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Prayers/good thoughts request...


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Dd is having medical tests in the hospital tomorrow for an issue that has been going on awhile. They've ruled out almost everything else with every other test imaginable over the past eight months...now testing for something that could be a bit scary. 

Positive thoughts and prayers appreciated.

The timing really stinks.

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The doctor called today. Dd and I leave on June 9th for the entire summer in Ireland so she knew we were very anxious about the results. They were looking for a pituitary tumor. Dd has not had a period in almost two years and did not have one even when the endocrinologist tried three times to stimulate one plus her ACTH was high on her most recent labs six weeks ago.

The MRIs of her brain were normal...no tumor. The bloodwork that has come back so far (most will take a week because it was sent out) is good. She does not need any medication right now for her cortisol levels. Still no ideas as to why she has no periods but so very thankful the answer is not a tumor. 

Thank you all for the prayers. It has been a very scary few weeks having that possibility floating around in my brain.

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That's very good news.  I had the same experience as a young gal.  No periods for probably a couple years, doctors checked for pituitary tumor.  Eventually I started having maybe one period/year, sometimes more, but very irregularly.  No other symptoms.  Over the years I discovered I had PCOS.  For me it really wasn't a big deal.  I did get some ovarian cysts occasionally, but they always went away on their own.  I needed to go on fertility drugs (Clomid) for my first couple of pregnancies, but after that, my cycles actually became semi regular and I became pregnant without fertility drugs.  Two of my four girls have PCOS as well, and so far it's not a big deal for them either.  (I think it's often hereditary, although my mother didn't have it, nor does my one sister.)

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13 hours ago, J-rap said:

That's very good news.  I had the same experience as a young gal.  No periods for probably a couple years, doctors checked for pituitary tumor.  Eventually I started having maybe one period/year, sometimes more, but very irregularly.  No other symptoms.  Over the years I discovered I had PCOS.  For me it really wasn't a big deal.  I did get some ovarian cysts occasionally, but they always went away on their own.  I needed to go on fertility drugs (Clomid) for my first couple of pregnancies, but after that, my cycles actually became semi regular and I became pregnant without fertility drugs.  Two of my four girls have PCOS as well, and so far it's not a big deal for them either.  (I think it's often hereditary, although my mother didn't have it, nor does my one sister.)


Would ovarian cysts show up on ultrasound? They did an ultrasound a few months ago but everything was normal. 

Thank you for sharing your experiences. 

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9 minutes ago, Donna said:

Would ovarian cysts show up on ultrasound? They did an ultrasound a few months ago but everything was normal. 


Mine did on the transvaginal ultrasound. My obgyn monitored and since it shrink after my period, there wasn’t a need to do anything. My obgyn was also checking for fibroids as my mom had those.

An ex-classmate started her period at 16. We were all saying how lucky she was. 

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5 hours ago, Arcadia said:


Mine did on the transvaginal ultrasound. My obgyn monitored and since it shrink after my period, there wasn’t a need to do anything. My obgyn was also checking for fibroids as my mom had those.

An ex-classmate started her period at 16. We were all saying how lucky she was. 

Ah. They decided not to do the transvaginal ultrasound and only did an ultrasound over her abdomen which showed nothing.

Dd started her period at 12 and was very regular. It just stopped coming two years ago this July. She doesn't mind not having it but is worried she may have difficulty having children someday when the time comes. 

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8 hours ago, Donna said:


Would ovarian cysts show up on ultrasound? They did an ultrasound a few months ago but everything was normal. 

Thank you for sharing your experiences. 

Yes, probably they would, but that's not what caused my lack of periods.   (And I only had cysts now and then.  They felt like cramps, which is what would steer me to getting an ultrasound in the first place.  I think I had my first cyst in my mid-20's.)   What caused the lack of periods was a hormone imbalance due to PCOS.   Also, often people with PCOS have more than normal facial hair.  I do (above my upper lip and chin) -- but it's very subtle and I bleach it (or pluck it.).  I don't think anyone ever notices.  A dd of mine has more noticeable facial hair, since her hair is darker.  Anyway, that's often another sign of PCOS.  Many women have this actually.  For most, it's not a real big deal, until you're ready to get pregnant.  But everyone I personally know who has PCOS was able to get pregnant with fertility drugs.

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