all are the only ones who will appreciate it. We were in Austin yesterday, and my MIL watched our boys for us. Instead of fighting the crowds, we had coffee together in the morning and lunch at noon. In addition, we hit a few of the stores that we don't have here. While I was browsing at Half Price Books, I found the Teaching Company 6-DVD High School Chemistry course by Cardulla for $29 (including tax & teacher discount). This program is $254.95 at their website, and TC puts it one sale each year for $79.95 plus shipping. I only paid 1/3 of their sale price, and yes, all 6 DVDs work and the course guidebook was included!



I love it when that happens!

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I guess I dont see whats wrong with going to black friday sales. I planned on buying the stuff anyway so why not get it for less? We go every year, its a tradition around our house. I am not ashamed to admit I go to sales, I guess I dont see the problem with it.


The only thing I won't do is stand in line for hours in the cold. Hubby went to Best Buy to try and get the laptop that was the "door buster" and was told he had to be in line by 3:00 am if he wanted that deal. There was a guy here who started the line 36 hours before the store opened!!! I don't know if anything is worth that.

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My dh arrived 2 hours before opening at Office Depot and scored a $350 laptop! I never thought it was possible to get one of the cheapest laptops by only showing up 2 hours early. Mine has been on the fritz so I kind of needed it. I picked up the $100 Star Wars Lego set for $60 at Target and a couple of Bionicle sets for 50% off at Toys R Us.


My hubby is very jealous. He wants to know if you had an inside track because our Office Depot didn't offer anything like that. Oh well.


See! It's fun to share our conquests! And, BTW buddahbelly, I think that's probably the best purchase you could have made. What's it like to pay off a house? Do you just feel free? Are you going to burn your mortgage papers when they come?


Thanks guys! This has been fun. Feel free to keep the thread going as you make great Christmas Conquests.

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Well, I can't brag, really. I did have to go to the mall today for some things my teen wanted. I did not find any truly good sales. The cost of the merchandise is marked up so high that even when there is a "sale", it merely lowers the price closer to what it should have been to begin with. Congratulations on your purchase, though! Wish I had a laptop, myself!


On a brighter note, I did purchase two more hunks of chocolate cheese, and had one for dinner! Yum, yum!

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Except for yesterday.


But I was a wimp. I did not get up early. I did not get anywhere during the crowded periods of the day.


I took DD to Limited, Too about 2 hours before closing time. She needed some casual flats, jeans, and underclothes, and they had a two for one sale. We were pretty restrained--came out of there with 2 pair of jeans, cute brown shoes, 2 bras, and a dressy shirt. DD had a 30% off coupon, and they let her use that WITH the sale, so we ended up getting the whole works for over 60% off retail. I like that store, but find it overpriced, so we don't shop there very much. I felt like we got some very good deals, though!

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Except for yesterday.


But I was a wimp. I did not get up early. I did not get anywhere during the crowded periods of the day.


I took DD to Limited, Too about 2 hours before closing time. She needed some casual flats, jeans, and underclothes, and they had a two for one sale. We were pretty restrained--came out of there with 2 pair of jeans, cute brown shoes, 2 bras, and a dressy shirt. DD had a 30% off coupon, and they let her use that WITH the sale, so we ended up getting the whole works for over 60% off retail. I like that store, but find it overpriced, so we don't shop there very much. I felt like we got some very good deals, though!


We did that sale five days ago and saved like $150. That store is way overpriced, and my girls love it, unfortunately.

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We did that sale five days ago and saved like $150. That store is way overpriced, and my girls love it, unfortunately.


DD loves it, and I am pretty strict (I'm told) about modesty--no midriffs, no spaghetti straps, no tanks--so I do go there from time to time. I want her to feel like she can look nice and stylish without being utterly revealing, and unfortunately to do that I have to spend more than I really think is quite right on her clothes.


I do a lot of thrift stores, free exchanges, and garage sales, but they tend not to have 'the good stuff'. Making matters worse, DD is pretty thin, so she needs to wear slim size pants which are very hard to find on the secondary market. Looking at the bright side, she actually LIKES having holes in her jeans' knees, so she wears her clothes beyond all reasonable 'worn out' levels.

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My favorite brand of running shoes for $50, they are normally over $120. I also got a fabulous bargain on a North Face ski jacket for my oldest son, $145 coat for $55. I also got two Dick's Sporting goods gift cards, each valued at $20, to use after December 1. I am going to use them to buy new ski gloves for my boys and they will cost me $5 each.


I had a fun shopping day with my mom!:001_smile:

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We went to the used children's clothing store on Black Friday. My ds and dd got me up at 6am for the 50% off sale. We bought 3 bags for clothes but our best finds were a Wilson leather jacket with faux fur trim for my dd for $15 and a Gap winter jacket for my ds for $12. I think we are ready for the cold weather now. Bring it on!

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Nothing too exciting but joyous none the less. I went out in the afternoon so I didn't have to fight the crowds too much.


Dh 4 pair of casual work pants for $21 per pair instead of the usual $55.


Dh a great black jacket for $40 instead of over $100.


Myself a couple of items at Eddie Bauer for $10 that I have paid $30 for in the past.


DD a knit Gymboree dress for $9.

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My hubby is very jealous. He wants to know if you had an inside track because our Office Depot didn't offer anything like that. Oh well.



No inside track. The $350 laptop was on the front page of our Office Depot ad saying a min of 6 per store. The line was very short when he got there so he managed to score one. They had a couple of other laptops for under $500 too. Sorry yours didn't have it.

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DH had the 42" flat screen TV ($600) at Walmart in the cart after we agreed not to buy it. We did not want to scramble for it, so we did not go to Walmart first. They put a new skid out right in front of us at 10:00! He decided to put it back. I am so proud of him and happy that we did not spend that much money on something frivolous!


We bought a $60 kitchen playset for $20. The kids have been having a blast with it. $12 barbies for $5, a colorful rug for the living room Yeah! Dh got a jumpstart for the car (so I can jump myself) at 75% off. We had a pretty good day!:) Had a lot of fun to boot!

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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No inside track. The $350 laptop was on the front page of our Office Depot ad saying a min of 6 per store. The line was very short when he got there so he managed to score one. They had a couple of other laptops for under $500 too. Sorry yours didn't have it.


AHHH, that's the one we had to have been in line at 3:30am for. There was no way we were EVER going to get that laptop:glare:

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